While that old master branch library may utilize those
memory allocation functions found in the alloc module,
it was inappropriate for this newlib branch to subject
callers to a stderr message followed by an early exit.
Of course, the old libprocps offered a message handler
override provision (xalloc_err_handler) but that, too,
would seem to be inappropriate for our modern library.
[ remember the battles fought with that damn libnuma ]
So, this commit will tweak those old inherited sources
setting the stage for standardized return values/errno
settings in connection with a memory allocation error.
Along the way, we'll address the following miscellany:
. Completely eliminate usage of anything from alloc.h.
This, of course, entails our own error checking of the
alternative allocation calls from stdlib.h & string.h.
. Eliminate use of the strdup function where possible,
as with 'procps_uptime' and 'procps_loadavg' routines.
. Whack some obsolete code (getslabinfo) in sysinfo.c.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit attempts to minimize the variety of types
currently used. Plus, the following were also changed:
. the MEM fields were switched to parallel the VM guys
. made NICE 's_int' so that it then parallels PRIORITY
. change RTPRIO & SCHED_CLASS from 'ul_int' to 's_int'
. removed Item_table 'oldflags' for an obsoleted field
. added calculations like TICS_ALL_C for the following
. these three new 'TICS' fields have been incorporated
. PIDS_TICS_BLKIO - jiffies spent in block i/o
. PIDS_TICS_GUEST - jiffies spent as a guest
. PIDS_TICS_GUEST_C - as above, includes dead children
( so it did not hide between TICS_BLKIO & TICS_GUEST )
( and to make clearer what's included: utime + stime )
. eliminated 'sl_int' entirely from that result struct
[ often, the <pids> module changes necessitated that ]
[ readproc header and source files had to change too ]
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
That #define QUICK_THREADS was impossible to implement
under the new <pids> interface. Plus it was also found
to distort some thread information (referenced below).
So, it's always been inactive under the newlib branch.
However, it will (with small changes) still serve some
useful purpose in our library. Now, when the redefined
FALSE_THREADS is active, those special strings showing
"[ duplicate ENUM ]" will appear for any child thread.
Note: the real reason for such strings appearing isn't
being exercised, only their mechanics. In actual usage
they are substituted when a user duplicates such items
in a results stack & only the 1st instance can own it.
With this patch, we are simply fooling the <pids> code
into thinking an item was duplicated via a NULL value.
. from master branch
commit 25a6ecdbfb3262261465ce1dd0e0e758cf3ac497
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Unlike other cached string fields (such as USER name),
that lxcname field was defined as 'const char *'. This
required a custom 'set' function using a cast in order
to avoid a compiler warning regarding that assignment.
So this commit brings lxcname into line with all those
other cached string fields. And while we're at it, the
reason some string fields have no 'freefunc' will also
be explained with some new comments in the Item_table.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
In that reference below a specific systemd problem was
fixed in the commit shown. However lurking deep within
the <pids> interface was yet one final case where NULL
could be returned, involving 'strv' and the following:
. a user requested both a single string vector (always
returned as a normal string) & the vectorized version,
. a user simply duplicated some vectorized enum items.
The root of that NULL problem is the fact those single
string vectors shared the same proc_t field with their
true vectorized version. So while multiple occurrences
for most strings could be satisfied with strdup versus
the normal ownership usurpation, those true vectorized
fields could not be quite so easily copied/duplicated.
Thus newlib chose to return a NULL result.strv pointer
under either of the above scenarios (which perhaps was
just a user boo-boo in the first place). In any event,
the NULL was a potential for true string vectors only.
Now, since newlib is the sole caller into the readproc
module, separate fields have been created for what are
just normal strings (never vectorized) and those which
remain the true vectorized versions. And, former flags
which only worked if combined, now act as stand alone.
can be used simultaneously (as they should have been).
Also with this patch, items which a user duplicates in
the stack (beyond the first such item) will return the
the string "[ duplicate ENUM_ID ]". This practice will
apply to both single strings and true vectorized ones.
In addition to informing users of their error, it will
also mean potential NULLs need now never be a concern.
commit 0580a7b4c67d0297629d37281b4f690894429626
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This is just beginning an effort to minimize/normalize
the sheer variety of results types in use for our API.
In taking these first baby steps, a few anomalies were
found. There'll no doubt be many more yet to discover.
. the _FLT_ (fault) fields were already signed long in
the proc_t (even though their sscanf format used %lu).
. although strtoul will alway return an unsigned long,
all of the _VM_ fields were made signed long just like
other memory fields (& signed sorts more efficiently).
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
readproc still had some of the old API hanging around that
was good while we were trying it out, but its time to say
readproc.h removed from public procps.h header file
enum ns_type - not used - removed
get_ns_name() - not defined - removed
get_ns_id() - not defined - removed
PROCTAB proc_t only used internal to library
readproctab() and 2,3 friends not used - removed
proc_data_t was used by readproctab23() - removed
readtask() - not used - removed
read_cmdline() - copy,renamed and made generic - remove original
freeproc() - not used - removed
get_proc_status - not used - removed, however there should be
a new function created that does this. Given a PID return data
about it instead of scanning the entire procfs. Maybe it already does.
Left as internal-to-library only functions:
readproc(), readeither(), look_up_our_self(), openproc(), closeproc()
Updated libprocps.sym to export only what we use.
The includes used to define a lot of things a library include
should not. It was also a bit messy what was exposed in the library
and what was not.
get_pid_digits -> procps_pid_length and exported correctly
MALLOC attribute move into relevant .c files
NORETURN attribute moved to relevant .c, not used in library
PURE attribute removed, it wasn't used
KLONG/KLF/STRTOUKL were fixed for long, so now just use long
HIDDEN attribute removed. It was for 3 functions. The PROCPS_EXPORT
seems to do the same (opposite) thing.
likely/unlikely removed from most places, its highly debateable
this does anything useful as CPUs have gotten smarter about branches.
Re-arranged the includes, ALL external programs should just #include
<proc/procps.h> then proc/procps.h includes headers for files that
have exported functions. procps.h and the headers it includes should
not use items that are not exportable (e.g. hidden functions or
macros) they go in procps-private.h
Beginning with linux-4.5, the following new fields are
being added under that /proc/<pid>/status pseudo file:
. RssAnon - size of resident anonymous memory
. RssFile - size of resident file mappings
. RssShmem - size of resident shared memory
This patch just represents the initial library and top
support, sharing a commit message with 2 more patches.
p.s. locked resident memory support was also added but
isn't directly related to the kernel 4.5 enhancements.
commit 1f8e41d01966ef337bc252bffb181d0acc0c8751
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit is an outgrowth of the research into a bug
that recently surfaced with the 'w' program. And while
that program was just a victim several inconsistencies
were found in the handling of library flags during the
research. This patch just address such irregularities.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Functions related to namespaces were half-in half-out of the
procps library and didn't fit the standard naming scheme.
While struct { long ns[x]} is a bit clunky, its the only way
to "lock in" x. The alternative is to use ns_* variables.
This work was needed before pgrep could be converted.
It was probably always wrong to have a variable length
proc_t structure. This patch takes all remaining oomem
former suse only options and makes them unconditional.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
A few minor changes are being made to position the old
readproc logic for a transition to the newlib pid api.
These changes will not impact current users beyond the
the need to recompile such code. Hopefully this should
be very last version change to the deprecated library.
. most char arrays were replaced via char * to dynamic
memory. this was done so that newlib could just assume
ownership of such strings without using a strdup call.
. former user and group name arrays also became char *
but here the reason was because pwcache already cached
those names. so, copying to an array never made sense.
. the concept of QUICK_THREADS used to avoid duplicate
overhead for string data was disabled. it could not be
integrated with the newlib design, at least initially.
. any #define which influenced the size of that proc_t
was disable in the header. it was probably a poor idea
to approach optional features in such a manner anyway.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Use the standard libc declarations.
For protecting the headers for C++ procps used to have its
own defines, this change makes them use the standard libc ones.
getstat() -> procps_stat_*
vminfo() -> procps_vmstat_*
These two components of the library now use the newer version of
the API with less exposed global variables. The old methods are
there for now.
Signed-off-by: Craig Small <csmall@enc.com.au>
Several Debian based distributions were recently found
to have omitted a kernel configuration option that had
the effect of rendering /proc/#/stat and /proc/#/wchan
useless for providing any 'sleeping in function' info.
That problem also prompted a reevaluation of the whole
approach to wchan matters which had grown increasingly
complex as our library evolved over the last 13 years.
The net result was a decision to rely on /proc/#/wchan
which arrived along with the 2.5 kernel. This then let
us vastly simplify the internal code plus the external
interface which will benefit both the top and ps pgms.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit adds a lxc container name to every proc_t.
If a process is not running in a container, then a '-'
will be provided, making such a field always sortable.
Unlike other proc_t character pointers, lxc containers
will find many duplicate shared values. So rather than
strdup 'em (with a later free required upon reuse), we
try to keep track of those already seen and share that
address among all tasks running within each container.
We rely on the lines in the task's cgroup subdirectory
which may initially seem somewhat unsophisticated. But
the lxc library itself uses a similar approach when it
is called to list active containers. In that case, the
/proc/net/unix directory is parsed for the '/lxc' eye-
catcher, with potential complications from hashed path
and names that are too long (something we don't face).
[ too bad docker abandoned lxc - our commit won't do ]
[ anything for the users of those kind of containers ]
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
While 'invisible' thread subdirectories are accessible
under /proc/ with stat/opendir calls, they have always
been treated as non-existent, as is true with readdir.
This patch trades the /proc/#/ns access convention for
the more proper /proc/#/task/#/ns approach when thread
access is desired. In addition some namespace code has
been simplified and made slightly more efficient given
the calloc nature of proc_t acquisition and its reuse.
commit a01ee3c0b32d4c39aa83066ed61103343469527e
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Each process in Linux has a /proc/<pid>/ns directory which contains
symbolic links to pipes that identify which namespaces that process
belongs to. This patch adds support for ps to display that information
Signed-off-by: Aristeu Rozanski <arozansk@redhat.com>
When the maj_delta and min_delta fields were added to
the proc_t, they necessitated some compiler generated
padding bytes.
With this slight reordering, those padding bytes are
no longer generated. And since the original commit
already broke the library ABI, now is an opportune
time to correct that misalignment.
commit 7753bd1004e65bde7fce4622c943401abc71f24a
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
In preparation for top scrollable environment display,
the new flag PROC_EDITENVRCVT was added to mirror the
existing single vector string handling for cgroup and
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
procps automake defines restrict which means the binaries for procps
binaries compile. However external programs may not of defined
restrict which means they will not complie if they include files found
in /usr/include/proc.
Includes from libc6 use __restrict and if is good enough for
them, its good enough for us.
The devname.h requires readproc.h header which has dev_t. Unless
header is included the includes in program files must be in
correct order. I also added FIXME item to remind that for uid &
gid value int not correct data type but uid_t or gid_t from
Signed-off-by: Sami Kerola <kerolasa@iki.fi>
. added tgid support
. made process/task naming consistent
. added tgid support
. standardized pid related width logic
. added tgid to ps & top man documents
. fixed OOMEM_ENABLE readtask bug
. corrected header typo for tgid
Library changes
. added readeither to more efficiently
fill both process and thread proc_t
. added readproctab3, uses readeither
. included task path support in:
fill_cgroup_cvt, fill_cmdline_cvt,
. QUICK_THREADS #define allows copying
process info vs. repeatedly reading
. simple_nexttid no longer values ppid
. path var made non-static in readtask
. documented 'proc_data_t' in .h file
. tweaked some c comments & formatting
. added new readeither, readproctab3
Program changes
. exploits readproctab3 where possible
. improved args/comm compliance
. exploits readeither
Library changes
. added support for supplementary groups
. eliminated 2 potential mem leak sources
. shortcut used for multi-threaded str
vectors & ptrs was obsoleted
. freeing of proc_t related dynamic
memory now rests with the library
. standardized/normalized many c comments
. corrected note regarding glibc & cpuinfo
. made the visible freeproc accessable
Program changes
. initialized buffer for new readproc i/f
. eliminated now obsolete free() call
. added width aware supgrp support
. initialized buffers for new readproc i/f
. eliminated now obsolete free() calls
. added supgrp support as variable width
. eliminated now obsolete free() calls
. expoilted library freeproc function
. corrected -h|v args text & spacing
. updated some c comments
Documentation changes
. added supgid and supgrp
. added supgid and supgrp
. addition of above required renumbering
many fields in section 3a. DESCRIPTIONS
Library Changes
. added an internal (static) fill_cmdline_cvt function:
- reads and "escapes" /proc/#/cmdline
- returns result as a single string in a single vector
- callers are guaranteed a cmdline (no more NULL)
. added vectorize_this_str function, exploited by
fill_cgroup_cvt, fill_cmdline_cvt
. generalized read_cmdline function as read_unvectored, now
exploited by fill_cgroup_cvt, fill_cmdline_cvt, read_cmdline
( cgroup and cmdline no longer need be converted to string )
( vectors before being transformed to final representation )
. fixed bug regarding skipped group numbers (when enabled)
. escape_str made responsible for all single byte translation
with distinction between control chars + other unprintable
. added escaped_copy function for already escaped strings
. reorganized parts of proc_t to restore formatting standards
( displacement changes shouldn't matter with new version # )
. former ZAP_SUSEONLY #define now OOMEM_ENABLE
. added to library.map: escaped_copy; read_cmdline
Top Program Changes
. exploited the new PROC_EDITCMDLCVT provision
. eliminated now obsolete #include "proc/escape.h"
. changed the P_WCH display format if no kernel symbol table
. fixed very old bug in lflgs for out-of-view sort fields
. former ZAP_SUSEONLY #define now OOMEM_ENABLE
Ps Program Changes
. exploited the new PROC_EDITCMDLCVT provision
. exploited the new escaped_copy function
. consolidated pr_args and pr_comm into pr_argcom
Signed-off-by: Jan Görig <jgorig@redhat.com>
This source patchset addresses the following:
Library Extension (readproc)
. added an internal (static) fill_cgroup_cvt function:
. reads AND parses /proc/#/cgroup
. returns result as a single string in a single vector
. thus no changes to proc_t structure or free memory logic
Program Enhancements (top)
. removed parse_cgroup logic in favor of libproc
. eliminated cgroup sort recurring overhead
. converted WCHAN field to variable width
. generalized variable width field logic in task_show
. real-time notation under P col more distinctive as 'rt'
Program Cosmetic (top)
. CGROUP now known as CGROUPS (plural)
. moved jan's attribution from top.c to 'Notes' in top.h
. numerous comments tweaked
Document Enhancements (top)
. documented CGROUPS field (required renumbering all fields)
. adapted narratives for the 3 current variable width fields
. expanded real-time scheduling notes, 'RT' now shown as 'rt'
Signed-off-by: Jan Görig <jgorig@redhat.com>