(library (functional-tests) (export slurp-file scenario scenarios add-scenario list-scenarios describe-scenarios define-scenario fail run-scenario run-scenarios tools-version define-tool assert-equal assert-eof assert-starts-with assert-matches assert-superblock-all-zeroes assert-member? assert-raises-thunk assert-raises assert-every) (import (chezscheme) (bcache block-manager) (fmt fmt) (list-utils) (logging) (process) (regex) (temp-file) (utils) (only (srfi s1 lists) every) (srfi s8 receive)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------- (define (vector-sort-by cmp key-fn v) (define (compare x y) (cmp (key-fn x) (key-fn y))) (vector-sort compare v)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------- (define-record-type scenario (fields desc thunk)) (define scenarios (make-hashtable equal-hash equal?)) (define (add-scenario syms s) (hashtable-set! scenarios syms s)) (define (fmt-keys prev-keys keys) (define (fmt-keys% n keys) (if (null? keys) fmt-null (cat (space-to n) (dsp (car keys)) (if (null? (cdr keys)) fmt-null nl) (fmt-keys% (+ n 2) (cdr keys))))) (let loop ((n 0) (keys keys) (prev-keys prev-keys)) (if (and (not (null? keys)) (not (null? prev-keys)) (eq? (car keys) (car prev-keys))) (loop (+ n 2) (cdr keys) (cdr prev-keys)) (begin (if (zero? n) (cat nl (fmt-keys% n keys)) (fmt-keys% n keys)))))) (define (list-scenarios) (define (fmt-keys ks) (fmt #f (dsp ks))) (vector->list (vector-sort-by string<? fmt-keys (hashtable-keys scenarios)))) (define (fmt-scenarios keys fn) (define (flush) (flush-output-port (current-output-port))) (define (describe prev-keys keys) (fmt #t (cat (fmt-keys prev-keys keys) (dsp #\space) (pad-char #\. (space-to 60)) (dsp #\space))) (flush) (fmt #t (cat (fn keys) nl)) (flush)) (unless (null? keys) (for-each describe (cons '() (reverse (cdr (reverse keys)))) keys))) (define (describe-scenarios keys) (fmt-scenarios keys (lambda (keys) (scenario-desc (hashtable-ref scenarios keys #f))))) (define (test-dir cwd keys) (apply string-append cwd "/" (intersperse "/" (map symbol->string keys)))) (define (log-exceptions thunk) (with-exception-handler (lambda (x) (let-values (((txt-port get) (open-string-output-port))) (display-condition x txt-port) (log-error (get))) (raise x)) thunk)) (define-syntax define-scenario (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((k keys desc b1 b2 ...) #'(add-scenario 'keys (make-scenario desc (lambda () (with-dir (test-dir "." 'keys) (with-log-port (open-file-output-port (string-append (working-directory) "/log.txt") (file-options no-fail) (buffer-mode line) (native-transcoder)) (log-exceptions (lambda () b1 b2 ...))))))))))) (define (fail msg) (raise (condition (make-error) (make-message-condition msg)))) (define (run-scenario syms) (let ((s (hashtable-ref scenarios syms #f))) (display syms) (display " ... ") ((scenario-thunk s)) (display "pass") (newline))) ;; Returns #f if an error was raised, otherwise #t (the values from thunk are ;; discarded). (define (try thunk) (call/cc (lambda (k) (with-exception-handler (lambda (x) (if (error? x) (k #f) (raise x))) (lambda () (thunk) #t))))) ;; Returns #t if all tests pass. (define (run-scenarios ss) (let ((pass 0) (fail 0) (fail-keys '())) (fmt-scenarios ss (lambda (keys) (let ((s (hashtable-ref scenarios keys #f))) (if (try (scenario-thunk s)) (begin (inc! pass) (dsp "pass")) (begin (inc! fail) (set! fail-keys (cons keys fail-keys)) (dsp "fail")))))) (unless (or (zero? fail) (zero? pass)) (fmt #t nl (dsp "There were failures:") nl) (fmt-scenarios fail-keys (lambda (_) (dsp "fail")))) (fmt #t (cat nl (num pass) (dsp "/") (num (+ pass fail)) (dsp " tests passed") (if (zero? fail) (dsp #\.) (cat (dsp ", ") (num fail) (dsp " failures."))) nl)) (zero? fail))) ;;----------------------------------------------- (define tools-version (chomp (with-input-from-file "../VERSION" (lambda () (get-line (current-input-port)))))) ;;----------------------------------------------- ;; A 'tool' is a function that builds up a command line. This can then be ;; passed to the functions in the (process) library. (define (tool-path sym) (define (to-underscore c) (if (eq? #\- c) #\_ c)) (string-append "../bin/" (list->string (map to-underscore (string->list (symbol->string sym)))))) (define-syntax define-tool (syntax-rules () ((_ sym) (define sym (let ((path (tool-path 'sym))) (lambda args (build-command-line (cons path args)))))))) (define (assert-equal str1 str2) (unless (equal? str1 str2) (fail (fmt #f (dsp "values differ: ") (wrt str1) (dsp ", ") (wrt str2))))) (define (assert-eof obj) (unless (eof-object? obj) (fail (fmt #f (dsp "object is not an #!eof: ") (dsp obj))))) (define (starts-with prefix str) (and (>= (string-length str) (string-length prefix)) (equal? (substring str 0 (string-length prefix)) prefix))) (define (assert-starts-with prefix str) (unless (starts-with prefix str) (fail (fmt #f (dsp "string should begin with: ") (wrt prefix) (dsp ", ") (wrt str))))) (define (assert-matches pattern str) (unless ((regex pattern) str) (fail (fmt #f "string should match: " pattern ", " str)))) (define (all-zeroes? ptr count) (let ((u8-ptr (make-ftype-pointer unsigned-8 ptr))) (let loop ((i 0)) (if (= count i) #t (if (zero? (ftype-ref unsigned-8 () u8-ptr i)) (loop (+ i 1)) #f))))) (define (assert-superblock-all-zeroes md) (with-bcache (cache md 1) (with-block (b cache 0 (get-flags)) (unless (all-zeroes? (block-data b) 4096) (fail "superblock contains non-zero data"))))) (define (assert-member? x xs) (unless (member x xs) (fail (fmt #f "expected " (wrt x) "to be a member of " (wrt xs))))) (define (assert-raises-thunk thunk) (call/cc (lambda (k) (with-exception-handler (lambda (x) (if (error? x) (k #f) (raise x))) thunk) (fail "expected an exception to be raised")))) (define-syntax assert-raises (syntax-rules () ((_ b1 b2 ...) (assert-raises-thunk (lambda () b1 b2 ...))))) (define (assert-every pred . args) (unless (apply every pred args) (fail "assert-every failed"))) )