Some Debian pbuilders error out on some of the tests because they cannot find kill to kill the test processes. Now if we cannot find kill we skip those lot of tests. Still need to work out why the S390 doesn't like test_sched References:
129 lines
3.8 KiB
129 lines
3.8 KiB
# Dejagnu tests for pgrep - part of procps
set mypid [pid]
set not_ppid [ expr { $mypid + 1 } ]
set pgrep "${topdir}pgrep"
set uid [ exec id -u ]
set not_uid [ expr { $uid + 1 } ]
set gid [ exec id -g ]
set not_gid [ expr { $gid + 1 } ]
set ps "${topdir}ps/pscommand"
set raw_tty [ exec tty ]
regexp "/dev/(.+)" $raw_tty > tty
set test "pgprep with no arguments"
spawn $pgrep
expect_pass "$test" "^\(lt-\)\?pgrep: no matching criteria specified\\s*"
# Tests that don't need the test process go above here
if { [ catch { exec sh -c "command -v kill" } kill_path] } {
untested { kill path not found }
set testproc_len [ string length $testproc_comm ]
set testproc_trim [ string range $testproc_comm 0 [ expr { $testproc_len - 2 } ] ]
set testproc1_sid [ string trim [ exec $ps --no-headers -o sid $testproc1_pid ] ]
set test "pgrep find both test pids"
spawn $pgrep $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
# In Debian only
#set test "pgrep counts 2 test pids"
#spawn $pgrep -c $testproc_comm
#expect_pass "$test" "^2\\s*"
set test "pgrep with : delimiter"
spawn $pgrep -d : $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^${testproc1_pid}:${testproc2_pid}\\s*$"
# FIXME - Need to test against -f flag
set test "pgrep match against full process name"
untested $test
set test "pgrep with matching gid"
spawn $pgrep -G $gid $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep with not matching gid"
spawn $pgrep -G $not_gid $testproc_comm
expect_blank $test
set test "pgrep with process name"
spawn $pgrep -l $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc_comm\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s+$testproc_comm\\s*$"
set test "pgrep with full command line"
spawn $pgrep -a $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc_path\\s+$sleep_time\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s+$testproc_path\\s+$sleep_time\\s*$"
set test "pgrep find newest test pid"
spawn $pgrep -n $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep find oldest test pid"
spawn $pgrep -o $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep matches with parent pid"
spawn $pgrep -P $mypid $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep doesn't match with bogus parent pid"
spawn $pgrep -P $not_ppid $testproc_comm
expect_blank "$test"
set test "pgrep matches with its own sid"
spawn $pgrep -s $testproc1_sid $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep doesn't match with bogus sid"
spawn $pgrep -s 1 $testproc_comm
expect_blank "$test"
set test "pgrep matches on tty"
spawn $pgrep -t $tty $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep doesn't match with bogus tty"
spawn $pgrep -t glass $testproc_comm
expect_blank "$test"
set test "pgrep with matching euid"
spawn $pgrep -u $uid $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep with not matching euid"
spawn $pgrep -u $not_uid $testproc_comm
expect_blank $test
set test "pgrep with matching uid"
spawn $pgrep -U $uid $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep with not matching uid"
spawn $pgrep -U $not_uid $testproc_comm
expect_blank $test
set test "pgrep matches on substring"
spawn $pgrep $testproc_trim
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep matches full string with exact"
spawn $pgrep -x $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
set test "pgrep does not match substring with exact"
spawn $pgrep -x $testproc_trim
expect_blank $test
# Cleanup
eval exec "$kill_path $testproc1_pid"
eval exec "$kill_path $testproc2_pid"
file delete $testproc_path