// Copyright 2004-2018 Nicholas J. Kain // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nk/log.h" #include "nk/io.h" #include "nk/random.h" #include "nk/net_checksum16.h" #include "dhcp.h" #include "state.h" #include "arp.h" #include "ifchange.h" #include "sys.h" #include "options.h" #include "sockd.h" static int get_udp_unicast_socket(struct client_state_t *cs) { char buf[32]; buf[0] = 'u'; memcpy(buf + 1, &cs->clientAddr, sizeof cs->clientAddr); return request_sockd_fd(buf, 1 + sizeof cs->clientAddr, (char *)0); } static int get_raw_broadcast_socket(void) { return request_sockd_fd("s", 1, (char *)0); } static int get_raw_listen_socket(struct client_state_t *cs) { char resp; int fd = request_sockd_fd("L", 1, &resp); switch (resp) { case 'L': cs->using_dhcp_bpf = true; break; case 'l': cs->using_dhcp_bpf = false; break; default: suicide("%s: (%s) expected l or L sockd reply but got %c", client_config.interface, __func__, resp); } return fd; } // Unicast a DHCP message using a UDP socket. static ssize_t send_dhcp_unicast(struct client_state_t *cs, struct dhcpmsg *payload) { ssize_t ret = -1; int fd = get_udp_unicast_socket(cs); if (fd < 0) { log_line("%s: (%s) get_udp_unicast_socket failed", client_config.interface, __func__); goto out; } struct sockaddr_in raddr = { .sin_family = AF_INET, .sin_port = htons(DHCP_SERVER_PORT), .sin_addr.s_addr = cs->serverAddr, }; if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&raddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) { log_line("%s: (%s) connect failed: %s", client_config.interface, __func__, strerror(errno)); goto out_fd; } // Send packets that are as short as possible. ssize_t endloc = get_end_option_idx(payload); if (endloc < 0) { log_line("%s: (%s) No end marker. Not sending.", client_config.interface, __func__); goto out_fd; } const size_t el = (size_t)endloc + 1; if (el > sizeof payload->options) { log_line("%s: (%s) Invalid value of endloc. Not sending.", client_config.interface, __func__); goto out_fd; } size_t payload_len = sizeof *payload - (sizeof payload->options - el); if (!carrier_isup()) { log_line("%s: (%s) carrier down; write would fail", client_config.interface, __func__); ret = -99; goto out_fd; } ret = safe_write(fd, (const char *)payload, payload_len); if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret != payload_len) log_line("%s: (%s) write failed: %zd", client_config.interface, __func__, ret); out_fd: close(fd); out: return ret; } // Returns 1 if IP checksum is correct, otherwise 0. static int ip_checksum(struct ip_udp_dhcp_packet *packet) { return net_checksum16(&packet->ip, sizeof packet->ip) == 0; } // Returns 1 if UDP checksum is correct, otherwise 0. static int udp_checksum(struct ip_udp_dhcp_packet *packet) { struct iphdr ph = { .saddr = packet->ip.saddr, .daddr = packet->ip.daddr, .protocol = packet->ip.protocol, .tot_len = packet->udp.len, }; uint16_t udpcs = net_checksum16(&packet->udp, min_size_t(ntohs(packet->udp.len), sizeof *packet - sizeof(struct iphdr))); uint16_t hdrcs = net_checksum16(&ph, sizeof ph); uint16_t cs = net_checksum16_add(udpcs, hdrcs); return cs == 0; } static int get_raw_packet_validate_bpf(struct ip_udp_dhcp_packet *packet) { if (packet->ip.version != IPVERSION) { log_line("%s: IP version is not IPv4.", client_config.interface); return 0; } if (packet->ip.ihl != sizeof packet->ip >> 2) { log_line("%s: IP header length incorrect.", client_config.interface); return 0; } if (packet->ip.protocol != IPPROTO_UDP) { log_line("%s: IP header is not UDP: %d", client_config.interface, packet->ip.protocol); return 0; } if (ntohs(packet->udp.dest) != DHCP_CLIENT_PORT) { log_line("%s: UDP destination port incorrect: %d", client_config.interface, ntohs(packet->udp.dest)); return 0; } if (ntohs(packet->udp.len) != ntohs(packet->ip.tot_len) - sizeof packet->ip) { log_line("%s: UDP header length incorrect.", client_config.interface); return 0; } return 1; } // Read a packet from a raw socket. Returns -1 on fatal error, -2 on // transient error. static ssize_t get_raw_packet(struct client_state_t *cs, struct dhcpmsg *payload, uint32_t *srcaddr) { struct ip_udp_dhcp_packet packet; memset(&packet, 0, sizeof packet); ssize_t inc = safe_read(cs->listenFd, (char *)&packet, sizeof packet); if (inc < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return -2; log_line("%s: (%s) read error %s", client_config.interface, __func__, strerror(errno)); return -1; } size_t iphdrlen = ntohs(packet.ip.tot_len); if ((size_t)inc < iphdrlen) return -2; if (!cs->using_dhcp_bpf && !get_raw_packet_validate_bpf(&packet)) return -2; if (!ip_checksum(&packet)) { log_line("%s: IP header checksum incorrect.", client_config.interface); return -2; } if (iphdrlen <= sizeof packet.ip + sizeof packet.udp) { log_line("%s: Packet received that is too small (%zu bytes).", client_config.interface, iphdrlen); return -2; } size_t l = iphdrlen - sizeof packet.ip - sizeof packet.udp; if (l > sizeof *payload) { log_line("%s: Packet received that is too long (%zu bytes).", client_config.interface, l); return -2; } if (packet.udp.check && !udp_checksum(&packet)) { log_line("%s: Packet with bad UDP checksum received. Ignoring.", client_config.interface); return -2; } if (srcaddr) *srcaddr = packet.ip.saddr; memcpy(payload, &packet.data, l); return (ssize_t)l; } // Broadcast a DHCP message using a raw socket. static ssize_t send_dhcp_raw(struct dhcpmsg *payload) { ssize_t ret = -1; int fd = get_raw_broadcast_socket(); if (fd < 0) { log_line("%s: (%s) get_raw_broadcast_socket failed", client_config.interface, __func__); return ret; } // Send packets that are as short as possible. ssize_t endloc = get_end_option_idx(payload); if (endloc < 0) { log_line("%s: (%s) No end marker. Not sending.", client_config.interface, __func__); close(fd); return ret; } const size_t el = (size_t)endloc + 1; if (el > sizeof payload->options) { log_line("%s: (%s) Invalid value of endloc. Not sending.", client_config.interface, __func__); close(fd); return ret; } size_t padding = sizeof payload->options - el; size_t iud_len = sizeof(struct ip_udp_dhcp_packet) - padding; size_t ud_len = sizeof(struct udp_dhcp_packet) - padding; struct iphdr ph = { .saddr = INADDR_ANY, .daddr = INADDR_BROADCAST, .protocol = IPPROTO_UDP, .tot_len = htons(ud_len), }; struct ip_udp_dhcp_packet iudmsg = { .ip = { .saddr = INADDR_ANY, .daddr = INADDR_BROADCAST, .protocol = IPPROTO_UDP, .tot_len = htons(iud_len), .ihl = sizeof iudmsg.ip >> 2, .version = IPVERSION, .ttl = IPDEFTTL, }, .data = *payload, }; iudmsg.udp.source = htons(DHCP_CLIENT_PORT); iudmsg.udp.dest = htons(DHCP_SERVER_PORT); iudmsg.udp.len = htons(ud_len); iudmsg.udp.check = 0; uint16_t udpcs = net_checksum16(&iudmsg.udp, ud_len); uint16_t phcs = net_checksum16(&ph, sizeof ph); iudmsg.udp.check = net_checksum16_add(udpcs, phcs); iudmsg.ip.check = net_checksum16(&iudmsg.ip, sizeof iudmsg.ip); struct sockaddr_ll da = { .sll_family = AF_PACKET, .sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP), .sll_pkttype = PACKET_BROADCAST, .sll_ifindex = client_config.ifindex, .sll_halen = 6, }; memcpy(da.sll_addr, "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", 6); if (!carrier_isup()) { log_line("%s: (%s) carrier down; sendto would fail", client_config.interface, __func__); ret = -99; goto carrier_down; } ret = safe_sendto(fd, (const char *)&iudmsg, iud_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&da, sizeof da); if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret != iud_len) { if (ret < 0) log_line("%s: (%s) sendto failed: %s", client_config.interface, __func__, strerror(errno)); else log_line("%s: (%s) sendto short write: %zd < %zu", client_config.interface, __func__, ret, iud_len); } carrier_down: close(fd); return ret; } void start_dhcp_listen(struct client_state_t *cs) { if (cs->listenFd >= 0) return; cs->listenFd = get_raw_listen_socket(cs); if (cs->listenFd < 0) suicide("%s: FATAL: Couldn't listen on socket: %s", client_config.interface, strerror(errno)); } void stop_dhcp_listen(struct client_state_t *cs) { if (cs->listenFd < 0) return; close(cs->listenFd); cs->listenFd = -1; } static int validate_dhcp_packet(struct client_state_t *cs, size_t len, struct dhcpmsg *packet, uint8_t *msgtype) { if (len < offsetof(struct dhcpmsg, options)) { log_line("%s: Packet is too short to contain magic cookie. Ignoring.", client_config.interface); return 0; } if (ntohl(packet->cookie) != DHCP_MAGIC) { log_line("%s: Packet with bad magic number. Ignoring.", client_config.interface); return 0; } if (packet->xid != cs->xid) { log_line("%s: Packet XID %x does not equal our XID %x. Ignoring.", client_config.interface, packet->xid, cs->xid); return 0; } if (memcmp(packet->chaddr, client_config.arp, sizeof client_config.arp)) { log_line("%s: Packet client MAC %2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x does not equal our MAC %2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x. Ignoring it.", client_config.interface, packet->chaddr[0], packet->chaddr[1], packet->chaddr[2], packet->chaddr[3], packet->chaddr[4], packet->chaddr[5], client_config.arp[0], client_config.arp[1], client_config.arp[2], client_config.arp[3], client_config.arp[4], client_config.arp[5]); return 0; } ssize_t endloc = get_end_option_idx(packet); if (endloc < 0) { log_line("%s: Packet does not have an end option. Ignoring.", client_config.interface); return 0; } *msgtype = get_option_msgtype(packet); if (!*msgtype) { log_line("%s: Packet does not specify a DHCP message type. Ignoring.", client_config.interface); return 0; } char clientid[MAX_DOPT_SIZE]; size_t cidlen = get_option_clientid(packet, clientid, MAX_DOPT_SIZE); if (cidlen == 0) return 1; if (memcmp(client_config.clientid, clientid, min_size_t(cidlen, client_config.clientid_len))) { log_line("%s: Packet clientid does not match our clientid. Ignoring.", client_config.interface); return 0; } return 1; } bool dhcp_packet_get(struct client_state_t *cs, struct dhcpmsg *packet, uint8_t *msgtype, uint32_t *srcaddr) { if (cs->listenFd < 0) return false; ssize_t r = get_raw_packet(cs, packet, srcaddr); if (r < 0) { // Not a transient issue handled by packet collection functions. if (r != -2) { log_line("%s: Error reading from listening socket: %s. Reopening.", client_config.interface, strerror(errno)); stop_dhcp_listen(cs); start_dhcp_listen(cs); } return false; } if (!validate_dhcp_packet(cs, (size_t)r, packet, msgtype)) return false; return true; } static void add_options_vendor_hostname(struct dhcpmsg *packet) { size_t vlen = strlen(client_config.vendor); size_t hlen = strlen(client_config.hostname); if (vlen) add_option_vendor(packet, client_config.vendor, vlen); else add_option_vendor(packet, "ndhc", sizeof "ndhc" - 1); add_option_hostname(packet, client_config.hostname, hlen); } // Initialize a DHCP client packet that will be sent to a server static void init_packet(struct dhcpmsg *packet, uint8_t type) { packet->op = 1; // BOOTREQUEST (client) packet->htype = 1; // ETH_10MB packet->hlen = 6; // ETH_10MB_LEN packet->cookie = htonl(DHCP_MAGIC); packet->options[0] = DCODE_END; add_option_msgtype(packet, type); memcpy(packet->chaddr, client_config.arp, 6); add_option_clientid(packet, client_config.clientid, client_config.clientid_len); } ssize_t send_discover(struct client_state_t *cs) { struct dhcpmsg packet = {.xid = cs->xid}; init_packet(&packet, DHCPDISCOVER); if (cs->clientAddr) add_option_reqip(&packet, cs->clientAddr); add_option_maxsize(&packet); add_option_request_list(&packet); add_options_vendor_hostname(&packet); log_line("%s: Discovering DHCP servers...", client_config.interface); return send_dhcp_raw(&packet); } ssize_t send_selecting(struct client_state_t *cs) { char clibuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct dhcpmsg packet = {.xid = cs->xid}; init_packet(&packet, DHCPREQUEST); add_option_reqip(&packet, cs->clientAddr); add_option_serverid(&packet, cs->serverAddr); add_option_maxsize(&packet); add_option_request_list(&packet); add_options_vendor_hostname(&packet); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(struct in_addr){.s_addr = cs->clientAddr}, clibuf, sizeof clibuf); log_line("%s: Sending a selection request for %s...", client_config.interface, clibuf); return send_dhcp_raw(&packet); } ssize_t send_renew_or_rebind(struct client_state_t *cs, bool is_renew) { struct dhcpmsg packet = {.xid = cs->xid}; init_packet(&packet, DHCPREQUEST); packet.ciaddr = cs->clientAddr; add_option_maxsize(&packet); add_option_request_list(&packet); add_options_vendor_hostname(&packet); log_line("%s: Sending a %s request...", client_config.interface, is_renew? "renew" : "rebind"); return is_renew? send_dhcp_unicast(cs, &packet) : send_dhcp_raw(&packet); } ssize_t send_decline(struct client_state_t *cs, uint32_t server) { struct dhcpmsg packet = {.xid = cs->xid}; init_packet(&packet, DHCPDECLINE); add_option_reqip(&packet, cs->clientAddr); add_option_serverid(&packet, server); log_line("%s: Sending a decline message...", client_config.interface); return send_dhcp_raw(&packet); } ssize_t send_release(struct client_state_t *cs) { struct dhcpmsg packet = {.xid = nk_random_u32(&cs->rnd_state)}; init_packet(&packet, DHCPRELEASE); packet.ciaddr = cs->clientAddr; add_option_reqip(&packet, cs->clientAddr); add_option_serverid(&packet, cs->serverAddr); log_line("%s: Sending a release message...", client_config.interface); return send_dhcp_unicast(cs, &packet); }