Serge Hallyn b999d48941 Add tests from the old svn tree
We're losing the svn history (which we could probably keep if we tried
hard enough) but don't consider that worthwhile.

Note these tests are destructive, so run them only in a throwaway
environment like a chroot, container, or vm.

The tests/run.all script should be the one which launches all the tests.

Signed-off-by: Serge Hallyn <>
2014-09-17 14:42:55 -05:00

84 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/expect --
# This is a script for switching to another user and then
# suspending (`suspend -f`) and resuming (`fg`) his shell
package require cmdline
set opts {
{s.arg "sudo su -" "user switching method"}
{u.arg "" "username to switch to"}
set usage ": \[options]\noptions:"
array set conf [::cmdline::getoptions argv $opts $usage]
log_user 1
match_max 8192
expect_after {
timeout { send_error "TIMEOUT\n" ; exit 1 }
eof { send_error "EXITED\n" ; exit 2 }
set timeout 2
# user switching command, by default `sudo su -`
set swcmd $conf(s)
# ending of typicall shell prompt (zsh/sh):
set shpmt "(%|#|\\$) \\Z"
catch {set shpmt $env(EXPECT_PROMPT)}
# initial username:
set user0 [exec id -un]
# user we switch to (with $swcmd), by default initial user
if {$conf(u) != ""} {set swuser $conf(u)} else {set swuser $user0}
# 1. start shell
spawn bash
expect -re "$shpmt" {}
# 2. sudo-ing swuser's shell:
send "$swcmd $swuser\r"
expect {
-re "$swuser.*$shpmt" {}
-re "assword: ?\\Z" {
stty -echo
expect_user -timeout -1 -re "(.*)\n" {set swpwd $expect_out(1,string)}
stty echo
send "$swpwd\r"
expect -re "$swuser.*$shpmt" {}
# 3. getting pid and ppid of swuser's shell (needed for 5b):
send "echo \$\$:\$PPID\r"
expect -re "(?n)^(\[\[:digit:\]\]*):(\[\[:digit:\]\]*)\r?\n(.*)$shpmt" {}
set swpid $expect_out(1,string)
set swppid $expect_out(2,string)
#send_error "$user0:$swpid:$swppid\n"
# 4. suspending swuser's shell (trying to return to parent shell):
send "suspend -f\r"
expect {
-re "$shpmt" {
# 5a. got to parent shell -- resuming swuser's shell by `fg`:
send "fg\r"
set hung no
timeout {
# 5b. `suspend -f` has hung -- resuming swuser's shell by SIGCONT:
send_error "kill $swppid\n"
send_error [exec kill -CONT $swppid]
set hung yes
expect -re "$shpmt" {}
# 6. exiting [both] shells
#set swstat [wait -nowait]
#send_error [pid]:[exp_pid]:$swstat\n
send "exit\rexit\r"
expect eof {}
#send_error [wait -nowait]\n
#exec kill -KILL -[exp_pid]
if {$hung} {send_error "BUGGY\n" ; exit 3 }
# vi:set sw=4: