import expect from 'app/test/unexpected'; import { updateToken } from './actions'; import { add, remove, activate, reset } from './actions/pure-actions'; import { AccountsState } from './index'; import accounts, { Account } from './reducer'; const account: Account = { id: 1, username: 'username', email: '', token: 'foo', } as Account; describe('Accounts reducer', () => { let initial: AccountsState; beforeEach(() => { initial = accounts(undefined, {} as any); }); it('should be empty', () => expect(accounts(undefined, {} as any), 'to equal', { active: null, available: [], })); it('should return last state if unsupported action', () => expect(accounts({ state: 'foo' } as any, {} as any), 'to equal', { state: 'foo', })); describe('accounts:activate', () => { it('sets active account', () => { expect(accounts(initial, activate(account)), 'to satisfy', { active:, }); }); }); describe('accounts:add', () => { it('adds an account', () => expect(accounts(initial, add(account)), 'to satisfy', { available: [account], })); it('should replace if account was added for the second time', () => { const outdatedAccount = { ...account, someShit: true, }; const updatedAccount = { ...account, token: 'newToken', }; expect( accounts( { ...initial, available: [outdatedAccount] }, add(updatedAccount), ), 'to satisfy', { available: [updatedAccount], }, ); }); it('should sort accounts by username', () => { const newAccount = { ...account, id: 2, username: 'abc', }; expect( accounts({ ...initial, available: [account] }, add(newAccount)), 'to satisfy', { available: [newAccount, account], }, ); }); it('throws, when account is invalid', () => { expect( () => accounts( initial, // @ts-ignore add(), ), 'to throw', 'Invalid or empty payload passed for accounts.add', ); }); }); describe('accounts:remove', () => { it('should remove an account', () => expect( accounts({ ...initial, available: [account] }, remove(account)), 'to equal', initial, )); it('throws, when account is invalid', () => { expect( () => accounts( initial, // @ts-ignore remove(), ), 'to throw', 'Invalid or empty payload passed for accounts.remove', ); }); }); describe('actions:reset', () => { it('should reset accounts state', () => expect( accounts({ ...initial, available: [account] }, reset()), 'to equal', initial, )); }); describe('accounts:updateToken', () => { it('should update token', () => { const newToken = 'newToken'; expect( accounts( { active:, available: [account] }, updateToken(newToken), ), 'to satisfy', { active:, available: [ { ...account, token: newToken, }, ], }, ); }); }); });