import datetime import praw import os import json import requests client_id = os.environ["REDDIT_CLIENT_ID"] client_secret = os.environ["REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET"] reddit_pass = os.environ["REDDIT_PASSWORD"] username = os.environ["REDDIT_USERNAME"] user_agent = "Community Roundup Post" token = os.environ["GIST_TOKEN"] gist_id = os.environ["GIST_ID"] sub = "developersIndia" def is_last_day_of_month(): today = tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1) return == 1 def get_gist_content(gist_id): headers = { "Authorization": f"token {token}", "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", } response = requests.get(f"{gist_id}", headers=headers) gist = response.json() filename = list(gist["files"].keys())[0] return gist["files"][filename]["content"] def get_monthly_roundup(): saved_collection_posts = json.loads(get_gist_content(gist_id)) # filter posts for this month saved_collection_posts = list( filter( lambda post: datetime.datetime.strptime( post["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ).month ==, saved_collection_posts, ) ) return saved_collection_posts def create_community_roundup_post(subreddit, posts): flair = next( filter( lambda flair: "Community Roundup" in flair["flair_text"], subreddit.flair.link_templates.user_selectable(), ) ) title = "Community Roundup: List of must read posts & discussions that happened this month - {month} {year}".format("%B"), ) footer_text = """\n\n --- **Community Roundup is posted on the last day of every month. You can find the [schedule on our events calendar]( To find the list of all [interesting posts & community threads, checkout our wiki](** """ posts_counter = 0 for post in posts: posts_counter += 1 text += f"#### {posts_counter}. [{post['title']}]({post['url']})\n" text = text + footer_text submission = subreddit.submit( title, selftext=text, flair_id=flair["flair_template_id"], ) submission.mod.approve() submission.mod.sticky() submission.mod.distinguish() return submission def main(): reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, username=username, password=reddit_pass, user_agent=user_agent, ) subreddit = reddit.subreddit(sub) if is_last_day_of_month(): posts = get_monthly_roundup() if len(posts) == 0: print("No posts found in the collection for this month. Skipping") return create_community_roundup_post(subreddit, posts) print("Community Roundup post created successfully!") else: print("Skipping. Not the last day of the month") if __name__ == "__main__": main()