We now have an alternative to buffering stdout and stderr.
RC_PREFIX="yes" will put the service name as a prefix to all output made by the service. Thanks to Ciaran McCreesh for the idea.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for Gentoo System Intialization ("rc") scripts
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPLv2
25 Apr 2007; Roy Marples <uberlord@gentoo.org>:
We now have an alternative to buffering stdout and stderr.
RC_PREFIX="yes" will put the service name as a prefix to all output
made by the service. Thanks to Ciaran McCreesh for the idea.
24 Apr 2007; Roy Marples <uberlord@gentoo.org>:
We now buffer stdout and stderr to a file and flush that when running in
@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
# /etc/conf.d/rc: Global config file for the Gentoo RC System
# Set to "yes" if you want the rc system to try and start services
# in parallel for a slight speed improvement. NOTE: When enabled
# init script output is buffered and displayed in one go when finished.
# in parallel for a slight speed improvement.
# If we're running in parallel then the output of each service is buffered
# until the service finishes. This is so the output one service is not mixed
# with the output of another service.
# To avoid buffering can prefix each line of output to see the service which
# it belongs to by setting the RC_PREFIX="yes".
# Set RC_INTERACTIVE to "yes" and you'll be able to press the I key during
# boot so you can choose to start specific services. Set to "no" to disable
# this feature.
@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ int ewendv (int retval, const char *fmt, ...) EINFO_PRINTF (2, 3);
void eindentv (void);
void eoutdentv (void);
/* Pointer to a string that is always prefixed to einfo/ewarn/error */
void eprefix (const char *prefix);
/* Handy utils to buffer stdout and stderr so our output is always
* sane when forking around.
* Don't depend on these being here though as we may take a different
@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ static int stdfd[2] = {-1, -1};
static FILE *ebfp = NULL;
static char ebfile[PATH_MAX] = { '\0' };
/* A pointer to a string to prefix to einfo/ewarn/eerror messages */
static const char *_eprefix = NULL;
static bool is_env (const char *var, const char *val)
char *v;
@ -184,6 +187,10 @@ static int get_term_columns (void)
return (DEFAULT_COLS);
void eprefix (const char *prefix) {
_eprefix = prefix;
void ebuffer (const char *file)
/* Don't ebuffer if we don't have a file or we already are */
@ -379,16 +386,18 @@ const char *ecolor (einfo_color_t color) {
#define EINFOVN(_file, _color) \
fprintf (_file, " %s*%s ", ecolor (_color), ecolor (ecolor_normal)); \
retval += _eindent (_file); \
if (_eprefix) \
fprintf (_file, "%s%s%s|", ecolor (_color), _eprefix, ecolor (ecolor_normal)); \
fprintf (_file, " %s*%s ", ecolor (_color), ecolor (ecolor_normal)); \
retval += _eindent (_file); \
{ \
va_list _ap; \
va_copy (_ap, ap); \
retval += vfprintf (_file, fmt, _ap) + 3; \
va_end (_ap); \
} \
if (colour_terminal ()) \
fprintf (_file, ECOLOR_FLUSH);
if (colour_terminal ()) \
fprintf (_file, ECOLOR_FLUSH);
static int _einfovn (const char *fmt, va_list ap)
@ -388,14 +388,15 @@ static void sulogin (bool cont)
newenv = rc_filter_env ();
if (cont) {
int status = 0;
pid_t pid = vfork();
pid_t pid = vfork ();
if (pid == -1)
eerrorx ("%s: vfork: %s", applet, strerror (errno));
if (pid == 0) {
newenv = rc_filter_env ();
#ifdef __linux__
execle ("/sbin/sulogin", "/sbin/sulogin",
getenv ("CONSOLE"), (char *) NULL, newenv);
@ -411,7 +412,6 @@ static void sulogin (bool cont)
waitpid (pid, &status, 0);
} else {
#ifdef __linux
newenv = rc_filter_env ();
execle ("/sbin/sulogin", "/sbin/sulogin",
getenv ("CONSOLE"), (char *) NULL, newenv);
eerrorx ("%s: unable to exec `/sbin/sulogin': %s", applet, strerror (errno));
@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ static void handle_signal (int sig)
kill (pl->pid, SIGTERM);
/* Notify plugins we are aborting */
rc_plugin_run (rc_hook_abort, "rc");
rc_plugin_run (rc_hook_abort, NULL);
/* Only drop into single user mode if we're booting */
run = getenv ("RUNLEVEL");
@ -9,10 +9,12 @@
#define APPLET "runscript"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <limits.h>
@ -50,6 +52,9 @@ static char *ibsave = NULL;
static bool in_background = false;
static rc_hook_t hook_out = 0;
static pid_t service_pid = 0;
static char *prefix = NULL;
/* Pipes for prefixed output */
extern char **environ;
@ -57,11 +62,11 @@ extern char **environ;
static void (*selinux_run_init_old) (void);
static void (*selinux_run_init_new) (int argc, char **argv);
void setup_selinux (int argc, char **argv);
static void setup_selinux (int argc, char **argv);
#ifdef __linux__
void setup_selinux (int argc, char **argv)
static void setup_selinux (int argc, char **argv)
void *lib_handle = NULL;
@ -205,24 +210,15 @@ static void cleanup (void)
rc_plugin_run (hook_out, applet);
rc_plugin_unload ();
if (deptree)
rc_free_deptree (deptree);
if (services)
rc_strlist_free (services);
if (types)
rc_strlist_free (types);
if (svclist)
rc_strlist_free (svclist);
if (providelist)
rc_strlist_free (providelist);
if (restart_services)
rc_strlist_free (restart_services);
if (need_services)
rc_strlist_free (need_services);
if (tmplist)
rc_strlist_free (tmplist);
if (ibsave)
free (ibsave);
rc_free_deptree (deptree);
rc_strlist_free (services);
rc_strlist_free (types);
rc_strlist_free (svclist);
rc_strlist_free (providelist);
rc_strlist_free (restart_services);
rc_strlist_free (need_services);
rc_strlist_free (tmplist);
free (ibsave);
if (in_control ()) {
if (rc_service_state (applet, rc_service_stopping)) {
@ -248,29 +244,71 @@ static void cleanup (void)
unlink (exclusive);
if (env)
rc_strlist_free (env);
rc_strlist_free (env);
if (mtime_test)
unlink (mtime_test);
free (mtime_test);
if (exclusive)
free (exclusive);
free (exclusive);
free (applet);
free (prefix);
if (applet)
free (applet);
static int write_prefix (int fd, const char *buffer, size_t bytes, bool *prefixed) {
unsigned int i;
int j;
const char *ec;
const char *ec_normal = ecolor (ecolor_normal);
ssize_t ret = 0;
if (fd == fileno (stdout))
ec = ecolor (ecolor_hilite);
ec = ecolor (ecolor_bad);
for (i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
/* We don't prefix escape codes, like eend */
if (buffer[i] == '\033')
*prefixed = true;
if (! *prefixed) {
ret += write (fd, ec, strlen (ec));
ret += write (fd, applet, strlen (applet));
for (j = strlen (applet); j < 11; j++)
ret += write (fd, " ", 1);
ret += write (fd, ec_normal, strlen (ec_normal));
ret += write (fd, " |", 2);
*prefixed = true;
if (buffer[i] == '\n')
*prefixed = false;
ret += write (fd, buffer + i, 1);
return (ret);
static bool svc_exec (const char *service, const char *arg1, const char *arg2)
bool retval;
bool execok;
int stdout_pipes[2];
int stderr_pipes[2];
/* To ensure any output has hit our ebuffer */
fflush (stdout);
fflush (stderr);
/* Setup our pipes for prefixed output */
if (rc_is_env ("RC_PREFIX", "yes")) {
if (pipe (stdout_pipes))
eerror ("pipe: %s", strerror (errno));
if (pipe (stderr_pipes))
eerror ("pipe: %s", strerror (errno));
/* We need to disable our child signal handler now so we block
until our script returns. */
signal (SIGCHLD, NULL);
@ -280,6 +318,25 @@ static bool svc_exec (const char *service, const char *arg1, const char *arg2)
if (service_pid == -1)
eerrorx ("%s: vfork: %s", service, strerror (errno));
if (service_pid == 0) {
if (rc_is_env ("RC_PREFIX", "yes")) {
int flags;
if (dup2 (stdout_pipes[1], fileno (stdout)) == -1)
eerror ("dup2 stdout: %s", strerror (errno));
close (stdout_pipes[0]);
if (dup2 (stderr_pipes[1], fileno (stderr)) == -1)
eerror ("dup2 stderr: %s", strerror (errno));
close (stderr_pipes[0]);
/* Stop any scripts from inheriting us */
if ((flags = fcntl (stdout_pipes[1], F_GETFD, 0)) < 0 ||
fcntl (stdout_pipes[1], F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) < 0)
eerror ("fcntl: %s", strerror (errno));
if ((flags = fcntl (stderr_pipes[1], F_GETFD, 0)) < 0 ||
fcntl (stderr_pipes[1], F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) < 0)
eerror ("fcntl: %s", strerror (errno));
if (rc_exists (RC_SVCDIR "runscript.sh")) {
execl (RC_SVCDIR "runscript.sh", service, service, arg1, arg2,
(char *) NULL);
@ -295,13 +352,66 @@ static bool svc_exec (const char *service, const char *arg1, const char *arg2)
retval = rc_waitpid (service_pid) == 0 ? true : false;
/* Prefix our piped output */
if (rc_is_env ("RC_PREFIX", "yes")) {
bool stdout_done = false;
bool stdout_prefix_shown = false;
bool stderr_done = false;
bool stderr_prefix_shown = false;
char buffer[RC_LINEBUFFER];
close (stdout_pipes[1]);
close (stderr_pipes[1]);
memset (buffer, 0, RC_LINEBUFFER);
while (! stdout_done && ! stderr_done) {
fd_set fds;
int retval;
FD_ZERO (&fds);
FD_SET (stdout_pipes[0], &fds);
FD_SET (stderr_pipes[0], &fds);
retval = select (MAX (stdout_pipes[0], stderr_pipes[0]) + 1,
&fds, 0, 0, 0);
if (retval < 0) {
if (errno != EINTR)
eerror ("select: %s", strerror (errno));
} else if (retval) {
ssize_t nr;
if (FD_ISSET (stdout_pipes[0], &fds)) {
if ((nr = read (stdout_pipes[0], buffer,
sizeof (buffer))) <= 0)
stdout_done = true;
write_prefix (fileno (stdout), buffer, nr,
if (FD_ISSET (stderr_pipes[0], &fds)) {
if ((nr = read (stderr_pipes[0], buffer,
sizeof (buffer))) <= 0)
stderr_done = true;
write_prefix (fileno (stderr), buffer, nr,
/* Done now, so close the pipes */
execok = rc_waitpid (service_pid) == 0 ? true : false;
service_pid = 0;
/* Done, so restore the signal handler */
signal (SIGCHLD, handle_signal);
return (retval);
return (execok);
static rc_service_state_t svc_status (const char *service)
@ -899,7 +1009,18 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
snprintf (pid, sizeof (pid), "%d", (int) getpid ());
setenv ("RC_RUNSCRIPT_PID", pid, 1);
if (rc_is_env ("RC_PARALLEL", "yes")) {
/* eprefix is kinda klunky, but it works for our purposes */
if (rc_is_env ("RC_PREFIX", "yes")) {
int l = strlen (applet);
if (l < 13)
l = 13;
prefix = rc_xmalloc (sizeof (char *) * l);
snprintf (prefix, l, "%s%s", applet, " ");
eprefix (prefix);
/* If we're in parallel and we're not prefixing then we need the ebuffer */
if (rc_is_env ("RC_PARALLEL", "yes") && ! rc_is_env ("RC_PREFIX", "yes")) {
char ebname[PATH_MAX];
char *eb;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user