use anyhow::Result; mod common; use common::common_args::*; use common::input_arg::*; use common::output_option::*; use common::program::*; use common::target::*; use common::test_dir::*; use common::thin::*; //------------------------------------------ const USAGE: &str = concat!( "thin_metadata_pack ", include_str!("../VERSION"), "Produces a compressed file of thin metadata. Only packs metadata blocks that are actually used.\n\ \n\ USAGE:\n \ thin_metadata_pack -i <DEV> -o <FILE>\n\ \n\ FLAGS:\n \ -h, --help Prints help information\n \ -V, --version Prints version information\n\ \n\ OPTIONS:\n \ -i <DEV> Specify thinp metadata binary device/file\n \ -o <FILE> Specify packed output file" ); //------------------------------------------ struct ThinMetadataPack; impl<'a> Program<'a> for ThinMetadataPack { fn name() -> &'a str { "thin_metadata_pack" } fn path() -> &'a std::ffi::OsStr { THIN_METADATA_PACK.as_ref() } fn usage() -> &'a str { USAGE } fn arg_type() -> ArgType { ArgType::IoOptions } fn bad_option_hint(option: &str) -> String { rust_msg::bad_option_hint(option) } } impl<'a> InputProgram<'a> for ThinMetadataPack { fn mk_valid_input(td: &mut TestDir) -> Result<std::path::PathBuf> { mk_valid_md(td) } fn file_not_found() -> &'a str { rust_msg::FILE_NOT_FOUND } fn missing_input_arg() -> &'a str { rust_msg::MISSING_INPUT_ARG } fn corrupted_input() -> &'a str { rust_msg::BAD_SUPERBLOCK } } impl<'a> OutputProgram<'a> for ThinMetadataPack { fn file_not_found() -> &'a str { rust_msg::FILE_NOT_FOUND } fn missing_output_arg() -> &'a str { rust_msg::MISSING_OUTPUT_ARG } } //------------------------------------------ test_accepts_help!(ThinMetadataPack); test_accepts_version!(ThinMetadataPack); test_rejects_bad_option!(ThinMetadataPack); test_missing_input_option!(ThinMetadataPack); test_missing_output_option!(ThinMetadataPack); test_input_file_not_found!(ThinMetadataPack); //-----------------------------------------