The previous commit had one minor bug in it because the fields need to be alphabetical and times comes after timeout. Added NEWS item for this feature Added another testsuite check for new flags in case they disappear or go strange one day. References: commit 8a94ed61119f8dcf7bcb98b84534e408d4eb7769
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# Dejagnu tests for ps (output options) - part of procps
set ps ${topdir}ps/pscommand
set mypid [pid]
set not_ppid [ expr { $mypid + 1 } ]
set uid [ exec id -u ]
set not_uid [ expr { $uid + 1 } ]
set gid [ exec id -g ]
set not_gid [ expr { $gid + 1 } ]
# All the fields
# Cannot do args,cmd,comm
set ps_digit "\\d+\\s*"
set ps_state "\[A-Z<sl+\]\\s*"
#set ps_pct "\\d{1,2}\\.\\d\\s*"
set ps_pct "\\d"
set ps_hex "\[0-9a-f\]\\s*"
set ps_time "\\d{1,3}:\\d{2}\\s*"
set ps_time "\(\d+-\)?\\\d{1,3}:\\d{2}\\s*"
set ps_class "\[A-Z?-\]\\s*"
set flag_match {
"%cpu,pcpu,%mem,pmem" "%CPU\\s+%CPU\\s+%MEM\\s+%MEM\\s+\(\\d+\.\\d+\\s*\){4}$"
"blocked,sig_block,sigmask,caught,sigcatch,sig_catch" "\(BLOCKED\\s+\){3}\(CAUGHT\\s+\){2}CATCHED\\s+\(<?\[0-9a-f\]+\\s*\){6}$"
"bsdstart,start,lstart" "\\s*START\\s+STARTED\\s+STARTED\\s+\(\\s*\(\[A-Z\]\[a-z\]{2} \\d+|\\d+:\\d{2}\)\\s+\(\[A-Z\]\[a-z\]{2} \\d+|\\d+:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\)\\s+\[A-Z\]\[a-z\]{2} \[A-Z\]\[a-z\]{2}\\s+\\d+ \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2} \\d{4}\\s*\)+$"
"bsdtime,cputime,etime,etimes" "\\s*TIME\\s+TIME\\s+ELAPSED\\s+ELAPSED\\s*\(\\s*\\d+:\\d{2}\\s+\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\s+\(\\d{2}:\)?\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\s+\\d+\\s*\)$"
"user,ruser,group,rgroup,uid,ruid,gid,rgid" "\\s*USER\\s+RUSER\\s+GROUP\\s+RGROUP\\s+UID\\s+RUID\\s+GID\\s+RGID\\s+\(\(\\s*\[A-Za-z0-9_+-\]+\\s+\){4}\(\\d+\\s+\){4}\\s*\)+$"
"cputimes,times" "\\s*TIME\\s+TIME\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s*"
foreach { flag match } $flag_match {
set test "ps with output flag $flag"
spawn $ps -o $flag
expect_pass "$test" $match