Given(/^valid metadata$/) do in_current_dir do system("thinp_xml create --nr-thins uniform[4..9] --nr-mappings uniform[1000..10000] > #{xml_file}") end run_simple("dd if=/dev/zero of=#{dev_file} bs=4k count=1024") run_simple("thin_restore -i #{xml_file} -o #{dev_file}") end Given(/^a corrupt superblock$/) do in_current_dir do write_valid_xml(xml_file) end run_simple("dd if=/dev/zero of=#{dev_file} bs=4k count=1024") run_simple("thin_restore -i #{xml_file} -o #{dev_file}") in_current_dir do corrupt_block(0) end end When(/^I run thin_check with (.*?)$/) do |opts| run_simple("thin_check #{opts} #{dev_file}", false) end When(/^I run thin_rmap with (.*?)$/) do |opts| run_simple("thin_rmap #{opts} #{dev_file}", false) end Then /^it should give no output$/ do ps = only_processes.last output = ps.stdout + ps.stderr output.should == "" end Then(/^it should pass with version$/) do only_processes.last.stdout.chomp.should == tools_version end