
set -e

cd $(dirname $0)

. ../../common/config.sh
. ../../common/log.sh

log_start "$0" "usermod can create multiple subuid and subgid ranges"


# restore the files on exit
trap 'log_status "$0" "FAILURE"; restore_config' 0


echo -n "Create ranges of subuid and subgid for user foo (usermod -v 101000-101500 -w 100000-100501 -w 101000-101501 -w 102000-102500 -v 100000-100500 foo)..."
usermod -v 101000-101500 -w 100000-100501 -w 101000-101501 -w 102000-102500 -v 100000-100500 foo
echo "OK"

echo -n "Check the passwd file..."
../../common/compare_file.pl config/etc/passwd /etc/passwd
echo "OK"
echo -n "Check the group file..."
../../common/compare_file.pl config/etc/group /etc/group
echo "OK"
echo -n "Check the shadow file..."
../../common/compare_file.pl config/etc/shadow /etc/shadow
echo "OK"
echo -n "Check the gshadow file..."
../../common/compare_file.pl config/etc/gshadow /etc/gshadow
echo "OK"
echo -n "Check the /etc/subgid file..."
../../common/compare_file.pl data/subgid /etc/subgid
echo "OK"
echo -n "Check the /etc/subuid file..."
../../common/compare_file.pl data/subuid /etc/subuid
echo "OK"

log_status "$0" "SUCCESS"
trap '' 0