{% skip_file if flag?(:api_only) %} module Invidious::Routes::Feeds def self.view_all_playlists_redirect(env) env.redirect "/feed/playlists" end def self.playlists(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? user = env.get? "user" referer = get_referer(env) return env.redirect "/" if user.nil? user = user.as(User) items_created = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE author = $1 AND id LIKE 'IV%' ORDER BY created", user.email, as: InvidiousPlaylist) items_created.map! do |item| item.author = "" item end items_saved = PG_DB.query_all("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE author = $1 AND id NOT LIKE 'IV%' ORDER BY created", user.email, as: InvidiousPlaylist) items_saved.map! do |item| item.author = "" item end templated "feeds/playlists" end def self.popular(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? if CONFIG.popular_enabled templated "feeds/popular" else message = translate(locale, "The Popular feed has been disabled by the administrator.") templated "message" end end def self.trending(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? trending_type = env.params.query["type"]? trending_type ||= "Default" region = env.params.query["region"]? region ||= "US" begin trending, plid = fetch_trending(trending_type, region, locale) rescue ex return error_template(500, ex) end templated "feeds/trending" end def self.subscriptions(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? user = env.get? "user" sid = env.get? "sid" referer = get_referer(env) if !user return env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) sid = sid.as(String) token = user.token if user.preferences.unseen_only env.set "show_watched", true end # Refresh account headers = HTTP::Headers.new headers["Cookie"] = env.request.headers["Cookie"] if !user.password user, sid = get_user(sid, headers, PG_DB) end max_results = env.params.query["max_results"]?.try &.to_i?.try &.clamp(0, MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE) max_results ||= user.preferences.max_results max_results ||= CONFIG.default_user_preferences.max_results page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i? page ||= 1 videos, notifications = get_subscription_feed(PG_DB, user, max_results, page) # "updated" here is used for delivering new notifications, so if # we know a user has looked at their feed e.g. in the past 10 minutes, # they've already seen a video posted 20 minutes ago, and don't need # to be notified. PG_DB.exec("UPDATE users SET notifications = $1, updated = $2 WHERE email = $3", [] of String, Time.utc, user.email) user.notifications = [] of String env.set "user", user templated "feeds/subscriptions" end def self.history(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? user = env.get? "user" referer = get_referer(env) page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i? page ||= 1 if !user return env.redirect referer end user = user.as(User) max_results = env.params.query["max_results"]?.try &.to_i?.try &.clamp(0, MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE) max_results ||= user.preferences.max_results max_results ||= CONFIG.default_user_preferences.max_results if user.watched[(page - 1) * max_results]? watched = user.watched.reverse[(page - 1) * max_results, max_results] end watched ||= [] of String templated "feeds/history" end # RSS feeds def self.rss_channel(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml" env.response.content_type = "application/atom+xml" ucid = env.params.url["ucid"] params = HTTP::Params.parse(env.params.query["params"]? || "") begin channel = get_about_info(ucid, locale) rescue ex : ChannelRedirect return env.redirect env.request.resource.gsub(ucid, ex.channel_id) rescue ex return error_atom(500, ex) end response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=#{channel.ucid}") rss = XML.parse_html(response.body) videos = rss.xpath_nodes("//feed/entry").map do |entry| video_id = entry.xpath_node("videoid").not_nil!.content title = entry.xpath_node("title").not_nil!.content published = Time.parse_rfc3339(entry.xpath_node("published").not_nil!.content) updated = Time.parse_rfc3339(entry.xpath_node("updated").not_nil!.content) author = entry.xpath_node("author/name").not_nil!.content ucid = entry.xpath_node("channelid").not_nil!.content description_html = entry.xpath_node("group/description").not_nil!.to_s views = entry.xpath_node("group/community/statistics").not_nil!.["views"].to_i64 SearchVideo.new({ title: title, id: video_id, author: author, ucid: ucid, published: published, views: views, description_html: description_html, length_seconds: 0, live_now: false, paid: false, premium: false, premiere_timestamp: nil, }) end XML.build(indent: " ", encoding: "UTF-8") do |xml| xml.element("feed", "xmlns:yt": "http://www.youtube.com/xml/schemas/2015", "xmlns:media": "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", "xml:lang": "en-US") do xml.element("link", rel: "self", href: "#{HOST_URL}#{env.request.resource}") xml.element("id") { xml.text "yt:channel:#{channel.ucid}" } xml.element("yt:channelId") { xml.text channel.ucid } xml.element("icon") { xml.text channel.author_thumbnail } xml.element("title") { xml.text channel.author } xml.element("link", rel: "alternate", href: "#{HOST_URL}/channel/#{channel.ucid}") xml.element("author") do xml.element("name") { xml.text channel.author } xml.element("uri") { xml.text "#{HOST_URL}/channel/#{channel.ucid}" } end videos.each do |video| video.to_xml(channel.auto_generated, params, xml) end end end end def self.rss_private(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml" env.response.content_type = "application/atom+xml" token = env.params.query["token"]? if !token haltf env, status_code: 403 end user = PG_DB.query_one?("SELECT * FROM users WHERE token = $1", token.strip, as: User) if !user haltf env, status_code: 403 end max_results = env.params.query["max_results"]?.try &.to_i?.try &.clamp(0, MAX_ITEMS_PER_PAGE) max_results ||= user.preferences.max_results max_results ||= CONFIG.default_user_preferences.max_results page = env.params.query["page"]?.try &.to_i? page ||= 1 params = HTTP::Params.parse(env.params.query["params"]? || "") videos, notifications = get_subscription_feed(PG_DB, user, max_results, page) XML.build(indent: " ", encoding: "UTF-8") do |xml| xml.element("feed", "xmlns:yt": "http://www.youtube.com/xml/schemas/2015", "xmlns:media": "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", "xml:lang": "en-US") do xml.element("link", "type": "text/html", rel: "alternate", href: "#{HOST_URL}/feed/subscriptions") xml.element("link", "type": "application/atom+xml", rel: "self", href: "#{HOST_URL}#{env.request.resource}") xml.element("title") { xml.text translate(locale, "Invidious Private Feed for `x`", user.email) } (notifications + videos).each do |video| video.to_xml(locale, params, xml) end end end end def self.rss_playlist(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? env.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml" env.response.content_type = "application/atom+xml" plid = env.params.url["plid"] params = HTTP::Params.parse(env.params.query["params"]? || "") path = env.request.path if plid.starts_with? "IV" if playlist = PG_DB.query_one?("SELECT * FROM playlists WHERE id = $1", plid, as: InvidiousPlaylist) videos = get_playlist_videos(PG_DB, playlist, offset: 0, locale: locale) return XML.build(indent: " ", encoding: "UTF-8") do |xml| xml.element("feed", "xmlns:yt": "http://www.youtube.com/xml/schemas/2015", "xmlns:media": "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", "xml:lang": "en-US") do xml.element("link", rel: "self", href: "#{HOST_URL}#{env.request.resource}") xml.element("id") { xml.text "iv:playlist:#{plid}" } xml.element("iv:playlistId") { xml.text plid } xml.element("title") { xml.text playlist.title } xml.element("link", rel: "alternate", href: "#{HOST_URL}/playlist?list=#{plid}") xml.element("author") do xml.element("name") { xml.text playlist.author } end videos.each do |video| video.to_xml(false, xml) end end end else haltf env, status_code: 404 end end response = YT_POOL.client &.get("/feeds/videos.xml?playlist_id=#{plid}") document = XML.parse(response.body) document.xpath_nodes(%q(//*[@href]|//*[@url])).each do |node| node.attributes.each do |attribute| case attribute.name when "url", "href" request_target = URI.parse(node[attribute.name]).request_target query_string_opt = request_target.starts_with?("/watch?v=") ? "&#{params}" : "" node[attribute.name] = "#{HOST_URL}#{request_target}#{query_string_opt}" else nil # Skip end end end document = document.to_xml(options: XML::SaveOptions::NO_DECL) document.scan(/(?[^<]+)<\/uri>/).each do |match| content = "#{HOST_URL}#{URI.parse(match["url"]).request_target}" document = document.gsub(match[0], "#{content}") end document end def self.rss_videos(env) if ucid = env.params.query["channel_id"]? env.redirect "/feed/channel/#{ucid}" elsif user = env.params.query["user"]? env.redirect "/feed/channel/#{user}" elsif plid = env.params.query["playlist_id"]? env.redirect "/feed/playlist/#{plid}" end end # Push notifications via PubSub def self.push_notifications_get(env) verify_token = env.params.url["token"] mode = env.params.query["hub.mode"]? topic = env.params.query["hub.topic"]? challenge = env.params.query["hub.challenge"]? if !mode || !topic || !challenge haltf env, status_code: 400 else mode = mode.not_nil! topic = topic.not_nil! challenge = challenge.not_nil! end case verify_token when .starts_with? "v1" _, time, nonce, signature = verify_token.split(":") data = "#{time}:#{nonce}" when .starts_with? "v2" time, signature = verify_token.split(":") data = "#{time}" else haltf env, status_code: 400 end # The hub will sometimes check if we're still subscribed after delivery errors, # so we reply with a 200 as long as the request hasn't expired if Time.utc.to_unix - time.to_i > 432000 haltf env, status_code: 400 end if OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(:sha1, HMAC_KEY, data) != signature haltf env, status_code: 400 end if ucid = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(topic).query.not_nil!)["channel_id"]? PG_DB.exec("UPDATE channels SET subscribed = $1 WHERE id = $2", Time.utc, ucid) elsif plid = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(topic).query.not_nil!)["playlist_id"]? PG_DB.exec("UPDATE playlists SET subscribed = $1 WHERE id = $2", Time.utc, ucid) else haltf env, status_code: 400 end env.response.status_code = 200 challenge end def self.push_notifications_post(env) locale = LOCALES[env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale]? token = env.params.url["token"] body = env.request.body.not_nil!.gets_to_end signature = env.request.headers["X-Hub-Signature"].lchop("sha1=") if signature != OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(:sha1, HMAC_KEY, body) LOGGER.error("/feed/webhook/#{token} : Invalid signature") haltf env, status_code: 200 end spawn do rss = XML.parse_html(body) rss.xpath_nodes("//feed/entry").each do |entry| id = entry.xpath_node("videoid").not_nil!.content author = entry.xpath_node("author/name").not_nil!.content published = Time.parse_rfc3339(entry.xpath_node("published").not_nil!.content) updated = Time.parse_rfc3339(entry.xpath_node("updated").not_nil!.content) video = get_video(id, PG_DB, force_refresh: true) # Deliver notifications to `/api/v1/auth/notifications` payload = { "topic" => video.ucid, "videoId" => video.id, "published" => published.to_unix, }.to_json PG_DB.exec("NOTIFY notifications, E'#{payload}'") video = ChannelVideo.new({ id: id, title: video.title, published: published, updated: updated, ucid: video.ucid, author: author, length_seconds: video.length_seconds, live_now: video.live_now, premiere_timestamp: video.premiere_timestamp, views: video.views, }) was_insert = PG_DB.query_one("INSERT INTO channel_videos VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET title = $2, published = $3, updated = $4, ucid = $5, author = $6, length_seconds = $7, live_now = $8, premiere_timestamp = $9, views = $10 returning (xmax=0) as was_insert", *video.to_tuple, as: Bool) PG_DB.exec("UPDATE users SET notifications = array_append(notifications, $1), feed_needs_update = true WHERE $2 = ANY(subscriptions)", video.id, video.ucid) if was_insert end end env.response.status_code = 200 end end