2016-05-10 15:07:32 +03:00
namespace tests\codeception\api;
2017-01-08 14:55:28 +03:00
use api\components\User\LoginResult;
use api\models\authentication\LoginForm;
2016-05-16 11:21:12 +03:00
use Codeception\Actor;
use InvalidArgumentException;
2016-05-10 15:07:32 +03:00
* Inherited Methods
* @method void wantToTest($text)
* @method void wantTo($text)
* @method void execute($callable)
* @method void expectTo($prediction)
* @method void expect($prediction)
* @method void amGoingTo($argumentation)
* @method void am($role)
* @method void lookForwardTo($achieveValue)
* @method void comment($description)
* @method \Codeception\Lib\Friend haveFriend($name, $actorClass = NULL)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD)
2016-05-16 11:21:12 +03:00
class FunctionalTester extends Actor {
2016-05-10 15:07:32 +03:00
use _generated\FunctionalTesterActions;
2016-05-16 11:21:12 +03:00
public function loggedInAsActiveAccount($login = null, $password = null) {
2017-01-08 14:55:28 +03:00
$form = new LoginForm();
if ($login === null && $password === null) {
$form->login = 'Admin';
$form->password = 'password_0';
2016-05-16 11:21:12 +03:00
} elseif ($login !== null && $password !== null) {
2017-01-08 14:55:28 +03:00
$form->login = $login;
$form->password = $password;
2016-05-16 11:21:12 +03:00
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('login and password should be presented both.');
2017-01-08 14:55:28 +03:00
$result = $form->login();
$this->assertInstanceOf(LoginResult::class, $result);
if ($result !== false) {
2016-05-10 15:07:32 +03:00
public function notLoggedIn() {
$this->haveHttpHeader('Authorization', null);
2016-05-30 02:44:17 +03:00
public function canSeeAuthCredentials($expectRefresh = false) {
if ($expectRefresh) {
} else {
2016-05-10 15:07:32 +03:00