Chris Down 866abacf88 pgrep: Support matching on the presence of a userspace signal handler
In production we've had several incidents over the years where a process
has a signal handler registered for SIGHUP or one of the SIGUSR signals
which can be used to signal a request to reload configs, rotate log
files, and the like. While this may seem harmless enough, what we've
seen happen repeatedly is something like the following:

1. A process is using SIGHUP/SIGUSR[12] to request some
   application-handled state change -- reloading configs, rotating a log
   file, etc;
2. This kind of request is deprecated and removed, so the signal handler
   is removed. However, a site where the signal might be sent from is
   missed (often logrotate or a service manager);
3. Because the default disposition of these signals is terminal, sooner
   or later these applications are going to be sent SIGHUP or similar
   and end up unexpectedly killed.

I know for a fact that we're not the only organisation experiencing
this: in general, signal use is pretty tricky to reason about and safely
remove because of the fairly aggressive SIG_DFL behaviour for some
common signals, especially for SIGHUP which has a particularly ambiguous
meaning. Especially in a large, highly interconnected codebase,
reasoning about signal interactions between system configuration and
applications can be highly complex, and it's inevitable that on occasion
a callsite will be missed.

In some cases the right call to avoid this will be to migrate services
towards other forms of IPC for this purpose, but inevitably there will
be some services which must continue using signals, so we need a safe
way to support them.

This patch adds support for the -H/--require-handler flag, which matches
on processes with a userspace handler present for the signal being sent.

With this flag we can enforce that all SIGHUP reload cases and SIGUSR
equivalents use --require-handler. This effectively mitigates the case
we've seen time and time again where SIGHUP is used to rotate log files
or reload configs, but the sending site is mistakenly left present after
the removal of signal handler, resulting in unintended termination of
the process.

Signed-off-by: Chris Down <>
2023-01-15 04:05:40 +00:00

326 lines
7.8 KiB

.\" Copyright 2000 Kjetil Torgrim Homme
.\" 2017-2020 Craig Small
.\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
.\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
.\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
.\" (at your option) any later version.
.TH PGREP "1" "2022-11-01" "procps-ng" "User Commands"
pgrep, pkill, pidwait \- look up, signal, or wait for processes based on name and other attributes
.B pgrep
[options] pattern
.B pkill
[options] pattern
.B pidwait
[options] pattern
.B pgrep
looks through the currently running processes and lists the process IDs which
match the selection criteria to stdout. All the criteria have to match.
For example,
$ pgrep \-u root sshd
will only list the processes called
.B sshd
AND owned by
.BR root .
On the other hand,
$ pgrep \-u root,daemon
will list the processes owned by
.B root
.BR daemon .
.B pkill
will send the specified signal (by default
to each process instead of listing them on stdout.
.B pidwait
will wait for each process instead of listing them on stdout.
\fB\-\-signal\fR \fIsignal\fR
Defines the signal to send to each matched process. Either the numeric or
the symbolic signal name can be used. In
.B pgrep
.B pidwait
mode this has no effect unless used in conjunction with
\fB\-\-require\-handler\fR to filter to processes with a userspace signal
handler present for a particular signal.
\fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-count\fR
Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching processes. When
count does not match anything, e.g. returns zero, the command will return
non-zero value. Note that for pkill and pidwait, the count is the number of
matching processes, not the processes that were successfully signaled or waited
\fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-delimiter\fR \fIdelimiter\fP
Sets the string used to delimit each process ID in the output (by default a
.RB ( pgrep
\fB\-e\fR, \fB\-\-echo\fR
Display name and PID of the process being killed.
.RB ( pkill
\fB\-f\fR, \fB\-\-full\fR
.I pattern
is normally only matched against the process name. When
.B \-f
is set, the full command line is used.
\fB\-g\fR, \fB\-\-pgroup\fR \fIpgrp\fP,...
Only match processes in the process group IDs listed. Process group 0 is
translated into
.BR pgrep 's,
.BR pkill 's,
.BR pidwait 's
own process group.
\fB\-G\fR, \fB\-\-group\fR \fIgid\fP,...
Only match processes whose real group ID is listed. Either the numerical or
symbolical value may be used.
\fB\-i\fR, \fB\-\-ignore\-case\fR
Match processes case-insensitively.
\fB\-l\fR, \fB\-\-list\-name\fR
List the process name as well as the process ID.
.RB ( pgrep
\fB\-a\fR, \fB\-\-list\-full\fR
List the full command line as well as the process ID.
.RB ( pgrep
\fB\-n\fR, \fB\-\-newest\fR
Select only the newest (most recently started) of the matching processes.
\fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-oldest\fR
Select only the oldest (least recently started) of the matching processes.
\fB\-O\fR, \fB\-\-older\fR \fIsecs\fP
Select processes older than secs.
\fB\-P\fR, \fB\-\-parent\fR \fIppid\fP,...
Only match processes whose parent process ID is listed.
\fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-session\fR \fIsid\fP,...
Only match processes whose process session ID is listed. Session ID 0
is translated into
.BR pgrep 's,
.BR pkill 's,
.BR pidwait 's
own session ID.
\fB\-t\fR, \fB\-\-terminal\fR \fIterm\fP,...
Only match processes whose controlling terminal is listed. The terminal name
should be specified without the "/dev/" prefix.
\fB\-u\fR, \fB\-\-euid\fR \fIeuid\fP,...
Only match processes whose effective user ID is listed. Either the numerical
or symbolical value may be used.
\fB\-U\fR, \fB\-\-uid\fR \fIuid\fP,...
Only match processes whose real user ID is listed. Either the numerical or
symbolical value may be used.
\fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-inverse\fR\fR
Negates the matching. This option is usually used in
.BR pgrep 's
.BR pidwait 's
context. In
.BR pkill 's
context the short option is disabled to avoid accidental usage of the option.
\fB\-w\fR, \fB\-\-lightweight\fR\fR
Shows all thread ids instead of pids in
.BR pgrep 's
.BR pidwait 's
context. In
.BR pkill 's
context this option is disabled.
\fB\-x\fR, \fB\-\-exact\fR\fR
Only match processes whose names (or command lines if \fB\-f\fR is specified)
.B exactly
match the
.IR pattern .
\fB\-F\fR, \fB\-\-pidfile\fR \fIfile\fR
Read \fIPID\fRs from \fIfile\fR. This option is more useful for
.BR pkill or pidwait
.BR pgrep .
\fB\-L\fR, \fB\-\-logpidfile\fR
Fail if pidfile (see \fB\-F\fR) not locked.
\fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-runstates\fR \fID,R,S,Z,\fP...
Match only processes which match the process state.
\fB\-A\fR, \fB\-\-ignore-ancestors\fR\fR
Ignore all ancestors of
.BR pgrep ,
.BR pkill ,
.BR pidwait .
For example, this can be useful when elevating with
.BR sudo
or similar tools.
\fB\-H\fR, \fB\-\-require\-handler\fR\fR
Only match processes with a userspace signal handler present for the signal to
be sent.
\fB\-\-cgroup \fIname\fP,...
Match on provided control group (cgroup) v2 name. See
.BR cgroups (8)
\fB\-\-ns \fIpid\fP
Match processes that belong to the same namespaces. Required to run as
root to match processes from other users. See \fB\-\-nslist\fR for how to
limit which namespaces to match.
\fB\-\-nslist \fIname\fP,...
Match only the provided namespaces. Available namespaces:
ipc, mnt, net, pid, user,uts.
\fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-queue \fIvalue\fP
.BR sigqueue(3)
rather than
.BR kill(2)
and the value argument is used to specify
an integer to be sent with the signal. If the receiving process has
installed a handler for this signal using the SA_SIGINFO flag to
.BR sigaction(2)
, then it can obtain this data via the si_value field of the
siginfo_t structure.
\fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR
Display version information and exit.
\fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
Display help and exit.
.I pattern
Specifies an Extended Regular Expression for matching against the process
names or command lines.
Example 1: Find the process ID of the
.B named
$ pgrep \-u root named
Example 2: Make
.B syslog
reread its configuration file:
$ pkill \-HUP syslogd
Example 3: Give detailed information on all
.B xterm
$ ps \-fp $(pgrep \-d, \-x xterm)
Example 4: Make all
.B chrome
processes run nicer:
$ renice +4 $(pgrep chrome)
.PD 0
One or more processes matched the criteria. For pkill and pidwait, one or more
processes must also have been successfully signalled or waited for.
No processes matched or none of them could be signalled.
Syntax error in the command line.
Fatal error: out of memory etc.
The process name used for matching is limited to the 15 characters present in
the output of /proc/\fIpid\fP/stat. Use the \fB\-f\fR option to match against the
complete command line, /proc/\fIpid\fP/cmdline. Threads may not have the
same process name as the parent process but will have the same command line.
The running
.BR pgrep ,
.BR pkill ,
.B pidwait
process will never report itself as a
.B \-O \-\-older
option will silently fail if /proc is mounted with the \fIsubset=pid\fR option.
The options
.B \-n
.B \-o
.B \-v
can not be combined. Let
me know if you need to do this.
Defunct processes are reported.
.B pidwait
requires the
.BR pidfd_open (2)
system call which first appeared in Linux 5.3.
.BR ps (1),
.BR regex (7),
.BR signal (7),
.BR sigqueue (3),
.BR killall (1),
.BR skill (1),
.BR kill (1),
.BR kill (2),
.BR cgroups (8)
Kjetil Torgrim Homme
Please send bug reports to