wantTo('confirm my email using correct activation key'); $route->confirm('HABGCABHJ1234HBHVD'); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => true, ]); $I->cantSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$.errors'); $I->canSeeAuthCredentials(true); } public function testConfirmEmailByInvalidKey(FunctionalTester $I): void { $route = new SignupRoute($I); $I->wantTo('see error.key_is_required expected if key is not set'); $route->confirm(); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'errors' => [ 'key' => 'error.key_required', ], ]); $I->wantTo('see error.key_not_exists expected if key not exists in database'); $route->confirm('not-exists-key'); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'errors' => [ 'key' => 'error.key_not_exists', ], ]); } public function testConfirmByInvalidEmojiString(FunctionalTester $I): void { $route = new SignupRoute($I); $I->wantTo('try to submit some long emoji string (Sentry ACCOUNTS-43Y)'); $route->confirm( 'ALWAYS 🕔 make sure 👍 to shave 🔪🍑 because ✌️ the last time 🕒 we let 👐😪 a bush 🌳 ' . 'in our lives 👈😜👉 it did 9/11 💥🏢🏢✈️🔥🔥🔥 ALWAYS 🕔 make sure 👍 to shave 🔪🍑 ' . 'because ✌️ the last time 🕒 we let 👐😪 a bush 🌳 in our lives 👈😜👉 it did 9/11 ' . '💥🏢🏢✈️🔥🔥🔥/', ); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'errors' => [ 'key' => 'error.key_not_exists', ], ]); } }