getRequestParameter('refresh_token', $request); if ($refreshToken !== null && mb_strlen($refreshToken) === 40) { return $this->validateLegacyRefreshToken($refreshToken); } return $this->validateAccessToken($refreshToken); } /** * Currently we're not rotating refresh tokens. * So we're overriding this method to always return null, which means, * that refresh_token will not be issued. */ protected function issueRefreshToken(AccessTokenEntityInterface $accessToken): ?RefreshTokenEntityInterface { return null; } /** * @return array * @throws OAuthServerException */ private function validateLegacyRefreshToken(string $refreshToken): array { $result = Yii::$app->redis->get("oauth:refresh:tokens:{$refreshToken}"); if ($result === null) { throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Token has been revoked'); } try { [ 'access_token_id' => $accessTokenId, 'session_id' => $sessionId, ] = json_decode((string)$result, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); } catch (Throwable $e) { throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Cannot decrypt the refresh token', $e); } /** @var OauthSession|null $relatedSession */ $relatedSession = OauthSession::findOne(['legacy_id' => $sessionId]); if ($relatedSession === null) { throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Token has been revoked'); } return [ 'client_id' => $relatedSession->client_id, 'refresh_token_id' => $refreshToken, 'access_token_id' => $accessTokenId, 'scopes' => $relatedSession->getScopes(), 'user_id' => $relatedSession->account_id, 'expire_time' => null, ]; } /** * @return array * @throws OAuthServerException */ private function validateAccessToken(string $jwt): array { try { $token = Yii::$app->tokens->parse($jwt); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Cannot decrypt the refresh token', $e); } if (!Yii::$app->tokens->verify($token)) { throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Cannot decrypt the refresh token'); } if (!(new Validator())->validate($token, new LooseValidAt(FactoryImmutable::getDefaultInstance()))) { throw OAuthServerException::invalidRefreshToken('Token has expired'); } $reader = new TokenReader($token); return [ 'client_id' => $reader->getClientId(), 'refresh_token_id' => '', // This value used only to invalidate old token 'access_token_id' => '', // This value used only to invalidate old token 'scopes' => $reader->getScopes(), 'user_id' => $reader->getAccountId(), 'expire_time' => null, ]; } }