import expect from 'app/test/unexpected'; import sinon, { SinonMock } from 'sinon'; import CompleteState from 'app/services/authFlow/CompleteState'; import LoginState from 'app/services/authFlow/LoginState'; import ActivationState from 'app/services/authFlow/ActivationState'; import AcceptRulesState from 'app/services/authFlow/AcceptRulesState'; import FinishState from 'app/services/authFlow/FinishState'; import PermissionsState from 'app/services/authFlow/PermissionsState'; import ChooseAccountState from 'app/services/authFlow/ChooseAccountState'; import { Account } from 'app/components/accounts/reducer'; import AbstractState from './AbstractState'; import { bootstrap, expectState, expectNavigate, expectRun, MockedAuthContext } from './helpers'; describe('CompleteState', () => { let state: CompleteState; let context: MockedAuthContext; let mock: SinonMock; beforeEach(() => { state = new CompleteState(); const data = bootstrap(); ({ context, mock } = data); }); afterEach(() => { mock.verify(); }); describe('#enter', () => { it('should navigate to / for authenticated', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: {}, }); expectNavigate(mock, '/'); state.enter(context); }); it('should transition to login for guests', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isGuest: true, }, auth: {}, }); expectState(mock, LoginState); state.enter(context); }); it('should transition to activation if account is not activated', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isGuest: false, }, auth: {}, }); expectState(mock, ActivationState); state.enter(context); }); it('should navigate to the / if account is deleted', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isGuest: false, isActive: true, shouldAcceptRules: true, isDeleted: true, }, auth: {}, }); expectNavigate(mock, '/'); state.enter(context); }); it('should transition to accept-rules if shouldAcceptRules', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { shouldAcceptRules: true, isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: {}, }); expectState(mock, AcceptRulesState); state.enter(context); }); it('should transition to activation with higher priority than shouldAcceptRules', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { shouldAcceptRules: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: {}, }); expectState(mock, ActivationState); state.enter(context); }); describe('oauth', () => { it('should transition to finish state if code is present', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', code: 'XXX', }, }, }); expectState(mock, FinishState); state.enter(context); }); describe('permissions', () => { it('should transition to permissions state if acceptRequired', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', acceptRequired: true, }, }, }); expectState(mock, PermissionsState); state.enter(context); }); it('should transition to permissions state if prompt=consent', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: ['consent'], }, }, }); expectState(mock, PermissionsState); state.enter(context); }); }); describe('account switcher', () => { it('should transition to ChooseAccountState if user has multiple accs and switcher enabled', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, accounts: { available: [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }], active: 1, }, auth: { isSwitcherEnabled: true, oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], }, }, }); expectState(mock, ChooseAccountState); state.enter(context); }); it('should transition to ChooseAccountState if user isDeleted', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isDeleted: true, isGuest: false, }, accounts: { available: [{ id: 1 }], active: 1, }, auth: { isSwitcherEnabled: true, oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], }, }, }); expectState(mock, ChooseAccountState); state.enter(context); }); it('should NOT transition to ChooseAccountState if user has multiple accs and switcher disabled', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, accounts: { available: [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }], active: 1, }, auth: { isSwitcherEnabled: false, oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', {}).returns({ then() {} }); state.enter(context); }); it('should transition to ChooseAccountState if prompt=select_account and switcher enabled', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, accounts: { available: [{ id: 1 }], active: 1, }, auth: { isSwitcherEnabled: true, oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: ['select_account'], }, }, }); expectState(mock, ChooseAccountState); state.enter(context); }); it('should NOT transition to ChooseAccountState if prompt=select_account and switcher disabled', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, accounts: { available: [{ id: 1 }], active: 1, }, auth: { isSwitcherEnabled: false, oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: ['select_account'], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', {}).returns({ then() {} }); state.enter(context); }); }); }); }); describe('when user completes oauth', () => { it('should run oAuthComplete', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', sinon.match.object).returns({ then() {}, }); state.enter(context); }); it('should listen for auth success/failure', () => { context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', sinon.match.object).returns({ then(success: Function, fail: Function) { expect(success, 'to be a', 'function'); expect(fail, 'to be a', 'function'); }, }); state.enter(context); }); it('should run redirect by default', () => { const expectedUrl = 'foo/bar'; const promise = Promise.resolve({ redirectUri: expectedUrl }); context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', sinon.match.object).returns(promise); expectRun(mock, 'redirect', expectedUrl); state.enter(context); return promise.catch(mock.verify.bind(mock)); }); const testOAuth = ( type: 'resolve' | 'reject', resp: Record, expectedInstance: typeof AbstractState, ) => { // @ts-ignore const promise = Promise[type](resp); context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', sinon.match.object).returns(promise); expectState(mock, expectedInstance); state.enter(context); return promise.catch(mock.verify.bind(mock)); }; it('should transition to finish state if rejected with static_page', () => testOAuth('resolve', { redirectUri: 'static_page' }, FinishState)); it('should transition to finish state if rejected with static_page_with_code', () => testOAuth('resolve', { redirectUri: 'static_page_with_code' }, FinishState)); it('should transition to login state if rejected with unauthorized', () => testOAuth('reject', { unauthorized: true }, LoginState)); it('should transition to permissions state if rejected with acceptRequired', () => testOAuth('reject', { acceptRequired: true }, PermissionsState)); describe('when loginHint is set', () => { const testSuccessLoginHint = (field: keyof Account) => { const account: Account = { id: 9, email: '', username: 'thatUsername', token: '', refreshToken: '', }; context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, accounts: { available: [account], active: 100, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', loginHint: account[field], prompt: [], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'setAccountSwitcher', false); expectRun(mock, 'authenticate', account).returns(Promise.resolve()); expectState(mock, CompleteState); return expect(state.enter(context), 'to be fulfilled'); }; it('should authenticate account if id matches', () => testSuccessLoginHint('id')); it('should authenticate account if email matches', () => testSuccessLoginHint('email')); it('should authenticate account if username matches', () => testSuccessLoginHint('username')); it('should not authenticate if account is already authenticated', () => { const account = { id: 9, email: '', username: 'thatUsername', }; context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, accounts: { available: [account], active:, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', loginHint:, prompt: [], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'setAccountSwitcher', false); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', {}).returns({ then: () => Promise.resolve(), }); return expect(state.enter(context), 'to be fulfilled'); }); it('should not authenticate if account was not found and continue auth', () => { const account = { id: 9, email: '', username: 'thatUsername', }; context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, accounts: { available: [{ id: 1 }], active: 1, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', loginHint:, prompt: [], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', {}).returns({ then: () => Promise.resolve(), }); return expect(state.enter(context), 'to be fulfilled'); }); }); }); describe('permissions accept', () => { it('should set flags, when user accepted permissions', () => { state = new CompleteState(); expect(state.isPermissionsAccepted, 'to be undefined'); state = new CompleteState({ accept: undefined }); expect(state.isPermissionsAccepted, 'to be undefined'); state = new CompleteState({ accept: true }); expect(state.isPermissionsAccepted, 'to be true'); state = new CompleteState({ accept: false }); expect(state.isPermissionsAccepted, 'to be false'); }); it('should run oAuthComplete passing accept: true', () => { const expected = { accept: true }; state = new CompleteState(expected); context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], }, }, }); mock.expects('run') .once() .withExactArgs('oAuthComplete', sinon.match(expected)) .returns({ then() {} }); state.enter(context); }); it('should run oAuthComplete passing accept: false', () => { const expected = { accept: false }; state = new CompleteState(expected); context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', sinon.match(expected)).returns({ then() {}, }); state.enter(context); }); it('should run oAuthComplete passing accept: true, while acceptRequired: true', () => { // acceptRequired may block user accept/decline actions, so we need // to check that they are accessible const expected = { accept: true }; state = new CompleteState(expected); context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], acceptRequired: true, }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', sinon.match(expected)).returns({ then() {}, }); state.enter(context); }); it('should run oAuthComplete passing accept: false, while acceptRequired: true', () => { // acceptRequired may block user accept/decline actions, so we need // to check that they are accessible const expected = { accept: false }; state = new CompleteState(expected); context.getState.returns({ user: { isActive: true, isGuest: false, }, auth: { oauth: { clientId: '', prompt: [], acceptRequired: true, }, }, }); expectRun(mock, 'oAuthComplete', sinon.match(expected)).returns({ then() {}, }); state.enter(context); }); }); });