import praw import os from datetime import datetime import json from collections import defaultdict import requests client_id = os.environ["REDDIT_CLIENT_ID"] client_secret = os.environ["REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET"] reddit_pass = os.environ["REDDIT_PASSWORD"] username = os.environ["REDDIT_USERNAME"] token = os.environ["GIST_TOKEN"] gist_id = os.environ["GIST_ID"] sub = "developersIndia" def get_gist_content(gist_id): headers = { "Authorization": f"token {token}", "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", } response = requests.get(f"{gist_id}", headers=headers) gist = response.json() filename = list(gist["files"].keys())[0] return gist["files"][filename]["content"] def update_gist(gist_id, filename, content, description=""): headers = { "Authorization": f"token {token}", "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", } data = {"description": description, "files": {filename: {"content": content}}} response = requests.patch( f"{gist_id}", headers=headers, json=data ) return response.json() def get_collection(reddit): collection = reddit.subreddit(sub).collections( permalink="" ) return collection def update_wiki(reddit, wikipage, posts): # Group posts by year posts_by_year = defaultdict(list) for post in posts: year = datetime.strptime(post['created_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').year posts_by_year[year].append(post) # Sort posts within each year for year in posts_by_year: posts_by_year[year] = sorted(posts_by_year[year], key=lambda k: k['created_at'], reverse=True) # Calculate total posts and years total_posts = sum(len(posts) for posts in posts_by_year.values()) total_years = len(posts_by_year) wiki_header = """# A collection of must read discussions started by community members""" content = wiki_header + "\n\n" content += f"This collection contains a list of `{total_posts}` handpicked posts across `{total_years}` years.\n\n" for year in sorted(posts_by_year.keys(), reverse=True): content += f"## {year}\n\n" # Add the posts for this year for post in posts_by_year[year]: formatted_date = datetime.strptime(post['created_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').strftime('%d-%m-%Y') content += f"- `{formatted_date}` [{post['title']}]({post['url']})\n\n" # given a wiki link, update the wiki page with new markdown wikipage = reddit.subreddit(sub).wiki[wikipage] wikipage.edit(content=content) print("Wiki updated successfully!") def main(): reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, username=username, password=reddit_pass, user_agent=f"Automod reader by u/{username}", ) collection = get_collection(reddit) saved_collection_posts = json.loads(get_gist_content(gist_id)) saved_collection_ids = [post["id"] for post in saved_collection_posts["posts"]] print(f"Database was last updated on {saved_collection_posts['collection_last_updated']}") print(f"Collection was last updated on {datetime.utcfromtimestamp(collection.last_update_utc).isoformat()}") if ( saved_collection_posts["collection_last_updated"] != datetime.utcfromtimestamp(collection.last_update_utc).isoformat() ): print("Collection was updated, getting new posts data...") # given 2 lists find non-common elements db_posts = set(saved_collection_ids) collection_posts = [] for submission in collection: collection_posts.append( collection_posts = set(collection_posts) new_posts = list(collection_posts - db_posts) deleted_posts = list(db_posts - collection_posts) print(f"Found {len(new_posts)} new posts!") print(f"Found {len(deleted_posts)} deleted posts!") posts = [] # load the saved collection posts data for submission_id in saved_collection_posts["posts"]: if submission_id["id"] in deleted_posts: continue post = { "title": submission_id["title"], "url": submission_id["url"], "id": submission_id["id"], "num_comments": submission_id["num_comments"], "created_at": submission_id["created_at"], "flair_text": submission_id["flair_text"], } posts.append(post) # get the new posts data for submission_id in new_posts: submission = reddit.submission(submission_id) post = { "title": submission.title, "url": submission.url, "id":, "num_comments": submission.num_comments, "created_at": datetime.utcfromtimestamp( submission.created_utc ).isoformat(), "flair_text": submission.link_flair_text, } posts.append(post) # sort the posts by created_at posts = sorted(posts, key=lambda k: k["created_at"]) collection_json = { "collection_last_updated": datetime.utcfromtimestamp( collection.last_update_utc ).isoformat(), "posts": posts, } update_gist(gist_id, "collection.json", json.dumps(collection_json, indent=4)) print("Internal database updated successfully!") update_wiki(reddit, "community-threads", posts) else: print("Wiki is up to date!") if __name__ == "__main__": main()