These modifications are being made now in anticipation
of some coming 'other filter' config file changes. Our
entries must be written last to the rc file since that
is where the users have been told to 'echo' additions.
Therefore, that 'config_insp' function must be adapted
to anticipate a passed buffer that was already primed.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
If we are to support preserving 'other filter' entries
in the rcfile, then the current logic setting up those
osel entries for a WIN_t must be shareable for startup
and when interacting with a user. So, this commit just
repositions this current code in a shareable function.
[ along the way, we give the prior guy a proper name ]
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
When we get around to saving that 'Other Filter' stuff
in the rcfile, we'll need access to the Fieldstab plus
the justify_pad() function. So this commit repositions
two 'osel' functions in anticipation of adding 1 more.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
The 'config_file()' function was getting a little long
in the tooth, so this commit simply renames/rearranges
some stuff anticipating 'other filters' in the rcfile.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Jeeze, there was no need to employ *both* strchr() and
strrchr() when ensuring fields hadn't been duplicated.
So let's avoid one of those function calls completely.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
We now use the actual terminfo 'max_colors' value with
the 'color mapping' screen, not that hard coded '256'.
. introduced 256 color support
commit cf057d2fe50c1c7e0e2c11f4e03e0be3ac2f9457
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
When not displaying all tasks (the 'i' toggle is off),
the concept of vertical scrolling has no real meaning.
However, only 2 keys (up/down) impacting that vertical
position were currently being disabled with this mode.
This patch will extend such treatment to the following
additional vertical impact keys: pgup,pgdn,home & end.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This program does a good job of policing that vertical
scrolled position, ensuring that total tasks are never
exceeded. However, during transitions from thread mode
to normal task mode (the 'H' toggle) that wasn't true.
And while there was no real harm done, it did make the
use of up/down arrow keys "appear" disabled especially
if that scroll message was not displayed ('C' toggle).
This patch simply forces a return to row #1 whenever a
user toggles that display between thread & task modes.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
As it turns out, the very first entry in the 'iokey()'
tinfo_tab was preventing the proper translation of the
simulated PgUp/PgDn keys (ctrl+meta+k/j). Ignoring the
tortured history behind the most recent change to that
entry, this patch restores the previous value and once
again properly translates these particular keystrokes.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
With the Qualys security audit, we began to harden our
treatment of the top rcfile. In particular, the values
read were checked so as to prevent some malicious user
from editing it in order to achieve an evil objective.
However when it came to colors I was surprised to find
that at least one user edited the rcfile for 256-color
support. Unfortunately, our new checks prevented this.
So this commit will provide the means to exploit those
extra colors with no need to manually edit the rcfile.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This guards against rcfile 'Inspect' entries which may
include non-printable characters. While this shouldn't
occur, we have no real control over those crazy users.
[ and, while such data can't be used maliciously, it ]
[ does adversely impact such a user's screen display ]
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
When a Qualys patch was reverted as being unwarranted,
1 specific problem their patch had, in fact, prevented
was re-introduced. This patch corrects that oversight.
. qualys patch revert
commit c5026787156d23512487ad9bbf540be7e3ee8de1
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Until the Qualys security audit I had never considered
it a possibility that some malicious person might edit
the top config file to achieve some nefarious results.
And while the Qualys approach tended to concentrate on
the symptoms from such an effort, subsequent revisions
more properly concentrated on startup and that rcfile.
This commit completes those efforts with 1 more field.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
I've long since forgotten why the attempt to influence
groff line lengths was made. However, I did receive an
email regarding problems formatting postscript output.
Hopefully this patch will eliminate any such problems.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
The command name for running tasks is displayed by top
in a variable length field, so the increase from 16 to
64 bytes was not a problem. However, there's one place
where top is sensitive to length - insp_view_choice().
So, this patch just bumps a buffer used to display it.
. increased 'comm' length
commit 2cfdbbe897f0d4e41460c7c2b92acfc5804652c8
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This will protect some remaining rcfile variables from
a possible manual editing of top's configuration file.
[ and correct two #error related boo-boos introduced ]
[ with the system default rcfile in the commit shown ]
. introduced /etc/topdefaultrc
commit 3e6a208ae501194fdb39d5f259e327c087dc8c84
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This commit moves some overhead to the Batch mode path
where it's needed. And given the new 'else if' test we
can delete some now redundant logic in the other path.
. original qualys patch
commit 059ae8b512151c6390ec8430533555979cf2f183
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This patch addresses a potential (but unlikely) buffer
overflow by reducing, if necessary, a memcpy length by
3 bytes to provide for an eol '\0' and 2 unused buffer
positions which also might receive the '\0' character.
[ note to future analysis tool: just because you see ]
[ binary data being manipulated in the routine, that ]
[ doesn't mean such function was passed binary data! ]
. original qualys patch
commit ed8f6d9cc68fbadb26ee3009a3017b3e3ea63f28
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
I'm reverting this patch to prepare for some alternate
solution. In that solution I will address point #1 but
point #2 is based on a wrong assumption. There will be
no binary data ever found in the 'glob' passed to this
show_special() function. It is now always simple text.
------------------------------------------------ original commit message
This patch fixes two problems:
1/ In the switch case 0, if sub_end is at the very end of lin[], the two
null-byte writes are off-by-two (a stack-based buffer overflow). Replace
this end-of-string "emulation" with an equivalent test on ch (and then
goto/break out of the loop).
2/ "sub_end += 2" jumps over the null-byte terminator in lin[] if the
line contains a raw (without a tilde) \001-\010 character. Detect such a
null-byte terminator and goto/break out of the loop.
Note: in the case of a raw \001-\010 character, the character at
"sub_end + 1" is never processed (it is skipped/jumped over); this is
not a security problem anymore (since 2/ was fixed), so we decided not
to change this behavior, for backward-compatibility.
. original qualys patch
commit ed8f6d9cc68fbadb26ee3009a3017b3e3ea63f28
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Whereas that original patch (since reversed) addressed
some symptoms related to manually edited config files,
this solution deals with root causes. And it goes much
beyond any single top field by protecting all of top's
fields. Henceforth, a duplicated field is not allowed.
. original qualys patch
commit c424a643318abfb534a692bd86c6a5e411ed2ebb
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Here, again, we have an example of attacking a problem
by addressing the symptoms. And that assertion made in
the original commit message is true if only if someone
had manually (maliciously) edited the top config file.
So let's reverse the original patch & thus prepare for
a proper solution addressing the cause, not a symptom.
. original qualys patch
commit c424a643318abfb534a692bd86c6a5e411ed2ebb
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
The whole idea was to make top's 'scat' function small
and very quick, unlike that standard 'strcat' routine.
To achieve that end we ignore the potential for buffer
overruns and trust callers to provide adequate dest's.
. original qualys patch
commit 9c745975b2ea306399ab2484af8ed2f37d472269
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This is as far as we need go with respect to the issue
of integer overflow addressed in that reference below.
That patch, of course, was reversed to prepare for us.
. original qualys patch
commit 131e5e2fe63f29edfc7df04b2b2a1682d93af846
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
That patch referenced below is being reverted because:
. By design, no other top macro looks like a function.
Instead, they all contain some minimal capitalization.
The 'grow_by_size' macro stands out like a sore thumb.
. We would need to approach 400+ million tasks for for
the 1st addressed problem to produce integer overflow.
. And a 2nd check against SSIZE_MAX remains a mystery.
Me thinks a system on which top is running will suffer
ENOMEM before we need to worry about integer overflow.
. original qualys patch
commit 131e5e2fe63f29edfc7df04b2b2a1682d93af846
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Rather than validate the window's 'sortindx' each time
it was referenced (as was done in the patch below), we
now ensure the validity just once when the config file
is read. Thereafter, a running top will police bounds.
. original qualys patch
commit d5b8ac7139093a5faf1f3c32d7d069728c471952
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
Here's yet another example of dealing with a potential
problem at the symptom level, instead of addressing it
at the source. So, we will reverse that original patch
referenced below in preparation for a proper solution.
[ at the least, this ugly code should have used that ]
[ existing MAXTBL macro, making it a little prettier ]
. original qualys patch
commit d5b8ac7139093a5faf1f3c32d7d069728c471952
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This patch replaces an original patch referenced below
which has now been reversed. We now validate variables
'graph_cpus', 'graph_mems' and 'summ_mscale' just once
at startup. Thereafter, top enforces the proper range.
[ we afford the same treatment to that 'task_mscale' ]
[ variable, which was ignored in the original patch. ]
. original qualys patch
commit cd8ba5670e21f8016e14efd247ed2dd6af887aea
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
The variables graph_cpus, graph_mems & summ_mscale are
all well managed in a running top. They were, however,
each vulnerable to tampering via the rcfile. So rather
than continually addressing the symptoms, we'll attack
the root cause just once at startup in the next patch.
. original qualys patch
commit cd8ba5670e21f8016e14efd247ed2dd6af887aea
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
While it's only documented (so far) in commit text and
an occasional email I've tried to maintain some coding
standards primarily for reference/navigation purposes.
They also served, I felt, as useful mental challenges.
Someday I will get around to formerly documenting them
but in the meantime here are the ones for this commit:
. functions are grouped into logical (i hope) sections
. functions & sections are ordered to avoid prototypes
. function names are alphabetical within every section
. all functions & sections must be referenced in top.h
This patch just attempts to honor the above standards,
while also covering this new behavior in the man page.
[ please note that the net result of these 2 patches ]
[ is simply to avoid pathname truncations should our ]
[ limit of 1024 be exceeded. they do not have a role ]
[ in solving the 'local privilege escalation' issue. ]
[ and we can never prevent a user from setting their ]
[ HOME var to a directory writable by some attacker! ]
[ the only real protection for that CVE-2018-1122 is ]
[ those soon to be enhanced rcfile integrity checks, ]
[ achieved through several of the following patches. ]
. original qualys patch
commit b45c4803dd176f4e3f9d3d47421ddec9bbbe66cd
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <>
This patch prevents three problems:
1/ Because snprintf() returns "the number of characters (excluding the
terminating null byte) which would have been written to the final string
if enough space had been available", _eol may point past the end of _str
and write out-of-bounds (in Batch mode).
2/ _eol is never checked against _str, so "while (*(--_eol) == ' ');"
may point _eol below _str and write out-of-bounds (in Batch mode).
3/ Sanity-check Pseudo_row to protect the strcpy().
This patch fixes two problems:
1/ In the switch case 0, if sub_end is at the very end of lin[], the two
null-byte writes are off-by-two (a stack-based buffer overflow). Replace
this end-of-string "emulation" with an equivalent test on ch (and then
goto/break out of the loop).
2/ "sub_end += 2" jumps over the null-byte terminator in lin[] if the
line contains a raw (without a tilde) \001-\010 character. Detect such a
null-byte terminator and goto/break out of the loop.
Note: in the case of a raw \001-\010 character, the character at
"sub_end + 1" is never processed (it is skipped/jumped over); this is
not a security problem anymore (since 2/ was fixed), so we decided not
to change this behavior, for backward-compatibility.
- Make sure i is at least 1 before "i - 1" and "--i".
- Initialize endpflg (to 0, as it was originally, since it is static)
before the "for" loop (the "break" may leave endpflg uninitialized,
for example).
pflgsall[] can contain PFLAGSSIZ = 100 elements, each iteration of the
loop can write 3 elements to pflgsall[], and there are EU_MAXPFLGS = 58
iterations: a buffer overflow (it can be triggered via the configuration
file, for example, by filling "fieldscur" with the "sortindx" flag).
The safety of the critical function task_show() depends on the sanity of
Screen_cols. Just copy the tests on w_cols to Screen_cols (from the same
function adj_geometry()).
Several of these buffer overflows can actually be triggered (through the
configuration file for example): in config_file(), inspection_utility(),
and show_special().
The default action for SIGURG is to ignore the signal, for example.
This is very similar to the patch "ps/display.c: Always exit from
Every time sortindx is used as an index, or loaded from the
configuration file. Otherwise it leads to out-of-bounds reads and
arbitrary code execution.
Otherwise they may lead to out-of-bounds writes (snprintf() returns the
number of characters which would have been written if enough space had
been available).
Also, make sure buf is null-terminated after COLPLUSCH has been written.
Otherwise they lead to out-of-bounds reads and format-string bugs.
Since these variables are set/written to in several places (for example,
config_file()), check them in the only place where they are read/used.
Also, constify the static gtab[]s.