import expect from 'unexpected'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { routeActions } from 'react-router-redux'; import accounts from 'services/api/accounts'; import authentication from 'services/api/authentication'; import { authenticate, revoke, add, ADD, activate, ACTIVATE, remove, reset, logoutAll, logoutStrangers } from 'components/accounts/actions'; import { SET_LOCALE } from 'components/i18n/actions'; import { updateUser, setUser } from 'components/user/actions'; const account = { id: 1, username: 'username', email: '', token: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' }; const user = { id: 1, username: 'username', email: '', lang: 'be' }; describe('components/accounts/actions', () => { let dispatch; let getState; beforeEach(() => { dispatch = sinon.spy((arg) => typeof arg === 'function' ? arg(dispatch, getState) : arg ).named('store.dispatch'); getState = sinon.stub().named('store.getState'); getState.returns({ accounts: [], user: {} }); sinon.stub(authentication, 'validateToken').named('authentication.validateToken'); authentication.validateToken.returns(Promise.resolve({ token: account.token, refreshToken: account.refreshToken })); sinon.stub(accounts, 'current').named('accounts.current'); accounts.current.returns(Promise.resolve(user)); }); afterEach(() => { authentication.validateToken.restore(); accounts.current.restore(); }); describe('#authenticate()', () => { it('should request user state using token', () => authenticate(account)(dispatch).then(() => expect(accounts.current, 'to have a call satisfying', [ {token: account.token} ]) ) ); it(`dispatches ${ADD} action`, () => authenticate(account)(dispatch).then(() => expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ add(account) ]) ) ); it(`dispatches ${ACTIVATE} action`, () => authenticate(account)(dispatch).then(() => expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ activate(account) ]) ) ); it(`dispatches ${SET_LOCALE} action`, () => authenticate(account)(dispatch).then(() => expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ {type: SET_LOCALE, payload: {locale: 'be'}} ]) ) ); it('should update user state', () => authenticate(account)(dispatch).then(() => expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ updateUser({...user, isGuest: false}) ]) ) ); it('resolves with account', () => authenticate(account)(dispatch).then((resp) => expect(resp, 'to equal', account) ) ); it('rejects when bad auth data', () => { accounts.current.returns(Promise.reject({})); return expect(authenticate(account)(dispatch), 'to be rejected').then(() => expect(dispatch, 'was not called') ); }); it('marks user as stranger, if there is no refreshToken', () => { const expectedKey = `stranger${}`; authentication.validateToken.returns(Promise.resolve({ token: account.token })); sessionStorage.removeItem(expectedKey); return authenticate(account)(dispatch).then(() => { expect(sessionStorage.getItem(expectedKey), 'not to be null'); sessionStorage.removeItem(expectedKey); }); }); }); describe('#revoke()', () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(authentication, 'logout').named('authentication.logout'); }); afterEach(() => { authentication.logout.restore(); }); describe('when one account available', () => { beforeEach(() => { getState.returns({ accounts: { active: account, available: [account] }, user }); }); it('should dispatch reset action', () => revoke(account)(dispatch, getState).then(() => expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ reset() ]) ) ); it('should call logout api method in background', () => revoke(account)(dispatch, getState).then(() => expect(authentication.logout, 'to have a call satisfying', [ account ]) ) ); it('should update user state', () => revoke(account)(dispatch, getState).then(() => expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ {payload: {isGuest: true}} // updateUser({isGuest: true}) ]) // expect(dispatch, 'to have calls satisfying', [ // [remove(account)], // ['to be a function')] // // [logout()] // TODO: this is not a plain action. How should we simplify its testing? // ]) ) ); }); describe('when multiple accounts available', () => { const account2 = {...account, id: 2}; beforeEach(() => { getState.returns({ accounts: { active: account2, available: [account, account2] }, user }); }); it('should switch to the next account', () => revoke(account2)(dispatch, getState).then(() => expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ activate(account) ]) ) ); it('should remove current account', () => revoke(account2)(dispatch, getState).then(() => expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ remove(account2) ]) ) ); it('should call logout api method in background', () => revoke(account2)(dispatch, getState).then(() => expect(authentication.logout, 'to have a call satisfying', [ account2 ]) ) ); }); }); describe('#logoutAll()', () => { const account2 = {...account, id: 2}; beforeEach(() => { getState.returns({ accounts: { active: account2, available: [account, account2] }, user }); sinon.stub(authentication, 'logout').named('authentication.logout'); }); afterEach(() => { authentication.logout.restore(); }); it('should call logout api method for each account', () => { logoutAll()(dispatch, getState); expect(authentication.logout, 'to have calls satisfying', [ [account], [account2] ]); }); it('should dispatch reset', () => { logoutAll()(dispatch, getState); expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ reset() ]); }); it('should redirect to /login', () => logoutAll()(dispatch, getState).then(() => { expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ routeActions.push('/login') ]); }) ); it('should change user to guest', () => logoutAll()(dispatch, getState).then(() => { expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ setUser({ lang: user.lang, isGuest: true }) ]); }) ); }); describe('#logoutStrangers', () => { const foreignAccount = { ...account, id: 2, refreshToken: undefined }; const foreignAccount2 = { ...foreignAccount, id: 3 }; beforeEach(() => { getState.returns({ accounts: { active: account, available: [account, foreignAccount, foreignAccount2] }, user }); sinon.stub(authentication, 'logout').named('authentication.logout'); }); afterEach(() => { authentication.logout.restore(); }); it('should remove stranger accounts', () => { logoutStrangers()(dispatch, getState); expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ remove(foreignAccount) ]); expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ remove(foreignAccount2) ]); }); it('should logout stranger accounts', () => { logoutStrangers()(dispatch, getState); expect(authentication.logout, 'to have calls satisfying', [ [foreignAccount], [foreignAccount2] ]); }); it('should activate another account if available', () => logoutStrangers()(dispatch, getState) .then(() => expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ activate(account) ]) ) ); describe('when all accounts are strangers', () => { beforeEach(() => { getState.returns({ accounts: { active: foreignAccount, available: [foreignAccount, foreignAccount2] }, user }); logoutStrangers()(dispatch, getState); }); it('logouts all accounts', () => { expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ {payload: {isGuest: true}} // updateUser({isGuest: true}) ]); expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ reset() ]); }); }); describe('when an stranger has a mark in sessionStorage', () => { const key = `stranger${}`; beforeEach(() => { sessionStorage.setItem(key, 1); logoutStrangers()(dispatch, getState); }); afterEach(() => { sessionStorage.removeItem(key); }); it('should not log out', () => expect(dispatch, 'to have calls satisfying', [ ['not to equal', {payload: foreignAccount})], // for some reason it says, that dispatch(authenticate(...)) // must be removed if only one args assertion is listed :( ['not to equal', {payload: foreignAccount})] ]) ); }); }); });