route = new OauthRoute($I); } public function testValidateRequest(FunctionalTester $I) { $this->testOauthParamsValidation($I, 'validate'); $I->wantTo('validate and obtain information about new auth request'); $this->route->validate($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code', [S::MINECRAFT_SERVER_SESSION], 'test-state' )); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(200); $I->canSeeResponseIsJson(); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => true, 'oAuth' => [ 'client_id' => 'ely', 'redirect_uri' => '', 'response_type' => 'code', 'scope' => 'minecraft_server_session', 'state' => 'test-state', ], 'client' => [ 'id' => 'ely', 'name' => '', 'description' => 'Всем знакомое елуби', ], 'session' => [ 'scopes' => [ 'minecraft_server_session', ], ], ]); } public function testValidateWithDescriptionReplaceRequest(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->loggedInAsActiveAccount(); $I->wantTo('validate and get information with description replacement'); $this->route->validate($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code', null, null, [ 'description' => 'all familiar eliby', ] )); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(200); $I->canSeeResponseIsJson(); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'client' => [ 'description' => 'all familiar eliby', ], ]); } public function testCompleteValidationAction(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->loggedInAsActiveAccount(); $I->wantTo('validate all oAuth params on complete request'); $this->testOauthParamsValidation($I, 'complete'); } public function testCompleteActionOnWrongConditions(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->loggedInAsActiveAccount(); $I->wantTo('get accept_required if I don\'t require any scope, but this is first time request'); $this->route->complete($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code' )); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(401); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 'accept_required', 'parameter' => '', 'statusCode' => 401, ]); $I->wantTo('get accept_required if I require some scopes on first time'); $this->route->complete($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code', [S::MINECRAFT_SERVER_SESSION] )); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(401); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 'accept_required', 'parameter' => '', 'statusCode' => 401, ]); } public function testCompleteActionSuccess(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->loggedInAsActiveAccount(); $I->wantTo('get auth code if I require some scope and pass accept field'); $this->route->complete($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code', [S::MINECRAFT_SERVER_SESSION] ), ['accept' => true]); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(200); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => true, ]); $I->canSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$.redirectUri'); $I->wantTo('get auth code if I don\'t require any scope and don\'t pass accept field, but previously have ' . 'successful request'); $this->route->complete($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code' )); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(200); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => true, ]); $I->canSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$.redirectUri'); $I->wantTo('get auth code if I require some scopes and don\'t pass accept field, but previously have successful ' . 'request with same scopes'); $this->route->complete($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code', [S::MINECRAFT_SERVER_SESSION] )); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(200); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => true, ]); $I->canSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$.redirectUri'); } public function testAcceptRequiredOnNewScope(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->loggedInAsActiveAccount(); $I->wantTo('get accept_required if I have previous successful request, but now require some new scope'); $this->route->complete($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code', [S::MINECRAFT_SERVER_SESSION] ), ['accept' => true]); $this->route->complete($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code', [S::MINECRAFT_SERVER_SESSION, S::ACCOUNT_INFO] )); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(401); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 'accept_required', 'parameter' => '', 'statusCode' => 401, ]); } public function testCompleteActionWithDismissState(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->loggedInAsActiveAccount(); $I->wantTo('get access_denied error if I pass accept in false state'); $this->route->complete($this->buildQueryParams( 'ely', '', 'code', [S::MINECRAFT_SERVER_SESSION] ), ['accept' => false]); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(401); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 'access_denied', 'parameter' => '', 'statusCode' => 401, ]); $I->canSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$.redirectUri'); } private function buildQueryParams( $clientId = null, $redirectUri = null, $responseType = null, $scopes = [], $state = null, $customData = [] ) { $params = $customData; if ($clientId !== null) { $params['client_id'] = $clientId; } if ($redirectUri !== null) { $params['redirect_uri'] = $redirectUri; } if ($responseType !== null) { $params['response_type'] = $responseType; } if ($state !== null) { $params['state'] = $state; } if (!empty($scopes)) { if (is_array($scopes)) { $scopes = implode(',', $scopes); } $params['scope'] = $scopes; } return $params; } private function testOauthParamsValidation(FunctionalTester $I, $action) { $I->wantTo('check behavior on invalid request without one or few params'); $this->route->$action($this->buildQueryParams()); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(400); $I->canSeeResponseIsJson(); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 'invalid_request', 'parameter' => 'client_id', 'statusCode' => 400, ]); $I->wantTo('check behavior on invalid client id'); $this->route->$action($this->buildQueryParams('non-exists-client', '', 'code')); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(401); $I->canSeeResponseIsJson(); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 'invalid_client', 'statusCode' => 401, ]); $I->wantTo('check behavior on invalid response type'); $this->route->$action($this->buildQueryParams('ely', '', 'kitty')); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(400); $I->canSeeResponseIsJson(); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 'unsupported_response_type', 'parameter' => 'kitty', 'statusCode' => 400, ]); $I->canSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$.redirectUri'); $I->wantTo('check behavior on some invalid scopes'); $this->route->$action($this->buildQueryParams('ely', '', 'code', [ S::MINECRAFT_SERVER_SESSION, 'some_wrong_scope', ])); $I->canSeeResponseCodeIs(400); $I->canSeeResponseIsJson(); $I->canSeeResponseContainsJson([ 'success' => false, 'error' => 'invalid_scope', 'parameter' => 'some_wrong_scope', 'statusCode' => 400, ]); $I->canSeeResponseJsonMatchesJsonPath('$.redirectUri'); } }