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2002-02-01 22:47:29 +00:00
* w.c v1.4
* An alternative "w" program for Linux.
* Shows users and their processes.
* Copyright (c) Dec 1993, Oct 1994 Steve "Mr. Bassman" Bryant
* bassman@hpbbi30.bbn.hp.com (Old address)
* bassman@muttley.soc.staffs.ac.uk
* Info:
* I starting writing as an improvement of the w program included
* with linux. The idea was to add in some extra functionality to the
* program, and see if I could fix a couple of bugs which seemed to
* occur.
* Mr. Bassman, 10/94
* Acknowledgments:
* The original version of w:
* Copyright (c) 1993 Larry Greenfield (greenfie@gauss.rutgers.edu)
* Uptime routine and w mods:
* Michael K. Johnson (johnsonm@stolaf.edu)
* Distribution:
* This program is freely distributable under the terms of copyleft.
* No warranty, no support, use at your own risk etc.
* Compilation:
* gcc -O -o w sysinfo.c whattime.c w.c
* Usage:
* w [-hfusd] [user]
* $Log: tmp-junk.c,v $
* Revision 1.1 2002/02/01 22:46:37 csmall
* Initial revision
* Revision 1.5 1994/10/26 17:57:35 bassman
* Loads of stuff - see comments.
* Revision 1.4 1994/01/01 12:57:21 johnsonm
* Added RCS, and some other fixes.
* Revision history:
* Jan 01, 1994 (mkj): Eliminated GCC warnings, took out unnecessary
* dead variables in fscanf, replacing them with
* *'d format qualifiers. Also added RCS stuff.
* Oct 26, 1994 (bass): Tidied up the code, fixed bug involving corrupt
* utmp records. Added switch for From field;
* default is compile-time set. Added -d option
* as a remnant from BSD 'w'. Fixed bug so it now
* behaves if the first process on a tty isn't owned
* by the person first logged in on that tty, and
* also detects su'd users. Changed the tty format
* to the short one.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <utmp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include "proc/whattime.h"
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
* Default setting for whether to have a From field. The -f switch
* toggles this - if the default is to have it, using -f will turn
* it off; if the default is not to have it, the -f switch will put
* it in. Possible values are TRUE (to have the field by default),
* and FALSE.
#define ZOMBIE "<zombie>"
void put_syntax();
char *idletime();
char *logintime();
static char rcsid[]="$Id: tmp-junk.c,v 1.1 2002/02/01 22:46:37 csmall Exp $";
void main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int header=TRUE, long_format=TRUE, ignore_user=TRUE,
from_switch=DEFAULT_FROM, show_pid=FALSE, line_length;
int i, j;
struct utmp *utmp_rec;
struct stat stat_rec;
struct passwd *passwd_entry;
uid_t uid;
char username[9], tty[13], rhost[17], login_time[27];
char idle_time[7], what[1024], pid[10];
char out_line[1024], file_name[256];
char search_name[9];
int jcpu, pcpu, tpgid, curr_pid, utime, stime, cutime, cstime;
char /*ch,*/ state, comm[1024], *columns_ptr;
FILE *fp;
search_name[0] = '\0';
* Process the command line
if (argc > 1)
* Args that start with '-'
for (i = 1; ((i < argc) && (argv[i][0] == '-')); i ++)
for (j = 1; argv[i][j] != '\0'; j++)
switch (argv[i][j])
case 'h':
header = FALSE;
case 's':
long_format = FALSE;
case 'u':
ignore_user = FALSE;
case 'd':
show_pid = TRUE;
case 'f':
from_switch = FALSE;
from_switch = TRUE;
fprintf (stderr, "w: unknown option: '%c'\n",
put_syntax ();
* Check for arg not starting with '-' (ie: username)
if (argc > i)
strncpy (search_name, argv[i], 8);
search_name[8] = '\0';
i ++;
if (argc > i)
fprintf (stderr, "w: syntax error\n");
put_syntax ();
* Check that /proc is actually there, or else we can't
* get all the information.
if (chdir ("/proc"))
fprintf (stderr, "w: fatal error: cannot access /proc\n");
perror (strerror(errno));
exit (-1);
* Find out our screen width from $COLUMNS
columns_ptr = getenv ("COLUMNS");
if (columns_ptr == NULL)
struct winsize window;
* Try getting it directly
if ((ioctl (1, TIOCGWINSZ, &window) != 1) && (window.ws_col > 0))
line_length = window.ws_col;
line_length = 80; /* Default length assumed */
line_length = atoi (columns_ptr);
* Maybe we should check whether there is enough space on
* the lines for the options selected...
if (line_length < 60)
long_format = FALSE;
line_length --;
* Print whatever headers
if (header == TRUE)
* uptime: from MKJ's uptime routine,
* found in whattime.c
* Print relevant header bits
printf ("User tty ");
if (long_format == TRUE)
if (from_switch == TRUE)
printf ("From ");
printf (" login@ idle JCPU PCPU ");
if (show_pid == TRUE)
printf (" PID ");
printf ("what\n");
printf (" idle ");
if (show_pid == TRUE)
printf (" PID ");
printf ("what\n");
* Process user information.
while ((utmp_rec = getutent()))
* Check we actually want to see this record.
* It must be a valid active user process,
* and match a specified search name.
if ( (utmp_rec->ut_type == USER_PROCESS)
&& (strcmp(utmp_rec->ut_user, ""))
&& ( (search_name[0] == '\0')
|| ( (search_name[0] != '\0')
&& !strncmp(search_name, utmp_rec->ut_user, 8) ) ) )
* Get the username
strncpy (username, utmp_rec->ut_user, 8);
username[8] = '\0'; /* Set end terminator */
* Find out the uid of that user (from their
* passwd entry)
uid = -1;
if ((passwd_entry = getpwnam (username)) != NULL)
uid = passwd_entry->pw_uid;
* Get (and clean up) the tty line
for (i = 0; (utmp_rec->ut_line[i] > 32) && (i < 6); i ++)
tty[i] = utmp_rec->ut_line[i];
utmp_rec->ut_line[i] = '\0';
tty[i] = '\0';
* Don't bother getting info if it's not asked for
if (long_format == TRUE)
* Get the remote hostname; this can be up to 16 chars,
* but if any chars are invalid (ie: [^a-zA-Z0-9\.])
* then the char is changed to a string terminator.
if (from_switch == TRUE)
strncpy (rhost, utmp_rec->ut_host, 16);
rhost[16] = '\0';
* Get the login time
* (Calculated by LG's routine, below)
strcpy (login_time, logintime(utmp_rec->ut_time));
* Get the idle time.
* (Calculated by LG's routine, below)
strcpy (idle_time, idletime (tty));
* That's all the info out of /etc/utmp.
* The rest is more difficult. We use the pid from
* utmp_rec->ut_pid to look in /proc for the info.
* NOTE: This is not necessarily the active pid, so we chase
* down the path of parent -> child pids until we find it,
* according to the information given in /proc/<pid>/stat.
sprintf (pid, "%d", utmp_rec->ut_pid);
what[0] = '\0';
strcpy (file_name, pid);
strcat (file_name, "/stat");
jcpu = 0;
pcpu = 0;
if ((fp = fopen(file_name, "r")))
while (what[0] == '\0')
* Check /proc/<pid>/stat to see if the process
* controlling the tty is the current one
fscanf (fp, "%d %s %c %*d %*d %*d %*d %d "
"%*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %d %d %d %d",
&curr_pid, comm, &state, &tpgid,
&utime, &stime, &cutime, &cstime);
fclose (fp);
if (comm[0] == '\0')
strcpy (comm, "-");
* Calculate jcpu and pcpu.
* JCPU is the time used by all processes and their
* children, attached to the tty.
* PCPU is the time used by the current process
* (calculated once after the loop, using last
* obtained values).
if (!jcpu)
jcpu = cutime + cstime;
* Check for a zombie first...
if (state == 'Z')
strcpy (what, ZOMBIE);
else if (curr_pid == tpgid)
* If it is the current process, read cmdline
* If that's empty, then the process is swapped out,
* or is a zombie, so we use the command given in stat
* which is in normal round brackets, ie: "()".
strcpy (file_name, pid);
strcat (file_name, "/cmdline");
if ((fp = fopen(file_name, "r")))
i = 0;
j = fgetc (fp);
while ((j != EOF) && (i < 256))
if (j == '\0')
j = ' ';
what[i] = j;
j = fgetc (fp);
what[i] = '\0';
fclose (fp);
if (what[0] == '\0')
strcpy (what, comm);
* Check out the next process
* If we can't open it, use info from this process,
* so we have to check out cmdline first.
* If we're not using "-u" then should we just
* say "-" (or "-su") instead of a command line ?
* If so, we should strpcy(what, "-"); when we
* fclose() in the if after the stat() below.
strcpy (file_name, pid);
strcat (file_name, "/cmdline");
if ((fp = fopen (file_name, "r")))
i = 0;
j = fgetc (fp);
while ((j != EOF) && (i < 256))
if (j == '\0')
j = ' ';
what[i] = j;
j = fgetc (fp);
what[i] = '\0';
fclose (fp);
if (what[0] == '\0')
strcpy (what, comm);
* Now we have something in the what variable,
* in case we can't open the next process.
sprintf (pid, "%d", tpgid);
strcpy (file_name, pid);
strcat (file_name, "/stat");
fp = fopen (file_name, "r");
if (fp && (ignore_user == FALSE))
* We don't necessarily go onto the next process,
* unless we are either ignoring who the effective
* user is, or it's the same uid
stat (file_name, &stat_rec);
* If the next process is not owned by this
* user finish the loop.
if (stat_rec.st_uid != uid)
fclose (fp);
strcpy (what, "-su");
* See comment above somewhere; I've used
* "-su" here, as the next process is owned
* by someone else; this is generally
* because the user has done an "su" which
* then exec'd something else.
what[0] = '\0';
else if (fp) /* else we are ignoring uid's */
what[0] = '\0';
else /* Could not open first process for user */
strcpy (what, "?");
* There is a bug somewhere in my version of linux
* which means that utmp records are not cleaned
* up properly when users log out. However, we
* can detect this, by the users first process
* not being there when we look in /proc.
* Don't output a line for "dead" users.
* This gets round a bug which doesn't update utmp/wtmp
* when users log out.
if (what[0] != '?')
#ifdef 0
/* This makes unix98 pty's not line up, so has been disabled - JEH. */
* Remove the letters 'tty' from the tty id
if (!strncmp (tty, "tty", 3))
for (i = 3; tty[i - 1] != '\0'; i ++)
tty[i - 3] = tty[i];
* Common fields
sprintf (out_line, "%-9.8s%-6.7s ", username, tty);
* Format the line for output
if (long_format == TRUE)
* Calculate CPU usage
pcpu = utime + stime;
jcpu /= 100;
pcpu /= 100;
if (from_switch == TRUE)
sprintf (out_line, "%s %-16.15s", out_line, rhost);
sprintf (out_line, "%s%8.8s ", out_line, login_time);
sprintf (out_line, "%s%6s", out_line, idle_time);
if (long_format == TRUE)
if (!jcpu)
strcat (out_line, " ");
else if (jcpu/60)
sprintf (out_line, "%s%3d:%02d", out_line,
jcpu/60, jcpu%60);
sprintf (out_line, "%s %2d", out_line, jcpu);
if (!pcpu)
strcat (out_line, " ");
else if (pcpu/60)
sprintf (out_line, "%s%3d:%02d", out_line,
pcpu/60, pcpu%60);
sprintf (out_line, "%s %2d", out_line, pcpu);
if (show_pid == TRUE)
sprintf (out_line, "%s %5.5s", out_line, pid);
strcat (out_line, " ");
strcat (out_line, what);
* Try not to exceed the line length
out_line[line_length] = '\0';
printf ("%s\n", out_line);
* put_syntax()
* Routine to print the correct syntax to call this program,
* and then exit out appropriately
void put_syntax ()
fprintf (stderr, "usage: w [-hfsud] [user]\n");
exit (-1);
* idletime()
* Routine which returns a string containing
* the idle time of a given user.
* This routine was lifted from the original w program
* by Larry Greenfield (greenfie@gauss.rutgers.edu)
* Copyright (c) 1993 Larry Greenfield
char *idletime (tty)
char *tty;
struct stat terminfo;
unsigned long idle;
char ttytmp[40];
static char give[20];
time_t curtime;
curtime = time (NULL);
sprintf (ttytmp, "/dev/%s", tty);
stat (ttytmp, &terminfo);
idle = (unsigned long) curtime - (unsigned long) terminfo.st_atime;
if (idle >= (60 * 60)) /* more than an hour */
if (idle >= (60 * 60 * 48)) /* more than two days */
sprintf (give, "%2ludays", idle / (60 * 60 * 24));
sprintf (give, " %2lu:%02u", idle / (60 * 60),
(unsigned) ((idle / 60) % 60));
if (idle / 60)
sprintf (give, "%6lu", idle / 60);
return give;
* logintime()
* Returns the time given in a suitable format
* This routine was lifted from the original w program
* by Larry Greenfield (greenfie@gauss.rutgers.edu)
* Copyright (c) 1993 Larry Greenfield
#undef ut_time
char *logintime(ut_time)
time_t ut_time;
time_t curtime;
struct tm *logintime, *curtm;
int hour, am, curday, logday;
static char give[20];
static char *weekday[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri",
"Sat" };
static char *month[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",
"Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
curtime = time(NULL);
curtm = localtime(&curtime);
curday = curtm->tm_yday;
logintime = localtime(&ut_time);
hour = logintime->tm_hour;
logday = logintime->tm_yday;
am = (hour < 12);
if (!am)
hour -= 12;
if (hour == 0)
hour = 12;
* This is a newer behavior: it waits 12 hours and the next day, and then
* goes to the 2nd time format. This should reduce confusion.
* It then waits only 6 days (not till the last moment) to go the last
* time format.
if ((curtime > (ut_time + (60 * 60 * 12))) && (logday != curday))
if (curtime > (ut_time + (60 * 60 * 24 * 6)))
sprintf(give, "%2d%3s%2d", logintime->tm_mday,
month[logintime->tm_mon], (logintime->tm_year % 100));
sprintf(give, "%*s%2d%s", 3, weekday[logintime->tm_wday],
hour, am ? "am" : "pm");
sprintf(give, "%2d:%02d%s", hour, logintime->tm_min, am ? "am" : "pm");
return give;