# # This is a warning-suppression file for valgrind supplied by libproc # to be used with the option: --suppressions=/libproc.supp. # # Memory leak warnings will only be encountered when a multi-threaded # program has used the 'procps_pids' interface. That is because this # library employs heap based memory in a thread safe manner. However, # such memory will not be freed until the address space is reclaimed. # # When a sibling thread using this 'procps_pids' API ends, or if some # other thread in that address space calls 'pthread_cancel()' on such # a thread, valgrind may warn that some memory was 'definitely lost'. # # Any such warnings are dependent on the 'pids_item' enumerators that # have been specified using 'procps_pids_new' or 'procps_pids_reset'. # # A single-threaded application should not experience these warnings. # ## for most of the 'definitely lost' warnings, ## up to 4 blocks ranging from 1024 to 2048 bytes each { HEAP_BASED_TLS_file2str Memcheck:Leak ... fun:file2str } ## for the remaining 'definitely lost' warnings, ## a block for each active lxc container, 16 bytes + sizeof name { HEAP_BASED_TLS_lxc Memcheck:Leak ... fun:lxc_containers } ## in case an installed library has been stripped, ## this embraces both of the above warning categories { HEAP_BASED_TLS_library Memcheck:Leak ... obj:/usr/*lib*/libproc* obj:/usr/local/*lib*/libproc* }