// Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file is part of the thin-provisioning-tools source. // // thin-provisioning-tools is free software: you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // thin-provisioning-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with thin-provisioning-tools. If not, see // . #include #include #include #include #include "base/disk_units.h" #include "boost/lexical_cast.hpp" #include "boost/optional.hpp" #include "boost/range.hpp" #include "persistent-data/file_utils.h" #include "thin-provisioning/commands.h" #include "thin-provisioning/human_readable_format.h" #include "thin-provisioning/metadata.h" #include "thin-provisioning/metadata_dumper.h" #include "thin-provisioning/xml_format.h" #include "version.h" using namespace base; using namespace boost; using namespace persistent_data; using namespace std; using namespace thin_provisioning; //---------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { // FIXME: move to own file class grid_layout { public: typedef list row; typedef list grid; grid_layout() : nr_fields_(0) { new_row(); } void render(ostream &out) { vector widths; calc_field_widths(widths); grid::const_iterator row; for (row = grid_.begin(); row != grid_.end(); ++row) { row::const_iterator col; unsigned i; for (col = row->begin(), i = 0; col != row->end(); ++col, ++i) out << justify(widths[i], *col) << " "; out << "\n"; } } void new_row() { grid_.push_back(row()); } template void field(T const &t) { push_field(lexical_cast(t)); } private: row ¤t_row() { return grid_.back(); } void push_field(string const &s) { current_row().push_back(s); nr_fields_ = max(nr_fields_, current_row().size()); } void calc_field_widths(vector &widths) const { widths.resize(nr_fields_, 0); grid::const_iterator row; for (row = grid_.begin(); row != grid_.end(); ++row) { row::const_iterator col; unsigned i; for (col = row->begin(), i = 0; col != row->end(); ++col, ++i) widths[i] = max(widths[i], col->length()); } } string justify(unsigned width, string const &txt) const { if (txt.length() > width) throw runtime_error("string field too long, internal error"); string result(width - txt.length(), ' '); result += txt; return result; } grid grid_; unsigned nr_fields_; }; //------------------------------------------------ class mapping_set { public: mapping_set(block_address nr_blocks) : bits_(nr_blocks * 2, false) { } enum block_state { UNMAPPED, EXCLUSIVE, SHARED }; void inc(block_address b) { if (bits_[b * 2]) bits_[b * 2 + 1] = true; // shared else bits_[b * 2] = true; // exclusive } block_state get_state(block_address b) const { if (bits_[b * 2]) { if (bits_[b * 2 + 1]) return SHARED; else return EXCLUSIVE; } else return UNMAPPED; } private: vector bits_; }; //------------------------------------------------ enum output_field { DEV_ID, MAPPED_BLOCKS, MAPPED_EXCL_BLOCKS, MAPPED_SHARED_BLOCKS, MAPPED_SECTORS, EXCLUSIVE_SECTORS, SHARED_SECTORS, MAPPED, EXCLUSIVE, SHARED, TRANSACTION_ID, CREATION_TIME, SNAPSHOT_TIME // make sure this is always the last one }; char const *field_names[] = { "DEV", "MAPPED_BLOCKS", "MAPPED_EXCL_BLOCKS", "MAPPED_SHARED_BLOCKS", "MAPPED_SECTORS", "EXCLUSIVE_SECTORS", "SHARED_SECTORS", "MAPPED", "EXCLUSIVE", "SHARED", "TRANSACTION", "CREATE_TIME", "SNAP_TIME" }; output_field string_to_field(string const &str) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < size(field_names); i++) if (str == field_names[i]) return static_cast(i); throw runtime_error("unknown field"); return DEV_ID; } string field_to_string(output_field const &f) { return field_names[static_cast(f)]; } void print_headers(grid_layout &out, vector const &fields) { vector::const_iterator it; for (it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) out.field(field_to_string(*it)); out.new_row(); } //------------------------------------------------ struct flags { flags() : use_metadata_snap(false) { fields.push_back(DEV_ID); fields.push_back(MAPPED); fields.push_back(CREATION_TIME); fields.push_back(SNAPSHOT_TIME); } bool use_metadata_snap; vector fields; }; //------------------------------------------------ class mapping_pass1 : public mapping_tree_detail::mapping_visitor { public: mapping_pass1(mapping_set &mappings) : mappings_(mappings) { } virtual void visit(btree_path const &path, mapping_tree_detail::block_time const &bt) { mappings_.inc(bt.block_); } private: mapping_set &mappings_; }; class mapping_pass2 : public mapping_tree_detail::mapping_visitor { public: mapping_pass2(mapping_set const &mappings) : mappings_(mappings), exclusives_(0) { } virtual void visit(btree_path const &path, mapping_tree_detail::block_time const &bt) { if (mappings_.get_state(bt.block_) == mapping_set::EXCLUSIVE) exclusives_++; } block_address get_exclusives() const { return exclusives_; } private: mapping_set const &mappings_; block_address exclusives_; }; void raise_metadata_damage() { throw std::runtime_error("metadata contains errors (run thin_check for details)."); } class fatal_mapping_damage : public mapping_tree_detail::damage_visitor { public: virtual void visit(mapping_tree_detail::missing_devices const &d) { raise_metadata_damage(); } virtual void visit(mapping_tree_detail::missing_mappings const &d) { raise_metadata_damage(); } }; void pass1(metadata::ptr md, mapping_set &mappings, uint64_t dev_id) { dev_tree::key k = {dev_id}; optional dev_root = md->mappings_top_level_->lookup(k); if (!dev_root) throw runtime_error("couldn't find mapping tree root"); single_mapping_tree dev_mappings(*md->tm_, *dev_root, mapping_tree_detail::block_traits::ref_counter(md->tm_->get_sm())); mapping_pass1 pass1(mappings); fatal_mapping_damage dv; walk_mapping_tree(dev_mappings, pass1, dv); } block_address count_exclusives(metadata::ptr md, mapping_set const &mappings, uint64_t dev_id) { dev_tree::key k = {dev_id}; optional dev_root = md->mappings_top_level_->lookup(k); if (!dev_root) throw runtime_error("couldn't find mapping tree root"); single_mapping_tree dev_mappings(*md->tm_, *dev_root, mapping_tree_detail::block_traits::ref_counter(md->tm_->get_sm())); mapping_pass2 pass2(mappings); fatal_mapping_damage dv; walk_mapping_tree(dev_mappings, pass2, dv); return pass2.get_exclusives(); } //------------------------------------------------ typedef map dd_map; class details_extractor : public device_tree_detail::device_visitor { public: void visit(block_address dev_id, device_tree_detail::device_details const &dd) { dd_.insert(make_pair(dev_id, dd)); } dd_map const &get_details() const { return dd_; } private: dd_map dd_; }; struct fatal_details_damage : public device_tree_detail::damage_visitor { void visit(device_tree_detail::missing_devices const &d) { raise_metadata_damage(); } }; device_tree_detail::damage_visitor::ptr details_damage_policy() { typedef device_tree_detail::damage_visitor::ptr dvp; return dvp(new fatal_details_damage()); } //------------------------------------------------ void ls_(string const &path, ostream &out, struct flags &flags) { grid_layout grid; block_manager<>::ptr bm(open_bm(path, block_manager<>::READ_ONLY)); metadata::ptr md; if (flags.use_metadata_snap) md.reset(new metadata(bm, optional())); else md.reset(new metadata(bm)); block_address block_size = md->sb_.data_block_size_; details_extractor de; device_tree_detail::damage_visitor::ptr dd_policy(details_damage_policy()); walk_device_tree(*md->details_, de, *dd_policy); mapping_set mappings(md->data_sm_->get_nr_blocks()); dd_map const &map = de.get_details(); dd_map::const_iterator it; for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) pass1(md, mappings, it->first); print_headers(grid, flags.fields); for (it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { vector::const_iterator f; optional exclusive; for (f = flags.fields.begin(); f != flags.fields.end(); ++f) { switch (*f) { case DEV_ID: grid.field(it->first); break; case MAPPED_BLOCKS: grid.field(it->second.mapped_blocks_); break; case MAPPED_EXCL_BLOCKS: if (!exclusive) exclusive = count_exclusives(md, mappings, it->first); grid.field(*exclusive); break; case MAPPED_SHARED_BLOCKS: if (!exclusive) exclusive = count_exclusives(md, mappings, it->first); grid.field(it->second.mapped_blocks_ - *exclusive); break; case MAPPED_SECTORS: grid.field(it->second.mapped_blocks_ * block_size); break; case EXCLUSIVE_SECTORS: if (!exclusive) exclusive = count_exclusives(md, mappings, it->first); grid.field(*exclusive * block_size); break; case SHARED_SECTORS: if (!exclusive) exclusive = count_exclusives(md, mappings, it->first); grid.field((it->second.mapped_blocks_ - *exclusive) * block_size); break; case MAPPED: grid.field( format_disk_unit(it->second.mapped_blocks_ * block_size, UNIT_SECTOR)); break; case EXCLUSIVE: if (!exclusive) exclusive = count_exclusives(md, mappings, it->first); grid.field( format_disk_unit(*exclusive * block_size, UNIT_SECTOR)); break; case SHARED: if (!exclusive) exclusive = count_exclusives(md, mappings, it->first); grid.field( format_disk_unit((it->second.mapped_blocks_ - *exclusive) * block_size, UNIT_SECTOR)); break; case TRANSACTION_ID: grid.field(it->second.transaction_id_); break; case CREATION_TIME: grid.field(it->second.creation_time_); break; case SNAPSHOT_TIME: grid.field(it->second.snapshotted_time_); } } grid.new_row(); } grid.render(out); } int ls(string const &path, ostream &out, struct flags &flags) { try { ls_(path, out, flags); } catch (std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; return 1; } return 0; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- thin_ls_cmd::thin_ls_cmd() : command("thin_ls") { } void thin_ls_cmd::usage(std::ostream &out) const { out << "Usage: " << get_name() << " [options] {device|file}\n" << "Options:\n" << " {-h|--help}\n" << " {-m|--metadata-snap}\n" << " {-o|--format }\n" << " {-V|--version}\n\n" << "where is a comma separated list from:\n"; for (unsigned i = 0; i <= static_cast(SNAPSHOT_TIME); i++) { out << " " << field_to_string(static_cast(i)) << "\n"; } } vector parse_fields(string const &str) { vector fields; stringstream in(str); string item; while (getline(in, item, ',')) fields.push_back(string_to_field(item)); return fields; } int thin_ls_cmd::run(int argc, char **argv) { int c; struct flags flags; const char shortopts[] = "hm::V"; const struct option longopts[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, { "metadata-snap", no_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, { "format", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0 } }; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'h': usage(cout); return 0; case 'm': flags.use_metadata_snap = true; break; case 'o': flags.fields = parse_fields(optarg); break; case 'V': cout << THIN_PROVISIONING_TOOLS_VERSION << endl; return 0; default: usage(cerr); return 1; } } if (argc == optind) { cerr << "No input file provided." << endl; usage(cerr); return 1; } return ls(argv[optind], cout, flags); } //----------------------------------------------------------------