mailer; $mailer->fileTransportCallback = function () { return 'testing_message.eml'; }; } protected function tearDown() { if (file_exists($this->getMessageFile())) { unlink($this->getMessageFile()); } parent::tearDown(); } public function fixtures() { return [ 'accounts' => [ 'class' => AccountFixture::class, 'dataFile' => '@tests/codeception/common/fixtures/data/accounts.php', ], ]; } public function testNotCorrectRegistration() { $model = new RegistrationForm([ 'username' => 'valid_nickname', 'email' => '', 'password' => 'enough-length', 'rePassword' => 'password', 'rulesAgreement' => true, ]); $this->specify('username and email in use, passwords not math - model is not created', function() use ($model) { expect($model->signup())->null(); expect($model->getErrors())->notEmpty(); expect_file($this->getMessageFile())->notExists(); }); } public function testUsernameValidators() { $shouldBeValid = [ 'русский_ник', 'русский_ник_на_грани!', 'numbers1132', '*__*-Stars-*__*', '1-_.!?#$%^&*()[]', '[ESP]Эрик', 'Свят_помидор;', 'зроблена_ў_беларусі:)', ]; $shouldBeInvalid = [ 'nick@name', 'spaced nick', ' ', 'sh', ' sh ', ]; foreach($shouldBeValid as $nickname) { $model = new RegistrationForm([ 'username' => $nickname, ]); expect($nickname . ' passed validation', $model->validate(['username']))->true(); } foreach($shouldBeInvalid as $nickname) { $model = new RegistrationForm([ 'username' => $nickname, ]); expect($nickname . ' fail validation', $model->validate('username'))->false(); } } public function testCorrectSignup() { $model = new RegistrationForm([ 'username' => 'some_username', 'email' => '', 'password' => 'some_password', 'rePassword' => 'some_password', 'rulesAgreement' => true, ]); $user = $model->signup(); expect('user should be valid', $user)->isInstanceOf(Account::class); expect('password should be correct', $user->validatePassword('some_password'))->true(); expect('uuid is set', $user->uuid)->notEmpty(); expect('user model exists in database', Account::find()->andWhere([ 'username' => 'some_username', 'email' => '', ])->exists())->true(); expect('email activation code exists in database', EmailActivation::find()->andWhere([ 'account_id' => $user->id, 'type' => EmailActivation::TYPE_REGISTRATION_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION, ])->exists())->true(); expect_file('message file exists', $this->getMessageFile())->exists(); } private function getMessageFile() { /** @var \yii\swiftmailer\Mailer $mailer */ $mailer = Yii::$app->mailer; return Yii::getAlias($mailer->fileTransportPath) . '/testing_message.eml'; } }