/* top.c - Source file: show Linux processes */ /* * Copyright (c) 2002, by: James C. Warner * All rights reserved. 8921 Hilloway Road * Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55347 USA * * * This file may be used subject to the terms and conditions of the * GNU Library General Public License Version 2, or any later version * at your option, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. */ /* For their contributions to this program, the author wishes to thank: * Craig Small, * Albert D. Cahalan, */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "proc/devname.h" #include "proc/procps.h" #include "proc/readproc.h" #include "proc/sig.h" #ifdef USE_LIB_STA3 #include "proc/status.h" #endif #include "proc/sysinfo.h" #include "proc/version.h" #include "proc/whattime.h" #include "top.h" /*###### Miscellaneous global stuff ####################################*/ /* The original and new terminal attributes */ static struct termios Savedtty, Rawtty; static int Ttychanged = 0; /* Program name used in error messages and local 'rc' file name */ static char *Myname; /* The Name of the local config file, dynamically constructed */ static char RCfile [OURPATHSZ]; /* The run-time acquired page size */ static int Page_size; /* SMP, Irix/Solaris mode, Linux 2.5.xx support */ static int Cpu_tot, *Cpu_map; /* assume no IO-wait stats, overridden if linux 2.5.41 */ static const char *States_fmts = STATES_line2x4; /* Specific process id monitoring support */ static pid_t Monpids [MONPIDMAX] = { 0 }; static int Monpidsidx = 0; /* A postponed error message */ static char Msg_delayed [SMLBUFSIZ]; static int Msg_awaiting = 0; /* Configurable Display support ##################################*/ /* Current screen dimensions. note: the number of processes displayed is tracked on a per window basis (see the WIN_t). Max_lines is the total number of screen rows after deducting summary information overhead. */ /* Current terminal screen size. */ static int Screen_cols, Screen_rows, Max_lines; /* This is really the number of lines needed to display the summary information (0 - nn), but is used as the relative row where we stick the cursor between frames. */ static int Msg_row; /* Global/Non-windows mode stuff that IS persistent (in rcfile) */ static int Mode_altscr = 0; /* 'A' - 'Alt' display mode (multi windows) */ /* 11/02 - next no longer alters a proc_t, it COULD be window based! */ static int Mode_irixps = 1; /* 'I' - Irix vs. Solaris mode (SMP-only) */ static float Delay_time = DEF_DELAY; /* how long to sleep between updates */ /* Global/Non-windows mode stuff that is NOT persistent */ static int No_ksyms = -1, /* set to '0' if ksym avail, '1' otherwise */ PSDBopen = 0, /* set to '1' if psdb opened (now postponed) */ Batch = 0, /* batch mode, collect no input, dumb output */ Loops = -1, /* number of iterations, -1 loops forever */ Secure_mode = 0; /* set if some functionality restricted */ /* Some cap's stuff to reduce runtime calls -- to accomodate 'Batch' mode, they begin life as empty strings */ static char Cap_clr_eol [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", Cap_clr_eos [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", Cap_clr_scr [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", Cap_curs_norm [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", Cap_curs_huge [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", Cap_home [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", Cap_norm [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", Cap_reverse [CAPBUFSIZ] = "", Caps_off [CAPBUFSIZ] = ""; static int Cap_can_goto = 0; /* Some optimization stuff... The Pseudo_ guys are managed by reframewins and utilized in a macro. The Stdout_buf is transparent to our code and regardless of whose buffer is used, stdout is flushed at frame end or if interactive. */ static char *Pseudo_scrn; static int Pseudo_row, Pseudo_cols, Pseudo_size; #ifndef STDOUT_IOLBF // much less than typical xterm but, with luck, mostly newlines anyway static char Stdout_buf[2048]; #endif /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* Special Section: multiple windows/field groups ---------------*/ /* The pointers to our four WIN_t's, and which of those is considered the 'current' window (ie. which window is associated with any summ info displayed and to which window commands are directed) */ static WIN_t *Winstk [GROUPSMAX], *Curwin; /* Frame oriented stuff that can't remain local to any 1 function and/or that would be too cumbersome managed as parms, and/or that are simply more efficient handle as globals */ static int Frame_libflgs; // current PROC_FIILxxx flags (0 = need new) static unsigned Frame_maxtask; // last known number of active tasks // ie. current 'size' of proc table static unsigned Frame_running, // state categories for this frame Frame_sleepin, Frame_stopped, Frame_zombied; static float Frame_tscale; // so we can '*' vs. '/' WHEN 'pcpu' static int Frame_srtflg, // the subject window sort direction Frame_ctimes, // the subject window's ctimes flag Frame_cmdlin; // the subject window's cmdlin flag /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /*###### Sort callbacks ################################################*/ /* * These happen to be coded in the same order as the enum 'pflag' * values. Note that 2 of these routines serve double duty -- * 2 columns each. */ _SC_NUMx(P_PID, pid) _SC_NUMx(P_PPD, ppid) _SC_NUMx(P_PGD, pgrp) _SC_NUMx(P_UID, euid) _SC_STRx(P_USR, euser) _SC_STRx(P_GRP, egroup) _SC_NUMx(P_TTY, tty) _SC_NUMx(P_PRI, priority) _SC_NUMx(P_NCE, nice) _SC_NUMx(P_CPN, processor) _SC_NUM1(P_CPU, pcpu) // also serves P_TM2 ! static int sort_P_TME (const proc_t **P, const proc_t **Q) { if (Frame_ctimes) { if ( ((*P)->cutime + (*P)->cstime + (*P)->utime + (*P)->stime) < ((*Q)->cutime + (*Q)->cstime + (*Q)->utime + (*Q)->stime) ) return SORT_lt; if ( ((*P)->cutime + (*P)->cstime + (*P)->utime + (*P)->stime) > ((*Q)->cutime + (*Q)->cstime + (*Q)->utime + (*Q)->stime) ) return SORT_gt; } else { if ( ((*P)->utime + (*P)->stime) < ((*Q)->utime + (*Q)->stime)) return SORT_lt; if ( ((*P)->utime + (*P)->stime) > ((*Q)->utime + (*Q)->stime)) return SORT_gt; } return SORT_eq; } _SC_NUM1(P_VRT, size) _SC_NUM2(P_SWP, size, resident) _SC_NUM1(P_RES, resident) // also serves P_MEM ! _SC_NUM1(P_COD, trs) _SC_NUM1(P_DAT, drs) _SC_NUM1(P_SHR, share) _SC_NUM1(P_FLT, maj_flt) _SC_NUM1(P_DRT, dt) _SC_NUMx(P_STA, state) static int sort_P_CMD (const proc_t **P, const proc_t **Q) { /* if a process doesn't have a cmdline, we'll consider it a kernel thread -- since displayed tasks are given special treatment, we must too */ if (Frame_cmdlin && ((*P)->cmdline || (*Q)->cmdline)) { if (!(*Q)->cmdline) return Frame_srtflg * -1; if (!(*P)->cmdline) return Frame_srtflg; return Frame_srtflg * strncmp((*Q)->cmdline[0], (*P)->cmdline[0], (unsigned)Curwin->maxcmdln); } // this part also handles the compare if both are kernel threads return Frame_srtflg * strcmp((*Q)->cmd, (*P)->cmd); } _SC_NUM1(P_WCH, wchan) _SC_NUM1(P_FLG, flags) /* ///////////////////////////////// special sort for prochlp() ! */ static int sort_HIST_t (const HIST_t *P, const HIST_t *Q) { return -1 * ( Q->pid - P->pid ); } /*###### Tiny useful routine(s) ########################################*/ /* * This routine isolates ALL user INPUT and ensures that we * wont be mixing I/O from stdio and low-level read() requests */ static int chin (int ech, char *buf, unsigned cnt) { int rc; fflush(stdout); if (!ech) rc = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, cnt); else { tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Savedtty); rc = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, cnt); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Rawtty); } /* may be the beginning of a lengthy escape sequence */ tcflush(STDIN_FILENO, TCIFLUSH); return rc; /* note: we do NOT produce a vaid 'string' */ } /* * This routine simply formats whatever the caller wants and * returns a pointer to the resulting 'const char' string... */ static const char *fmtmk (const char *fmts, ...) { static char buf[BIGBUFSIZ]; /* with help stuff, our buffer */ va_list va; /* requirements exceed 1k */ va_start(va, fmts); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmts, va); va_end(va); return (const char *)buf; } /* * This guy is just our way of avoiding the overhead of the standard * strcat function (should the caller choose to participate) */ static inline char *scat (register char *dst, register const char *src) { while (*dst) dst++; while ((*(dst++) = *(src++))); return --dst; } /* * This guy was originally designed just to trim the rc file lines and * any 'open_psdb_message' result which arrived with an inappropriate * newline (thanks to 'sysmap_mmap') -- but when tabs (^I) were found * in some proc cmdlines, a choice was offered twix space or null. */ static char *strim (int sp, char *str) { static const char ws[] = "\b\f\n\r\t\v"; char *p; if (sp) while ((p = strpbrk(str, ws))) *p = ' '; else if ((p = strpbrk(str, ws))) *p = 0; return str; } /* * This guy just facilitates Batch and protects against dumb ttys * -- we'd 'inline' him but he's only called twice per frame, * yet used in many other locations. */ static const char *tg2 (int x, int y) { return Cap_can_goto ? tgoto(cursor_address, x, y) : ""; } /*###### Exit/Interrput routines #######################################*/ /* * The usual program end -- * called only by functions in this section. */ static void bye_bye (int eno, const char *str) { if (!Batch) tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Savedtty); putp(tg2(0, Screen_rows)); putp(Cap_curs_norm); putp("\n"); fflush(stdout); #ifdef ATEOJ_REPORT fprintf(stderr, "\nbye_bye's Summary report:" "\n\tProgram" "\n\t Linux version = %u.%u.%u" "\n\t Page_size = %d, Cpu_tot = %d, sizeof(proc_t) = %u" "\n\t %s, using Hertz = %u (%u bytes, %u-bit time)" "\n\t sizeof(CPUS_t) = %u, sizeof(HIST_t) = %u (%u HIST_t's/Page)" "\n\t CPU_FMTS_JUST1 = %s" "\n\t CPU_FMTS_MULTI = %s" "\n\tTerminal: %s" "\n\t device = %s, ncurses = v%s" "\n\t max_colors = %d, max_pairs = %d" "\n\t Cap_can_goto = %s" "\n\t Screen_cols = %d, Screen_rows = %d" "\n\t Max_lines = %d, most recent Pseudo_size = %d" #ifndef STDOUT_IOLBF "\n\t Stdout_buf = %d, BUFSIZ = %u" #endif "\n\tWindows and Curwin->" "\n\t sizeof(WIN_t) = %u, GROUPSMAX = %d" "\n\t winname = %s, grpname = %s" #ifdef CASEUP_HEXES "\n\t winflags = %08X, maxpflgs = %d" #else "\n\t winflags = %08x, maxpflgs = %d" #endif "\n\t fieldscur = %s" "\n\t winlines = %d, maxtasks = %d, maxcmdln = %d" "\n\t sortindx = %d" "\n" , LINUX_VERSION_MAJOR(linux_version_code) , LINUX_VERSION_MINOR(linux_version_code) , LINUX_VERSION_PATCH(linux_version_code) , Page_size, Cpu_tot, sizeof(proc_t) , procps_version, (unsigned)Hertz, sizeof(Hertz), sizeof(Hertz) * 8 , sizeof(CPUS_t), sizeof(HIST_t), Page_size / sizeof(HIST_t) , CPU_FMTS_JUST1, CPU_FMTS_MULTI #ifdef PRETENDNOCAP , "dumb" #else , termname() #endif , ttyname(STDOUT_FILENO), NCURSES_VERSION , max_colors, max_pairs , Cap_can_goto ? "yes" : "No!" , Screen_cols, Screen_rows , Max_lines, Pseudo_size #ifndef STDOUT_IOLBF , sizeof(Stdout_buf), (unsigned)BUFSIZ #endif , sizeof(WIN_t), GROUPSMAX , Curwin->winname, Curwin->grpname , Curwin->winflags, Curwin->maxpflgs , Curwin->fieldscur , Curwin->winlines, Curwin->maxtasks, Curwin->maxcmdln , Curwin->sortindx ); #endif if (str) { if (eno) perror(str); else { fputs(str, stderr); eno = 1; } } exit(eno); } /* * Normal end of execution. * catches: * SIGALRM, SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGPIPE, SIGQUIT and SIGTERM */ static void end_pgm (int dont_care_sig) { (void)dont_care_sig; bye_bye(0, NULL); } /* * Standard error handler to normalize the look of all err o/p */ static void std_err (const char *str) { static char buf[SMLBUFSIZ]; fflush(stdout); /* we'll use our own buffer so callers can still use fmtmk() and, yes the leading tab is not the standard convention, but the standard is wrong -- OUR msg won't get lost in screen clutter, like so many others! */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\t%s: %s\n", Myname, str); if (!Ttychanged) { fprintf(stderr, buf); exit(1); } /* not to worry, he'll change our exit code to 1 due to 'buf' */ bye_bye(0, buf); } /* * Suspend ourself. * catches: * SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN and SIGTTOU */ static void suspend (int dont_care_sig) { (void)dont_care_sig; /* reset terminal */ tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Savedtty); putp(tg2(0, Screen_rows)); putp(Cap_curs_norm); fflush(stdout); raise(SIGSTOP); /* later, after SIGCONT... */ if (!Batch) tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &Rawtty); } /*###### Misc Color/Display support ####################################*/ /* * Make the appropriate caps/color strings and set some * lengths which are used to distinguish twix the displayed * columns and an actual printed row! * note: we avoid the use of background color so as to maximize * compatibility with the user's xterm settings */ static void capsmk (WIN_t *q) { /* macro to test if a basic (non-color) capability is valid thanks: Floyd Davidson */ #define tIF(s) s ? s : "" static int capsdone = 0; // we must NOT disturb our 'empty' terminfo strings! if (Batch) return; // these are the unchangeable puppies, so we only do 'em once if (!capsdone) { strcpy(Cap_clr_eol, tIF(clr_eol)); strcpy(Cap_clr_eos, tIF(clr_eos)); strcpy(Cap_clr_scr, tIF(clear_screen)); strcpy(Cap_curs_huge, tIF(cursor_visible)); strcpy(Cap_curs_norm, tIF(cursor_normal)); strcpy(Cap_home, tIF(cursor_home)); strcpy(Cap_norm, tIF(exit_attribute_mode)); strcpy(Cap_reverse, tIF(enter_reverse_mode)); snprintf(Caps_off, sizeof(Caps_off), "%s%s", Cap_norm, tIF(orig_pair)); if (tgoto(cursor_address, 1, 1)) Cap_can_goto = 1; capsdone = 1; } /* the key to NO run-time costs for configurable colors -- we spend a little time with the user now setting up our terminfo strings, and the job's done until he/she/it has a change-of-heart */ strcpy(q->cap_bold, CHKw(q, View_NOBOLD) ? Cap_norm : tIF(enter_bold_mode)); if (CHKw(q, Show_COLORS) && max_colors > 0) { strcpy(q->capclr_sum, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->summclr)); snprintf(q->capclr_msg, sizeof(q->capclr_msg), "%s%s" , tparm(set_a_foreground, q->msgsclr), Cap_reverse); snprintf(q->capclr_pmt, sizeof(q->capclr_pmt), "%s%s" , tparm(set_a_foreground, q->msgsclr), q->cap_bold); snprintf(q->capclr_hdr, sizeof(q->capclr_hdr), "%s%s" , tparm(set_a_foreground, q->headclr), Cap_reverse); snprintf(q->capclr_rownorm, sizeof(q->capclr_rownorm), "%s%s" , Caps_off, tparm(set_a_foreground, q->taskclr)); } else { q->capclr_sum[0] = '\0'; strcpy(q->capclr_msg, Cap_reverse); strcpy(q->capclr_pmt, q->cap_bold); strcpy(q->capclr_hdr, Cap_reverse); strcpy(q->capclr_rownorm, Cap_norm); } // composite(s), so we do 'em outside and after the if snprintf(q->capclr_rowhigh, sizeof(q->capclr_rowhigh), "%s%s" , q->capclr_rownorm, CHKw(q, Show_HIBOLD) ? q->cap_bold : Cap_reverse); q->len_rownorm = strlen(q->capclr_rownorm); q->len_rowhigh = strlen(q->capclr_rowhigh); #undef tIF } /* * Show an error, but not right now. * Due to the postponed opening of ksym, using open_psdb_message, * if P_WCH had been selected and the program is restarted, the * message would otherwise be displayed prematurely. * (old top handles that situation with typical inelegance) */ static void msg_save (const char *fmts, ...) { char tmp[SMLBUFSIZ]; va_list va; va_start(va, fmts); vsnprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), fmts, va); va_end(va); /* we'll add some extra attention grabbers to whatever this is */ snprintf(Msg_delayed, sizeof(Msg_delayed), "\a*** %s ***", strim(0, tmp)); Msg_awaiting = 1; } /* * Show an error message (caller may include a '\a' for sound) */ static void show_msg (const char *str) { PUTT("%s%s %s %s%s" , tg2(0, Msg_row) , Curwin->capclr_msg , str , Caps_off , Cap_clr_eol); fflush(stdout); sleep(MSG_SLEEP); Msg_awaiting = 0; } /* * Show an input prompt + larger cursor */ static void show_pmt (const char *str) { PUTT("%s%s%s: %s%s" , tg2(0, Msg_row) , Curwin->capclr_pmt , str , Cap_curs_huge , Caps_off); fflush(stdout); } /* * Show lines with specially formatted elements, but only output * what will fit within the current screen width. * Our special formatting consists of: * "some text <_delimiter_> some more text <_delimiter_>...\n" * Where <_delimiter_> is a single byte in the range of: * \01 through \10 (in decimalizee, 1 - 8) * and is used to select an 'attribute' from a capabilities table * which is then applied to the *preceding* substring. * Once recognized, the delimiter is replaced with a null character * and viola, we've got a substring ready to output! Strings or * substrings without delimiters will receive the Cap_norm attribute. * * Caution: * This routine treats all non-delimiter bytes as displayable * data subject to our screen width marching orders. If callers * embed non-display data like tabs or terminfo strings in our * glob, a line will truncate incorrectly at best. Worse case * would be truncation of an embedded tty escape sequence. * * Tabs must always be avoided or our efforts are wasted and * lines will wrap. To lessen but not eliminate the risk of * terminfo string truncation, such non-display stuff should * be placed at the beginning of a "short" line. * (and as for tabs, gimme 1 more color then no worries, mate) */ static void show_special (int interact, const char *glob) { /* note: the following is for documentation only, the real captab is now found in a group's WIN_t ! +------------------------------------------------------+ | char *captab[] = { : Cap's/Delim's | | Cap_norm, Cap_norm, Cap_bold, = \00, \01, \02 | | Sum_color, = \03 | | Msg_color, Pmt_color, = \04, \05 | | Hdr_color, = \06 | | Row_color_high, = \07 | | Row_color_norm }; = \10 [octal!] | +------------------------------------------------------+ */ char lin[BIGBUFSIZ], row[ROWBUFSIZ], tmp[ROWBUFSIZ] , *rp, *cap, *lin_end, *sub_beg, *sub_end; int room; /* handle multiple lines passed in a bunch */ while ((lin_end = strchr(glob, '\n'))) { /* create a local copy we can extend and otherwise abuse */ memcpy(lin, glob, (unsigned)(lin_end - glob)); /* zero terminate this part and prepare to parse substrings */ lin[lin_end - glob] = '\0'; room = Screen_cols; sub_beg = sub_end = lin; *(rp = row) = '\0'; while (*sub_beg) { switch (*sub_end) { case 0: /* no end delim, captab makes normal */ *(sub_end + 1) = '\0'; /* extend str end, then fall through */ case 1 ... 8: cap = Curwin->captab[(int)*sub_end]; *sub_end = '\0'; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%.*s%s", cap, room, sub_beg, Caps_off); rp = scat(rp, tmp); room -= (sub_end - sub_beg); sub_beg = ++sub_end; break; default: /* nothin' special, just text */ ++sub_end; } if (0 >= room) break; /* skip substrings that won't fit */ } if (interact) PUTT("%s%s\n", row, Cap_clr_eol); else PUFF("%s%s\n", row, Cap_clr_eol); glob = ++lin_end; /* point to next line (maybe) */ } /* end: while 'lines' */ /* If there's anything left in the glob (by virtue of no trailing '\n'), it probably means caller wants to retain cursor position on this final line. That, in turn, means we're interactive and so we'll just do our 'fit-to-screen' thingy... */ if (*glob) PUTT("%.*s", Screen_cols, glob); } /*###### Small Utility routines ########################################*/ /* * Get a string from the user */ static char *ask4str (const char *prompt) { static char buf[GETBUFSIZ]; show_pmt(prompt); memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf)); chin(1, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); putp(Cap_curs_norm); return strim(0, buf); } /* * Get a float from the user */ static float get_float (const char *prompt) { char *line; float f; if (!(*(line = ask4str(prompt)))) return -1; // note: we're not allowing negative floats if (strcspn(line, ",.1234567890")) { show_msg("\aNot valid"); return -1; } sscanf(line, "%f", &f); return f; } /* * Get an integer from the user */ static int get_int (const char *prompt) { char *line; int n; if (!(*(line = ask4str(prompt)))) return -1; // note: we've got to allow negative ints (renice) if (strcspn(line, "-1234567890")) { show_msg("\aNot valid"); return -1; } sscanf(line, "%d", &n); return n; } /* * Do some scaling stuff. * We'll interpret 'num' as one of the following types and * try to format it to fit 'width'. * SK_no (0) it's a byte count * SK_Kb (1) it's kilobytes * SK_Mb (2) it's megabytes * SK_Gb (3) it's gigabytes */ static const char *scale_num (unsigned num, const int width, const unsigned type) { /* kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, duh! */ static float scale[] = { 1024, 1024*1024, 1024*1024*1024, 0 }; /* kilo, mega, giga, none */ #ifdef CASEUP_SCALE static char nextup[] = { 'K', 'M', 'G', 0 }; #else static char nextup[] = { 'k', 'm', 'g', 0 }; #endif static char buf[TNYBUFSIZ]; float *dp; char *up; /* try an unscaled version first... */ if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", num)) return buf; /* now try successively higher types until it fits */ for (up = nextup + type, dp = scale; *dp; ++dp, ++up) { /* the most accurate version */ if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f%c", num / *dp, *up)) return buf; /* the integer version */ if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d%c", (int)(num / *dp), *up)) return buf; } /* well shoot, this outta' fit... */ return "?"; } /* * Do some scaling stuff. * format 'tics' to fit 'width'. */ static const char *scale_tics (TICS_t tics, const int width) { #ifdef CASEUP_SCALE #define HH "%uH" #define DD "%uD" #define WW "%uW" #else #define HH "%uh" #define DD "%ud" #define WW "%uw" #endif static char buf[TNYBUFSIZ]; unsigned long nt; // narrow time, for speed on 32-bit unsigned cc; // centiseconds unsigned nn; // multi-purpose whatever nt = (tics * 100ull) / Hertz; cc = nt % 100; // centiseconds past second nt /= 100; // total seconds nn = nt % 60; // seconds past the minute nt /= 60; // total minutes if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu:%02u.%02u", nt, nn, cc)) return buf; if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%lu:%02u", nt, nn)) return buf; nn = nt % 60; // minutes past the hour nt /= 60; // total hours if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%lu,%02u", nt, nn)) return buf; nn = nt; // now also hours if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, HH, nn)) return buf; nn /= 24; // now days if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, DD, nn)) return buf; nn /= 7; // now weeks if (width >= snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, WW, nn)) return buf; // well shoot, this outta' fit... return "?"; #undef HH #undef DD #undef WW } /*###### Library Alternatives ##########################################*/ /* * Handle our own memory stuff without the risk of leaving the * user's terminal in an ugly state should things go sour. */ static void *alloc_c (unsigned numb) { void * p; if (!numb) ++numb; if (!(p = calloc(1, numb))) std_err("failed memory allocate"); return p; } static void *alloc_r (void *q, unsigned numb) { void *p; if (!numb) ++numb; if (!(p = realloc(q, numb))) std_err("failed memory allocate"); return p; } /* * This guy's modeled on libproc's 'five_cpu_numbers' function except * we preserve all cpu data in our CPUS_t array which is organized * as follows: * cpus[0] thru cpus[n] == tics for each separate cpu * cpus[Cpu_tot] == tics from the 1st /proc/stat line */ static CPUS_t *cpus_refresh (CPUS_t *cpus) { static FILE *fp = NULL; int i; // enough for a /proc/stat CPU line (not the intr line) char buf[SMLBUFSIZ]; /* by opening this file once, we'll avoid the hit on minor page faults (sorry Linux, but you'll have to close it for us) */ if (!fp) { if (!(fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r"))) std_err(fmtmk("Failed /proc/stat open: %s", strerror(errno))); /* note: we allocate one more CPUS_t than Cpu_tot so that the last slot can hold tics representing the /proc/stat cpu summary (the first line read) -- that slot supports our View_CPUSUM toggle */ cpus = alloc_c((1 + Cpu_tot) * sizeof(CPUS_t)); } rewind(fp); fflush(fp); // first value the last slot with the cpu summary line if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) std_err("failed /proc/stat read"); if (4 > sscanf(buf, CPU_FMTS_JUST1 , &cpus[Cpu_tot].u, &cpus[Cpu_tot].n, &cpus[Cpu_tot].s, &cpus[Cpu_tot].i, &cpus[Cpu_tot].w)) std_err("failed /proc/stat read"); // and just in case we're 2.2.xx compiled without SMP support... if (1 == Cpu_tot) memcpy(cpus, &cpus[1], sizeof(CPUS_t)); // now value each separate cpu's tics for (i = 0; 1 < Cpu_tot && i < Cpu_tot; i++) { #ifdef PRETEND4CPUS rewind(fp); #endif if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) std_err("failed /proc/stat read"); if (4 > sscanf(buf, CPU_FMTS_MULTI , &cpus[i].u, &cpus[i].n, &cpus[i].s, &cpus[i].i, &cpus[i].w)) std_err("failed /proc/stat read"); } return cpus; } /* * Refresh procs *Helper* function to eliminate yet one more need * to loop through our darn proc_t table. He's responsible for: * 1) calculating the elapsed time since the previous frame * 2) counting the number of tasks in each state (run, sleep, etc) * 3) maintaining the HIST_t's and priming the proc_t pcpu field * 4) establishing the total number tasks for this frame */ static void prochlp (register proc_t *this) { static HIST_t *hist_sav = NULL; static HIST_t *hist_new = NULL; static unsigned hist_siz = 0; // number of structs static unsigned maxt_sav; // prior frame's max tasks TICS_t tics; if (!this) { static struct timeval oldtimev; struct timeval timev; struct timezone timez; HIST_t *hist_tmp; float et; gettimeofday(&timev, &timez); et = (timev.tv_sec - oldtimev.tv_sec) + (float)(timev.tv_usec - oldtimev.tv_usec) / 1000000.0; oldtimev.tv_sec = timev.tv_sec; oldtimev.tv_usec = timev.tv_usec; // if in Solaris mode, adjust our scaling for all cpus Frame_tscale = 100.0f / ((float)Hertz * (float)et * (Mode_irixps ? 1 : Cpu_tot)); maxt_sav = Frame_maxtask; Frame_maxtask = Frame_running = Frame_sleepin = Frame_stopped = Frame_zombied = 0; // reuse memory each time around hist_tmp = hist_sav; hist_sav = hist_new; hist_new = hist_tmp; // prep for our binary search by sorting the last frame's HIST_t's qsort(hist_sav, maxt_sav, sizeof(HIST_t), (QSORT_t)sort_HIST_t); return; } switch (this->state) { case 'R': Frame_running++; break; case 'S': case 'D': Frame_sleepin++; break; case 'T': Frame_stopped++; break; case 'Z': Frame_zombied++; break; } if (Frame_maxtask+1 >= hist_siz) { hist_siz = hist_siz * 5 / 4 + 100; // grow by at least 25% hist_sav = alloc_r(hist_sav, sizeof(HIST_t) * hist_siz); hist_new = alloc_r(hist_new, sizeof(HIST_t) * hist_siz); } /* calculate time in this process; the sum of user time (utime) and system time (stime) -- but PLEASE dont waste time and effort on calcs and saves that go unused, like the old top! */ hist_new[Frame_maxtask].pid = this->pid; hist_new[Frame_maxtask].tics = tics = (this->utime + this->stime); { register int i; register int lo = 0; register int hi = maxt_sav - 1; // find matching entry from previous frame and make ticks elapsed while (lo <= hi) { i = (lo + hi) / 2; if (this->pid < hist_sav[i].pid) hi = i - 1; else if (this->pid > hist_sav[i].pid) lo = i + 1; else { tics -= hist_sav[i].tics; break; } } } /* we're just saving elapsed tics, to be converted into %cpu if this task wins it's displayable screen row lottery... */ this->pcpu = tics; // shout this to the world with the final call (or us the next time in) Frame_maxtask++; } /* * This guy's modeled on libproc's 'readproctab' function except * we reuse and extend any prior proc_t's. He's been customized * for our specific needs and to avoid the use of */ static proc_t **procs_refresh (proc_t **table, int flags) { #define PTRsz sizeof(proc_t *) #define ENTsz sizeof(proc_t) static unsigned savmax = 0; // first time, Bypass: (i) proc_t *ptsk = (proc_t *)-1; // first time, Force: (ii) register unsigned curmax = 0; // every time (jeeze) PROCTAB* PT; prochlp(NULL); // prep for a new frame if (Monpidsidx) PT = openproc(PROC_FILLBUG | PROC_PID, Monpids); else PT = openproc(flags); // i) Allocated Chunks: *Existing* table; refresh + reuse while (curmax < savmax) { if (table[curmax]->cmdline) { free(*table[curmax]->cmdline); table[curmax]->cmdline = NULL; } if (!(ptsk = readproc(PT, table[curmax]))) break; prochlp(ptsk); // tally & complete this proc_t ++curmax; } // ii) Unallocated Chunks: *New* or *Existing* table; extend + fill while (ptsk) { // realloc as we go, keeping 'table' ahead of 'currmax++' table = alloc_r(table, (curmax + 1) * PTRsz); // here, readproc will allocate the underlying proc_t stg if ((ptsk = readproc(PT, NULL))) { prochlp(ptsk); // tally & complete this proc_t table[curmax++] = ptsk; } } closeproc(PT); // iii) Chunkless: make 'eot' entry, after ensuring proc_t exists if (curmax >= savmax) { table = alloc_r(table, (curmax + 1) * PTRsz); // here, we must allocate the underlying proc_t stg ourselves table[curmax] = alloc_c(ENTsz); savmax = curmax + 1; } // this frame's end, but not necessarily end of allocated space table[curmax]->pid = -1; return table; #undef PTRsz #undef ENTsz } /*###### Startup routines ##############################################*/ /* * No mater what *they* say, we handle the really really BIG and * IMPORTANT stuff upon which all those lessor functions depend! */ static void before (char *me) { int i; /* setup our program name -- big! */ Myname = strrchr(me, '/'); if (Myname) ++Myname; else Myname = me; /* establish cpu particulars -- even bigger! */ #ifdef PRETEND4CPUS Cpu_tot = 4; #else Cpu_tot = smp_num_cpus; #endif Cpu_map = alloc_r(NULL, sizeof(int) * Cpu_tot); for (i = 0; i < Cpu_tot; i++) Cpu_map[i] = i; if(linux_version_code > LINUX_VERSION(2, 5, 41)) States_fmts = STATES_line2x5; /* get virtual page size -- nearing huge! */ Page_size = getpagesize(); } /* * Build the local RC file name then try to read both of 'em. * 'SYS_RCFILE' contains two lines consisting of the secure * mode switch and an update interval. It's presence limits what * ordinary users are allowed to do. * '$HOME/RCfile' contains multiple lines - 2 global + 3 per window. * line 1: a shameless advertisement * line 2: an id, Mode_altcsr, Mode_irixps, Delay_time and Curwin. * If running in secure mode via the /etc/rcfile, * Delay_time will be ignored except for root. * For each of the 4 windows: * line a: contains w->winname, fieldscur * line b: contains w->winflags, sortindx, maxtasks * line c: contains w->summclr, msgsclr, headclr, taskclr */ static void configs_read (void) { static const char err_rc[] = "bad rcfile, you should delete '%s'"; char fbuf[SMLBUFSIZ]; FILE *fp; float delay = DEF_DELAY; char id; int i; snprintf(RCfile, sizeof(RCfile), ".%src", Myname); if (getenv("HOME")) snprintf(RCfile, sizeof(RCfile), "%s/.%src", getenv("HOME"), Myname); fp = fopen(SYS_RCFILE, "r"); if (fp) { fbuf[0] = '\0'; fgets(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), fp); /* sys rc file, line #1 */ if (strchr(fbuf, 's')) Secure_mode = 1; fbuf[0] = '\0'; fgets(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), fp); /* sys rc file, line #2 */ fclose(fp); sscanf(fbuf, "%f", &delay); } fp = fopen(RCfile, "r"); if (fp) { fgets(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), fp); /* ignore shameless advertisement */ if (5 != (fscanf(fp, "Id:%c, " "Mode_altscr=%d, Mode_irixps=%d, Delay_time=%f, Curwin=%d\n" , &id, &Mode_altscr, &Mode_irixps, &delay, &i)) || RCF_FILEID != id) std_err(fmtmk(err_rc, RCfile)); /* you saw that, right? (fscanf stickin' it to 'i') */ Curwin = Winstk[i]; for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) { /* we won't check fscanf returns from here on out -- we'll be hunky-dory with nothing in an rcfile except the 1st 2 lines */ fscanf(fp, "%s\tfieldscur=%s\n" , Winstk[i]->winname, Winstk[i]->fieldscur); if (WINNAMSIZ <= strlen(Winstk[i]->winname) || strlen(DEF_FIELDS) != strlen(Winstk[i]->fieldscur)) std_err(fmtmk(err_rc, RCfile)); fscanf(fp, "\twinflags=%d, sortindx=%u, maxtasks=%d \n" , &Winstk[i]->winflags , &Winstk[i]->sortindx , &Winstk[i]->maxtasks); fscanf(fp, "\tsummclr=%d, msgsclr=%d, headclr=%d, taskclr=%d \n" , &Winstk[i]->summclr , &Winstk[i]->msgsclr , &Winstk[i]->headclr , &Winstk[i]->taskclr); } fclose(fp); } /* lastly, establish the true runtime secure mode and delay time */ Secure_mode = getuid() ? Secure_mode : 0; if (!Secure_mode || !getuid()) Delay_time = delay; } /* * Parse command line arguments. * Note: it's assumed that the rc file(s) have already been read * and our job is to see if any of those options are to be * overridden -- we'll force some on and negate others in our * best effort to honor the loser's (oops, user's) wishes... */ static void parse_args (char **args) { /* differences between us and the former top: -C (separate CPU states for SMP) is left to an rcfile -p (pid monitoring) allows, not requires, a comma delimited list -q (zero delay) eliminated as redundant, incomplete and inappropriate use: "nice -n-10 top -d0" to achieve what was only claimed -c,i,S act as toggles (not 'on' switches) for enhanced user flexibility . no deprecated/illegal use of 'breakargv:' with goto . bunched args are actually handled properly and none are ignored . we tolerate NO whitespace and NO switches -- maybe too tolerant? */ static const char usage[] = " -hv | -bcisS -d delay -n iterations -p pid [,pid ...]"; float tmp_delay = MAXFLOAT; char *p; while (*args) { char *cp = *(args++); while (*cp) { switch (*cp) { case '\0': case '-': break; case 'b': Batch = 1; break; case 'c': TOGw(Curwin, Show_CMDLIN); break; case 'd': if (cp[1]) ++cp; else if (*args) cp = *args++; else std_err("-d requires argument"); /* a negative delay will be dealt with shortly... */ if (1 != sscanf(cp, "%f", &tmp_delay)) std_err(fmtmk("bad delay '%s'", cp)); break; case 'h': case 'H': case 'v': case 'V': std_err(fmtmk("%s\nusage:\t%s%s" , procps_version, Myname, usage)); case 'i': TOGw(Curwin, Show_IDLEPS); Curwin->maxtasks = 0; break; case 'n': if (cp[1]) cp++; else if (*args) cp = *args++; else std_err("-n requires argument"); if (1 != sscanf(cp, "%d", &Loops) || 1 > Loops) std_err(fmtmk("bad iterations arg '%s'", cp)); break; case 'p': do { if (cp[1]) cp++; else if (*args) cp = *args++; else std_err("-p argument missing"); if (Monpidsidx >= MONPIDMAX) std_err(fmtmk("pid limit (%d) exceeded", MONPIDMAX)); if (1 != sscanf(cp, "%d", &Monpids[Monpidsidx]) || 0 > Monpids[Monpidsidx]) std_err(fmtmk("bad pid '%s'", cp)); if (!Monpids[Monpidsidx]) Monpids[Monpidsidx] = getpid(); Monpidsidx++; if (!(p = strchr(cp, ','))) break; cp = p; } while (*cp); break; case 's': Secure_mode = 1; break; case 'S': TOGw(Curwin, Show_CTIMES); break; default : std_err(fmtmk("unknown argument '%c'\nusage:\t%s%s" , *cp, Myname, usage)); } /* end: switch (*cp) */ /* advance cp and jump over any numerical args used above */ if (*cp) cp += strspn(&cp[1], "- ,.1234567890") + 1; } /* end: while (*cp) */ } /* end: while (*args) */ /* fixup delay time, maybe... */ if (MAXFLOAT != tmp_delay) { if (Secure_mode || 0 > tmp_delay) msg_save("Delay time Not changed"); else Delay_time = tmp_delay; } } /* * Set up the terminal attributes */ static void whack_terminal (void) { struct termios newtty; // the curses part... #ifdef PRETENDNOCAP setupterm("dumb", STDOUT_FILENO, NULL); #else setupterm(NULL, STDOUT_FILENO, NULL); #endif // our part... if (!Batch) { if (-1 == tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &Savedtty)) std_err("failed tty get"); newtty = Savedtty; newtty.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); newtty.c_oflag &= ~(TAB3); newtty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; newtty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; Ttychanged = 1; if (-1 == tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &newtty)) { putp(Cap_clr_scr); std_err(fmtmk("failed tty set: %s", strerror(errno))); } tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &Rawtty); #ifndef STDOUT_IOLBF // thanks anyway stdio, but we'll manage buffering at the frame level... setbuffer(stdout, Stdout_buf, sizeof(Stdout_buf)); #endif putp(Cap_clr_scr); fflush(stdout); } } /*###### Field Selection/Ordering routines #############################*/ /* These are the Fieldstab.lflg values used here and in reframewins. (own identifiers as documentation and protection against changes) */ #define L_stat PROC_FILLSTAT #define L_statm PROC_FILLMEM #define L_status PROC_FILLSTATUS #define L_CMDLINE L_stat | PROC_FILLARG #define L_EUSER L_status | PROC_FILLUSR #define L_GROUP L_status | PROC_FILLGRP // from either 'stat' or 'status' (preferred), via bits not otherwise used #define L_EITHER ~(L_stat|L_statm|L_status|L_CMDLINE|L_EUSER|L_GROUP) #define L_NONE 0 // for reframewins and summary_show 1st pass #define L_DEFAULT PROC_FILLSTAT /* These are our gosh darn 'Fields' ! They MUST be kept in sync with pflags !! note: for integer data, the length modifiers found in .fmts may NOT reflect the true field type found in proc_t -- this plus a cast when/if displayed provides minimal width protection. */ static FTAB_t Fieldstab[] = { // .lflg anomolies: // P_UID, L_NONE - natural outgrowth of 'stat()' in readproc (euid) // P_CPU, L_stat - never filled by libproc, but requires times (pcpu) // P_CMD, L_stat - may yet require L_CMDLINE in reframewins (cmd/cmdline) // L_EITHER - must L_status, else 64-bit math, __udivdi3 on 32-bit ! // head fmts width scale sort desc lflg // ----------- ------- ------ ----- -------- ---------------------- -------- { " PID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_PID), "Process Id", L_EITHER }, { " PPID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_PPD), "Parent Process Pid", L_EITHER }, { " PGID ", "%5u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_PGD), "Process Group Id", L_stat }, { " UID ", "%4u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_UID), "User Id", L_NONE }, { "USER ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_USR), "User Name", L_EUSER }, { "GROUP ", "%-8.8s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_GRP), "Group Name", L_GROUP }, { "TTY ", "%-8.8s ", 8, -1, _SF(P_TTY), "Controlling Tty", L_stat }, { " PR ", "%3d ", -1, -1, _SF(P_PRI), "Priority", L_stat }, { " NI ", "%3d ", -1, -1, _SF(P_NCE), "Nice value", L_stat }, { "#C ", "%2u ", -1, -1, _SF(P_CPN), "Last used cpu (SMP)", L_stat }, { "%CPU ", "%#4.1f ", -1, -1, _SF(P_CPU), "CPU usage", L_stat }, { " TIME ", "%6.6s ", 6, -1, _SF(P_TME), "CPU Time", L_stat }, { " TIME+ ", "%9.9s ", 9, -1, _SF(P_TME), "CPU Time, hundredths", L_stat }, { "%MEM ", "%#4.1f ", -1, -1, _SF(P_RES), "Memory usage (RES)", L_statm }, { " VIRT ", "%5.5s ", 5, SK_Kb, _SF(P_VRT), "Virtual Image (kb)", L_statm }, { "SWAP ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_SWP), "Swapped size (kb)", L_statm }, { " RES ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_RES), "Resident size (kb)", L_statm }, { "CODE ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_COD), "Code size (kb)", L_statm }, { "DATA ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_DAT), "Data+Stack size (kb)", L_statm }, { " SHR ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_Kb, _SF(P_SHR), "Shared Mem size (kb)", L_statm }, { "nFLT ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, _SF(P_FLT), "Page Fault count", L_stat }, { "nDRT ", "%4.4s ", 4, SK_no, _SF(P_DRT), "Dirty Pages count", L_statm }, #ifdef USE_LIB_STA3 { "STA ", "%3.3s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_STA), "Process Status", L_status }, #else { "S ", "%c ", -1, -1, _SF(P_STA), "Process Status", L_status }, #endif // next entry's special: '.head' will be formatted using table entry's own // '.fmts' plus runtime supplied conversion args! { "Command ", "%-*.*s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_CMD), "Command name/line", L_stat }, { "WCHAN ", "%-9.9s ", -1, -1, _SF(P_WCH), "Sleeping in Function", L_stat }, // next entry's special: the 0's will be replaced with '.'! #ifdef CASEUP_HEXES { "Flags ", "%08lX ", -1, -1, _SF(P_FLG), "Task Flags ", L_stat } #else { "Flags ", "%08lx ", -1, -1, _SF(P_FLG), "Task Flags ", L_stat } #endif }; /* * Display each field represented in the Fields Table along with its * description and mark (with a leading asterisk) fields associated * with upper case letter(s) in the passed 'fields string'. * * After all fields have been displayed, some extra explanatory * text may also be output */ static void display_fields (const char *fields, const char *xtra) { #define yRSVD 3 const char *p; int i, cmax = Screen_cols / 2, rmax = Screen_rows - yRSVD; /* we're relying on callers to first clear the screen and thus avoid screen flicker if they're too lazy to handle their own asterisk (*) logic */ putp(Curwin->cap_bold); for (i = 0; i < MAXTBL(Fieldstab); ++i) { int b = (NULL != strchr(fields, i + 'A')); /* advance past any leading spaces */ for (p = Fieldstab[i].head; ' ' == *p; ++p) ; PUTT("%s%s%c %c: %-10s = %s" , tg2((i / rmax) * cmax, (i % rmax) + yRSVD) , b ? Curwin->cap_bold : Cap_norm , b ? '*' : ' ' , b ? i + 'A' : i + 'a' , p , Fieldstab[i].desc); } if (xtra) { putp(Curwin->capclr_rownorm); while ((p = strchr(xtra, '\n'))) { ++i; PUTT("%s%.*s" , tg2((i / rmax) * cmax, (i % rmax) + yRSVD) , (int)(p - xtra) , xtra); xtra = ++p; } } putp(Caps_off); #undef yRSVD } /* * Change order of displayed fields. */ static void fields_reorder (void) { static const char prompt[] = "Upper case letter moves field left, lower case right"; char c, *p; int i; putp(Cap_clr_scr); putp(Cap_curs_huge); display_fields(Curwin->fieldscur, FIELDS_xtra); for (;;) { show_special(1, fmtmk(FIELDS_current , Cap_home, Curwin->fieldscur, Curwin->grpname, prompt)); chin(0, &c, 1); i = toupper(c) - 'A'; if (i < 0 || i >= MAXTBL(Fieldstab)) break; if (((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, i + 'A'))) || ((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, i + 'a')))) { if (isupper(c)) p--; if (('\0' != p[1]) && (p >= Curwin->fieldscur)) { c = p[0]; p[0] = p[1]; p[1] = c; } } } putp(Cap_curs_norm); } /* * Select sort field. */ static void fields_sort (void) { static const char prompt[] = "Select sort field via field letter, type any other key to return"; char phoney[PFLAGSSIZ]; char c, *p; int i, x; strcpy(phoney, NUL_FIELDS); x = i = Curwin->sortindx; putp(Cap_clr_scr); putp(Cap_curs_huge); for (;;) { p = phoney + i; *p = toupper(*p); display_fields(phoney, SORT_xtra); show_special(1, fmtmk(SORT_fields , Cap_home, *p, Curwin->grpname, prompt)); chin(0, &c, 1); i = toupper(c) - 'A'; if (i < 0 || i >= MAXTBL(Fieldstab)) break; *p = tolower(*p); x = i; } if ((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, x + 'a'))) *p = x + 'A'; Curwin->sortindx = x; putp(Cap_curs_norm); } /* * Toggle displayed fields. */ static void fields_toggle (void) { static const char prompt[] = "Toggle fields via field letter, type any other key to return"; char c, *p; int i; putp(Cap_clr_scr); putp(Cap_curs_huge); for (;;) { display_fields(Curwin->fieldscur, FIELDS_xtra); show_special(1, fmtmk(FIELDS_current , Cap_home, Curwin->fieldscur, Curwin->grpname, prompt)); chin(0, &c, 1); i = toupper(c) - 'A'; if (i < 0 || i >= MAXTBL(Fieldstab)) break; if ((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, i + 'A'))) *p = i + 'a'; else if ((p = strchr(Curwin->fieldscur, i + 'a'))) *p = i + 'A'; } putp(Cap_curs_norm); } /*###### Windows/Field Groups support #################################*/ /* * For each of the four windows: * 1) Set the number of fields/columns to display * 2) Create the field columns heading * 3) Set maximum cmdline length, if command lines are in use * In the process, the required PROC_FILLxxx flags will be rebuilt! */ static void reframewins (void) { WIN_t *w; char *s; const char *h; int i, needpsdb = 0; // should already be allocated and likely hasn't changed... Pseudo_cols = Screen_cols + CLRBUFSIZ + 1; if (Batch) Pseudo_size = ROWBUFSIZ + 1; else Pseudo_size = Pseudo_cols * Screen_rows; Pseudo_scrn = alloc_r(Pseudo_scrn, Pseudo_size); memset(Pseudo_scrn, '\0', Pseudo_size); // Frame_libflgs = 0; // should be called only when it's zero w = Curwin; do { if (!Mode_altscr || CHKw(w, VISIBLE_tsk)) { // build window's procflags array and establish a tentative maxpflgs for (i = 0, w->maxpflgs = 0; w->fieldscur[i]; i++) { if (isupper(w->fieldscur[i])) w->procflags[w->maxpflgs++] = w->fieldscur[i] - 'A'; } /* build a preliminary columns header not to exceed screen width while accounting for a possible leading window number */ *(s = w->columnhdr) = '\0'; if (Mode_altscr) s = scat(s, " "); for (i = 0; i < w->maxpflgs; i++) { h = Fieldstab[w->procflags[i]].head; // oops, won't fit -- we're outta here... if (Screen_cols < (int)((s - w->columnhdr) + strlen(h))) break; s = scat(s, h); } /* establish the final maxpflgs and prepare to grow the command column heading via maxcmdln - it may be a fib if P_CMD wasn't encountered, but that's ok because it won't be displayed anyway */ w->maxpflgs = i; w->maxcmdln = Screen_cols - (strlen(w->columnhdr) - strlen(Fieldstab[P_CMD].head)) - 1; /* finally, we can build the true run-time columns header, format the command column heading, if P_CMD is really being displayed, and rebuild the all-important PROC_FILLxxx flags that will be used until/if we're we're called again */ *(s = w->columnhdr) = '\0'; if (Mode_altscr) s = scat(s, fmtmk("%d", w->winnum)); for (i = 0; i < w->maxpflgs; i++) { h = Fieldstab[w->procflags[i]].head; if (P_WCH == w->procflags[i]) needpsdb = 1; if (P_CMD == w->procflags[i]) { s = scat(s, fmtmk(Fieldstab[P_CMD].fmts, w->maxcmdln, w->maxcmdln, h)); if (CHKw(w, Show_CMDLIN)) Frame_libflgs |= L_CMDLINE; } else s = scat(s, h); Frame_libflgs |= Fieldstab[w->procflags[i]].lflg; } } if (Mode_altscr) w = w->next; } while (w != Curwin); // do we need the kernel symbol table (and is it already open?) if (needpsdb) { if (-1 == No_ksyms) { No_ksyms = 0; if (open_psdb_message(NULL, msg_save)) No_ksyms = 1; else PSDBopen = 1; } } if (Frame_libflgs & L_EITHER) { Frame_libflgs &= ~L_EITHER; if (!(Frame_libflgs & L_stat)) Frame_libflgs |= L_status; } if (!Frame_libflgs) Frame_libflgs = L_DEFAULT; } /* * Value a window's name and make the associated group name. */ static void win_names (WIN_t *q, const char *name) { sprintf(q->winname, "%.*s", WINNAMSIZ -1, name); sprintf(q->grpname, "%d:%.*s", q->winnum, WINNAMSIZ -1, name); } /* * Display a window/field group (ie. make it "current"). */ static void win_select (char ch) { static const char prompt[] = "Choose field group (1 - 4)"; /* if there's no ch, it means we're supporting the external interface, so we must try to get our own darn ch by begging the user... */ if (!ch) { show_pmt(prompt); chin(0, (char *)&ch, 1); } switch (ch) { case 'a': /* we don't carry 'a' / 'w' in our */ Curwin = Curwin->next; /* pmt - they're here for a good */ break; /* friend of ours -- wins_colors. */ case 'w': /* (however those letters work via */ Curwin = Curwin->prev; /* the pmt too but gee, end-loser */ break; /* should just press the darn key) */ case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': Curwin = Winstk[ch - '1']; break; } } /* * Just warn the user when a command can't be honored. */ static int win_warn (void) { show_msg(fmtmk("\aCommand disabled, activate %s with '-' or '_'" , Curwin->grpname)); /* we gotta' return false 'cause we're somewhat well known within macro society, by way of that sassy little tertiary operator... */ return 0; } /* * Change colors *Helper* function to save/restore settings; * ensure colors will show; and rebuild the terminfo strings. */ static void winsclrhlp (WIN_t *q, int save) { static int flgssav, summsav, msgssav, headsav, tasksav; if (save) { flgssav = q->winflags; summsav = q->summclr; msgssav = q->msgsclr; headsav = q->headclr; tasksav = q->taskclr; SETw(q, Show_COLORS); } else { q->winflags = flgssav; q->summclr = summsav; q->msgsclr = msgssav; q->headclr = headsav; q->taskclr = tasksav; } capsmk(q); } /* * Change colors used in display */ static void wins_colors (void) { #define kbdABORT 'q' #define kbdAPPLY '\n' int clr = Curwin->taskclr, *pclr = &Curwin->taskclr; char ch, tgt = 'T'; if (0 >= max_colors) { show_msg("\aNo colors to map!"); return; } winsclrhlp(Curwin, 1); putp(Cap_clr_scr); putp(Cap_curs_huge); do { putp(Cap_home); /* this string is well above ISO C89's minimum requirements! */ show_special(1, fmtmk(COLOR_help , procps_version, Curwin->grpname , CHKw(Curwin, View_NOBOLD) ? "On" : "Off" , CHKw(Curwin, Show_COLORS) ? "On" : "Off" , CHKw(Curwin, Show_HIBOLD) ? "On" : "Off" , tgt, clr, Curwin->grpname)); chin(0, &ch, 1); switch (ch) { case 'S': pclr = &Curwin->summclr; clr = *pclr; tgt = ch; break; case 'M': pclr = &Curwin->msgsclr; clr = *pclr; tgt = ch; break; case 'H': pclr = &Curwin->headclr; clr = *pclr; tgt = ch; break; case 'T': pclr = &Curwin->taskclr; clr = *pclr; tgt = ch; break; case '0' ... '7': clr = ch - '0'; *pclr = clr; break; case 'B': TOGw(Curwin, View_NOBOLD); break; case 'b': TOGw(Curwin, Show_HIBOLD); break; case 'z': TOGw(Curwin, Show_COLORS); break; case 'a': case 'w': win_select(ch); winsclrhlp(Curwin, 1); clr = Curwin->taskclr, pclr = &Curwin->taskclr; tgt = 'T'; break; } capsmk(Curwin); } while (kbdAPPLY != ch && kbdABORT != ch); if (kbdABORT == ch) winsclrhlp(Curwin, 0); putp(Cap_curs_norm); #undef kbdABORT #undef kbdAPPLY } /* * Manipulate flag(s) for all our windows. */ static void wins_reflag (int what, int flg) { WIN_t *w; w = Curwin; do { switch (what) { case Flags_TOG: TOGw(w, flg); break; case Flags_SET: /* Ummmm, i can't find anybody */ SETw(w, flg); /* who uses Flags_set ... */ break; case Flags_OFF: OFFw(w, flg); break; } /* a flag with special significance -- user wants to rebalance display so we gotta' 'off' one number then force on two flags... */ if (EQUWINS_cwo == flg) { w->maxtasks = 0; SETw(w, Show_IDLEPS | VISIBLE_tsk); } w = w->next; } while (w != Curwin); } /* * Set the screen dimensions and arrange for the real workhorse. * (also) catches: * SIGWINCH and SIGCONT */ static void wins_resize (int dont_care_sig) { struct winsize wz; (void)dont_care_sig; Screen_cols = columns; Screen_rows = lines; if (-1 != (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &wz))) { Screen_cols = wz.ws_col; Screen_rows = wz.ws_row; } if (Batch) Screen_rows = MAXINT; // we might disappoint some folks (but they'll deserve it) if (SCREENMAX < Screen_cols) Screen_cols = SCREENMAX; // force rebuild of column headers AND libproc/readproc requirements Frame_libflgs = 0; } /* * Set up the raw/incomplete field group windows -- * they'll be finished off after startup completes. * [ and very likely that will override most/all of our efforts ] * [ --- life-is-NOT-fair --- ] */ static void windows_stage1 (void) { static struct { const char *name; const char *flds; const int sort; const int clrs[4]; /* summ, msgs, heads, task */ } wtab[] = { { "Def", DEF_FIELDS, P_CPU, { COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_RED } }, { "Job", JOB_FIELDS, P_PID, { COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN } }, { "Mem", MEM_FIELDS, P_MEM, { COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_MAGENTA } }, { "Usr", USR_FIELDS, P_USR, { COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_YELLOW } }, }; WIN_t *w; int i; /* get all our window structs in one big chunk */ w = alloc_c(sizeof(WIN_t) * GROUPSMAX); for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) { Winstk[i] = w; w->winnum = i + 1; strcpy(w->winname, wtab[i].name); strcpy(w->fieldscur, wtab[i].flds); w->sortindx = wtab[i].sort; w->winflags = DEF_WINFLGS; w->summclr = wtab[i].clrs[0]; w->msgsclr = wtab[i].clrs[1]; w->headclr = wtab[i].clrs[2]; w->taskclr = wtab[i].clrs[3]; w->captab[0] = Cap_norm; w->captab[1] = Cap_norm; w->captab[2] = w->cap_bold; w->captab[3] = w->capclr_sum; w->captab[4] = w->capclr_msg; w->captab[5] = w->capclr_pmt; w->captab[6] = w->capclr_hdr; w->captab[7] = w->capclr_rowhigh; w->captab[8] = w->capclr_rownorm; w->next = w + 1; w->prev = w - 1; ++w; } /* fixup the circular chains... */ Winstk[3]->next = Winstk[0]; Winstk[0]->prev = Winstk[3]; Curwin = Winstk[0]; Mode_altscr = 0; } /* * This guy just completes the field group windows after the * rcfiles have been read and command line arguments parsed */ static void windows_stage2 (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) { win_names(Winstk[i], Winstk[i]->winname); capsmk(Winstk[i]); } // rely on this next guy to force a call (eventually) to reframewins wins_resize(0); } /*###### Main Screen routines ##########################################*/ /* * Process keyboard input during the main loop */ static void do_key (unsigned c) { // standardized 'secure mode' errors static const char err_secure[] = "\aUnavailable in secure mode"; #ifdef WARN_NOT_SMP // standardized 'smp' errors static const char err_smp[] = "\aSorry, only 1 cpu detected"; #endif switch (c) { case '1': #ifdef WARN_NOT_SMP if (Cpu_tot > 1) TOGw(Curwin, View_CPUSUM); else show_msg(err_smp); #else TOGw(Curwin, View_CPUSUM); #endif break; case 'a': if (Mode_altscr) Curwin = Curwin->next; break; case 'A': Mode_altscr = !Mode_altscr; wins_resize(0); break; case 'b': if (VIZCHKc) { if (!CHKw(Curwin, Show_HICOLS | Show_HIROWS)) show_msg("\aNothing to highlight!"); else { TOGw(Curwin, Show_HIBOLD); capsmk(Curwin); } } break; case 'B': TOGw(Curwin, View_NOBOLD); capsmk(Curwin); break; case 'c': VIZTOGc(Show_CMDLIN); break; case 'd': case 's': if (Secure_mode) show_msg(err_secure); else { float tmp = get_float(fmtmk("Change delay from %.1f to", Delay_time)); if (-1 < tmp) Delay_time = tmp; } break; case 'f': if (VIZCHKc) fields_toggle(); break; case 'F': case 'O': if (VIZCHKc) fields_sort(); break; case 'g': if (Mode_altscr) { char tmp[GETBUFSIZ]; strcpy(tmp, ask4str(fmtmk("Rename window '%s' to (1-3 chars)" , Curwin->winname))); if (tmp[0]) win_names(Curwin, tmp); } break; case 'G': win_select(0); break; case 'h': case '?': { char ch; putp(Cap_clr_scr); putp(Cap_curs_huge); /* this string is well above ISO C89's minimum requirements! */ show_special(1, fmtmk(KEYS_help , procps_version , Curwin->grpname , CHKw(Curwin, Show_CTIMES) ? "On" : "Off" , Delay_time , Secure_mode ? "On" : "Off" , Secure_mode ? "" : KEYS_help_unsecured)); chin(0, &ch, 1); if ('?' == ch || 'h' == ch) { do { putp(Cap_clr_scr); show_special(1, fmtmk(WINDOWS_help , Curwin->grpname , Winstk[0]->winname , Winstk[1]->winname , Winstk[2]->winname , Winstk[3]->winname)); chin(0, &ch, 1); win_select(ch); } while ('\n' != ch); } putp(Cap_curs_norm); } break; case 'i': VIZTOGc(Show_IDLEPS); break; case 'I': #ifdef WARN_NOT_SMP if (Cpu_tot > 1) { Mode_irixps = !Mode_irixps; show_msg(fmtmk("Irix mode %s", Mode_irixps ? "On" : "Off")); } else show_msg(err_smp); #else Mode_irixps = !Mode_irixps; show_msg(fmtmk("Irix mode %s", Mode_irixps ? "On" : "Off")); #endif break; case 'k': if (Secure_mode) { show_msg(err_secure); } else { int sig, pid = get_int("PID to kill"); if (0 < pid) { sig = signal_name_to_number( ask4str(fmtmk("Kill PID %d with signal [%i]" , pid, DEF_SIGNAL))); if (-1 == sig) sig = DEF_SIGNAL; if (sig && kill(pid, sig)) show_msg(fmtmk("\aKill of PID '%d' with '%d' failed: %s" , pid, sig, strerror(errno))); } } break; case 'l': TOGw(Curwin, View_LOADAV); break; case 'm': TOGw(Curwin, View_MEMORY); break; case 'n': case '#': if (VIZCHKc) { int num = get_int(fmtmk("Maximum tasks = %d, change to (0 is unlimited)" , Curwin->maxtasks)); if (-1 < num) Curwin->maxtasks = num; } break; case 'o': if (VIZCHKc) fields_reorder(); break; case 'q': end_pgm(0); case 'r': if (Secure_mode) show_msg(err_secure); else { int val, pid = get_int("PID to renice"); if (0 < pid) { val = get_int(fmtmk("Renice PID %d to value", pid)); if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, (unsigned)pid, val)) show_msg(fmtmk("\aRenice of PID %d to %d failed: %s" , pid, val, strerror(errno))); } } break; case 'R': VIZTOGc(Qsrt_NORMAL); break; case 'S': if (VIZCHKc) { TOGw(Curwin, Show_CTIMES); show_msg(fmtmk("Cumulative time %s" , CHKw(Curwin, Show_CTIMES) ? "On" : "Off")); } break; case 't': TOGw(Curwin, View_STATES); break; case 'u': if (VIZCHKc) strcpy(Curwin->colusrnam, ask4str("Which user (blank for all)")); break; case 'w': if (Mode_altscr) Curwin = Curwin->prev; break; case 'W': { FILE *fp = fopen(RCfile, "w"); int i; if (fp) { fprintf(fp, "RCfile for \"%s with windows\"\t\t# shameless braggin'\n" , Myname); fprintf(fp, "Id:%c, " "Mode_altscr=%d, Mode_irixps=%d, Delay_time=%.3f, Curwin=%d\n" , RCF_FILEID , Mode_altscr, Mode_irixps, Delay_time, Curwin - Winstk[0]); for (i = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%s\tfieldscur=%s\n" , Winstk[i]->winname, Winstk[i]->fieldscur); fprintf(fp, "\twinflags=%d, sortindx=%d, maxtasks=%d\n" , Winstk[i]->winflags , Winstk[i]->sortindx , Winstk[i]->maxtasks); fprintf(fp, "\tsummclr=%d, msgsclr=%d, headclr=%d, taskclr=%d\n" , Winstk[i]->summclr , Winstk[i]->msgsclr , Winstk[i]->headclr , Winstk[i]->taskclr); } fclose(fp); show_msg(fmtmk("Wrote configuration to '%s'", RCfile)); } else show_msg(fmtmk("\aFailed '%s' open: %s", RCfile, strerror(errno))); } break; case 'x': if (VIZCHKc) { TOGw(Curwin, Show_HICOLS); capsmk(Curwin); } break; case 'y': if (VIZCHKc) { TOGw(Curwin, Show_HIROWS); capsmk(Curwin); } break; case 'z': if (VIZCHKc) { TOGw(Curwin, Show_COLORS); capsmk(Curwin); } break; case 'Z': wins_colors(); break; case '-': if (Mode_altscr) TOGw(Curwin, VISIBLE_tsk); break; case '_': if (Mode_altscr) wins_reflag(Flags_TOG, VISIBLE_tsk); break; case '=': Curwin->maxtasks = 0; SETw(Curwin, Show_IDLEPS | VISIBLE_tsk); Monpidsidx = 0; break; case '+': if (Mode_altscr) SETw(Curwin, EQUWINS_cwo); break; case '<': if (VIZCHKc) { PFLG_t *p = Curwin->procflags + Curwin->maxpflgs - 1; while (*p != Curwin->sortindx) --p; if (--p >= Curwin->procflags) Curwin->sortindx = *p; } break; case '>': if (VIZCHKc) { PFLG_t *p = Curwin->procflags; while (*p != Curwin->sortindx) ++p; if (++p < Curwin->procflags + Curwin->maxpflgs) Curwin->sortindx = *p; } break; case '\n': /* just ignore these, they'll have the effect */ case ' ': /* of refreshing display after waking us up ! */ break; default: show_msg("\aUnknown command - try 'h' for help"); } /* The following assignment will force a rebuild of all column headers and the PROC_FILLxxx flags. It's NOT simply lazy programming. Here are some keys that COULD require new column headers and/or libproc flags: 'A' - likely 'c' - likely when !Mode_altscr, maybe when Mode_altscr 'F' - maybe, if new field forced on 'f' - likely 'G' - likely 'O' - maybe, if new field forced on 'o' - maybe, if new field brought into view 'Z' - likely, if 'Curwin' changed when !Mode_altscr '-' - likely (restricted to Mode_altscr) '_' - likely (restricted to Mode_altscr) '=' - maybe, but only when Mode_altscr '+' - likely (restricted to Mode_altscr) ( At this point we have a human being involved and so have all the time ) ( in the world. We can afford a few extra cpu cycles every now & then! ) */ Frame_libflgs = 0; } /* * State display *Helper* function to calc and display the state * percentages for a single cpu. In this way, we can support * the following environments without the usual code bloat. * 1) single cpu machines * 2) modest smp boxes with room for each cpu's percentages * 3) massive smp guys leaving little or no room for process * display and thus requiring the cpu summary toggle */ static void summaryhlp (CPUS_t *cpu, const char *pfx) { /* we'll trim to zero if we get negative time ticks, which has happened with some SMP kernels (pre-2.4?) */ #define TRIMz(x) ((tz = (STIC_t)x) < 0 ? 0 : tz) STIC_t u_frme, s_frme, n_frme, i_frme, w_frme, tot_frme, tz; float scale; u_frme = TRIMz(cpu->u - cpu->u_sav); s_frme = TRIMz(cpu->s - cpu->s_sav); n_frme = TRIMz(cpu->n - cpu->n_sav); i_frme = TRIMz(cpu->i - cpu->i_sav); w_frme = TRIMz(cpu->w - cpu->w_sav); tot_frme = u_frme + s_frme + n_frme + i_frme + w_frme; if (1 > tot_frme) tot_frme = 1; scale = 100.0 / (float)tot_frme; /* display some kinda' cpu state percentages (who or what is explained by the passed prefix) */ show_special(0, fmtmk(States_fmts , pfx , (float)u_frme * scale , (float)s_frme * scale , (float)n_frme * scale , (float)i_frme * scale , (float)w_frme * scale)); Msg_row += 1; // remember for next time around cpu->u_sav = cpu->u; cpu->s_sav = cpu->s; cpu->n_sav = cpu->n; cpu->i_sav = cpu->i; cpu->w_sav = cpu->w; #undef TRIMz } /* * Begin a new frame by: * 1) Refreshing the all important proc table * 2) Displaying uptime and load average (maybe) * 3) Displaying task/cpu states (maybe) * 4) Displaying memory & swap usage (maybe) * and then, returning a pointer to the pointers to the proc_t's! */ static proc_t **summary_show (void) { static proc_t **p_table = NULL; static CPUS_t *smpcpu = NULL; // whoa first time, gotta' prime the pump... if (!p_table) { p_table = procs_refresh(NULL, L_DEFAULT); putp(Cap_clr_scr); sleep(1); } else putp(Batch ? "\n\n" : Cap_home); p_table = procs_refresh(p_table, Frame_libflgs); /* ** Display Uptime and Loadavg */ if (CHKw(Curwin, View_LOADAV)) { if (!Mode_altscr) show_special(0, fmtmk(LOADAV_line, Myname, sprint_uptime())); else show_special(0, fmtmk(CHKw(Curwin, VISIBLE_tsk) ? LOADAV_line_alt : LOADAV_line , Curwin->grpname, sprint_uptime())); Msg_row += 1; } /* ** Display Task and Cpu(s) States */ if (CHKw(Curwin, View_STATES)) { show_special(0, fmtmk(STATES_line1 , Frame_maxtask, Frame_running, Frame_sleepin , Frame_stopped, Frame_zombied)); Msg_row += 1; smpcpu = cpus_refresh(smpcpu); if (CHKw(Curwin, View_CPUSUM)) { // display just the 1st /proc/stat line summaryhlp(&smpcpu[Cpu_tot], "Cpu(s):"); } else { int i; char tmp[SMLBUFSIZ]; // display each cpu's states separately for (i = 0; i < Cpu_tot; i++) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " Cpu%-2d:", Mode_irixps ? i : Cpu_map[i]); summaryhlp(&smpcpu[i], tmp); } } } /* ** Display Memory and Swap stats */ meminfo(); if (CHKw(Curwin, View_MEMORY)) { show_special(0, fmtmk(MEMORY_line1 , kb_main_total, kb_main_used, kb_main_free, kb_main_buffers)); show_special(0, fmtmk(MEMORY_line2 , kb_swap_total, kb_swap_used, kb_swap_free, kb_main_cached)); Msg_row += 2; } SETw(Curwin, NEWFRAM_cwo); return p_table; } /* * Display information for a single task row. */ static void task_show (WIN_t *q, proc_t *p) { /* the following macro is our means to 'inline' emitting a column -- next to procs_refresh, that's the most frequent and costly part of top's job ! */ #define MKCOL(va...) do { \ if (!(CHKw(q, Show_HICOLS) && q->sortindx == i)) \ snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), f, ## va); \ else { \ snprintf(_z, sizeof(_z), f, ## va); \ snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "%s%s%s", q->capclr_rowhigh, _z \ , !(CHKw(q, Show_HIROWS) && 'R' == p->state) ? q->capclr_rownorm : ""); \ pad += q->len_rowhigh; \ if (!(CHKw(q, Show_HIROWS) && 'R' == p->state)) pad += q->len_rownorm; \ } } while (0) char rbuf[ROWBUFSIZ], *rp; int j, x, pad; // we must begin a row with a possible window number in mind... *(rp = rbuf) = '\0'; if ((pad = Mode_altscr)) rp = scat(rp, " "); for (x = 0; x < q->maxpflgs; x++) { char cbuf[ROWBUFSIZ], _z[ROWBUFSIZ]; register PFLG_t i = q->procflags[x]; // support for our field/column const char *f = Fieldstab[i].fmts; // macro AND sometimes the fmt unsigned s = Fieldstab[i].scale; // string must be altered ! unsigned w = Fieldstab[i].width; switch (i) { case P_CMD: { char *cp; if (CHKw(q, Show_CMDLIN)) { char tmp[ROWBUFSIZ]; if (p->cmdline) { j = 0; *(cp = tmp) = '\0'; do { cp = scat(cp, fmtmk("%.*s ", q->maxcmdln, p->cmdline[j])); if (q->maxcmdln < (cp - tmp)) break; } while (p->cmdline[++j]); strim(1, tmp); } else strcpy(tmp, fmtmk(CMDLINE_FMTS, p->cmd)); cp = tmp; } else cp = p->cmd; MKCOL(q->maxcmdln, q->maxcmdln, cp); } break; case P_COD: MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->trs), w, s)); break; case P_CPN: MKCOL((unsigned)p->processor); break; case P_CPU: { float u = (float)p->pcpu * Frame_tscale; if (99.9 < u) u = 99.9; MKCOL(u); } break; case P_DAT: MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->drs), w, s)); break; case P_DRT: MKCOL(scale_num((unsigned)p->dt, w, s)); break; case P_FLG: { char tmp[TNYBUFSIZ]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), f, (long)p->flags); for (j = 0; tmp[j]; j++) if ('0' == tmp[j]) tmp[j] = '.'; f = tmp; MKCOL(); } break; case P_FLT: MKCOL(scale_num(p->maj_flt, w, s)); break; case P_GRP: MKCOL(p->egroup); break; case P_MEM: MKCOL((float)PAGES_2K(p->resident) * 100 / kb_main_total); break; case P_NCE: MKCOL((int)p->nice); break; case P_PGD: MKCOL((unsigned)p->pgrp); break; case P_PID: MKCOL((unsigned)p->pid); break; case P_PPD: MKCOL((unsigned)p->ppid); break; case P_PRI: if (-99 > p->priority || +99 < p->priority) { f = " RT "; MKCOL(); } else MKCOL((int)p->priority); break; case P_RES: MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->resident), w, s)); break; case P_SHR: MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->share), w, s)); break; case P_STA: #ifdef USE_LIB_STA3 MKCOL(status(p)); #else MKCOL(p->state); #endif break; case P_SWP: MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->size - p->resident), w, s)); break; case P_TME: case P_TM2: { TICS_t t = p->utime + p->stime; if (CHKw(q, Show_CTIMES)) t += (p->cutime + p->cstime); MKCOL(scale_tics(t, w)); } break; case P_TTY: { char tmp[TNYBUFSIZ]; dev_to_tty(tmp, (int)w, p->tty, p->pid, ABBREV_DEV); MKCOL(tmp); } break; case P_UID: MKCOL((unsigned)p->euid); break; case P_USR: MKCOL(p->euser); break; case P_VRT: MKCOL(scale_num(PAGES_2K(p->size), w, s)); break; case P_WCH: if (No_ksyms) { #ifdef CASEUP_HEXES f = "%08lX "; #else f = "%08lx "; #endif MKCOL((long)p->wchan); } else { MKCOL(wchan(p->wchan)); } break; } /* end: switch 'procflag' */ rp = scat(rp, cbuf); } /* end: for 'maxpflgs' */ PUFF("\n%s%.*s%s%s", (CHKw(q, Show_HIROWS) && 'R' == p->state) ? q->capclr_rowhigh : q->capclr_rownorm , Screen_cols + pad , rbuf , Caps_off , Cap_clr_eol); #undef MKCOL } /* * Squeeze as many tasks as we can into a single window, * after sorting the passed proc table. */ static void window_show (proc_t **ppt, WIN_t *q, int *lscr) { #ifdef SORT_SUPRESS // the 1 flag that DOES and 2 flags that MAY impact our proc table qsort #define srtMASK ~( Qsrt_NORMAL | Show_CMDLIN | Show_CTIMES ) static PFLG_t sav_indx = 0; static int sav_flgs = -1; #endif int i, lwin; /* ** Display Column Headings -- and distract 'em while we sort (maybe) */ PUFF("\n%s%s%s%s", q->capclr_hdr, q->columnhdr, Caps_off, Cap_clr_eol); #ifdef SORT_SUPRESS if (CHKw(Curwin, NEWFRAM_cwo) || sav_indx != q->sortindx || sav_flgs != (q->winflags & srtMASK)) { sav_indx = q->sortindx; sav_flgs = (q->winflags & srtMASK); #endif if (CHKw(q, Qsrt_NORMAL)) Frame_srtflg = 1; // this one's always needed! else Frame_srtflg = -1; Frame_ctimes = CHKw(q, Show_CTIMES); // this and next, only maybe Frame_cmdlin = CHKw(q, Show_CMDLIN); qsort(ppt, Frame_maxtask, sizeof(proc_t *), Fieldstab[q->sortindx].sort); #ifdef SORT_SUPRESS } #endif // account for column headings (*lscr)++; lwin = 1; i = 0; while ( -1 != ppt[i]->pid && *lscr < Max_lines && (!q->winlines || (lwin <= q->winlines)) ) { if ((CHKw(q, Show_IDLEPS) || ('S' != ppt[i]->state && 'Z' != ppt[i]->state)) && ((!q->colusrnam[0]) || (!strcmp(q->colusrnam, ppt[i]->euser)) ) ) { /* ** Display a process Row */ task_show(q, ppt[i]); (*lscr)++; ++lwin; } ++i; } // for this frame that window's toast, cleanup for next time q->winlines = 0; OFFw(Curwin, FLGSOFF_cwo); #ifdef SORT_SUPRESS #undef srtMASK #endif } /*###### Entry point plus two ##########################################*/ /* * This guy's just a *Helper* function who apportions the * remaining amount of screen real estate under multiple windows */ static void framehlp (int wix, int max) { register int i; int rsvd, size, wins; // calc remaining number of visible windows + total 'user' lines for (i = wix, rsvd = 0, wins = 0; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) { if (CHKw(Winstk[i], VISIBLE_tsk)) { rsvd += Winstk[i]->maxtasks; ++wins; if (max <= rsvd) break; } } if (!wins) wins = 1; // set aside 'rsvd' & deduct 1 line/window for the columns heading size = (max - wins) - rsvd; if (0 <= size) size = max; size = (max - wins) / wins; /* for remaining windows, set WIN_t winlines to either the user's maxtask (1st choice) or our 'foxized' size calculation (foxized adj. - 'fair and balanced') */ for (i = wix ; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) { if (CHKw(Winstk[i], VISIBLE_tsk)) { Winstk[i]->winlines = Winstk[i]->maxtasks ? Winstk[i]->maxtasks : size; } } } /* * Initiate the Frame Display Update cycle at someone's whim! * This routine doesn't do much, mostly he just calls others. * * (Whoa, wait a minute, we DO caretake those row guys, plus) * (we CALCULATE that IMPORTANT Max_lines thingy so that the) * (*subordinate* functions invoked know WHEN the user's had) * (ENOUGH already. And at Frame End, it SHOULD be apparent) * (WE am d'MAN -- clearing UNUSED screen LINES and ensuring) * (the CURSOR is STUCK in just the RIGHT place, know what I) * (mean? Huh, "doesn't DO MUCH"! Never, EVER think or say) * (THAT about THIS function again, Ok? Good that's better.) * * (ps. we ARE the UNEQUALED justification KING of COMMENTS!) * (No, I don't mean significance/relevance, only alignment.) * * (What's that? Are you sure? Old main's REALLY GOOD too?) * (You say he even JUSTIFIES comments in his FUNCTION BODY?) * (Jeeze, how COULD I have known? That sob's NOT IN SCOPE!) */ static void frame_make (void) { proc_t **ppt; int i, scrlins; /* note: except for PROC_PID, all libproc flags are managed by reframewins(), who also builds each window's column headers */ if (!Frame_libflgs) reframewins(); Pseudo_row = Msg_row = scrlins = 0; ppt = summary_show(); Max_lines = (Screen_rows - Msg_row) - 1; if (CHKw(Curwin, EQUWINS_cwo)) wins_reflag(Flags_OFF, EQUWINS_cwo); // sure hope each window's columns header begins with a newline... putp(tg2(0, Msg_row)); if (!Mode_altscr) { // only 1 window to show so, piece o' cake Curwin->winlines = Curwin->maxtasks; window_show(ppt, Curwin, &scrlins); } else { // maybe NO window is visible but assume, pieces o' cakes for (i = 0 ; i < GROUPSMAX; i++) { if (CHKw(Winstk[i], VISIBLE_tsk)) { framehlp(i, Max_lines - scrlins); window_show(ppt, Winstk[i], &scrlins); } if (Max_lines <= scrlins) break; } } /* clear to end-of-screen (critical if last window is 'idleps off'), then put the cursor in-its-place, and rid us of any prior frame's msg (main loop must iterate such that we're always called before sleep) */ PUTT("%s%s%s" , (scrlins < Max_lines) ? Cap_clr_eos : "" , tg2(0, Msg_row) , Cap_clr_eol); fflush(stdout); } /* * Darling, you DO look simply MARVELOUS -- have you been dieting? * Or maybe it's because YOU and WINDOWS seem such a HAPPY couple. * * Of course NO. Not THOSE deathly BLUE WINDOWS! I mean your 'A' * mode (alt display) windows. Yes, yes those completely OPTIONAL * ones. We ALL know you'd NEVER FORCE that interface on ANY user * - unlike You-Know-Who! Well I've got to run. But you're doing * it just SPLENDIDLY! You go right on doing it EXACTLY the SAME! */ int main (int dont_care_argc, char **argv) { (void)dont_care_argc; before(*argv); /* Ok, she's gone now. Don't you mind her, she means well but yes, she is a bit of a busy-body. Always playing the matchmaker role, trying to do away with unmarried windows and bachelors. So, back to business buddy! You're hungry, you said? How'd you like a sandwich? No, no, no -- not the usual slopped together, hacked up illogic. I'm talkin' a carefully reasoned, artfully crafted, extremely capable, well behaved executable! Well then, here, try THIS sandwich: */ // +-------------+ windows_stage1(); // top (sic) slice configs_read(); // > spread etc, < parse_args(&argv[1]); // > lean stuff, < whack_terminal(); // > onions etc. < windows_stage2(); // as bottom slice // +-------------+ signal(SIGALRM, end_pgm); signal(SIGHUP, end_pgm); signal(SIGINT, end_pgm); signal(SIGPIPE, end_pgm); signal(SIGQUIT, end_pgm); signal(SIGTERM, end_pgm); signal(SIGTSTP, suspend); signal(SIGTTIN, suspend); signal(SIGTTOU, suspend); signal(SIGCONT, wins_resize); signal(SIGWINCH, wins_resize); for (;;) { struct timeval tv; fd_set fs; char c; // This is it? frame_make(); // Impossible! if (Msg_awaiting) show_msg(Msg_delayed); if (0 < Loops) --Loops; if (!Loops) end_pgm(0); if (Batch) sleep((unsigned)Delay_time); else { // Linux reports time not slept, tv.tv_sec = Delay_time; // so we must reinit every time. tv.tv_usec = (Delay_time - (int)Delay_time) * 1000000; FD_ZERO(&fs); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &fs); if (0 < select(STDIN_FILENO+1, &fs, NULL, NULL, &tv) && 0 < chin(0, &c, 1)) do_key((unsigned)c); } } /* (listen before we return, aren't you sort of sad for old 'frame_make'?) (so, uh, why don't we just move this main guy to near the beginning of) (the C source file. then that poor old function would be sure to have) (at least a chance at scopin' us out, ya know what i mean? so what do) (ya think? all things considered, would that be a proper thing to do?) Now there's an EXCELLENT idea! After all, SOME programmers DO code the main function ANY OLD PLACE they feel like. And in doing THAT, they're helping to keep those that FOLLOW out of mischief, busy HUNTING for the thing. Further, by moving it we can contribute to PROTOTYPE PROLIFERATION for every function main calls. Don't you KNOW that those declarations OFTEN LINGER, usually long AFTER the REAL definitions have DISAPPEARED, since programs do evolve? Yep that's a GREAT idea you got there, NICE GOING! But, here's an opposing view: ANYONE who'd put main ANYWHERE such that its LOCATION cannot be REACHED with JUST 1 KEYSTROKE better turn in their Coding_Badge and Pocket_Protector then -- BE GONE! The main function has only ONE proper HOME: always the LAST function in that C Listing. End-of-Story, No-More-Discussion, so BE QUIET already! \---------------------------------------------------------------------/ Sheeesh, didn't that doofus know the return statement can't be executed or that we end via a caught signal? Oh Lordy, I is DROWNING in morons! They done REACHED clear up to my OUTER braces! We's surely DOOMED now! /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ */ return 0; }