# IMPORTANT: Inventory file for pubnix is stored in semaphore, not inventory.yml --- - name: Borgmatic Setup hosts: pubnix vars: bkp_source_directories: - /usr - /var - /root - /boot - /etc - /configs - /aquota.user - /aquota.group - /home - /nix bkp_exclude_patterns: - /var/log bkp_hc_uuid: 94c410f3-22f4-49f6-9f7f-e6f7b6409ced tasks: - name: "Remove useless passphrase line (runs after borgmatic role)" ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml" state: "absent" regexp: "^.*encryption_passphrase" roles: - role: borgbase.ansible_role_borgbackup borg_repository: - ssh://zh3117@zh3117.rsync.net/data1/home/zh3117/backups/pubnix borg_source_directories: "{{bkp_source_directories}}" borg_exclude_patterns: "{{bkp_exclude_patterns}}" borg_remote_path: /usr/local/bin/borg_1.2.4/borg1 borgmatic_hooks: healthchecks: ping_url: https://healthchecks.projectsegfau.lt/ping/{{bkp_hc_uuid}} states: - finish borg_retention_policy: keep_daily: 7 keep_weekly: 4 keep_monthly: 3 # very secure I know; it has to be plain text anyway for automated backups, unless there is a better way (in which case please email me@aryak.me) borg_encryption_passcommand: "cat /etc/borgmatic/passphrase"