#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "prototypes.h" #include "defines.h" #ifndef SUAUTHFILE #define SUAUTHFILE "/etc/suauth" #endif #define NOACTION 0 #define NOPWORD 1 #define DENY -1 #define OWNPWORD 2 struct passwd pwent; #ifdef SU_ACCESS /* Really, I could do with a few const char's here defining all the * strings output to the user or the syslog. -- chris */ static int applies (const char *, char *); int check_su_auth (const char *, const char *); int isgrp (const char *, const char *); static int lines = 0; int check_su_auth (const char *actual_id, const char *wanted_id) { int posn, endline; const char field[] = ":"; FILE *authfile_fd; char temp[1024]; char *to_users; char *from_users; char *action; if (!(authfile_fd = fopen (SUAUTHFILE, "r"))) { /* * If the file doesn't exist - default to the standard su * behaviour (no access control). If open fails for some * other reason - maybe someone is trying to fool us with * file descriptors limit etc., so deny access. --marekm */ if (errno == ENOENT) return NOACTION; SYSLOG ((LOG_ERR, "could not open/read config file '%s': %m\n", SUAUTHFILE)); return DENY; } while (fgets (temp, sizeof (temp), authfile_fd) != NULL) { lines++; if (temp[endline = strlen (temp) - 1] != '\n') { SYSLOG ((LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d: line too long or missing newline", SUAUTHFILE, lines)); continue; } while (endline > 0 && (temp[endline - 1] == ' ' || temp[endline - 1] == '\t' || temp[endline - 1] == '\n')) endline--; temp[endline] = '\0'; posn = 0; while (temp[posn] == ' ' || temp[posn] == '\t') posn++; if (temp[posn] == '\n' || temp[posn] == '#' || temp[posn] == '\0') { continue; } if (!(to_users = strtok (temp + posn, field)) || !(from_users = strtok ((char *) NULL, field)) || !(action = strtok ((char *) NULL, field)) || strtok ((char *) NULL, field)) { SYSLOG ((LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d. Bad number of fields.\n", SUAUTHFILE, lines)); continue; } if (!applies (wanted_id, to_users)) continue; if (!applies (actual_id, from_users)) continue; if (!strcmp (action, "DENY")) { SYSLOG ((pwent.pw_uid ? LOG_NOTICE : LOG_WARN, "DENIED su from `%s' to `%s' (%s)\n", actual_id, wanted_id, SUAUTHFILE)); fprintf (stderr, _ ("Access to su to that account DENIED.\n")); fclose (authfile_fd); return DENY; } else if (!strcmp (action, "NOPASS")) { SYSLOG ((pwent.pw_uid ? LOG_INFO : LOG_NOTICE, "NO password asked for su from `%s' to `%s' (%s)\n", actual_id, wanted_id, SUAUTHFILE)); fprintf (stderr, _("Password authentication bypassed.\n")); fclose (authfile_fd); return NOPWORD; } else if (!strcmp (action, "OWNPASS")) { SYSLOG ((pwent.pw_uid ? LOG_INFO : LOG_NOTICE, "su from `%s' to `%s': asking for user's own password (%s)\n", actual_id, wanted_id, SUAUTHFILE)); fprintf (stderr, _ ("Please enter your OWN password as authentication.\n")); fclose (authfile_fd); return OWNPWORD; } else { SYSLOG ((LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d: unrecognised action!\n", SUAUTHFILE, lines)); } } fclose (authfile_fd); return NOACTION; } static int applies (const char *single, char *list) { const char split[] = ", "; char *tok; int state = 0; for (tok = strtok (list, split); tok != NULL; tok = strtok (NULL, split)) { if (!strcmp (tok, "ALL")) { if (state != 0) { SYSLOG ((LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d: ALL in bad place\n", SUAUTHFILE, lines)); return 0; } state = 1; } else if (!strcmp (tok, "EXCEPT")) { if (state != 1) { SYSLOG ((LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d: EXCEPT in bas place\n", SUAUTHFILE, lines)); return 0; } state = 2; } else if (!strcmp (tok, "GROUP")) { if ((state != 0) && (state != 2)) { SYSLOG ((LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d: GROUP in bad place\n", SUAUTHFILE, lines)); return 0; } state = (state == 0) ? 3 : 4; } else { switch (state) { case 0: /* No control words yet */ if (!strcmp (tok, single)) return 1; break; case 1: /* An all */ SYSLOG ((LOG_ERR, "%s, line %d: expect another token after ALL\n", SUAUTHFILE, lines)); return 0; case 2: /* All except */ if (!strcmp (tok, single)) return 0; break; case 3: /* Group */ if (isgrp (single, tok)) return 1; break; case 4: /* All except group */ if (isgrp (single, tok)) return 0; /* FALL THRU */ } } } if ((state != 0) && (state != 3)) return 1; return 0; } int isgrp (const char *name, const char *group) { struct group *grp; grp = getgrnam (group); if (!grp || !grp->gr_mem) return 0; return is_on_list (grp->gr_mem, name); } #endif /* SU_ACCESS */