;; Copyright (c) 2009 Derick Eddington.  All rights reserved.
;; Licensed under an MIT-style license.  My license is in the file
;; named LICENSE from the original collection this file is distributed
;; with.  If this file is redistributed with some other collection, my
;; license must also be included.

(library (srfi s0 cond-expand)
    (for (srfi private registry) expand))
  (define-syntax cond-expand
    (lambda (stx)
      (syntax-case stx (and or not else)
         (syntax-violation #f "Unfulfilled cond-expand" stx)]
        [(_ (else body ...))
         #'(begin body ...)]
        [(_ ((and) body ...) more-clauses ...)
         #'(begin body ...)]
        [(_ ((and req1 req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...)
              ((and req2 ...) body ...)
              more-clauses ...))
            more-clauses ...)]
        [(_ ((or) body ...) more-clauses ...)
         #'(cond-expand more-clauses ...)]
        [(_ ((or req1 req2 ...) body ...) more-clauses ...)
             (begin body ...))
              ((or req2 ...) body ...)
              more-clauses ...)))]
        [(_ ((not req) body ...) more-clauses ...)
             (cond-expand more-clauses ...))
            (else body ...))]
        [(_ (feature-id body ...) more-clauses ...)
         (if (member (syntax->datum #'feature-id) available-features)
           #'(begin body ...)
           #'(cond-expand more-clauses ...))])))