import json import logging import re from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import dataclass from os import environ, fsync from time import strftime, time import feedparser import praw SECONDS_IN_WEEK = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 # Date Month, Year STRFTIME_FORMAT = "%d %B, %Y" import ssl if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context class Config: DB_PATH = "db.json" SUBREDDIT = "developersindia" POST_FLAIR = "Hiring" POST_TITLE = f"Don't Miss Out on These Job Opportunities | Weekly Job Openings Thread | {strftime(STRFTIME_FORMAT)}" POST_TEXT = """\ This thread has all the latest job openings that haven't been posted on previous weekly threads. If you have a job opening that you'd like to share with the community, you can post it using this link:- For all the available job openings, check out the Job Board at:- Stay tuned for updates on the latest job openings, and apply for the ones that interest you. Wishing you the best of luck in your job search!\ """ CLIENT_ID = environ["REDDIT_CLIENT_ID"] CLIENT_SECRET = environ["REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET"] REDDIT_PASSWORD = environ["REDDIT_PASSWORD"] USERNAME = environ["REDDIT_USERNAME"] USER_AGENT = f"u/{USERNAME} Job Board" FEED_URL = "" @dataclass class Post: post_id: str epoch: int def dict_raise_or_set(d, key, value): if d.get(key) is not None: raise ValueError(f"Key {key} already present in dictionary") d[key] = value class DB: POSTS = "postid_epoch" COMMENTS = "jobid_commentid" def __init__(self, db_path): try: self._fp = open(db_path, "r+") self._db = json.loads( or "{}") except FileNotFoundError: self._fp = open(db_path, "w") self._db = {} self._copy = None self._create() def __enter__(self): self._copy = deepcopy(self._db) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # We re-write the DB on each transaction as we cannot guarantee "atomicity" # when dealing with external APIs. Eg, we can locally roll back a transaction # inserting multiple posts into the DB in case of an exception, but the # posts obviously won't be deleted on the reddit side. So we write # as much as possible incrementally to prevent losing track of already created # posts, preventing their re-creation server side in case of a crash. if exc_type: self._db = self._copy # If a change was actually made elif self._db != self._copy: self._fp.write(json.dumps(self._db, indent=4)) self._fp.truncate() # Trim the file to the desired size fsync(self._fp) self._copy = None def _create(self): with self: self._db.setdefault(DB.POSTS, {}) self._db.setdefault(DB.COMMENTS, {}) def get_latest_post(self) -> Post | None: # {"id": 1234, "id2": "5678"} -> ("id2", "5678") (Descending) try: result = sorted( self._db[DB.POSTS].items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True, )[0] except IndexError: return None return Post(post_id=result[0], epoch=result[1]) def insert_post(self, post: Post): with self: dict_raise_or_set(self._db[DB.POSTS], post.post_id, post.epoch) def insert_comment(self, feed_job_id: str, comment_id: str): with self: dict_raise_or_set(self._db[DB.COMMENTS], feed_job_id, comment_id) def is_job_posted(self, feed_job_id: str): return self._db[DB.COMMENTS].get(feed_job_id) is not None @dataclass class Job: post_id: str # Used for deduplication title: str company_name: str location: str job_type: str salary: str summary: str permalink: str def strip_html(text): return re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", text) def get_job_entries(feed_url): entries = feedparser.parse(feed_url).entries return [ Job( post_id=entry["post-id"], title=entry["title"], company_name=entry["job_listing_company"], location=entry.get("job_listing_location", "N/A"), job_type=entry["job_listing_job_type"], salary=entry.get("job_listing_salary", "N/A"), summary=strip_html(entry["summary"]), permalink=entry["link"], ) for entry in entries ] def should_create_new_post(latest_post: Post) -> bool: if latest_post is not None: return (time() - latest_post.epoch) >= SECONDS_IN_WEEK return True def create_job_post(subreddit) -> Post: # flair = next( filter( lambda flair: flair["flair_text"] == Config.POST_FLAIR, subreddit.flair.link_templates.user_selectable(), ) ) submission = subreddit.submit( Config.POST_TITLE, selftext=Config.POST_TEXT, flair_id=flair["flair_template_id"], ) submission.mod.sticky() submission.mod.distinguish() submission.mod.approve() submission.mod.lock() return Post(, epoch=submission.created_utc) def main(): logging.root.setLevel(logging.INFO) db = DB(Config.DB_PATH) reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=Config.CLIENT_ID, client_secret=Config.CLIENT_SECRET, password=Config.REDDIT_PASSWORD, user_agent=Config.USER_AGENT, username=Config.USERNAME, ) subreddit = reddit.subreddit(Config.SUBREDDIT) maybe_old_post = db.get_latest_post()"Latest post in database {maybe_old_post}") if should_create_new_post(maybe_old_post): # Un-stick/pin the old post if maybe_old_post is not None:"Un-pinning old post {maybe_old_post}") try: reddit.submission(maybe_old_post.post_id).mod.sticky( state=False ) except Exception: logging.warning(f"Failed to un-pin post!", exc_info=True) new_post = create_job_post(subreddit)"Created new post {new_post}") db.insert_post(new_post) submission = reddit.submission(db.get_latest_post().post_id)"Fetched latest submission {}") for job in get_job_entries(Config.FEED_URL): if db.is_job_posted(job.post_id): logging.warning( f"Ignoring already posted job with post ID {job.post_id}" ) continue comment_text = f"""\ [**{job.title}** - {job.company_name}]({job.permalink}) **Salary:** {job.salary} **Location:** {job.location} **Job Type:** {job.job_type} ### Summary {job.summary}\ """ comment = submission.reply(comment_text) db.insert_comment(job.post_id, f"Posted job with post ID {job.post_id} as reddit comment {}" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()