
set pwdx "${topdir}pwdx"
# Run pwdx with no arguments
set test "pwdx no args"
spawn $pwdx
expect_pass "$test" "^\\s*Usage:\\s+\(lt-\)\?pwdx \\\[options\\\] pid\.\.\."

# Run pwdx with pid 0 which is invalid
set test "pwdx pid 0 should be invalid"
spawn $pwdx 0
expect_pass "$test" "\(lt-\)\?pwdx\: invalid process id\: 0"

# Run pwdx with existing pid
set test "pwdx find test process cwd"
set my_pwd [ pwd ]
spawn $pwdx $testproc1_pid
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid: $my_pwd"

# Cleanup