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<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
<refentry id='sulogin.8'>
<!-- $Id: sulogin.8.xml,v 1.15 2005/11/05 17:17:30 kloczek Exp $ -->
<refmiscinfo class="sectdesc">System Management Commands</refmiscinfo>
<refnamediv id='name'>
<refpurpose>Single-user login</refpurpose>
<refsect1 id='syntax'>
<para><command>sulogin</command> [<emphasis remap='I'>tty-device</emphasis>]
<refsect1 id='description'>
<command>sulogin</command> is invoked by <command>init</command> prior
to allowing the user access to the system when in single user mode.
This feature may only be available on certain systems where
<command>init</command> has been modified accordingly, or where the
<filename>/etc/inittab</filename> has an entry for a single user
<para>The user is prompted</para>
<para>Type control-d to proceed with normal startup,
<!-- .br -->
(or give root password for system maintenance):
Input and output will be performed with the standard file descriptors
unless the optional device name argument is provided.
If the user enters the correct root password, a login session is
initiated. When <emphasis>EOF</emphasis> is pressed instead, the
system enters multi-user mode.
After the user exits the single-user shell, or presses
<emphasis>EOF</emphasis>, the system begins the initialization process
required to enter multi-user mode.
<refsect1 id='caveats'>
This command can only be used if <command>init</command> has been
modified to call <command>sulogin</command> instead of
<filename>/bin/sh</filename>, or if the user has set the <emphasis
remap='I'>inittab</emphasis> to support a single user login. For
example, the line:
<para>co:s:respawn:/etc/sulogin /dev/console</para>
<para>should execute the sulogin command in single user mode.</para>
As complete an environment as possible is created. However, various
devices may be unmounted or uninitialized and many of the user
commands may be unavailable or nonfunctional as a result.
<refsect1 id='files'>
<para>user account information</para>
<para>secure user account information</para>
<refsect1 id='see_also'>
<title>SEE ALSO</title>