'error.captcha_invalid', 'when' => !YII_ENV_TEST], ['rulesAgreement', 'required', 'message' => 'error.you_must_accept_rules'], ['username', 'validateUsername', 'skipOnEmpty' => false], ['email', 'validateEmail', 'skipOnEmpty' => false], ['password', 'required', 'message' => 'error.password_required'], ['rePassword', 'required', 'message' => 'error.rePassword_required'], ['password', PasswordValidate::class], ['rePassword', 'validatePasswordAndRePasswordMatch'], ['lang', LanguageValidator::class], ]; } public function validateUsername() { $account = new Account(); $account->username = $this->username; if (!$account->validate(['username'])) { $this->addErrors($account->getErrors()); } } public function validateEmail() { $account = new Account(); $account->email = $this->email; if (!$account->validate(['email'])) { $this->addErrors($account->getErrors()); } } public function validatePasswordAndRePasswordMatch($attribute) { if (!$this->hasErrors()) { if ($this->password !== $this->rePassword) { $this->addError($attribute, "error.rePassword_does_not_match"); } } } /** * @return Account|null the saved model or null if saving fails */ public function signup() { if (!$this->validate()) { return null; } $transaction = Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction(); try { $account = new Account(); $account->uuid = Uuid::uuid4(); $account->email = $this->email; $account->username = $this->username; $account->password = $this->password; $account->lang = $this->lang; $account->status = Account::STATUS_REGISTERED; if (!$account->save()) { throw new ErrorException('Account not created.'); } $emailActivation = new RegistrationConfirmation(); $emailActivation->account_id = $account->id; $emailActivation->key = UserFriendlyRandomKey::make(); if (!$emailActivation->save()) { throw new ErrorException('Unable save email-activation model.'); } $this->sendMail($emailActivation, $account); $transaction->commit(); } catch (ErrorException $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); throw $e; } $changeUsernameForm = new ChangeUsernameForm(); $changeUsernameForm->createTask($account->id, $account->username, null); return $account; } // TODO: подумать, чтобы вынести этот метод в какую-то отдельную конструкцию, т.к. используется и внутри NewAccountActivationForm public function sendMail(EmailActivation $emailActivation, Account $account) { /** @var \yii\swiftmailer\Mailer $mailer */ $mailer = Yii::$app->mailer; $fromEmail = Yii::$app->params['fromEmail']; if (!$fromEmail) { throw new InvalidConfigException('Please specify fromEmail app in app params'); } /** @var \yii\swiftmailer\Message $message */ $message = $mailer->compose([ 'html' => '@app/mails/registration-confirmation-html', 'text' => '@app/mails/registration-confirmation-text', ], [ 'key' => $emailActivation->key, ]) ->setTo([$account->email => $account->username]) ->setFrom([$fromEmail => 'Ely.by Accounts']) ->setSubject('Ely.by Account registration'); if (!$message->send()) { throw new ErrorException('Unable send email with activation code.'); } } }