# # Dejagnu tests for pgrep - part of procps # set mypid [pid] set not_ppid [ expr { $mypid + 1 } ] set pgrep "${topdir}pgrep" set uid [ exec id -u ] set not_uid [ expr { $uid + 1 } ] set gid [ exec id -g ] set not_gid [ expr { $gid + 1 } ] set raw_tty [ exec tty ] regexp "/dev/(.+)" $raw_tty > tty set newsleep_path [ exec mktemp -u ] exec ln -s "/bin/sleep" $newsleep_path set sleep1_pid [ exec $newsleep_path 600 & ] set sleep2_pid [ exec $newsleep_path 600 & ] set newsleep [ exec basename $newsleep_path ] set newsleep_len [ string length $newsleep ] set newsleep_trim [ string range $newsleep 0 [ expr { $newsleep_len - 2 } ] ] set sleep1_sid [ exec ps --no-headers -o sid $sleep1_pid ] spawn readlink $newsleep_path expect { -re "^/bin/sleep\\s*$" { } timeout { fail "sleep symlink broken in prgrep tests" } eof { fail "sleep symlink broken in prgrep tests" } } set test "pgprep with no arguments" spawn $pgrep expect_pass "$test" "^pgrep: No matching criteria specified\\s*" set test "pgrep find both test pids" spawn $pgrep $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s*$" # In Debian only #set test "pgrep counts 2 test pids" #spawn $pgrep -c $newsleep #expect_pass "$test" "^2\\s*" set test "pgrep with : delimiter" spawn $pgrep -d : $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^${sleep1_pid}:${sleep2_pid}\\s*$" # FIXME - Need to test against -f flag set test "pgrep match against full process name" untested $test set test "pgrep with matching gid" spawn $pgrep -G $gid $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep with not matching gid" spawn $pgrep -G $not_gid $newsleep expect_blank $test set test "pgrep with process name" spawn $pgrep -l $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$newsleep\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s+$newsleep\\s*$" set test "pgrep find newest test pid" spawn $pgrep -n $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep2_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep find oldest test pid" spawn $pgrep -o $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep matches with parent pid" spawn $pgrep -P $mypid $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep doesn't match with bogus parent pid" spawn $pgrep -P $not_ppid $newsleep expect_blank "$test" set test "pgrep matches with its own sid" spawn $pgrep -s $sleep1_sid $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep doesn't match with bogus sid" spawn $pgrep -s 1 $newsleep expect_blank "$test" set test "pgrep matches on tty" spawn $pgrep -t $tty $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep doesn't match with bogus tty" spawn $pgrep -t glass $newsleep expect_blank "$test" set test "pgrep with matching euid" spawn $pgrep -u $uid $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep with not matching euid" spawn $pgrep -u $not_uid $newsleep expect_blank $test set test "pgrep with matching uid" spawn $pgrep -U $uid $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep with not matching uid" spawn $pgrep -U $not_uid $newsleep expect_blank $test set test "pgrep matches on substring" spawn $pgrep $newsleep_trim expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep matches full string with exact" spawn $pgrep -x $newsleep expect_pass "$test" "^$sleep1_pid\\s+$sleep2_pid\\s*$" set test "pgrep does not match substring with exact" spawn $pgrep -x $newsleep_trim expect_blank $test # Cleanup exec kill $sleep1_pid exec kill $sleep2_pid exec rm $newsleep_path