2018-01-07 23:10:03 +05:30
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2018-03-08 04:18:26 +05:30
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2018-07-23 06:32:49 +05:30
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2018-07-25 03:35:02 +05:30
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2018-07-23 18:37:24 +05:30
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2018-07-23 06:32:49 +05:30
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2018-07-25 03:35:02 +05:30
<meta property="og:video:url" content="https://invidio.us/embed/<%= video.id %>">
2018-07-23 06:32:49 +05:30
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<meta name="twitter:url" content="https://invidio.us/watch?v=<%= video.id %>">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="<%= video.title %>">
2018-07-23 18:37:24 +05:30
<meta name="twitter:description" content="<%= description %>">
2018-07-23 09:50:49 +05:30
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2018-07-09 22:47:57 +05:30
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2018-01-28 07:40:08 +05:30
<title><%= video.title %> - Invidious</title>
2018-01-07 23:10:03 +05:30
<% end %>
2018-01-15 08:46:09 +05:30
2018-03-13 05:07:01 +05:30
<div class="h-box">
2018-07-19 21:00:54 +05:30
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id="player" class="video-js vjs-16-9" data-setup="{}"
2018-07-21 01:44:15 +05:30
<% if autoplay %>autoplay<% end %>
<% if video_loop %>loop<% end %>
2018-07-19 21:00:54 +05:30
2018-06-09 01:08:59 +05:30
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2018-07-16 21:54:24 +05:30
<% if preferences %>
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2018-06-09 01:08:59 +05:30
<source src="<%= fmt["url"] %>" type='<%= fmt["type"] %>' label="<%= fmt["label"] %>" selected="<%= i == 0 ? true : false %>">
2018-07-16 21:54:24 +05:30
<% end %>
<% end %>
2018-07-22 21:39:43 +05:30
<% captions.each do |caption| %>
2018-07-27 00:25:45 +05:30
<track kind="captions" src="/api/v1/captions/<%= video.id %>?label=<%= caption["name"]["simpleText"] %>"
2018-07-22 21:39:43 +05:30
srclang="<%= caption["languageCode"] %>" label="<%= caption["name"]["simpleText"]%> ">
<% end %>
2018-06-09 01:08:59 +05:30
<% end %>
2018-03-11 22:35:56 +05:30
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
var options = {
preload: "auto",
2018-03-14 05:07:56 +05:30
playbackRates: [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2],
controlBar: {
children: [
2018-07-22 21:39:43 +05:30
2018-03-14 05:07:56 +05:30
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
2018-07-21 01:20:55 +05:30
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
var player = videojs('player', options, function() {
volumeStep: 0.1,
seekStep: 5,
2018-02-06 06:06:16 +05:30
enableModifiersForNumbers: false,
customKeys: {
play: {
key: function(e) {
// Toggle play with K Key
return (e.which === 75);
handler: function(player, options, e) {
if (player.paused()) {
} else {
backward: {
key: function(e) {
// Go backward 5 seconds
return (e.which === 74);
handler: function(player, options, e) {
player.currentTime(player.currentTime() - 5);
forward: {
key: function(e) {
// Go forward 5 seconds
return (e.which === 76);
handler: function(player, options, e) {
player.currentTime(player.currentTime() + 5);
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
2018-05-08 07:08:13 +05:30
2018-07-16 21:54:24 +05:30
<% if preferences %>
player.volume(<%= preferences.volume.to_f / 100 %>);
2018-07-16 22:27:52 +05:30
player.playbackRate(<%= preferences.speed %>);
2018-07-16 21:54:24 +05:30
<% end %>
2018-04-06 07:16:32 +05:30
start: <%= video_start %>,
2018-05-08 07:08:13 +05:30
end: <%= video_end %>
2018-04-06 07:16:32 +05:30
2018-03-04 02:36:14 +05:30
2018-04-12 03:54:50 +05:30
<% if !listen %>
2018-04-11 08:19:10 +05:30
var currentSources = player.currentSources();
for ( var i = 0; i < currentSources.length; i++ ) {
if (player.canPlayType(currentSources[i]["type"].split(";")[0]) === "") {
2018-04-11 08:24:23 +05:30
2018-04-11 08:19:10 +05:30
2018-04-12 03:54:50 +05:30
<% end %>
2018-07-21 01:06:23 +05:30
2018-07-28 20:19:58 +05:30
function toggle(target) {
body = target.parentNode.parentNode.children[1];
if (body.style.display === null || body.style.display === "") {
target.innerHTML = "[ + ]";
body.style.display = "none";
} else {
target.innerHTML = "[ - ]";
body.style.display = "";
function toggle_comments(target) {
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if (body.style.display === null || body.style.display === "") {
target.innerHTML = "[ + ]";
body.style.display = "none";
} else {
target.innerHTML = "[ - ]";
body.style.display = "";
function timeout(ms, promise) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
reject(new Error("timeout"));
}, ms);
promise.then(resolve, reject);
function load_comments(target) {
var continuation = target.getAttribute("data-continuation");
var body = target.parentNode.parentNode;
var fallback = body.innerHTML;
body.innerHTML =
'<h3><center><i class="loading fas fa-spinner"></i></center></h3>';
var url =
"/api/v1/comments/<%= video.id %>?format=html&continuation=" + continuation;
timeout(5000, fetch(url))
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
function(jsonResponse) {
body.innerHTML = jsonResponse.content_html;
function(error) {
body.innerHTML = fallback;
.catch(function(error) {
body.innerHTML = fallback;
function get_reddit_comments() {
fetch("/api/v1/comments/<%= video.id %>?source=reddit")
2018-07-21 01:06:23 +05:30
.then(function(response) {
2018-07-28 20:19:58 +05:30
return response.json();
2018-07-21 01:06:23 +05:30
2018-07-28 20:19:58 +05:30
function(jsonResponse) {
comments = document.getElementById("comments");
2018-07-21 01:06:23 +05:30
comments.innerHTML = `
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="toggle_comments(this)">[ - ]</a>
<a target="_blank" href="https://reddit.com{permalink}">View more comments on Reddit</a>
2018-07-28 20:19:58 +05:30
<hr style="margin-left:1em; margin-right:1em;">`.supplant({
title: jsonResponse.title,
permalink: jsonResponse.permalink,
content_html: jsonResponse.content_html
function(response) {
function get_youtube_comments() {
fetch("/api/v1/comments/<%= video.id %>?format=html")
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
function(jsonResponse) {
comments = document.getElementById("comments");
comments.innerHTML = `
<hr style="margin-left:1em; margin-right:1em;">`.supplant({
content_html: jsonResponse.content_html
function(response) {
comments.innerHTML = "";
2018-07-21 01:06:23 +05:30
2018-07-28 20:19:58 +05:30
String.prototype.supplant = function(o) {
return this.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g, function(a, b) {
var r = o[b];
return typeof r === "string" || typeof r === "number" ? r : a;
2018-07-21 01:06:23 +05:30
2018-07-28 20:19:58 +05:30
<% if preferences && preferences.comments == "reddit" %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
2018-01-16 08:00:57 +05:30
2018-03-13 05:07:01 +05:30
<div class="h-box">
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
2018-06-03 08:45:15 +05:30
<%= video.title %>
2018-02-12 04:31:32 +05:30
<% if listen %>
2018-03-07 09:33:45 +05:30
<a href="/watch?<%= env.params.query %>">
2018-02-12 04:31:32 +05:30
<i class="fa fa-video" aria-hidden="true"></i>
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
<% else %>
2018-03-07 09:33:45 +05:30
<a href="/watch?<%= env.params.query %>&listen=true">
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
<i class="fa fa-volume-up" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<% end %>
2018-03-11 22:35:56 +05:30
2018-01-16 08:00:57 +05:30
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
<div class="pure-g">
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-5">
2018-04-18 02:23:12 +05:30
<div class="h-box">
2018-03-16 22:44:40 +05:30
<p><i class="fa fa-eye" aria-hidden="true"></i> <%= number_with_separator(video.views) %></p>
<p><i class="fa fa-thumbs-up" aria-hidden="true"></i> <%= number_with_separator(video.likes) %></p>
<p><i class="fa fa-thumbs-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> <%= number_with_separator(video.dislikes) %></p>
2018-07-27 00:54:45 +05:30
<p id="Genre">Genre : <%= video.genre %></p>
<p id="FamilyFriendly">Family Friendly? <%= video.is_family_friendly %></p>
2018-04-01 08:44:33 +05:30
<p id="Wilson">Wilson Score : <%= video.wilson_score.round(4) %></p>
<p id="Rating">Rating : <%= rating.round(4) %> / 5</p>
<p id="Engagement">Engagement : <%= engagement.round(2) %>%</p>
2018-04-08 06:39:20 +05:30
<% if ad_slots %>
2018-04-11 07:39:31 +05:30
<p id="Slots">Ad Slots : <%= ad_slots %></p>
2018-04-08 06:39:20 +05:30
<% end %>
<% if engage_types %>
2018-04-11 07:39:31 +05:30
<p id="Engage">Engage Types : <%= engage_types %></p>
2018-04-08 06:39:20 +05:30
<% end %>
<% if ad_tag %>
2018-04-11 07:39:31 +05:30
<p id="Category">Ad Category : <%= ad_category %></p>
<p id="Tags">Ad Tags(?) : <%= k2 %></p>
2018-04-08 06:39:20 +05:30
<% end %>
2018-03-16 22:44:40 +05:30
2018-03-11 22:35:56 +05:30
2018-01-16 08:00:57 +05:30
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-3-5">
2018-04-18 02:23:12 +05:30
<div class="h-box">
2018-03-16 22:44:40 +05:30
2018-06-03 08:45:15 +05:30
<a href="/channel/<%= video.ucid %>">
<h3><%= video.author %></h3>
2018-03-16 22:44:40 +05:30
2018-07-16 21:54:24 +05:30
<% if user %>
2018-06-03 08:45:15 +05:30
<% if subscriptions.includes? video.ucid %>
2018-03-31 20:21:14 +05:30
2018-06-03 08:45:15 +05:30
<a href="/subscription_ajax?action_remove_subscriptions=1&c=<%= video.ucid %>">
<b>Unsubscribe from <%= video.author %></b>
2018-03-31 20:21:14 +05:30
<% else %>
2018-06-03 08:45:15 +05:30
<a href="/subscription_ajax?action_create_subscription_to_channel=1&c=<%= video.ucid %>">
<b>Subscribe to <%= video.author %></b>
2018-03-31 20:21:14 +05:30
<% end %>
2018-05-04 07:06:27 +05:30
<% else %>
<a href="/login">
2018-06-03 08:45:15 +05:30
<b>Login to subscribe to <%= video.author %></b>
2018-05-04 07:06:27 +05:30
2018-03-31 20:21:14 +05:30
<% end %>
2018-03-16 22:44:40 +05:30
<b>Shared <%= video.published.to_s("%B %-d, %Y") %></b>
2018-04-18 02:23:12 +05:30
2018-03-16 22:44:40 +05:30
<%= video.description %>
2018-03-11 22:35:56 +05:30
<hr style="margin-left:1em; margin-right:1em;">
2018-07-21 01:06:23 +05:30
<div id="comments">
<h3><center><i class="loading fas fa-spinner"></i></center></h3>
2018-03-13 05:06:08 +05:30
2018-03-14 05:07:56 +05:30
2018-03-11 22:35:56 +05:30
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-5">
2018-04-18 02:23:12 +05:30
<div class="h-box">
2018-03-16 22:44:40 +05:30
<% rvs.each do |rv| %>
<% if rv.has_key?("id") %>
<a href="/watch?v=<%= rv["id"] %>">
2018-07-26 22:39:29 +05:30
<% if preferences && preferences.thin_mode %>
<% else %>
<img style="width:100%;" src="<%= rv["iurlmq"] %>">
<% end %>
2018-03-16 22:44:40 +05:30
<p style="width:100%"><%= rv["title"] %></p>
<b style="width: 100%"><%= rv["author"] %></b>
<% end %>
2018-01-15 08:46:09 +05:30
<% end %>
2018-03-16 22:44:40 +05:30
2018-01-07 23:20:04 +05:30
2018-01-17 01:28:08 +05:30