import React, { ComponentType, useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; import { FormattedMessage as Message } from 'react-intl'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet-async'; import { ChangeLanguageLink } from 'app/components/languageSwitcher'; import { RelativeTime } from 'app/components/ui'; import { Button } from 'app/components/ui/form'; import { User } from 'app/components/user'; import RulesPage from 'app/pages/rules/RulesPage'; import ProfileField from './ProfileField'; import styles from './profile.scss'; import profileForm from './profileForm.scss'; type Props = { user: User; activeLocale: string; }; const Profile: ComponentType<Props> = ({ user, activeLocale }) => { const uuidRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement>(); const onUuidMouseOver = useCallback(() => { if (!uuidRef.current) { return; } try { const selection = window.getSelection(); if (!selection) { return; } const range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(uuidRef.current); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } catch (err) { // the browser does not support an API } }, []); return ( <div data-testid="profile-index"> <Message key="accountPreferencesTitle" defaultMessage=" account preferences"> {(pageTitle: string) => ( <h2 className={styles.indexTitle}> <Helmet title={pageTitle} /> {pageTitle} </h2> )} </Message> <div className={styles.indexContent}> <div className={styles.descriptionColumn}> <div className={styles.indexDescription}> <Message key="accountDescription" defaultMessage=" account allows you to get access to many Minecraft resources. Please, take care of your account safety. Use secure password and change it regularly." /> </div> </div> <div className={styles.formColumn}> <div className={styles.profilePanel}> <div className={styles.item}> <h3 className={profileForm.title}> <Message key="personalData" defaultMessage="Personal data" /> </h3> <p className={profileForm.description}> <Message key="preferencesDescription" defaultMessage="Here you can change the key preferences of your account. Please note that all actions must be confirmed by entering a password." /> </p> </div> <ProfileField link="/profile/change-username" label={<Message key="nickname" defaultMessage="Nickname:" />} value={user.username} warningMessage={ user.hasMojangUsernameCollision ? ( <Message key="mojangPriorityWarning" defaultMessage="A Mojang account with the same nickname was found. According to {rules}, account owner has the right to demand the restoration of control over nickname." values={{ rules: ( <Link to={{ pathname: '/rules', hash: `#${RulesPage.getRuleHash(1, 4)}`, }} > <Message key="projectRules" defaultMessage="project rules" /> </Link> ), }} /> ) : ( '' ) } /> <ProfileField link="/profile/change-email" label={<Message key="email" defaultMessage="E‑mail:" />} value={} /> <ProfileField label={<Message key="siteLanguage" defaultMessage="Site language:" />} value={<ChangeLanguageLink />} warningMessage={ user.lang === activeLocale ? ( '' ) : ( <Message key="languageIsUnavailableWarning" defaultMessage={ 'The locale "{locale}" you\'ve used earlier isn\'t currently translated enough. If you want to continue using the selected language, please {participateInTheTranslation} of the project.' } values={{ locale: user.lang, participateInTheTranslation: ( <a href="" target="_blank"> <Message key="participateInTheTranslation" defaultMessage="participate in the translation" /> </a> ), }} /> ) } /> <ProfileField label={<Message key="uuid" defaultMessage="UUID:" />} value={ <span className={styles.uuid} ref={(ref) => (uuidRef.current = ref!)} onMouseOver={onUuidMouseOver} > {user.uuid} </span> } /> </div> <div className={styles.profilePanel}> <div className={styles.item}> <h3 className={profileForm.title}> <Message key="accountManagement" defaultMessage="Account management" /> </h3> <p className={profileForm.description}> <Message key="accountManagementDescription" defaultMessage="In this area you can manage the security settings of your account. Some operations may cause logout on other devices." /> </p> </div> <ProfileField link="/profile/change-password" label={<Message key="password" defaultMessage="Password:" />} value={ <Message key="changedAt" defaultMessage="Changed {at}" values={{ at: <RelativeTime timestamp={user.passwordChangedAt * 1000} />, }} /> } /> <ProfileField link="/profile/mfa" label={<Message key="twoFactorAuth" defaultMessage="Two‑factor auth:" />} value={ user.isOtpEnabled ? ( <Message key="enabled" defaultMessage="Enabled" /> ) : ( <Message key="disabled" defaultMessage="Disabled" /> ) } /> <ProfileField value={ <Button component={Link} // @ts-ignore to="/profile/delete" small color="black" data-testid="profile-action" > <Message key="accountDeletion" defaultMessage="Account deletion" /> </Button> } /> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); }; export default Profile;