diff --git a/docs/busybox.net/shame.html b/docs/busybox.net/shame.html
index 482f5236a..2c800c85f 100644
--- a/docs/busybox.net/shame.html
+++ b/docs/busybox.net/shame.html
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ the busybox license by releasing the source code with your product.
Avaks alink Roadrunner 64
Partial source available, based on source distributed under NDA from LSILogic. Why the NDA LSILogic, what are you hiding ?
To verify the Avaks infrigment see my slashdot journal.
The ZipIt wireless IM device appears to be using Busybox-1.00-pre1 in the ramdisk, however no source has been made available.
Undoubtedly there are others... Please report them so we can shame them (or if necessary sue them) into compliance.