If top were invoked under the 'screen' window manager,
writing the terminfo string 'exit_ca_mode' at top exit
would not restore the display to the state existing at
the time top was started. That's what occurs normally.
The net result of that failure was a corrupted screen.
However, there is a 'screen' configuration option that
will produce proper 'rmcup' behavior, but it is off by
default. That screencr option is known as 'altscreen'.
I stumbled across this provision by cloning the screen
git repository then searching for references to 'cup'.
If 'altscreen on' had been in either the /etc/screenrc
or the $HOME/.screenrc configuration file, my poor old
top would never have been accused of such corruptions.
Of course, the Programming Gods decree that any simple
solution for our problem must always be revealed last.
So before discovering that rc option, another approach
was taken involving top only. With just a little extra
refactoring of top display logic he was made immune to
any such quirk in the implementation of 'smcup/rmcup'.
I always feel good about any enhancement that actually
reduces the total number of lines of code. Even though
this change involved mostly rearranging some logic, it
yielded one less line (can't judge by diffstat because
of braces & notes). Anyway, rather than requiring some
change to a screenrc file, now we are self-sufficient.
procps ---------------------------------------------
. top : disable tty scrollback buffer to improve SIGWINCH
commit dedaf6e1a81738ff08ee8e8523871e12f555ad6d
screen ---------------------------------------------
. Improve cursor store/restore on smcup/rmcup.
commit f95352946080be803b794c9f2733d8c809c1a39a
. Fix using alternate screen buffers in some cases.
commit ad56f746c6243d45124485d198d577bdbb78071c
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
When summary & task area memory scaling was introduced
in release 3.3.6, the percentage columns were expanded
to provide 3 decimal places of precision. In hindsight
that may have been overkill, making those columns more
of a distraction than useful, with just too much info.
This patch will revert those columns to the former one
decimal place. And as was true, that decimal point may
be sacrificed depending on the number of cpus present.
And, in case anyone might prefer additional precision,
a build option can provide it (--enable-wide-percent).
commit 21e550bc080eb30f503b2ca6fe4e9cb12b8a1616
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
The NUMA/Nodes support in top has gone through several
evolutions (primarily dealing with build-sys options).
With this commit the library dependency issues are now
moot and the responsibilities for run-time loading and
dynamic linking are assumed by the top program itself.
Henceforth, if top is executed in an environment where
libnuma.so is present, top will offer such extensions.
Even more importantly, when a missing libnuma is later
installed, top will offer numa support auto-magically.
All NUMA/Node build-sys dependencies are thus removed.
The former NUMA_ENABLED define has become NUMA_DISABLE
should anyone wish to test user interface implications
in an environment that *does* have libnuma. It is also
represented as the ./configure option: --disable-numa.
Lastly, the 't' (View_STATES) toggle will be forced on
for sanity whenever the '1', '2' or '3' keys are used.
. original idea from: Dr. Fink <werner@suse.de>
. original numa suppoort
commit 8d989c68c068541a814bf0d2340ac9b0373f24b5
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Almost forever, top has been accessing the /proc/stat/
directory one line at a time until either smp_num_cpus
was reached or (more recently) Screen_rows is reached.
When NUMA/Nodes support is enabled screen rows will no
longer serve as a limit because all cpus must be read.
With this commit, the entire /proc/stat/ directory can
be read at once so all statistics will be frozen. Thus
individual cpus will no longer keep "ticing" until top
gets around to accessing them via some separate fgets.
The distortion this commit eliminates was quite easily
seen when comparing old/new tops using: individual cpu
stats vs. cpu summary; a healthy delay interval of 3-5
seconds; manually synchronized update cycles (the hard
part); some system loading (maybe another top at -d0).
Additionally, this patch eliminates some long standing
unnecessary initialization made possible because of an
allocation via calloc. If some parts are never touched
by sscanf due to a kernel version, it's unnecessary to
repeatedly re-initialize those portions to zero again.
. numa extensions added
commit 8d989c68c068541a814bf0d2340ac9b0373f24b5
. useless initialization evolution (old to new)
commit e54c8239b1c46cf7b99dd6120c9090303fa969c8
commit 9278134e49b6bf4d6e05c40f63cc6d6d6936e01b
commit fd62123562c2b71f292d3d3ee1a085709048b11a
commit f348575edc915db9df89acfb3f292920726ffe9a
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
With the addition of NUMA/Node support and the ability
to emulate such support even in the absence of libnuma
and numa.h, the maximum number of cpus top can emulate
was increased to make numa emulation more interesting.
( whew, that's an awful lot of "emulates", me thinks )
commit 8d989c68c068541a814bf0d2340ac9b0373f24b5
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit extends the top Summary Area cpu states to
include information on Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
nodes. It is based upon changes originally proposed by
Lance Shelton who was instrumental in the final patch.
With this change, the user will have new commands that
will provide alternatives to the individual cpu stats:
. '2' toggles between cpu & numa node summary displays
. '3' provides node summary and related cpu statistics
These extensions required some minimal system support.
Typically, the numactl package (and maybe libnuma-dev)
are all that's needed to show a single node which owns
all the processors. Failing that, or for slightly more
variety, top also offers a #define named PRETEND_NUMA.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Signed-off-by: Lance Shelton <LShelton@fusionio.com>
When 'Other Filtering' was introduced the idea of what
constituted a displayed row changed. No longer was any
call to task_show assured of consuming one screen row.
Now the determining factor was whether or not the rows
were empty. This worked Ok until a certain Find string
was active then the entire display could be corrupted.
With Find active, the task_show() function alters each
returned row while highlighting each visible match. If
the search was on a single byte value & matched at the
beginning of a row the match got overwritten with '\0'
which then appears empty upon return to window_show().
So that row would not be counted as having been shown.
This was best illustrated with a Find on a single ' '.
This patch will restore proper 'Find/Locate' behavior.
commit 5edc6fb3174f1fd02bbfca61ec6d8a3a2e12f71c
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
If the 'Inspect' feature was used to view a file which
contained binary (unprintable) data, and when the last
line for such a file was purely unprintable, then that
line length would be overstated by the terminal width.
This was also the occasion where valgrind might object
over potential reference to some unitialized value(s).
It was a harmless situation and somewhat rare to begin
with. Anyway this commit will eliminate the potential.
Additionally, supporting readfile logic was simplified
and the 'status line' bytes read is now more accurate.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
There is a member of the osel_s structure called 'flg'
that is used to reflect whether a particular filter is
one of inclusion or exclusion (negation). So by golly,
from now on we'll refer to it as 'inc', and not 'flg'!
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Two too many of these '=' (cooks) spoiled top's broth.
There exists an unintentional variation on the classic
error: off-by-one. When a negation symbol is used with
top's new relational 'other filter' provision, one too
many 'matches' are excluded. This happened because top
covered only 2 of the 3 potential strcmp return codes.
When the strings were equal, they were simply dropped.
So this patch will uninvent that particular variation!
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit 2c2c5f5cd2f90c46c778fad6bc2e4105264cf668
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
When I originally entertained thoughts of maybe adding
relational operators to the new 'Other Filter' feature
the programming challenges seemed just too great. Yet,
when Jaromir suggests its desirability it now suddenly
becomes a reality. Another of life's little mysteries!
At any rate what was already an extremely powerful new
feature is even better by several orders of magnitude!
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This change represents the extension of user filtering
based on inclusion or exclusion. However where 'U'/'u'
filtering provides an either/or choice, this extension
offers multiple choices applicable to multiple fields.
The 'inclusion' and 'exclusion' criteria can be freely
combined making a powerful tool to fine tune a display
and avoid clutter associated with uninteresting tasks.
I'm convinced it offers unimagined future flexibility!
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
While it's only documented (so far) in commit text and
an occasional email I've tried to maintain some coding
standards primarily for reference/navigation purposes.
They also served, I felt, as useful mental challenges.
Someday I will get around to formerly documenting them
but in the meantime here are the ones for this commit:
. functions are grouped into logical (i hope) sections
. functions & sections are ordered to avoid prototypes
. function names are alphabetical within every section
Thus, given those constraints/objectives, and in order
to prepare for an upcoming Other_Filter feature, a few
things had to be renamed and rearranged. Plus a couple
of other (unrelated) tweaks were made for consistency.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit 270e8e7eeb66b47569940f537cdad4ab46cd36be
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
if top is suspended while on the 2nd level help screen
the <Enter> key is no longer honored. Thus, users must
use <Esc> to exit help and return to the main display.
Also, line input that was only partially complete when
suspended would still require one additional keystroke
before the read was aborted and the display refreshed.
Lastly, some user interactions might require two input
lines before an operation can be considered completed.
Thus the 2nd line offers another opportunity for users
to suspend top. Resumption would require an extra key.
These issues stem from 2 recent enhancements: preserve
the user context when signaled; complete input editing
with cursor movement keys, insert/overtype modes, etc.
With this patch, the <Enter> key is once again honored
on help screen #2 and partial reads are now completed.
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bug reported
response to ^Z (partial solution)
commit 5c3fffcf289c89f6a1171f18e33365f909d096d5
line input editing
commit 477b10c0bd00ed8750c02a9580e606baadb0e6f4
preserve context with SIGWINCH
commit ba9092ad83d37d9eb91ded49380a9bedeba4bac6
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
After revisiting the issue of a new field, combining 2
existing fields (RES and SWAP), I've decided it indeed
makes sense. After all, with the vastly expanded field
capability and the ease of adding new fields, it would
save some precious horizontal screen real estate while
also eliminating some mental/manual user calculations.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
top/top.1 | 23 ++++++++++++++---------
top/top.c | 14 ++++++++++++--
top/top.h | 6 ++++++
top/top_nls.c | 3 +++
4 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
This commit just gathers all the logic associated with
resetting/normalizing a single window in one function.
In the future, should the window structure be expanded
to support added functionality, the act of maintaining
it will have been made a little bit easier, hopefully.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
When true line input editing with paste capability was
was re-introduced in the commit below, the concept for
the distinct insert/overtype mode was also introduced.
But such a distinction did not survive an <Enter> key.
With this commit, the cursor state is made persistent.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit 477b10c0bd00ed8750c02a9580e606baadb0e6f4
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
When both 'kill' and 'renice' commands were changed to
provide a default pid, the 'n' command (maximum tasks)
should have also changed to continue to accept just an
<Enter> key under the get_int function's new protocol.
This patch corrects that behavior, accepting no input.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit 39f4067c66141921a9ca2a5170df1fa2151f3182
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
The original implementation of input line recall keeps
strings in the order established when initially added.
With this commit, that has been changed so any matched
string moves to the top of the saved input line stack.
[ well technically not the top since that's occupied ]
[ by an 'empty' string which serves multiple masters ]
Thus, the most frequently referenced strings over time
will percolate up and remain the most easily recalled.
But just in case anybody prefers the strict historical
ordering, a #define can restore the original behavior.
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit 2efe275512f62f1e25fda96ebc8446b52c6882f0
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Now that line input offers users full editing freedom,
if top were to be suspended after issuing a prompt for
input, upon resumption an extra keystroke is necessary
to satisfy the outstanding read & refresh the display.
With this patch that extra keystroke is not necessary.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit 477b10c0bd00ed8750c02a9580e606baadb0e6f4
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This patch fixes the single stinkin' source line which
was responsible for breaking the top idle-mode toggle.
Without this change, either 'u' or 'U' must be invoked
just once before the 'i' command would show something.
(yes, everything's perfectly justified once again but)
(i'm not very happy over the need for this damn patch)
commit d04297843f14e399c699c29b4222b9c9d168c116
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
With this commit, users can now retrieve previous line
input for re-editing and/or re-input using the Up/Down
arrow keys (or their aliases). This mirrors the 'bash'
or 'less' interface and represents a major enhancement
achieved via a somewhat minor impact to our code base.
[ 33 lines of code, 5 closing braces & some comments ]
[ all in 1 function, when TERMIOS_ONLY isn't defined ]
Currently, the upper limit for such recallable strings
has been set at 50 but that could be easily increased.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This patch changes the TERMIO_PROXY define back to the
former TERMIOS_ONLY thus changing the top default too.
Plus we can now use true line input editing while also
retaining paste capability. That former native termios
support provided only a limited destructive backspace.
Now we exploit the Left/Right arrow keys, Home/End and
Delete. Plus, the Insert key can toggle overtype mode!
[ The stage is now set for a really huge improvement ]
[ to any user input terminated with the <Enter> key. ]
[ So please stay tuned for the next patch to arrive! ]
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit fa21a6ca819f0f8442849552d0c499e79263ffdb
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
With this commit top can now display users which match
a user id/name or just those users which do not match.
The distinction is based on the presence or absence of
a leading exclamation point '!' (C negation operator).
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Wishlist, http://bugs.debian.org/682086
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Lately, top has begun to rely more and more on dynamic
memory allocations rather than the static buffers that
were found in many of its structures. This was perhaps
most evident in the increasing use of the strdup call.
This commit trades that function call for the internal
equivalent which will protect us from malloc failures.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
A recent commit, that was intended to normalize cursor
handling, unintentionally exposed the cursor following
an Inspect 'Locate' request. This change will hide the
cursor once again through inst_view_choice's lifetime.
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit f3a87cf634976a6d2a05c5dde19458f7a222e499
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
When top was changed to allow some core dumps, the two
potential end-of-job reports were disabled by mistake.
Later, that was corrected so that those reports always
were allowed, if the respective #defines were enabled.
However, if there was an early exit via a command line
option or an error, those reports should not be shown.
This commit may have gotten it right on our third try!
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit 1da293bf59187c734acfa89615265ecaf04b3a95
commit d747659ad80ac6e704ce0bc11150d13ab1622f6b
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
When two somewhat cryptic error messages were recently
changed to more user friendly text, the logic limiting
maximum columns was left unchanged at six. This always
was a rather arbitrary limit but now the revised error
message could actually be misleading (ok, a huge lie).
With a 1 line code change (macro actually), this patch
lifts the internal restriction on maximum columns. Now
the real limit is based on a window's physical x-axis.
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit 5a27c8095ef015e9c40709ba3186422bdf3fc069
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
A scrollback buffer used in several terminal emulators
could be a real inconvenience to a user following some
resize operations. Extra keystroke(s) would frequently
be required in order to properly render top's display.
After much sleuthing we unearthed two terminfo strings
which have the effect of disabling/restoring that darn
scrollback buffer. They were well hidden under a title
of strings 'to start/end programs using cup'. In turn,
'cup' deals with a tty's cursor addressing capability.
We don't care what you call them or what they refer to
so long as they get the job done. And these really do!
Be advised, however, that there are some side effects,
several of which can even be considered as beneficial:
. enter_ca_mode/smcup/ti disables scrollback buffering
( and that's good, it's what we had always hoped for )
. exit_ca_mode/rmcup/te restores the scrollback buffer
( but also restores screen contents existing pre-top )
( which is different from former program end results )
( where that last rendered screen was left untouched )
. the above screen replacement would impact ^Z suspend
( thus we keep the scrollback buffer disabled during )
( the suspend/resume sequence so that the users will )
( have a visual clue that top is suspended not ended )
If a terminal does not support these terminfo strings,
we will revert to top's former behavior at program end
where we position the cursor at screen bottom and then
output a single newline character. This will prevent a
shell prompt from embedding within top's final screen.
This commit's approach has been tested under a variety
of emulators and window managers, many of which linked
with libvte and others that employed their own scheme.
Examples are: gnome_terminal; kde konsole; lxterminal;
terminator; terminology; urxvt; xfce4-terminal; xterm.
I do now believe that the whole SIGWINCH deal is done!
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit standardizes the usage of several terminfo
strings concerned with cursor position and visibility.
Henceforth we will adopt the following informal rules:
. Cap_home vs. Cap_clr_scr is preferred where possible
. Cap_curs_huge will be used with prompts for line i/p
. Cap_curs_huge will be used with help & color mapping
. Cap_curs_hide will be in effect in any other context
We've also added a missing Cap_clr_scr to the 2nd help
screen whenever the SIGWINCH interrupt was recognized.
This prevents a 'duplicated' row from appearing at the
top of the display (when resizing from small to large)
depending on an emulator's scrollback buffer contents.
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This change involves the Fields Management logic only.
With user position being maintained after signals, the
previous algorithm unfortunately used Cap_clr_eos with
each iteration of the loop. The screen flicker invited
with that choice was not apparent under all emulators.
With this commit, clearing to end-of-screen has become
conditional on whether or not there was a true resize.
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
commit ba9092ad83d37d9eb91ded49380a9bedeba4bac6
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
No top #define is enabled and that constitutes default
behavior. So whenever a default behavior should change
the define must be changed too if it is to remain off.
This commit simply changes top's default behavior with
respect to allowing/suppressing any potential flood of
SIGWINCH during resize operations, if running under X.
Formerly top would block those signals to reduce costs
of repeated refreshes. That yields a requirement where
the user would have to provide another keystroke for a
final display update. That keystroke may not always be
needed now, but it ultimately depends on some terminal
emulator's scrollback buffer. In any case, the cost of
re-sizing may go up a bit, under most window managers.
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commit 4f33b6b8c56464b4044deb29a3bb0e32622e108f
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
After carefully working our way to the point where the
excessive SIGWINCH interrupts are now throttled, along
comes a commit which reverses all those prior efforts.
Actually it doesn't. It simply allows one to choose if
all those efforts should be reversed or remain active.
Why in the world would you even want to consider that?
Quite simply, to opt for responsiveness over overhead.
Oh, and depending on the terminal emulator used for X,
by enabling this OFF_SIGWINCH #define you will be able
to avoid the need for an extra keystroke after resize.
Besides it was an interesting programming challenge to
see just how few lines of code would be needed to make
it possible. Bottom line? Only 1 source line required!
(actually 0 lines, since the define disables one line)
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Whew, it was nip-and-tuck there for awhile but finally
we solved the SIGWINCH overload problem one finds with
most X window managers. Now if a window manager should
try to inundate ol' top with repeated SIGWINCH signals
they won't even be received so can't impact us at all.
And we achieve this miracle having never even issued a
sigprocmask, so all the top code executes with signals
totally unblocked. Intuition suggests it probably rubs
even more salt in the wound, but au contraire mon ami!
The key to our success was simply trading the 'select'
call for its cousin 'pselect'. Not only does that call
provide nanosecond granularity (vs. the former's usec)
but it takes a sigset_t parm which can then atomically
block the troublesome SIGWINCH guy until user input or
optional timeout. Net result? No more signal overload!
Now, if only we could just coax all terminal emulators
into one identical standard buffering scheme plus find
some way to emulate the most recent SIGWINCH, it would
be perfect. We would then obviate the user requirement
of typing yet 1 more key before seeing proper results.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit primarily involves renaming functions plus
reorganizing logic in preparation for the next changes
which will hopefully yield the 'final solution' to the
excessive SIGWINCH signals under most window managers.
In this specific patch, the most significant change is
the introduction of a new 'ioa' function (io avail) to
focus all logic dealing with unsolicited user keyboard
input and exposed to signals and/or optional timeouts.
That new function is where our signal overload will be
ultimately defeated, if it is at all humanly possible.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Prior to this commit, top has always taken the easiest
(safest?) approach when dealing with those troublesome
SIGWINCH interrupts. Whenever the user was on a screen
other than the main display, any signal received would
force an immediate exit, returning to the main screen.
With these changes, top will retain the user's current
position regardless of what screen he/she was viewing.
In support the following additional changes were made:
* the initial help screen requires an explicit end key
` not 'any other key' formerly used to request an exit
* the colors mapping screen instructions were improved
* ^Z response was made immediate, eliminating the flag
* the sigaction's SA_RESTART flag had to be eliminated
* sigprocmask logic was normailize to the bare minimum
* the POSIX.1-2004 async-signal safe functions used in
` the signal handlers were acknowledged and documented
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit just addresses the following minor issues:
. eliminate the leading tab character upon error exits
. standardized single key input as 'keyin', not 'chin'
. symbolic keys changed to guarantee no negative value
. placed most 'case' statement labels on a unique line
. standardized lvalue/rvalue convention in while loops
. fixed prototype declaration in the 'debug_END' macro
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(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Some testing under a new distro revealed what appeared
to be a broken top Inspect request. When the selection
was made, the resulting output was scrambled/scrunched
at the bottom of the screen (as if ^J's were missing).
This anomaly surfaced under Fedora-18 which happens to
use the above ncurses version. The bug was not present
in version 5.9.20120714 (available with openSUSE 12.2)
or the more widely available version of: 5.9.20110404.
It has now been confirmed that this problem originated
in version 5.9.20120825. It was then that buffering of
output was changed from stdio to some internal ncurses
scheme so as to avoid problems with its SIGTSTP logic.
Thanks to a very prompt response from Thomas E. Dickey
we also learned that contrary to the documentation the
putp logic does not call putchar internally. Thus, the
single putchar that Inspect was employing was actually
mixing 2 different buffering schemes: ncurses & stdio.
Thus, from now on we'll use putp() exclusively and try
to achieve single char output as efficiently as we can
while meeting that putp() string argument requirement.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
There existed a small chance that the display could be
corrupted when a search string was found within a row.
For that to happen, conditions like these were needed:
. a very short Locate string was active in some window
. the string matched part of a terminfo <esc> sequence
. that sequence was used in highlighting running tasks
. the 'x' toggle was active (sort column highlighting)
One solution to this potential problem was to manually
turn off sort column highlighting before using Locate.
But rather than rely on a user remedy, we'll automate.
Since other top provisions were already being enforced
when Locate was in use (off 'i' and/or 'u'/'U'), we'll
now also force column highlighting off when the search
string in a given window is not empty. However, unlike
idle tasks and user filtering, when that search string
*is* emptied, we restore highlighting for that window.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit just addresses the following minor issues:
. restored both lost end-of-job reporting capabilities
. added missing initializers to the DEF_RCFILE #define
. added 'nls_maybe' eye-catcher to the 'Scaled_sfxtab'
. removed a now superfluous 'READMINSZ' assertion test
. man document references to 'top' are more consistent
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
Both of the 'file' and 'pipe' Inspect read buffers are
always 2048 bytes bigger than is actually needed which
provided for some slightly simplified row paint logic.
However, with no real rcfile inspect entries, and thus
operating in 'demo' mode, the allocated buffer is only
2048 bytes total. This can produce a valgrind warning.
This commit simply puts the inspect 'demo' buffer on a
par with other allocated real buffers (an extra 2048).
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
In a effort to anticipate a potential future wishlist,
the recent '-o' sort override command line switch will
now support an override of the sort direction as well.
By prepending a '+' or '-' to any valid field name the
user will be able to guarantee a specific desired sort
direction. The '+' forces a high-to-low (normal) order
while a '-' reverses that to yield a low-to-high sort.
Without this addition users would be left to the mercy
of whatever was last specified for Curwin as reflected
in the rcfile or top's default of a high-to-low order.
(everything is perfectly justified plus right margins)
(are completely filled, but of course it must be luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
The recent change to task area memory scaling was just
a little short of optimum in its consistency and upper
limits. In fact, top could only scale memory fields up
to a maximum of 99.9999 TiB (with VIRT a little more).
While that seems like more than enough it was actually
artificially low, due to an unnecessary decimal place.
So, this commit standardizes both precision and widths
to achieve a minimum amount of scaling beyond the user
requested target plus reclaim some horizontal spacing.
. VIRT & DATA are now 7 bytes wide (not eight and six)
. other memory fields are 6 wide (were formerly seven)
. as before, KiB shows whole numbers only (no decimal)
. MiB, for its precision, shows a single decimal place
. all other memory ranges display three decimal places
The net result is a more homogeneous display with less
forced scaling and the recovery of three lost columns.
(now that we know a '.' + 2 spaces is squeezed to one)
(everything's perfectly justified, but it's just luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit will allow user filtering as long as there
is a valid number representing a potential user ID. It
will serve, for example, chroot environments where the
specific user may be unknown to a host, or vice versa.
(now that we know a '.' + 2 spaces is squeezed to one)
(everything's perfectly justified, but it's just luck)
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
This commit was adapted from the openSUSE patch, whose
original comments appear between the --- marker below.
It should be noted, however, that the original changes
were ineffective (wasted) because 'Batch' mode had not
yet been set when signals were being checked and their
handlers established. Thus, SIGHUP was never bypassed.
(of course, only our comments are perfectly justified)
Do not setup SIGHUP signal handler if we are in the batch mode
Top enables a signal handler for the SIGHUP signal (loss of terminal). While
this makes sense for top's default interactive mode, it doesn't make any sense
for batch mode. If you run top in nohup just to collect data over time and
disconnect top finishes which is not what one would expect.
Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>