As part of Mozilla's [Secure Open Source]( programme this library underwent a security audit.
The findings of this library have been fixed in the following releases - `5.1.4` and `6.0.0`
### 5.1.4
Version `5.1.4` is a backwards compatbile with other `5.1.x` releases.
You will notice in your server logs a message like this:
> You must set the encryption key going forward to improve the security of this library - see this page for more information
To supress this notice once you have instantiated an instance of `\League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer` you should call the `setEncryptionKey()` method passing in at least 32 bytes of random data.
You can generate this using `base64_encode(random_bytes(32))`. Alternatively if you're using a framework such as Laravel which has a encryption key already generated you can pass in that (in the case of Laravel use `env('APP_KEY')`).