487 lines
18 KiB
487 lines
18 KiB
(load "fmt-chicken.scm"))
(use test)
(import fmt))
(use gauche.test)
(use text.fmt)
(define test-begin test-start)
(define orig-test (with-module gauche.test test))
(define-syntax test
(syntax-rules ()
((test name expected expr)
(guard (e (else #f))
(orig-test name expected (lambda () expr))))
((test expected expr)
(test (let ((s (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write 'expr)))))
(substring s 0 (min 60 (string-length s))))
expected expr)))))
(test-begin "fmt")
;; basic data types
(test "hi" (fmt #f "hi"))
(test "\"hi\"" (fmt #f (wrt "hi")))
(test "\"hi \\\"bob\\\"\"" (fmt #f (wrt "hi \"bob\"")))
(test "\"hello\\nworld\"" (fmt #f (wrt "hello\nworld")))
(test "ABC" (fmt #f (upcase "abc")))
(test "abc" (fmt #f (downcase "ABC")))
(test "Abc" (fmt #f (titlecase "abc")))
(test "abc def" (fmt #f "abc" (tab-to) "def"))
(test "abc def" (fmt #f "abc" (tab-to 5) "def"))
(test "abcdef" (fmt #f "abc" (tab-to 3) "def"))
(test "-1" (fmt #f -1))
(test "0" (fmt #f 0))
(test "1" (fmt #f 1))
(test "10" (fmt #f 10))
(test "100" (fmt #f 100))
(test "-1" (fmt #f (num -1)))
(test "0" (fmt #f (num 0)))
(test "1" (fmt #f (num 1)))
(test "10" (fmt #f (num 10)))
(test "100" (fmt #f (num 100)))
;; (test "1e+15" (fmt #f (num 1e+15)))
;; (test "1e+23" (fmt #f (num 1e+23)))
;; (test "1.2e+23" (fmt #f (num 1.2e+23)))
;; (test "1e-5" (fmt #f (num 1e-5)))
;; (test "1e-6" (fmt #f (num 1e-6)))
;; (test "1e-7" (fmt #f (num 1e-7)))
;; (test "2e-6" (fmt #f (num 2e-6)))
(test "57005" (fmt #f #xDEAD))
(test "#xDEAD" (fmt #f (radix 16 #xDEAD)))
(test "#xDEAD1234" (fmt #f (radix 16 #xDEAD) 1234))
(test "#xDE.AD" (fmt #f (radix 16 (exact->inexact (/ #xDEAD #x100)))))
(test "#xD.EAD" (fmt #f (radix 16 (exact->inexact (/ #xDEAD #x1000)))))
(test "#x0.DEAD" (fmt #f (radix 16 (exact->inexact (/ #xDEAD #x10000)))))
(test "1G" (fmt #f (radix 17 (num 33))))
(test "1G" (fmt #f (num 33 17)))
(test "3.14159" (fmt #f 3.14159))
(test "3.14" (fmt #f (fix 2 3.14159)))
(test "3.14" (fmt #f (fix 2 3.14)))
(test "3.00" (fmt #f (fix 2 3.)))
(test "1.10" (fmt #f (num 1.099 10 2)))
(test "0.00" (fmt #f (fix 2 1e-17)))
(test "0.0000000000" (fmt #f (fix 10 1e-17)))
(test "0.00000000000000001000" (fmt #f (fix 20 1e-17)))
;; (test-error (fmt #f (num 1e-17 0)))
(test "0.000004" (fmt #f (num 0.000004 10 6)))
(test "0.0000040" (fmt #f (num 0.000004 10 7)))
(test "0.00000400" (fmt #f (num 0.000004 10 8)))
;; (test "0.000004" (fmt #f (num 0.000004)))
(test " 3.14159" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num 3.14159))))
(test " 31.4159" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num 31.4159))))
(test " 314.159" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num 314.159))))
(test "3141.59" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num 3141.59))))
(test "31415.9" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num 31415.9))))
(test " -3.14159" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num -3.14159))))
(test " -31.4159" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num -31.4159))))
(test "-314.159" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num -314.159))))
(test "-3141.59" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num -3141.59))))
(test "-31415.9" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (num -31415.9))))
((exact? (/ 1 3)) ;; exact rationals
(test "333.333333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (fix 30 1000/3)))
(test "33.333333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (fix 30 100/3)))
(test "3.333333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (fix 30 10/3)))
(test "0.333333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (fix 30 1/3)))
(test "0.033333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (fix 30 1/30)))
(test "0.003333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (fix 30 1/300)))
(test "0.000333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (fix 30 1/3000)))
(test "0.666666666666666666666666666667" (fmt #f (fix 30 2/3)))
(test "0.090909090909090909090909090909" (fmt #f (fix 30 1/11)))
(test "1.428571428571428571428571428571" (fmt #f (fix 30 10/7)))
(test "0.123456789012345678901234567890"
(fmt #f (fix 30 (/ 123456789012345678901234567890
(test " 333.333333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (fix 30 1000/3))))
(test " 33.333333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (fix 30 100/3))))
(test " 3.333333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (fix 30 10/3))))
(test " 0.333333333333333333333333333333" (fmt #f (decimal-align 5 (fix 30 1/3))))
(test "11.75" (fmt #f (num (/ 47 4) 10 2)))
(test "-11.75" (fmt #f (num (/ -47 4) 10 2)))
(test "(#x11 #x22 #x33)" (fmt #f (radix 16 '(#x11 #x22 #x33))))
(test "299,792,458" (fmt #f (num 299792458 10 #f #f #t)))
(test "299,792,458" (fmt #f (num/comma 299792458)))
(test "299.792.458" (fmt #f (comma-char #\. (num/comma 299792458))))
(test "299.792.458,0" (fmt #f (comma-char #\. (num/comma 299792458.0))))
(test "100,000" (fmt #f (num 100000 10 0 #f 3)))
(test "100,000.0" (fmt #f (num 100000 10 1 #f 3)))
(test "100,000.00" (fmt #f (num 100000 10 2 #f 3)))
(test "1.23" (fmt #f (fix 2 (num/fit 4 1.2345))))
(test "1.00" (fmt #f (fix 2 (num/fit 4 1))))
(test "#.##" (fmt #f (fix 2 (num/fit 4 12.345))))
;; (cond
;; ((feature? 'full-numeric-tower)
;; (test "1+2i" (fmt #f (string->number "1+2i")))
;; (test "1+2i" (fmt #f (num (string->number "1+2i"))))
;; (test "1.00+2.00i" (fmt #f (fix 2 (num (string->number "1+2i")))))
;; (test "3.14+2.00i" (fmt #f (fix 2 (num (string->number "3.14159+2i")))))))
(test "3.9Ki" (fmt #f (num/si 3986)))
(test "4k" (fmt #f (num/si 3986 1000)))
(test "608" (fmt #f (num/si 608)))
(test "3G" (fmt #f (num/si 12345.12355 16)))
;; padding/trimming
(test "abc " (fmt #f (pad 5 "abc")))
(test " abc" (fmt #f (pad/left 5 "abc")))
(test " abc " (fmt #f (pad/both 5 "abc")))
(test "abcde" (fmt #f (pad 5 "abcde")))
(test "abcdef" (fmt #f (pad 5 "abcdef")))
(test "abc" (fmt #f (trim 3 "abcde")))
(test "abc" (fmt #f (trim/length 3 "abcde")))
(test "abc" (fmt #f (trim/length 3 "abc\nde")))
(test "cde" (fmt #f (trim/left 3 "abcde")))
(test "bcd" (fmt #f (trim/both 3 "abcde")))
(test "prefix: abc" (fmt #f "prefix: " (trim 3 "abcde")))
(test "prefix: abc" (fmt #f "prefix: " (trim/length 3 "abcde")))
(test "prefix: abc" (fmt #f "prefix: " (trim/length 3 "abc\nde")))
(test "prefix: cde" (fmt #f "prefix: " (trim/left 3 "abcde")))
(test "prefix: bcd" (fmt #f "prefix: " (trim/both 3 "abcde")))
(test "abcde" (fmt #f (ellipses "..." (trim 5 "abcde"))))
(test "ab..." (fmt #f (ellipses "..." (trim 5 "abcdef"))))
(test "abc..." (fmt #f (ellipses "..." (trim 6 "abcdefg"))))
(test "abcde" (fmt #f (ellipses "..." (trim/left 5 "abcde"))))
(test "...ef" (fmt #f (ellipses "..." (trim/left 5 "abcdef"))))
(test "...efg" (fmt #f (ellipses "..." (trim/left 6 "abcdefg"))))
(test "abcdefg" (fmt #f (ellipses "..." (trim/both 7 "abcdefg"))))
(test "...d..." (fmt #f (ellipses "..." (trim/both 7 "abcdefgh"))))
(test "...e..." (fmt #f (ellipses "..." (trim/both 7 "abcdefghi"))))
(test "abc " (fmt #f (fit 5 "abc")))
(test " abc" (fmt #f (fit/left 5 "abc")))
(test " abc " (fmt #f (fit/both 5 "abc")))
(test "abcde" (fmt #f (fit 5 "abcde")))
(test "abcde" (fmt #f (fit/left 5 "abcde")))
(test "abcde" (fmt #f (fit/both 5 "abcde")))
(test "abcde" (fmt #f (fit 5 "abcdefgh")))
(test "defgh" (fmt #f (fit/left 5 "abcdefgh")))
(test "cdefg" (fmt #f (fit/both 5 "abcdefgh")))
(test "prefix: abc " (fmt #f "prefix: " (fit 5 "abc")))
(test "prefix: abc" (fmt #f "prefix: " (fit/left 5 "abc")))
(test "prefix: abc " (fmt #f "prefix: " (fit/both 5 "abc")))
(test "prefix: abcde" (fmt #f "prefix: " (fit 5 "abcde")))
(test "prefix: abcde" (fmt #f "prefix: " (fit/left 5 "abcde")))
(test "prefix: abcde" (fmt #f "prefix: " (fit/both 5 "abcde")))
(test "prefix: abcde" (fmt #f "prefix: " (fit 5 "abcdefgh")))
(test "prefix: defgh" (fmt #f "prefix: " (fit/left 5 "abcdefgh")))
(test "prefix: cdefg" (fmt #f "prefix: " (fit/both 5 "abcdefgh")))
(test "abc\n123\n" (fmt #f (fmt-join/suffix (cut trim 3 <>) (string-split "abcdef\n123456\n" "\n") nl)))
;; utilities
(test "1 2 3" (fmt #f (fmt-join dsp '(1 2 3) " ")))
;; shared structures
(test "#0=(1 . #0#)"
(fmt #f (wrt (let ((ones (list 1))) (set-cdr! ones ones) ones))))
(test "(0 . #0=(1 . #0#))"
(fmt #f (wrt (let ((ones (list 1)))
(set-cdr! ones ones)
(cons 0 ones)))))
(test "(sym . #0=(sym . #0#))"
(fmt #f (wrt (let ((syms (list 'sym)))
(set-cdr! syms syms)
(cons 'sym syms)))))
(test "(#0=(1 . #0#) #1=(2 . #1#))"
(fmt #f (wrt (let ((ones (list 1))
(twos (list 2)))
(set-cdr! ones ones)
(set-cdr! twos twos)
(list ones twos)))))
;; without shared detection
(test "(1 1 1 1 1"
(fmt #f (trim/length
(let ((ones (list 1))) (set-cdr! ones ones) ones)))))
(test "(1 1 1 1 1 "
(fmt #f (trim/length
(let ((ones (list 1))) (set-cdr! ones ones) ones)))))
;; pretty printing
;; (define-macro (test-pretty str)
;; (let ((sexp (with-input-from-string str read)))
;; `(test ,str (fmt #f (pretty ',sexp)))))
(define-syntax test-pretty
(syntax-rules ()
((test-pretty str)
(let ((sexp (with-input-from-string str read)))
(test str (fmt #f (pretty sexp)))))))
(test-pretty "(foo bar)\n")
"((self . aquanet-paper-1991)
(type . paper)
(title . \"Aquanet: a hypertext tool to hold your\"))
"(abracadabra xylophone
"#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37)\n")
"(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37)\n")
"(define (fold kons knil ls)
(define (loop ls acc)
(if (null? ls) acc (loop (cdr ls) (kons (car ls) acc))))
(loop ls knil))\n")
"(do ((vec (make-vector 5)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 5) vec) (vector-set! vec i i))\n")
"(do ((vec (make-vector 5)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 5) vec)
(vector-set! vec i 'supercalifrajalisticexpialidocious))\n")
"(do ((my-vector (make-vector 5)) (index 0 (+ index 1)))
((= index 5) my-vector)
(vector-set! my-vector index index))\n")
"(define (fold kons knil ls)
(let loop ((ls ls) (acc knil))
(if (null? ls) acc (loop (cdr ls) (kons (car ls) acc)))))\n")
"(define (file->sexp-list pathname)
(call-with-input-file pathname
(lambda (port)
(let loop ((res '()))
(let ((line (read port)))
(if (eof-object? line) (reverse res) (loop (cons line res))))))))\n")
(test "(let ((ones '#0=(1 . #0#))) ones)\n"
(fmt #f (pretty (let ((ones (list 1))) (set-cdr! ones ones) `(let ((ones ',ones)) ones)))))
"(let ((zeros '(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
(ones '#0=(1 . #0#)))
(append zeros ones))\n"
(fmt #f (pretty
(let ((ones (list 1)))
(set-cdr! ones ones)
`(let ((zeros '(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
(ones ',ones))
(append zeros ones))))))
;; slashify
(test "\"note\",\"very simple\",\"csv\",\"writer\",\"\"\"yay!\"\"\""
(fmt #f (fmt-join (lambda (x) (cat "\"" (slashified x #\" #f) "\""))
'("note" "very simple" "csv" "writer" "\"yay!\"")
(test "note,\"very simple\",csv,writer,\"\"\"yay!\"\"\""
(fmt #f (fmt-join (cut maybe-slashified <> char-whitespace? #\" #f)
'("note" "very simple" "csv" "writer" "\"yay!\"")
;; columnar formatting
(test "abc\ndef\n" (fmt #f (fmt-columns (list dsp "abc\ndef\n"))))
(test "abc123\ndef456\n" (fmt #f (fmt-columns (list dsp "abc\ndef\n") (list dsp "123\n456\n"))))
(test "abc123\ndef456\n" (fmt #f (fmt-columns (list dsp "abc\ndef\n") (list dsp "123\n456"))))
(test "abc123\ndef456\n" (fmt #f (fmt-columns (list dsp "abc\ndef") (list dsp "123\n456\n"))))
(test "abc123\ndef456\nghi789\n"
(fmt #f (fmt-columns (list dsp "abc\ndef\nghi\n") (list dsp "123\n456\n789\n"))))
(test "abc123wuv\ndef456xyz\n"
(fmt #f (fmt-columns (list dsp "abc\ndef\n") (list dsp "123\n456\n") (list dsp "wuv\nxyz\n"))))
(test "abc 123\ndef 456\n"
(fmt #f (fmt-columns (list (cut pad/right 5 <>) "abc\ndef\n") (list dsp "123\n456\n"))))
(test "ABC 123\nDEF 456\n"
(fmt #f (fmt-columns (list (compose upcase (cut pad/right 5 <>)) "abc\ndef\n")
(list dsp "123\n456\n"))))
(test "ABC 123\nDEF 456\n"
(fmt #f (fmt-columns (list (compose (cut pad/right 5 <>) upcase) "abc\ndef\n")
(list dsp "123\n456\n"))))
(test "hello\nworld\n" (fmt #f (with-width 8 (wrap-lines "hello world"))))
(test "\n" (fmt #f (wrap-lines " ")))
(test ;; test divide by zero error
"The quick
brown fox
over the
lazy dog
(fmt #f (with-width 10 (justify "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"))))
(test "his message
to the chicken-users
(fmt #f (with-width 67 (wrap-lines "his message (http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/chicken-users/2010-10/msg00171.html) to the chicken-users (http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/chicken-users)"))))
(test "The fundamental list iterator.
Applies KONS to each element of
LS and the result of the previous
application, beginning with KNIL.
With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(),
equivalent to REVERSE.
(fmt #f (with-width 36 (wrap-lines "The fundamental list iterator. Applies KONS to each element of LS and the result of the previous application, beginning with KNIL. With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(), equivalent to REVERSE."))))
"The fundamental list iterator.
Applies KONS to each element of
LS and the result of the previous
application, beginning with KNIL.
With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(),
equivalent to REVERSE.
(fmt #f (with-width 36 (justify "The fundamental list iterator. Applies KONS to each element of LS and the result of the previous application, beginning with KNIL. With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(), equivalent to REVERSE."))))
"(define (fold kons knil ls) ; The fundamental list iterator.
(let lp ((ls ls) (acc knil)) ; Applies KONS to each element of
(if (null? ls) ; LS and the result of the previous
acc ; application, beginning with KNIL.
(lp (cdr ls) ; With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(),
(kons (car ls) acc))))) ; equivalent to REVERSE.
(fmt #f (fmt-columns
(cut pad/right 36 <>)
(with-width 36
(pretty '(define (fold kons knil ls)
(let lp ((ls ls) (acc knil))
(if (null? ls)
(lp (cdr ls)
(kons (car ls) acc))))))))
(cut cat " ; " <>)
(with-width 36
(wrap-lines "The fundamental list iterator. Applies KONS to each element of LS and the result of the previous application, beginning with KNIL. With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(), equivalent to REVERSE."))))))
"(define (fold kons knil ls) ; The fundamental list iterator.
(let lp ((ls ls) (acc knil)) ; Applies KONS to each element of
(if (null? ls) ; LS and the result of the previous
acc ; application, beginning with KNIL.
(lp (cdr ls) ; With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(),
(kons (car ls) acc))))) ; equivalent to REVERSE.
(fmt #f (with-width 76
(pretty '(define (fold kons knil ls)
(let lp ((ls ls) (acc knil))
(if (null? ls)
(lp (cdr ls)
(kons (car ls) acc))))))
" ; "
(wrap-lines "The fundamental list iterator. Applies KONS to each element of LS and the result of the previous application, beginning with KNIL. With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(), equivalent to REVERSE.")))))
"- Item 1: The text here is
indented according
to the space \"Item
1\" takes, and one
does not known what
goes here.
(fmt #f (columnar 9 (dsp "- Item 1:") " " (with-width 20 (wrap-lines "The text here is indented according to the space \"Item 1\" takes, and one does not known what goes here.")))))
"- Item 1: The text here is
indented according
to the space \"Item
1\" takes, and one
does not known what
goes here.
(fmt #f (columnar 9 (dsp "- Item 1:\n") " " (with-width 20 (wrap-lines "The text here is indented according to the space \"Item 1\" takes, and one does not known what goes here.")))))
"- Item 1: The text here is----------------------------------------------------
--------- indented according--------------------------------------------------
--------- to the space \"Item--------------------------------------------------
--------- 1\" takes, and one---------------------------------------------------
--------- does not known what-------------------------------------------------
--------- goes here.----------------------------------------------------------
(fmt #f (pad-char #\- (columnar 9 (dsp "- Item 1:\n") " " (with-width 20 (wrap-lines "The text here is indented according to the space \"Item 1\" takes, and one does not known what goes here."))))))
"a | 123
bc | 45
def | 6
(fmt #f (with-width
(tabular (dsp "a\nbc\ndef\n") " | " (dsp "123\n45\n6\n")))))
;; misc extras
(define (string-hide-passwords str)
(string-substitute (regexp "(pass(?:w(?:or)?d)?\\s?[:=>]\\s+)\\S+" #t)
(define hide-passwords
(make-string-fmt-transformer string-hide-passwords))
(define (string-mangle-email str)
(regexp "\\b([-+.\\w]+)@((?:[-+\\w]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,4})\\b" #t)
"\\1 _at_ \\2"
(define mangle-email
(make-string-fmt-transformer string-mangle-email))