set env(LC_ALL) "C"
regexp "(.*\/)testsuite" $objdir objdir topdir

# These are the same as include/c.h
set usage_help "\\s*-h, --help\\s+display this help and exit\\s+"
set usage_version "\\s*-V, --version\\s+output version information and exit\\s+"
set usage_man "\\s*For more details see \\S+\\."

proc kill_process pid {
    set cmdline "kill $pid"
    if { [catch { exec /bin/sh -c $cmdline } msg]} {
        warning "Could not kill process: $msg\n"

proc procps_v_version { tool } {
  global topdir
  set toolpath ${topdir}${tool}
  set tmp [ exec $toolpath -V ]
  regexp "from procps-ng (\[0-9.\]*)" $tmp tmp version
  clone_output "$toolpath version $version\n"

proc free_version {} { procps_v_version free }
proc kill_version {} { procps_v_version kill }
proc pgrep_version {} { procps_v_version pgrep }
proc pkill_version {} { procps_v_version pkill }
proc pmap_version {} { procps_v_version pmap }
proc pwdx_version {} { procps_v_version pwdx }
proc sysctl_version {} { procps_v_version sysctl }
proc uptime_version {} { procps_v_version uptime }
proc vmstat_version {} { procps_v_version vmstat }
proc w_version {} { procps_v_version w }

# common utilities
proc expect_continue { testname reg } {
    expect {
        -re "$reg" { }
        eof { fail "$testname" }
        timeout { fail "$testname" }

proc expect_pass { testname reg } {
    expect {
        -re "$reg" { pass "$testname" }
        default { fail "$testname" }
		timeout { fail "$testname" }

proc expect_blank { testname } {
    expect {
        -re "\\w" { fail "$testname" }
        eof { pass "$testname" }
        timeout { pass "$testname" }

proc expect_table { test match_header match_items match_footer } {
    expect {
        -re "$match_header" {
            expect {
                -re "$match_items" {
                    expect {
                        -re "$match_footer" { pass "$test" }
                        default { fail "$test (footer)" }
                default { fail "$test (items)" }
        default { fail "$test (header)" }

proc expect_table_dsc { test match_header match_item } {
    expect {
        -re $match_header {}
        default {
            fail "$test (header)"

    set do_loop 1
    set last_value 99999999
    set found_item 0
    while { $do_loop ==1 } {
    expect {
        -re $match_item {
            set current_value $expect_out(1,string)
            if { $current_value > $last_value } {
                fail "$test (sorting $current_value > $last_value)"
            } else {
                set found_item 1
                set last_value $current_value
        default {
            if { $found_item == 0 } {
                fail "$test (items)"
            } else {
                pass $test
    #expect {
    #    -re $match_footer { pass $test }
    #    default { fail "$test (footer)" }

proc make_testproc { } {
    global testproc_path testproc_comm testproc1_pid testproc2_pid topdir

    set testproc_realpath "${topdir}/lib/test_process"
    set testproc_comm "spcorp"

    set testproc_path [ exec mktemp -u ]
    exec ln -s $testproc_realpath $testproc_path

    spawn readlink $testproc_path
    expect {
        -re "^$testproc_realpath\\s*$" { }
        timeout { perror "test proc does not link to test process" }
        eof { perror "test proc does not link to test process" }

    set testproc1_pid [ exec $testproc_path & ]
    set testproc2_pid [ exec $testproc_path & ]

proc kill_testproc { } {
    global testproc_path testproc1_pid testproc2_pid

    kill_process $testproc1_pid
    kill_process $testproc2_pid
    file delete $testproc_path

proc get_tty {} {
    if { [catch { set raw_tty [ exec tty ] } msg]} {
        warning "No TTY found"
        return ""
    regexp "/dev/(.+)" $raw_tty > tty
    return $tty