Updated Makefile to build tarball from git repo instead of old Subversion

repo. The migration broke creating the staging area for source files.
This commit is contained in:
Jesse Smith 2018-02-21 17:36:04 -04:00
parent 8c00f756ec
commit e1ab5f1528

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ SVLOGIN=$(shell svn info | sed -rn '/Repository Root:/{ s|.*//(.*)\@.*|\1|p }')
override TMP:=$(shell mktemp -d $(VERSION).XXXXXXXX)
override TARBALL:=$(TMP)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2
override SFTPBATCH:=$(TMP)/$(VERSION)-sftpbatch
SOURCES=contrib COPYING COPYRIGHT doc Makefile man README src
dist: $(TARBALL)
@cp $(TARBALL) .
@ -31,9 +32,10 @@ $(TARBALL).sig: $(TARBALL)
@gpg -q -ba --use-agent -o $@ $<
@tar --bzip2 --owner=nobody --group=nogroup -cf $@ -C $(TMP) $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
@tar --exclude=.git --bzip2 --owner=nobody --group=nogroup -cf $@ -C $(TMP) $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
$(TMP)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION): .svn
svn export . $@
@mkdir $(TMP)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
@chmod -R a+r,u+w,og-w $@
@find $@ -type d | xargs -r chmod a+rx,u+w,og-w