import expect from 'app/test/unexpected'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import request from 'app/services/request'; import { InternalServerError, RequestAbortedError } from 'app/services/request'; describe('services/request', () => { beforeEach(() => { sinon.stub(window, 'fetch').named('fetch'); }); afterEach(() => { (window.fetch as any).restore(); }); describe('InternalServerError', () => { it('should wrap json errors', () => { const resp = new Response('bad resp format', { status: 200 }); (fetch as any).returns(Promise.resolve(resp)); return expect(request.get('/foo'), 'to be rejected').then( (error: InternalServerError) => { expect(error, 'to be an', InternalServerError); expect(error.originalResponse, 'to be', resp); expect(error.message, 'to contain', 'Unexpected token'); }, ); }); it('should wrap 5xx errors', () => { const resp = new Response('{}', { status: 500 }); (fetch as any).returns(Promise.resolve(resp)); return expect(request.get('/foo'), 'to be rejected').then( (error: InternalServerError) => { expect(error, 'to be an', InternalServerError); expect(error.originalResponse, 'to be', resp); }, ); }); it('should wrap aborted errors', () => { const resp = new Response('{}', { status: 0 }); (fetch as any).returns(Promise.resolve(resp)); return expect(request.get('/foo'), 'to be rejected').then( (error: RequestAbortedError) => { expect(error, 'to be an', RequestAbortedError); // @ts-ignore expect(error.error, 'to be', resp); }, ); }); it('should wrap "Failed to fetch" errors', () => { const resp = new TypeError('Failed to fetch'); (fetch as any).returns(Promise.resolve(resp)); return expect(request.get('/foo'), 'to be rejected').then( (error: RequestAbortedError) => { expect(error, 'to be an', RequestAbortedError); expect(error.message, 'to be', resp.message); // @ts-ignore expect(error.error, 'to be', resp); }, ); }); }); describe('#buildQuery', () => { it('should build query', () => { const data = { notSet: undefined, notSet2: null, numeric: 1, complexString: 'sdfgs sdfg ', positive: true, negative: false, }; const expectedQs = 'notSet=¬Set2=&numeric=1&complexString=sdfgs%20sdfg%20&positive=1&negative=0'; expect(request.buildQuery(data), 'to equal', expectedQs); }); }); });