// Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file is part of the thin-provisioning-tools source. // // thin-provisioning-tools is free software: you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // thin-provisioning-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with thin-provisioning-tools. If not, see // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "persistent-data/block.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; using namespace test; using namespace testing; //---------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { template <uint32_t BlockSize> void check_all_bytes(typename block_manager::read_ref const &rr, int v) { unsigned char const *data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(rr.data()); for (unsigned b = 0; b < BlockSize; b++) ASSERT_THAT(data[b], Eq(static_cast<unsigned char>(v))); } template <uint32_t BlockSize> struct zero_validator : public bcache::validator { virtual void check(void const *raw, block_address location) const { unsigned char const *data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(raw); for (unsigned b = 0; b < BlockSize; b++) if (data[b] != 0) throw runtime_error("validator check zero"); } virtual bool check_raw(void const *raw) const { unsigned char const *data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const *>(raw); for (unsigned b = 0; b < BlockSize; b++) if (data[b] != 0) return false; return true; } virtual void prepare(void *raw, block_address location) const { unsigned char *data = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(raw); for (unsigned b = 0; b < BlockSize; b++) data[b] = 0; } }; class validator_mock : public bcache::validator { public: typedef std::shared_ptr<validator_mock> ptr; MOCK_CONST_METHOD2(check, void(void const *, block_address)); MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(check_raw, bool(void const *data)); MOCK_CONST_METHOD2(prepare, void(void *, block_address)); }; typedef block_manager bm4096; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(BlockTests, bad_path) { ASSERT_THROW(bm4096("/bogus/bogus/bogus", 1234, 4, block_manager::READ_WRITE), runtime_error); } TEST(BlockTests, out_of_range_access) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(1024); ASSERT_THROW(bm->read_lock(1024), runtime_error); } TEST(BlockTests, read_lock_all_blocks) { block_address const nr = 64; bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(nr); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr; i++) bm->read_lock(i); } TEST(BlockTests, write_lock_all_blocks) { block_address const nr = 64; bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(nr); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr; i++) bm->write_lock(i); } TEST(BlockTests, writes_persist) { block_address const nr = 64; bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(nr); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr; i++) { bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(i); ::memset(wr.data(), i, 4096); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr; i++) { bm4096::read_ref rr = bm->read_lock(i); check_all_bytes<4096>(rr, i % 256); } } TEST(BlockTests, write_lock_zero_zeroes) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(64); check_all_bytes<4096>(bm->write_lock_zero(23), 0); } TEST(BlockTests, read_validator_works) { bcache::validator::ptr v(new zero_validator<4096>()); bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(64); bm->write_lock_zero(0); bm->read_lock(0, v); } TEST(BlockTests, write_validator_works) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(64); bcache::validator::ptr v(new zero_validator<4096>()); { bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0, v); ::memset(wr.data(), 23, 4096); } bm->flush(); // force the prepare method to be called check_all_bytes<4096>(bm->read_lock(0), 0); } TEST(BlockTests, cannot_have_two_superblocks) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); bm4096::write_ref superblock = bm->superblock(0); ASSERT_THROW(bm->superblock(1), runtime_error); } TEST(BlockTests, can_have_subsequent_superblocks) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); { bm4096::write_ref superblock = bm->superblock(0); } { bm4096::write_ref superblock = bm->superblock(0); } } TEST(BlockTests, superblocks_can_change_address) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); { bm4096::write_ref superblock = bm->superblock(0); } { bm4096::write_ref superblock = bm->superblock(1); } } // This test terminates with g++ 4.8.1. This is because it erroneously // assumes a noexcept(true) specification is present on every declared // destructor. Not a bad idea, but not what the standard says. Obviously // we really shouldn't be throwing in a destructor, but not sure what the // correct thing to do is (log the error? put the tm into a 'bad' state?). TEST(BlockTests, superblock_must_be_last) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); { bm4096::read_ref rr = bm->read_lock(63); { ASSERT_THROW(bm->superblock(0), runtime_error); } } } TEST(BlockTests, references_can_be_copied) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); bm4096::write_ref wr1 = bm->write_lock(0); bm4096::write_ref wr2(wr1); } TEST(BlockTests, no_concurrent_write_locks) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0); ASSERT_THROW(bm->write_lock(0), runtime_error); } TEST(BlockTests, concurrent_read_locks) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); bm4096::read_ref rr = bm->read_lock(0); bm->read_lock(0); } #if 0 // FIXME: commenting this out. With the Scheme rewrite in progress I don't // think I'm ever going to add the extra checking to the C++ code. TEST(BlockTests, no_concurrent_read_and_write_locks) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0); ASSERT_THROW(bm->read_lock(0), runtime_error); } #endif TEST(BlockTests, read_then_write) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); bm->read_lock(0); bm->write_lock(0); } TEST(BlockTests, write_then_read) { bm4096::ptr bm = create_bm(); bm->write_lock(0); bm->read_lock(0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { class ValidatorTests : public Test { public: ValidatorTests() : bm(create_bm()), vmock(new validator_mock), vmock2(new validator_mock) { } void expect_check(validator_mock::ptr v) { EXPECT_CALL(*v, check(_, Eq(0ull))).Times(1); } void expect_no_check(validator_mock::ptr v) { EXPECT_CALL(*v, check(_, Eq(0ull))).Times(0); } void expect_prepare(validator_mock::ptr v) { EXPECT_CALL(*v, prepare(_, Eq(0ull))).Times(1); } bm4096::ptr bm; validator_mock::ptr vmock; validator_mock::ptr vmock2; }; class my_error : public runtime_error { public: my_error(string const &msg) : runtime_error(msg) { } }; } //-------------------------------- TEST_F(ValidatorTests, check_on_read_lock) { expect_check(vmock); bm4096::read_ref rr = bm->read_lock(0, vmock); } TEST_F(ValidatorTests, check_only_called_once_on_read_lock) { { expect_check(vmock); bm4096::read_ref rr = bm->read_lock(0, vmock); } expect_no_check(vmock); bm4096::read_ref rr = bm->read_lock(0, vmock); } TEST_F(ValidatorTests, validator_can_be_changed_by_read_lock) { { expect_check(vmock); bm4096::read_ref rr = bm->read_lock(0, vmock); } { expect_no_check(vmock); expect_check(vmock2); bm4096::read_ref rr = bm->read_lock(0, vmock2); } } //-------------------------------- TEST_F(ValidatorTests, check_and_prepare_on_write_lock) { expect_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0, vmock); } TEST_F(ValidatorTests, check_only_called_once_on_write_lock) { { expect_check(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0, vmock); } expect_no_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0, vmock); } TEST_F(ValidatorTests, validator_can_be_changed_by_write_lock) { { expect_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0, vmock); } { expect_check(vmock2); expect_prepare(vmock2); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0, vmock2); } } //-------------------------------- TEST_F(ValidatorTests, no_check_but_prepare_on_write_lock_zero) { expect_no_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock_zero(0, vmock); } TEST_F(ValidatorTests, validator_can_be_changed_by_write_lock_zero) { { expect_no_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock_zero(0, vmock); } // We need to flush to ensure the vmock->prepare has occurred bm->flush(); expect_no_check(vmock2); expect_prepare(vmock2); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock_zero(0, vmock2); } //-------------------------------- TEST_F(ValidatorTests, check_and_prepare_on_superblock_lock) { expect_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->superblock(0, vmock); } TEST_F(ValidatorTests, check_only_called_once_on_superblock_lock) { { expect_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->superblock(0, vmock); } expect_no_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->superblock(0, vmock); } TEST_F(ValidatorTests, validator_can_be_changed_by_superblock_lock) { { expect_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0, vmock); } { expect_no_check(vmock); expect_check(vmock2); expect_prepare(vmock2); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->write_lock(0, vmock2); } } //-------------------------------- TEST_F(ValidatorTests, no_check_but_prepare_on_superblock_lock_zero) { expect_no_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->superblock_zero(0, vmock); } TEST_F(ValidatorTests, validator_can_be_changed_by_superblock_zero) { { expect_no_check(vmock); expect_prepare(vmock); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->superblock_zero(0, vmock); } expect_no_check(vmock2); expect_prepare(vmock2); bm4096::write_ref wr = bm->superblock_zero(0, vmock2); } //-------------------------------- TEST_F(ValidatorTests, validator_check_failure_gets_passed_up) { validator_mock::ptr v(new validator_mock); EXPECT_CALL(*v, check(_, Eq(0ull))).Times(1).WillOnce(Throw(my_error("bang!"))); ASSERT_THROW(bm->read_lock(0, v), my_error); // FIXME: put this back in //ASSERT_FALSE(bm->is_locked(0)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------