Ok, here is that rather major internal redesign hinted at in the three previous commits. Its need was quickly revealed after adapting top then attempting to display newly added 'CGNAME' fields and an existing 'CGROUPS'. That very quickly generated a SEGV. And the reason was just as quickly recognized. Both fields relied on that proc_t.cgroup member yet whichever result structure is first in a stack is the one which assumes ownership of of the vectored sting by resetting its cgroup to NULL. So this commit introduces reference counting for a few of the fields in the proc_t. Specifically there are 17 entries in the Item_table dealing with strings/vectors where ownership is transferred to newlib. Now whenever such fields are represented more than once in a stack, the strings will be duplicated instead of transferred. In this way we can generally remain optimized avoiding string copies, yet still accommodate them when needed. There's an exception to this scheme: those true string vectors (CGROUP_V, CMDLINE_V and ENVIRON_V). When such fields are duplicated in a stack the result structures beyond the first will be set to NULL, which the caller will (should) already be equipped to deal with anyway. Signed-off-by: Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
1512 lines
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1512 lines
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* pids.c - task/thread/process related declarations for libproc
* Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Albert Cahalan
* Copyright (C) 2015 Craig Small <csmall@enc.com.au>
* Copyright (C) 2015 Jim Warner <james.warner@comcast.net>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
//efine _GNU_SOURCE // for qsort_r
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <proc/pids.h>
#include <proc/sysinfo.h>
#include <proc/uptime.h>
#include "procps-private.h"
#include "devname.h" // and a few headers for our
#include "readproc.h" // bridged libprocps support
#include "wchan.h" // ( maybe just temporary? )
//#define UNREF_RPTHASH // report on hashing, at uref time
//#define FPRINT_STACKS // enable validate_stacks output
#define FILL_ID_MAX 255 // upper limit for pid/uid fills
#define MEMORY_INCR 128 // amt by which allocations grow
#define READS_BEGUN (info->read) // a read is in progress
enum pids_item PROCPS_PIDS_logical_end = PROCPS_PIDS_noop + 1;
enum pids_item PROCPS_PIDS_physical_end = PROCPS_PIDS_noop + 2;
// these represent the proc_t fields whose storage cannot be managed
// optimally if they are ever referenced more than once in any stack
enum rel_ref {
ref_CGROUP, ref_CGROUP_V, ref_CMD, ref_CMDLINE,
ref_SD_OUID, ref_SD_SEAT, ref_SD_SESS, ref_SD_SLICE,
struct stacks_extent {
struct pids_stack **stacks;
int ext_numitems; // includes 'physical_end' delimiter
int ext_numstacks;
struct stacks_extent *next;
struct fetch_support {
struct pids_stack **anchor; // reapable/fillable (consolidated extents)
int n_alloc; // number of above pointers allocated
int n_inuse; // number of above pointers occupied
int n_alloc_save; // last known summary.stacks allocation
struct pids_reap summary; // counts + stacks for return to caller
struct procps_pidsinfo {
int refcount;
int maxitems; // includes 'physical_end' delimiter
int curitems; // includes 'logical_end' delimiter
enum pids_item *items; // includes 'phy/log_end' delimiters
struct stacks_extent *extents; // anchor for all resettable extents
struct stacks_extent *otherexts; // anchor for single stack invariant extents
struct fetch_support reap; // support for procps_pids_reap
struct fetch_support select; // support for procps_pids_select
int history_yes; // need historical data
struct history_info *hist; // pointer to historical support data
int dirty_stacks; // extents need dynamic storage clean
struct stacks_extent *read; // an extent used for active reads
proc_t*(*read_something)(PROCTAB*, proc_t*); // readproc/readeither via which
unsigned pgs2k_shift; // to convert some proc vaules
unsigned flags; // the old library PROC_FILL flagss
PROCTAB *PT; // the old library essential interface
unsigned long hertz; // for TIME_ALL & TIME_ELAPSED calculations
unsigned long long boot_seconds; // for TIME_ELAPSED calculation
int ref_counts[MAXIMUM_ref]; // ref counts for special string fields
// ___ Results 'Set' Support ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
static char **dupstrvecs (char **pvec) {
/* maybe someday we'll actually duplicate these string vectors but,
for now, let's just gently tell the user 'thanks, but no thanks'
( remember, that user was already provided with one valid copy ) */
return NULL;
#define setNAME(e) set_results_ ## e
#define setDECL(e) static void setNAME(e) \
(struct procps_pidsinfo *I, struct pids_result *R, proc_t *P)
// convert pages to kib
#define CVT_set(e,t,x) setDECL(e) { \
R->result. t = (unsigned long)(P-> x) << I -> pgs2k_shift; }
// strdup of a static char array
#define DUP_set(e,x) setDECL(e) { \
(void)I; R->result.str = strdup(P-> x); }
// regular assignment copy
#define REG_set(e,t,x) setDECL(e) { \
(void)I; R->result. t = P-> x; }
// take ownership of a regular char* string if possible, else duplicate
#define STR_set(e,x) setDECL(e) { \
if (I->ref_counts[ref_ ## e] > 1) R->result.str = strdup(P-> x); \
else { R->result.str = P-> x; P-> x = NULL; } }
// take ownership of a vectorized single string if possible, else duplicate
#define STV_set(e,x) setDECL(e) { \
if (I->ref_counts[ref_ ## e] > 1) R->result.str = strdup(*P-> x); \
else { R->result.str = *P-> x; P-> x = NULL; } }
// take ownership of true vectorized strings if possible, else return NULL
#define VEC_set(e,x) setDECL(e) { \
if (I->ref_counts[ref_ ## e] > 1) R->result.strv = dupstrvecs(P-> x); \
else { R->result.strv = P-> x; P-> x = NULL; } }
REG_set(ADDR_END_CODE, ul_int, end_code)
REG_set(ADDR_KSTK_EIP, ul_int, kstk_eip)
REG_set(ADDR_KSTK_ESP, ul_int, kstk_esp)
REG_set(ADDR_START_CODE, ul_int, start_code)
REG_set(ADDR_START_STACK, ul_int, start_stack)
REG_set(ALARM, sl_int, alarm)
setDECL(CGNAME) { char *name = strstr(*P->cgroup, ":name="); if (name && *(name+6)) name += 6; else name = *P->cgroup; R->result.str = strdup(name); }
STV_set(CGROUP, cgroup)
VEC_set(CGROUP_V, cgroup)
STR_set(CMD, cmd)
STV_set(CMDLINE, cmdline)
VEC_set(CMDLINE_V, cmdline)
STV_set(ENVIRON, environ)
VEC_set(ENVIRON_V, environ)
REG_set(EXIT_SIGNAL, s_int, exit_signal)
REG_set(FLAGS, ul_int, flags)
REG_set(FLT_MAJ, ul_int, maj_flt)
REG_set(FLT_MAJ_C, ul_int, cmaj_flt)
REG_set(FLT_MAJ_DELTA, ul_int, maj_delta)
REG_set(FLT_MIN, ul_int, min_flt)
REG_set(FLT_MIN_C, ul_int, cmin_flt)
REG_set(FLT_MIN_DELTA, ul_int, min_delta)
REG_set(ID_EGID, u_int, egid)
REG_set(ID_EGROUP, str, egroup)
REG_set(ID_EUID, u_int, euid)
REG_set(ID_EUSER, str, euser)
REG_set(ID_FGID, u_int, fgid)
REG_set(ID_FGROUP, str, fgroup)
REG_set(ID_FUID, u_int, fuid)
REG_set(ID_FUSER, str, fuser)
REG_set(ID_PGRP, s_int, pgrp)
REG_set(ID_PID, s_int, tid)
REG_set(ID_PPID, s_int, ppid)
REG_set(ID_RGID, u_int, rgid)
REG_set(ID_RGROUP, str, rgroup)
REG_set(ID_RUID, u_int, ruid)
REG_set(ID_RUSER, str, ruser)
REG_set(ID_SESSION, s_int, session)
REG_set(ID_SGID, u_int, sgid)
REG_set(ID_SGROUP, str, sgroup)
REG_set(ID_SUID, u_int, suid)
REG_set(ID_SUSER, str, suser)
REG_set(ID_TGID, s_int, tgid)
REG_set(ID_TPGID, s_int, tpgid)
setDECL(LXCNAME) { (void)I; R->result.str = (char *)P->lxcname; }
REG_set(MEM_CODE, sl_int, trs)
CVT_set(MEM_CODE_KIB, ul_int, trs)
REG_set(MEM_DATA, sl_int, drs)
CVT_set(MEM_DATA_KIB, ul_int, drs)
REG_set(MEM_DT, sl_int, dt)
REG_set(MEM_LRS, sl_int, lrs)
REG_set(MEM_RES, sl_int, resident)
CVT_set(MEM_RES_KIB, ul_int, resident)
REG_set(MEM_SHR, sl_int, share)
CVT_set(MEM_SHR_KIB, ul_int, share)
REG_set(MEM_VIRT, sl_int, size)
CVT_set(MEM_VIRT_KIB, ul_int, size)
REG_set(NICE, sl_int, nice)
REG_set(NLWP, s_int, nlwp)
REG_set(NS_IPC, ul_int, ns.ns[0])
REG_set(NS_MNT, ul_int, ns.ns[1])
REG_set(NS_NET, ul_int, ns.ns[2])
REG_set(NS_PID, ul_int, ns.ns[3])
REG_set(NS_USER, ul_int, ns.ns[4])
REG_set(NS_UTS, ul_int, ns.ns[5])
REG_set(OOM_ADJ, s_int, oom_adj)
REG_set(OOM_SCORE, s_int, oom_score)
REG_set(PRIORITY, s_int, priority)
REG_set(PROCESSOR, u_int, processor)
REG_set(RSS, sl_int, rss)
REG_set(RSS_RLIM, ul_int, rss_rlim)
REG_set(RTPRIO, ul_int, rtprio)
REG_set(SCHED_CLASS, ul_int, sched)
STR_set(SD_MACH, sd_mach)
STR_set(SD_OUID, sd_ouid)
STR_set(SD_SEAT, sd_seat)
STR_set(SD_SESS, sd_sess)
STR_set(SD_SLICE, sd_slice)
STR_set(SD_UNIT, sd_unit)
STR_set(SD_UUNIT, sd_uunit)
DUP_set(SIGBLOCKED, blocked)
DUP_set(SIGCATCH, sigcatch)
DUP_set(SIGIGNORE, sigignore)
DUP_set(SIGNALS, signal)
DUP_set(SIGPENDING, _sigpnd)
REG_set(STATE, s_ch, state)
STR_set(SUPGIDS, supgid)
STR_set(SUPGROUPS, supgrp)
setDECL(TICS_ALL) { (void)I; R->result.ull_int = P->utime + P->stime; }
setDECL(TICS_ALL_C) { (void)I; R->result.ull_int = P->utime + P->stime + P->cutime + P->cstime; }
REG_set(TICS_DELTA, u_int, pcpu)
REG_set(TICS_SYSTEM, ull_int, stime)
REG_set(TICS_SYSTEM_C, ull_int, cstime)
REG_set(TICS_USER, ull_int, utime)
REG_set(TICS_USER_C, ull_int, cutime)
setDECL(TIME_ALL) { R->result.ull_int = (P->utime + P->stime) / I->hertz; }
setDECL(TIME_ELAPSED) { R->result.ull_int = (I->boot_seconds >= (P->start_time / I->hertz)) ? I->boot_seconds - (P->start_time / I->hertz) : 0; }
REG_set(TIME_START, ull_int, start_time)
REG_set(TTY, s_int, tty)
setDECL(TTY_NAME) { char buf[64]; (void)I; dev_to_tty(buf, sizeof(buf), P->tty, P->tid, ABBREV_DEV); R->result.str = strdup(buf); }
setDECL(TTY_NUMBER) { char buf[64]; (void)I; dev_to_tty(buf, sizeof(buf), P->tty, P->tid, ABBREV_DEV|ABBREV_TTY|ABBREV_PTS); R->result.str = strdup(buf); }
REG_set(VM_DATA, ul_int, vm_data)
REG_set(VM_EXE, ul_int, vm_exe)
REG_set(VM_LIB, ul_int, vm_lib)
REG_set(VM_LOCK, ul_int, vm_lock)
REG_set(VM_RSS, ul_int, vm_rss)
REG_set(VM_SIZE, ul_int, vm_size)
REG_set(VM_STACK, ul_int, vm_stack)
REG_set(VM_SWAP, ul_int, vm_swap)
setDECL(VM_USED) { (void)I; R->result.ul_int = P->vm_swap + P->vm_rss; }
REG_set(VSIZE_PGS, ul_int, vsize)
REG_set(WCHAN_ADDR, ul_int, wchan)
setDECL(WCHAN_NAME) { (void)I; R->result.str = strdup(lookup_wchan(P->tid)); }
setDECL(extra) { (void)I; (void)R; (void)P; return; }
setDECL(noop) { (void)I; (void)R; (void)P; return; }
setDECL(logical_end) { (void)I; (void)R; (void)P; return; }
setDECL(physical_end) { (void)I; (void)R; (void)P; return; }
#undef setDECL
#undef CVT_set
#undef DUP_set
#undef REG_set
#undef STR_set
#undef STV_set
#undef VEC_set
// ___ Free Storage Support |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#define freNAME(e) free_results_ ## e
static void freNAME(str) (struct pids_result *R) {
if (R->result.str) free(R->result.str);
static void freNAME(strv) (struct pids_result *R) {
if (R->result.str && *R->result.strv) free(*R->result.strv);
// ___ Sorting Support ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
struct sort_parms {
int offset;
enum pids_sort_order order;
#define srtNAME(e) sort_results_ ## e
#define NUM_srt(T) static int srtNAME(T) ( \
const struct pids_stack **A, const struct pids_stack **B, struct sort_parms *P) { \
const struct pids_result *a = (*A)->head + P->offset; \
const struct pids_result *b = (*B)->head + P->offset; \
return P->order * (a->result. T - b->result. T); }
#define REG_srt(T) static int srtNAME(T) ( \
const struct pids_stack **A, const struct pids_stack **B, struct sort_parms *P) { \
const struct pids_result *a = (*A)->head + P->offset; \
const struct pids_result *b = (*B)->head + P->offset; \
if ( a->result. T > b->result. T ) return P->order > 0 ? 1 : -1; \
if ( a->result. T < b->result. T ) return P->order > 0 ? -1 : 1; \
return 0; }
static int srtNAME(str) (
const struct pids_stack **A, const struct pids_stack **B, struct sort_parms *P) {
const struct pids_result *a = (*A)->head + P->offset;
const struct pids_result *b = (*B)->head + P->offset;
return P->order * strcoll(a->result.str, b->result.str);
static int srtNAME(strv) (
const struct pids_stack **A, const struct pids_stack **B, struct sort_parms *P) {
const struct pids_result *a = (*A)->head + P->offset;
const struct pids_result *b = (*B)->head + P->offset;
if (!a->result.strv || !b->result.strv) return 0;
return P->order * strcoll((*a->result.strv), (*b->result.strv));
static int srtNAME(strvers) (
const struct pids_stack **A, const struct pids_stack **B, struct sort_parms *P) {
const struct pids_result *a = (*A)->head + P->offset;
const struct pids_result *b = (*B)->head + P->offset;
return P->order * strverscmp(a->result.str, b->result.str);
static int srtNAME(noop) (
const struct pids_stack **A, const struct pids_stack **B, enum pids_item *O) {
(void)A; (void)B; (void)O;
return 0;
#undef NUM_srt
#undef REG_srt
// ___ Controlling Table ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// from either 'stat' or 'status' (preferred)
#define f_either PROC_SPARE_1
#define f_grp PROC_FILLGRP
#define f_lxc PROC_FILL_LXC
#define f_ns PROC_FILLNS
#define f_oom PROC_FILLOOM
#define f_stat PROC_FILLSTAT
#define f_statm PROC_FILLMEM
#define f_status PROC_FILLSTATUS
#define f_systemd PROC_FILLSYSTEMD
#define f_usr PROC_FILLUSR
// these next three will yield true verctorized strings
#define v_arg PROC_FILLARG
#define v_cgroup PROC_FILLCGROUP
#define v_env PROC_FILLENV
// remaining are compound flags, yielding a single string (maybe vectorized)
#define x_cgroup PROC_EDITCGRPCVT | PROC_FILLCGROUP // just 1 str
#define x_cmdline PROC_EDITCMDLCVT | PROC_FILLARG // just 1 str
#define x_environ PROC_EDITENVRCVT | PROC_FILLENV // just 1 str
typedef void (*SET_t)(struct procps_pidsinfo *, struct pids_result *, proc_t *);
typedef void (*FRE_t)(struct pids_result *);
typedef int (*QSR_t)(const void *, const void *, void *);
#define RS(e) (SET_t)setNAME(e)
#define FF(e) (FRE_t)freNAME(e)
#define QS(t) (QSR_t)srtNAME(t)
* Need it be said?
* This table must be kept in the exact same order as
* those 'enum pids_item' guys ! */
static struct {
SET_t setsfunc; // the actual result setting routine
unsigned oldflags; // PROC_FILLxxxx flags for this item
FRE_t freefunc; // free function for strings storage
QSR_t sortfunc; // sort cmp func for a specific type
int needhist; // a result requires history support
int refcount; // the result needs reference counts
} Item_table[] = {
/* setsfunc oldflags freefunc sortfunc needhist refcount
--------------------- ---------- --------- ------------ -------- ------------- */
{ RS(ADDR_END_CODE), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ADDR_KSTK_EIP), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ADDR_KSTK_ESP), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ADDR_START_CODE), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ADDR_START_STACK), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ALARM), f_stat, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(CGNAME), x_cgroup, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_CGROUP }, // refcount: diff result, same source
{ RS(CGROUP), x_cgroup, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_CGROUP }, // refcount: diff result, same source
{ RS(CGROUP_V), v_cgroup, FF(strv), QS(strv), 0, ref_CGROUP_V },
{ RS(CMD), f_either, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_CMD },
{ RS(CMDLINE), x_cmdline, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_CMDLINE },
{ RS(CMDLINE_V), v_arg, FF(strv), QS(strv), 0, ref_CMDLINE_V },
{ RS(ENVIRON), x_environ, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_ENVIRON },
{ RS(ENVIRON_V), v_env, FF(strv), QS(strv), 0, ref_ENVIRON_V },
{ RS(EXIT_SIGNAL), f_stat, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(FLAGS), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(FLT_MAJ), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(FLT_MAJ_C), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(FLT_MAJ_DELTA), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), +1, -1 },
{ RS(FLT_MIN), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(FLT_MIN_C), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(FLT_MIN_DELTA), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), +1, -1 },
{ RS(ID_EGID), 0, NULL, QS(u_int), 0, -1 }, // oldflags: free w/ simple_read...
{ RS(ID_EGROUP), f_grp, NULL, QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_EUID), 0, NULL, QS(u_int), 0, -1 }, // oldflags: free w/ simple_read...
{ RS(ID_EUSER), f_usr, NULL, QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_FGID), f_status, NULL, QS(u_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_FGROUP), x_ogroup, NULL, QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_FUID), f_status, NULL, QS(u_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_FUSER), x_ouser, NULL, QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_PGRP), f_stat, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_PID), 0, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 }, // oldflags: free w/ simple_nextpid
{ RS(ID_PPID), f_either, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_RGID), f_status, NULL, QS(u_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_RGROUP), x_ogroup, NULL, QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_RUID), f_status, NULL, QS(u_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_RUSER), x_ouser, NULL, QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_SESSION), f_stat, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_SGID), f_status, NULL, QS(u_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_SGROUP), x_ogroup, NULL, QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_SUID), f_status, NULL, QS(u_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_SUSER), x_ouser, NULL, QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(ID_TGID), 0, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 }, // oldflags: free w/ simple_nextpid
{ RS(ID_TPGID), f_stat, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(LXCNAME), f_lxc, NULL, QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_CODE), f_statm, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_CODE_KIB), f_statm, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_DATA), f_statm, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_DATA_KIB), f_statm, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_DT), f_statm, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_LRS), f_statm, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_RES), f_statm, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_RES_KIB), f_statm, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_SHR), f_statm, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_SHR_KIB), f_statm, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_VIRT), f_statm, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(MEM_VIRT_KIB), f_statm, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(NICE), f_stat, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(NLWP), f_either, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(NS_IPC), f_ns, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(NS_MNT), f_ns, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(NS_NET), f_ns, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(NS_PID), f_ns, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(NS_USER), f_ns, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(NS_UTS), f_ns, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(OOM_ADJ), f_oom, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(OOM_SCORE), f_oom, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(PRIORITY), f_stat, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(PROCESSOR), f_stat, NULL, QS(u_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(RSS), f_stat, NULL, QS(sl_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(RSS_RLIM), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(RTPRIO), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(SCHED_CLASS), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(SD_MACH), f_systemd, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_SD_MACH },
{ RS(SD_OUID), f_systemd, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_SD_OUID },
{ RS(SD_SEAT), f_systemd, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_SD_SEAT },
{ RS(SD_SESS), f_systemd, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_SD_SESS },
{ RS(SD_SLICE), f_systemd, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_SD_SLICE },
{ RS(SD_UNIT), f_systemd, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_SD_UNIT },
{ RS(SD_UUNIT), f_systemd, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_SD_UUNIT },
{ RS(SIGBLOCKED), f_status, FF(str), QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(SIGCATCH), f_status, FF(str), QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(SIGIGNORE), f_status, FF(str), QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(SIGNALS), f_status, FF(str), QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(SIGPENDING), f_status, FF(str), QS(str), 0, -1 },
{ RS(STATE), f_either, NULL, QS(s_ch), 0, -1 },
{ RS(SUPGIDS), f_status, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_SUPGIDS },
{ RS(SUPGROUPS), x_supgrp, FF(str), QS(str), 0, ref_SUPGROUPS },
{ RS(TICS_ALL), f_stat, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TICS_ALL_C), f_stat, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TICS_DELTA), f_stat, NULL, QS(u_int), +1, -1 },
{ RS(TICS_SYSTEM), f_stat, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TICS_SYSTEM_C), f_stat, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TICS_USER), f_stat, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TICS_USER_C), f_stat, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TIME_ALL), f_stat, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TIME_ELAPSED), f_stat, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TIME_START), f_stat, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TTY), f_stat, NULL, QS(s_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TTY_NAME), f_stat, FF(str), QS(strvers), 0, -1 },
{ RS(TTY_NUMBER), f_stat, FF(str), QS(strvers), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VM_DATA), f_status, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VM_EXE), f_status, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VM_LIB), f_status, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VM_LOCK), f_status, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VM_RSS), f_status, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VM_SIZE), f_status, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VM_STACK), f_status, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VM_SWAP), f_status, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VM_USED), f_status, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(VSIZE_PGS), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(WCHAN_ADDR), f_stat, NULL, QS(ul_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(WCHAN_NAME), 0, FF(str), QS(str), 0, -1 }, // oldflags: tid already free
{ RS(extra), 0, NULL, QS(ull_int), 0, -1 },
{ RS(noop), 0, NULL, QS(noop), 0, -1 },
{ RS(logical_end), 0, NULL, QS(noop), 0, -1 },
{ RS(physical_end), 0, NULL, QS(noop), 0, -1 }
#undef RS
#undef FF
#undef QS
#undef setNAME
#undef freNAME
#undef srtNAME
//#undef f_either // needed later
#undef f_grp
#undef f_lxc
#undef f_ns
#undef f_oom
//#undef f_stat // needed later
#undef f_statm
//#undef f_status // needed later
#undef f_systemd
#undef f_usr
#undef v_arg
#undef v_cgroup
#undef v_env
#undef x_cgroup
#undef x_cmdline
#undef x_environ
#undef x_ogroup
#undef x_ouser
#undef x_supgrp
// ___ History Support Private Functions ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// ( stolen from top when he wasn't looking ) -------------------------------
#define HHASH_SIZE 1024
#define _HASH_PID_(K) (K & (HHASH_SIZE - 1))
#define Hr(x) info->hist->x // 'hist ref', minimize stolen impact
typedef unsigned long long TIC_t;
typedef struct HST_t {
TIC_t tics; // last frame's tics count
unsigned long maj, min; // last frame's maj/min_flt counts
int pid; // record 'key'
int lnk; // next on hash chain
} HST_t;
struct history_info {
int num_tasks; // used as index (tasks tallied)
int HHist_siz; // max number of HST_t structs
HST_t *PHist_sav; // alternating 'old/new' HST_t anchors
HST_t *PHist_new;
int HHash_one [HHASH_SIZE]; // the actual hash tables
int HHash_two [HHASH_SIZE]; // (accessed via PHash_sav/PHash_new)
int HHash_nul [HHASH_SIZE]; // an 'empty' hash table image
int *PHash_sav; // alternating 'old/new' hash tables
int *PHash_new; // (aka. the 'one/two' actual tables)
static void config_history (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < HHASH_SIZE; i++) // make the 'empty' table image
Hr(HHash_nul[i]) = -1;
memcpy(Hr(HHash_one), Hr(HHash_nul), sizeof(Hr(HHash_nul)));
memcpy(Hr(HHash_two), Hr(HHash_nul), sizeof(Hr(HHash_nul)));
Hr(PHash_sav) = Hr(HHash_one); // alternating 'old/new' hash tables
Hr(PHash_new) = Hr(HHash_two);
} // end: config_history
static inline HST_t *histget (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
int pid)
int V = Hr(PHash_sav[_HASH_PID_(pid)]);
while (-1 < V) {
if (Hr(PHist_sav[V].pid) == pid)
return &Hr(PHist_sav[V]);
V = Hr(PHist_sav[V].lnk); }
return NULL;
} // end: histget
static inline void histput (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
unsigned this)
int V = _HASH_PID_(Hr(PHist_new[this].pid));
Hr(PHist_new[this].lnk) = Hr(PHash_new[V]);
Hr(PHash_new[V] = this);
} // end: histput
#undef _HASH_PID_
static int make_hist (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
proc_t *p)
#define nSLOT info->hist->num_tasks
TIC_t tics;
HST_t *h;
if (nSLOT + 1 >= Hr(HHist_siz)) {
Hr(HHist_siz) += MEMORY_INCR;
Hr(PHist_sav) = realloc(Hr(PHist_sav), sizeof(HST_t) * Hr(HHist_siz));
Hr(PHist_new) = realloc(Hr(PHist_new), sizeof(HST_t) * Hr(HHist_siz));
if (!Hr(PHist_sav) || !Hr(PHist_new))
return -ENOMEM;
Hr(PHist_new[nSLOT].pid) = p->tid;
Hr(PHist_new[nSLOT].tics) = tics = (p->utime + p->stime);
Hr(PHist_new[nSLOT].maj) = p->maj_flt;
Hr(PHist_new[nSLOT].min) = p->min_flt;
histput(info, nSLOT);
if ((h = histget(info, p->tid))) {
tics -= h->tics;
p->pcpu = tics;
p->maj_delta = p->maj_flt - h->maj;
p->min_delta = p->min_flt - h->min;
return 0;
#undef nSLOT
} // end: make_hist
static inline void toggle_history (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info)
void *v;
v = Hr(PHist_sav);
Hr(PHist_sav) = Hr(PHist_new);
Hr(PHist_new) = v;
v = Hr(PHash_sav);
Hr(PHash_sav) = Hr(PHash_new);
Hr(PHash_new) = v;
memcpy(Hr(PHash_new), Hr(HHash_nul), sizeof(Hr(HHash_nul)));
info->hist->num_tasks = 0;
} // end: toggle_history
static void unref_rpthash (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info)
int i, j, pop, total_occupied, maxdepth, maxdepth_sav, numdepth
, cross_foot, sz = HHASH_SIZE * (int)sizeof(int)
, hsz = (int)sizeof(HST_t) * Hr(HHist_siz);
int depths[HHASH_SIZE];
for (i = 0, total_occupied = 0, maxdepth = 0; i < HHASH_SIZE; i++) {
int V = Hr(PHash_new[i]);
j = 0;
if (-1 < V) {
while (-1 < V) {
V = Hr(PHist_new[V].lnk);
if (-1 < V) j++;
depths[i] = j;
if (maxdepth < j) maxdepth = j;
maxdepth_sav = maxdepth;
"\n History Memory Costs:"
"\n\tHST_t size = %d, total allocated = %d,"
"\n\tthus PHist_new & PHist_sav consumed %dk (%d) total bytes."
"\n\tTwo hash tables provide for %d entries each + 1 extra 'empty' image,"
"\n\tthus %dk (%d) bytes per table for %dk (%d) total bytes."
"\n\tGrand total = %dk (%d) bytes."
"\n Hash Results Report:"
"\n\tTotal hashed = %d"
"\n\tLevel-0 hash entries = %d (%d%% occupied)"
"\n\tMax Depth = %d"
, (int)sizeof(HST_t), Hr(HHist_siz)
, hsz / 1024, hsz
, sz / 1024, sz, (sz * 3) / 1024, sz * 3
, (hsz + (sz * 3)) / 1024, hsz + (sz * 3)
, info->hist->num_tasks
, total_occupied, (total_occupied * 100) / HHASH_SIZE
, maxdepth);
if (total_occupied) {
for (pop = total_occupied, cross_foot = 0; maxdepth; maxdepth--) {
for (i = 0, numdepth = 0; i < HHASH_SIZE; i++)
if (depths[i] == maxdepth) ++numdepth;
"\t %5d (%3d%%) hash table entries at depth %d\n"
, numdepth, (numdepth * 100) / total_occupied, maxdepth);
pop -= numdepth;
cross_foot += numdepth;
if (0 == pop && cross_foot == total_occupied) break;
if (pop) {
fprintf(stderr, "\t %5d (%3d%%) unchained entries (at depth 0)\n"
, pop, (pop * 100) / total_occupied);
cross_foot += pop;
"\t -----\n"
"\t %5d total entries occupied\n", cross_foot);
if (maxdepth_sav > 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n PIDs at max depth: ");
for (i = 0; i < HHASH_SIZE; i++)
if (depths[i] == maxdepth_sav) {
j = Hr(PHash_new[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n\tpos %4d: %05d", i, Hr(PHist_new[j].pid));
while (-1 < j) {
j = Hr(PHist_new[j].lnk);
if (-1 < j) fprintf(stderr, ", %05d", Hr(PHist_new[j].pid));
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
} // end: unref_rpthash
#undef Hr
// ___ Standard Private Functions |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
static inline void assign_results (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
struct pids_stack *stack,
proc_t *p)
struct pids_result *this = stack->head;
for (;;) {
enum pids_item item = this->item;
if (item >= PROCPS_PIDS_logical_end)
Item_table[item].setsfunc(info, this, p);
info->dirty_stacks |= Item_table[item].freefunc ? 1 : 0;
} // end: assign_results
static inline void cleanup_stack (
struct pids_result *p,
int depth)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
if (p->item < PROCPS_PIDS_noop) {
if (Item_table[p->item].freefunc)
p->result.ull_int = 0;
} // end: cleanup_stack
static inline void cleanup_stacks_all (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info)
struct stacks_extent *ext = info->extents;
int i;
while (ext) {
for (i = 0; ext->stacks[i]; i++)
cleanup_stack(ext->stacks[i]->head, info->maxitems);
ext = ext->next;
info->dirty_stacks = 0;
} // end: cleanup_stacks_all
* This routine exists in case we ever want to offer something like
* 'static' or 'invarient' results stacks. By unsplicing an extent
* from the info anchor it will be isolated from future reset/free. */
static struct stacks_extent *extent_cut (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
struct stacks_extent *ext)
struct stacks_extent *p = info->extents;
if (ext) {
if (ext == p) {
info->extents = p->next;
return ext;
do {
if (ext == p->next) {
p->next = p->next->next;
return ext;
p = p->next;
} while (p);
return NULL;
} // end: extent_cut
static int extent_free (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
struct stacks_extent *ext)
if (extent_cut(info, ext)) {
return 0;
return -1;
} // end: extent_free
static inline int items_check_failed (
int maxitems,
enum pids_item *items)
int i;
/* if an enum is passed instead of an address of one or more enums, ol' gcc
* will silently convert it to an address (possibly NULL). only clang will
* offer any sort of warning like the following:
* warning: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing 'int' to parameter of type 'enum pids_item *'
* if (procps_pids_new(&info, 3, PROCPS_PIDS_noop) < 0)
* ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if (maxitems < 1
|| (void *)items < (void *)0x8000) // twice as big as our largest enum
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < maxitems; i++) {
// a pids_item is currently unsigned, but we'll protect our future
if (items[i] < 0)
return -1;
if (items[i] > PROCPS_PIDS_noop) {
return -1;
return 0;
} // end: items_check_failed
static inline void libflags_set (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info)
int i, n;
memset (info->ref_counts, 0, sizeof(info->ref_counts));
info->flags = info->history_yes = 0;
for (i = 0; i < info->curitems; i++) {
info->flags |= Item_table[info->items[i]].oldflags;
info->history_yes |= Item_table[info->items[i]].needhist;
n = Item_table[info->items[i]].refcount;
if (n > -1) ++info->ref_counts[n];
if (info->flags & f_either) {
if (!(info->flags & f_stat))
info->flags |= f_status;
} // end: libflags_set
static inline void oldproc_close (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info)
if (info->PT != NULL) {
info->PT = NULL;
} // end: oldproc_close
static inline int oldproc_open (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
unsigned supp_flgs,
va_list vl;
int *ids;
int num = 0;
if (info->PT == NULL) {
va_start(vl, supp_flgs);
ids = va_arg(vl, int*);
if (info->flags | PROC_UID) num = va_arg(vl, int);
if (NULL == (info->PT = openproc(info->flags | supp_flgs, ids, num)))
return 0;
return 1;
} // end: oldproc_open
static inline struct pids_result *stack_itemize (
struct pids_result *p,
int depth,
enum pids_item *items)
struct pids_result *p_sav = p;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
p->item = items[i];
p->result.ull_int = 0;
return p_sav;
} // end: stack_itemize
static inline int tally_proc (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
struct pids_counts *counts,
proc_t *p)
switch (p->state) {
case 'R':
case 'S':
case 'D':
case 'T':
case 'Z':
default: // keep gcc happy
if (info->history_yes)
return !make_hist(info, p);
return 1;
} // end: tally_proc
static void validate_stacks (
void *stacks,
const char *who)
#include <stdio.h>
static int once = 0;
struct stacks_extent *ext = stacks;
int i, t, x, n = 0;
fprintf(stderr, " %s: called by '%s'\n", __func__, who);
fprintf(stderr, " %s: ext_numitems = %d, ext_numstacks = %d, extents = %p, next = %p\n", __func__, ext->ext_numitems, ext->ext_numstacks, ext, ext->next);
fprintf(stderr, " %s: stacks_extent results excluding the end-of-stack element ...\n", __func__);
for (x = 0; NULL != ext->stacks[x]; x++) {
struct pids_stack *h = ext->stacks[x];
struct pids_result *r = h->head;
fprintf(stderr, " %s: v[%03d] = %p, h = %p", __func__, x, h, r);
for (i = 0; r->item < PROCPS_PIDS_logical_end; i++, r++)
t = i + 1;
fprintf(stderr, " - found %d elements for stack %d\n", i, n);
if (!once) {
fprintf(stderr, " %s: found %d total stack(s), each %d bytes (including eos)\n", __func__, x, (int)(sizeof(struct pids_stack) + (sizeof(struct pids_result) * t)));
fprintf(stderr, " %s: sizeof(struct pids_stack) = %d\n", __func__, (int)sizeof(struct pids_stack));
fprintf(stderr, " %s: sizeof(struct pids_result) = %d\n", __func__, (int)sizeof(struct pids_result));
fprintf(stderr, " %s: sizeof(struct stacks_extent) = %d\n", __func__, (int)sizeof(struct stacks_extent));
once = 1;
fputc('\n', stderr);
} // end: validate_stacks
// ___ Special Temporary Section |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// [ contains former public functions and other dependent routine(s) while we ]
// [ resist using forward declarations yet still maintain an alphabetic order ]
* alloc_stacks():
* Allocate and initialize one or more stacks each of which is anchored in an
* associated pids_stack structure (which may include extra user space).
* All such stacks will will have their result structures properly primed with
* 'items', while the result itself will be zeroed.
* Returns an array of pointers representing the 'heads' of each new stack.
static struct stacks_extent *alloc_stacks (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
int maxstacks)
struct stacks_extent *p_blob;
struct pids_stack **p_vect;
struct pids_stack *p_head;
size_t vect_size, head_size, list_size, blob_size;
void *v_head, *v_list;
int i;
if (info == NULL || info->items == NULL)
return NULL;
if (maxstacks < 1)
return NULL;
vect_size = sizeof(void *) * maxstacks; // address vectors themselves
vect_size += sizeof(void *); // plus NULL delimiter
head_size = sizeof(struct pids_stack); // a head struct
list_size = sizeof(struct pids_result) * info->maxitems; // a results stack
blob_size = sizeof(struct stacks_extent); // the extent anchor itself
blob_size += vect_size; // all vectors + delim
blob_size += head_size * maxstacks; // all head structs
blob_size += list_size * maxstacks; // all results stacks
/* note: all memory is allocated in a single blob, facilitating a later free().
as a minimum, it's important that the result structures themselves always be
contiguous for any given stack (just as they are when defined statically). */
if (NULL == (p_blob = calloc(1, blob_size)))
return NULL;
p_blob->next = info->extents;
info->extents = p_blob;
p_blob->stacks = (void *)p_blob + sizeof(struct stacks_extent);
p_vect = p_blob->stacks;
v_head = (void *)p_vect + vect_size;
v_list = v_head + (head_size * maxstacks);
for (i = 0; i < maxstacks; i++) {
p_head = (struct pids_stack *)v_head;
p_head->head = stack_itemize((struct pids_result *)v_list, info->curitems, info->items);
p_blob->stacks[i] = p_head;
v_list += list_size;
v_head += head_size;
p_blob->ext_numitems = info->maxitems;
p_blob->ext_numstacks = maxstacks;
validate_stacks(p_blob, __func__);
return p_blob;
} // end: alloc_stacks
static int dealloc_stacks (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
struct stacks_extent **these)
struct stacks_extent *ext;
int rc;
if (info == NULL || these == NULL)
return -EINVAL;
if ((*these)->stacks == NULL || (*these)->stacks[0] == NULL)
return -EINVAL;
ext = *these;
rc = extent_free(info, ext);
*these = NULL;
return rc;
} // end: dealloc_stacks
static int fetch_helper (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
struct fetch_support *this)
#define n_alloc this->n_alloc
#define n_inuse this->n_inuse
static proc_t task; // static for initial zeroes + later dynamic free(s)
struct stacks_extent *ext;
if (info == NULL || this == NULL)
return -1;
// initialize stuff -----------------------------------
if (!this->anchor) {
if ((!(this->anchor = calloc(sizeof(void *), MEMORY_INCR)))
|| (!(this->summary.stacks = calloc(sizeof(void *), MEMORY_INCR)))
|| (!(ext = alloc_stacks(info, MEMORY_INCR))))
return -1;
memcpy(this->anchor, ext->stacks, sizeof(void *) * MEMORY_INCR);
n_alloc = MEMORY_INCR;
if (info->dirty_stacks)
memset(&this->summary.counts, 0, sizeof(struct pids_counts));
// iterate stuff --------------------------------------
n_inuse = 0;
while (info->read_something(info->PT, &task)) {
if (!(n_inuse < n_alloc)) {
n_alloc += MEMORY_INCR;
if ((!(this->anchor = realloc(this->anchor, sizeof(void *) * n_alloc)))
|| (!(ext = alloc_stacks(info, MEMORY_INCR))))
return -1;
memcpy(this->anchor + n_inuse, ext->stacks, sizeof(void *) * MEMORY_INCR);
if (!tally_proc(info, &this->summary.counts, &task))
return -1;
assign_results(info, this->anchor[n_inuse++], &task);
// finalize stuff -------------------------------------
if (this->n_alloc_save != n_alloc
&& !(this->summary.stacks = realloc(this->summary.stacks, sizeof(void *) * n_alloc)))
return -1;
memcpy(this->summary.stacks, this->anchor, sizeof(void *) * n_alloc);
this->n_alloc_save = n_alloc;
return n_inuse; // callers beware, this might be zero !
#undef n_alloc
#undef n_inuse
} // end: fetch_helper
// ___ Public Functions |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PROCPS_EXPORT struct pids_stack *fatal_proc_unmounted (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
int return_self)
static proc_t self;
struct stacks_extent *ext;
// this is very likely the *only* newlib function where the
// context (procps_pidsinfo) of NULL will ever be permitted
if (!return_self)
return NULL;
if (info == NULL
|| !(ext = alloc_stacks(info, 1))
|| !extent_cut(info, ext))
return NULL;
ext->next = info->otherexts;
info->otherexts = ext;
assign_results(info, ext->stacks[0], &self);
return ext->stacks[0];
} // end: fatal_proc_unmounted
* procps_pids_new():
* @info: location of returned new structure
* Returns: 0 on success <0 on failure
PROCPS_EXPORT int procps_pids_new (
struct procps_pidsinfo **info,
int maxitems,
enum pids_item *items)
struct procps_pidsinfo *p;
double uptime_secs;
int pgsz;
if (info == NULL || *info != NULL)
return -EINVAL;
if (items_check_failed(maxitems, items))
return -EINVAL;
if (!(p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct procps_pidsinfo))))
return -ENOMEM;
// allow for our PROCPS_PIDS_physical_end
if (!(p->items = calloc((maxitems + 1), sizeof(enum pids_item)))) {
return -ENOMEM;
if (!(p->hist = calloc((maxitems + 1), sizeof(struct history_info)))) {
return -ENOMEM;
memcpy(p->items, items, sizeof(enum pids_item) * maxitems);
p->items[maxitems] = PROCPS_PIDS_physical_end;
p->curitems = p->maxitems = maxitems + 1;
pgsz = getpagesize();
while (pgsz > 1024) { pgsz >>= 1; p->pgs2k_shift++; }
p->hertz = procps_hertz_get();
procps_uptime(&uptime_secs, NULL);
p->boot_seconds = uptime_secs;
p->refcount = 1;
*info = p;
return 0;
} // end: procps_pids_new
PROCPS_EXPORT struct pids_stack *procps_pids_read_next (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info)
static proc_t task; // static for initial zeroes + later dynamic free(s)
if (info == NULL || ! READS_BEGUN)
return NULL;
if (info->dirty_stacks) {
cleanup_stack(info->read->stacks[0]->head, info->maxitems);
info->dirty_stacks = 0;
if (NULL == info->read_something(info->PT, &task))
return NULL;
assign_results(info, info->read->stacks[0], &task);
return info->read->stacks[0];
} // end: procps_pids_read_next
PROCPS_EXPORT int procps_pids_read_open (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
enum pids_reap_type which)
if (info == NULL || READS_BEGUN)
return -EINVAL;
if (!info->maxitems && !info->curitems)
return -EINVAL;
return -EINVAL;
if (!(info->read = alloc_stacks(info, 1)))
return -ENOMEM;
if (!oldproc_open(info, 0))
return -1;
info->read_something = which ? readeither : readproc;
return 0;
} // end: procps_pids_read_open
PROCPS_EXPORT int procps_pids_read_shut (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info)
if (info == NULL || ! READS_BEGUN)
return -EINVAL;
return dealloc_stacks(info, &info->read);
} // end: procps_pids_read_shut
/* procps_pids_reap():
* Harvest all the available tasks/threads and provide the result
* stacks along with a summary of the information gathered.
* Returns: pointer to a pids_reap struct on success, NULL on error.
PROCPS_EXPORT struct pids_reap *procps_pids_reap (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
enum pids_reap_type which)
int rc;
if (info == NULL || READS_BEGUN)
return NULL;
if (!info->maxitems && !info->curitems)
return NULL;
return NULL;
if (!oldproc_open(info, 0))
return NULL;
info->read_something = which ? readeither : readproc;
rc = fetch_helper(info, &info->reap);
// we better have found at least 1 pid
return (rc > 0) ? &info->reap.summary : NULL;
} // end: procps_pids_reap
PROCPS_EXPORT int procps_pids_ref (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info)
if (info == NULL)
return -EINVAL;
return info->refcount;
} // end: procps_pids_ref
PROCPS_EXPORT int procps_pids_reset (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
int newmaxitems,
enum pids_item *newitems)
struct stacks_extent *ext;
int i;
if (info == NULL)
return -EINVAL;
/* disallow (for now?) absolute increases in stacks size
( users must 'unref' and then 'new' to achieve that ) */
if (newmaxitems + 1 > info->maxitems)
return -EINVAL;
if (items_check_failed(newmaxitems, newitems))
return -EINVAL;
/* shame on this caller, they didn't change anything. and unless they have
altered the depth of the stacks we're not gonna change anything either! */
if (info->curitems == newmaxitems + 1
&& !memcmp(info->items, newitems, sizeof(enum pids_item) * newmaxitems))
return 0;
if (info->dirty_stacks)
memcpy(info->items, newitems, sizeof(enum pids_item) * newmaxitems);
info->items[newmaxitems] = PROCPS_PIDS_logical_end;
// account for above PROCPS_PIDS_logical_end
info->curitems = newmaxitems + 1;
ext = info->extents;
while (ext) {
for (i = 0; ext->stacks[i]; i++)
stack_itemize(ext->stacks[i]->head, info->curitems, info->items);
validate_stacks(ext, __func__);
ext = ext->next;
return 0;
} // end: procps_pids_reset
/* procps_pids_select():
* Harvest any processes matching the specified PID or UID and provide the
* result stacks along with a summary of the information gathered.
* Returns: pointer to a pids_reap struct on success, NULL on error.
PROCPS_EXPORT struct pids_reap *procps_pids_select (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
unsigned *these,
int maxthese,
enum pids_fill_type which)
unsigned ids[FILL_ID_MAX + 1];
int rc;
if (info == NULL || these == NULL || READS_BEGUN)
return NULL;
if (maxthese < 1 || maxthese > FILL_ID_MAX)
return NULL;
if (which != PROCPS_FILL_PID && which != PROCPS_FILL_UID)
return NULL;
// this zero delimiter is really only needed with PROCPS_FILL_PID
memcpy(ids, these, sizeof(unsigned) * maxthese);
ids[maxthese] = 0;
if (!oldproc_open(info, which, ids, maxthese))
return NULL;
info->read_something = readproc;
rc = fetch_helper(info, &info->select);
// no guarantee any pids/uids were found
return (rc > -1) ? &info->select.summary : NULL;
} // end: procps_pids_select
* procps_pids_sort():
* Sort stacks anchored in the passed pids_stack pointers array
* based on the designated sort enumerator and specified order.
* Returns those same addresses sorted.
* Note: all of the stacks must be homogeneous (of equal length and content).
PROCPS_EXPORT struct pids_stack **procps_pids_sort (
struct procps_pidsinfo *info,
struct pids_stack *stacks[],
int numstacked,
enum pids_item sort,
enum pids_sort_order order)
struct sort_parms parms;
struct pids_result *p;
int offset;
if (info == NULL || stacks == NULL)
return NULL;
// a pids_item is currently unsigned, but we'll protect our future
if (sort < 0 || sort > PROCPS_PIDS_noop)
return NULL;
return NULL;
if (numstacked < 2)
return stacks;
offset = 0;
p = stacks[0]->head;
for (;;) {
if (p->item == sort)
if (offset >= info->curitems)
return NULL;
if (p->item > PROCPS_PIDS_noop)
return NULL;
parms.offset = offset;
parms.order = order;
qsort_r(stacks, numstacked, sizeof(void *), (QSR_t)Item_table[p->item].sortfunc, &parms);
return stacks;
} // end: procps_pids_sort
PROCPS_EXPORT int procps_pids_unref (
struct procps_pidsinfo **info)
if (info == NULL || *info == NULL)
return -EINVAL;
if ((*info)->refcount == 0) {
if ((*info)->extents) {
do {
struct stacks_extent *p = (*info)->extents;
(*info)->extents = (*info)->extents->next;
} while ((*info)->extents);
if ((*info)->otherexts) {
struct stacks_extent *nextext, *ext = (*info)->otherexts;
while (ext) {
nextext = ext->next;
cleanup_stack(ext->stacks[0]->head, ext->ext_numitems);
ext = nextext;
if ((*info)->reap.anchor)
if ((*info)->reap.summary.stacks)
if ((*info)->select.anchor)
if ((*info)->select.summary.stacks)
if ((*info)->items)
if ((*info)->hist) {
*info = NULL;
return 0;
return (*info)->refcount;
} // end: procps_pids_unref