
A suite of tools for manipulating the metadata of the dm-thin, dm-cache and
dm-era device-mapper targets.


A C++ compiler that supports the c++11 standard (eg, g++).
The [Boost C++ library](
The [expat]( xml parser library (version 1).
The libaio library (note this is not the same as the aio library that you get by linking -lrt)
make, autoconf etc.

A couple of non-essential tools are written in rust, and will
require cargo and rustcc to be installed:


There are more requirements for testing, detailed below.


    sudo make install

Building Rust tools

    sudo make install-rust-tools

Quick examples

These tools introduce an xml format for the metadata.  This is useful
for making backups, or allowing scripting languages to generate or
manipulate metadata.  A Ruby library for this available;

To convert the binary metadata format that the kernel uses to this xml
format use _thin\_dump_.

    thin_dump --format xml /dev/mapper/my_thinp_metadata

To convert xml back to the binary form use _thin\_restore_.

    thin_restore -i my_xml -o /dev/mapper/my_thinp_metadata

You should periodically check the health of your metadata, much as you
fsck a filesystem.  Your volume manager (eg, LVM2) should be doing
this for you behind the scenes.

    thin_check /dev/mapper/my_thinp_metadata

Checking all the mappings can take some time, you can omit this part
of the check if you wish.

    thin_check --skip-mappings /dev/mapper/my_thinp_metadata

If your metadata has become corrupt for some reason (device failure,
user error, kernel bug), thin_check will tell you what the effects of
the corruption are (eg, which thin devices are effected, which

There are two ways to repair metadata.  The simplest is via the
_thin\_repair_ tool.

    thin_repair -i /dev/mapper/broken_metadata_dev -o /dev/mapper/new_metadata_dev

This is a non-destructive operation that writes corrected metadata to
a new metadata device.

Alternatively you can go via the xml format (perhaps you want to
inspect the repaired metadata before restoring).

    thin_dump --repair /dev/mapper/my_metadata > repaired.xml
    thin_restore -i repaired.xml -o /dev/mapper/my_metadata



If you've got the source from github you'll need to create the
configure script with autoconf.  I do this by running:


Enable tests

You will need to enable tests when you configure.

    ./configure --enable-testing

Unit tests

Unit tests are implemented using the google mock framework.  This is a
source library that you will have to download.  A script is provided
to do this for you.


All tests can be run via:

    make unit-test

Alternatively you may want to run a subset of the tests:

    make unit-tests/unit_tests
    unit-tests/unit_tests --gtest_filter=BtreeTests.*

Functional tests

A bunch of high level tests are implemented in the functional-tests directory.
These tests are written in Scheme.  To run them you'll need to install
chezscheme (  There is no longer a dependency on
the ThunderChez library.

Make sure the tools that you wish to test are in your PATH. 


	cd funtional-tests
	./run-tests run

Other command are help and list.

The test framework places temporary files under ./test-output/.  By default
the tests tidy up after themselves, just leaving a log file for each test.  You
can turn this off by using the --disable-unlink flag if you want all the
artifacts left.

Dump Metadata

To dump the metadata of a live thin pool, you must first create a snapshot of
the metadata:

	$ dmsetup message vg001-mythinpool-tpool 0 reserve_metadata_snap

Extract the metadata:

	$ sudo bin/thin_dump -m /dev/mapper/vg001-mythinpool_tmeta
	<superblock uuid="" time="1" transaction="2" data_block_size="128"nr_data_blocks="0">
	    <device dev_id="1" mapped_blocks="1" transaction="0" creation_time="0" snap_time="1">
	        <single_mapping origin_block="0" data_block="0" time="0"/>
	    <device dev_id="2" mapped_blocks="1" transaction="1" creation_time="1" snap_time="1">
	        <single_mapping origin_block="0" data_block="0" time="0"/>

Finally, release the root:

	$ dmsetup message vg001-mythinpool-tpool 0 release_metadata_snap