324 lines
11 KiB
324 lines
11 KiB
(export register-thin-tests)
(bcache block-manager)
(fmt fmt)
(thin xml)
(srfi s8 receive))
(define-tool thin-check)
(define-tool thin-delta)
(define-tool thin-dump)
(define-tool thin-restore)
(define-tool thin-rmap)
(define-tool thin-repair)
(define-syntax with-thin-xml
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (v) b1 b2 ...)
(with-temp-file-containing ((v "thin.xml" (fmt #f (generate-xml 10 1000))))
b1 b2 ...))))
(define-syntax with-valid-metadata
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (md) b1 b2 ...)
(with-temp-file-sized ((md "thin.bin" (meg 4)))
(with-thin-xml (xml)
(run-ok (thin-restore "-i" xml "-o" md))
b1 b2 ...)))))
;;; It would be nice if the metadata was at least similar to valid data.
(define-syntax with-corrupt-metadata
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (md) b1 b2 ...)
(with-temp-file-sized ((md "thin.bin" (meg 4)))
b1 b2 ...))))
(define-syntax with-empty-metadata
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (md) b1 b2 ...)
(with-temp-file-sized ((md "thin.bin" (meg 4)))
b1 b2 ...))))
;; We have to export something that forces all the initialisation expressions
;; to run.
(define (register-thin-tests) #t)
;;; thin_check scenarios
(define-scenario (thin-check v)
"thin_check -V"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-check "-V")
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-check version)
"thin_check --version"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-check "--version")
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-check h)
"print help (-h)"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-check "-h")
(assert-equal thin-check-help stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-check help)
"print help (--help)"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-check "--help")
(assert-equal thin-check-help stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-check bad-option)
"Unrecognised option should cause failure"
(run-fail (thin-check "--hedgehogs-only")))
(define-scenario (thin-check superblock-only-valid)
"--super-block-only check passes on valid metadata"
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(run-ok (thin-check "--super-block-only" md))))
(define-scenario (thin-check superblock-only-invalid)
"--super-block-only check fails with corrupt metadata"
(with-corrupt-metadata (md)
(run-fail (thin-check "--super-block-only" md))))
(define-scenario (thin-check skip-mappings-valid)
"--skip-mappings check passes on valid metadata"
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(run-ok (thin-check "--skip-mappings" md))))
(define-scenario (thin-check ignore-non-fatal-errors)
"--ignore-non-fatal-errors check passes on valid metadata"
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(run-ok (thin-check "--ignore-non-fatal-errors" md))))
(define-scenario (thin-check quiet)
"--quiet should give no output"
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(run-ok-rcv (stdout stderr) (thin-check "--quiet" md)
(assert-eof stdout)
(assert-eof stderr))))
(define-scenario (thin-check clear-needs-check-flag)
"Accepts --clear-needs-check-flag"
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(run-ok (thin-check "--clear-needs-check-flag" md))))
(define-scenario (thin-check tiny-metadata)
"Prints helpful message in case tiny metadata given"
(with-temp-file-sized ((md "thin.bin" 1024))
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-check md)
(assert-starts-with "Metadata device/file too small. Is this binary metadata?" stderr))))
(define-scenario (thin-check spot-accidental-xml-data)
"Prints helpful message if XML metadata given"
(with-thin-xml (xml)
(system (fmt #f "man bash >> " xml))
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-check xml)
(assert-matches ".*This looks like XML. thin_check only checks the binary metadata format." stderr))))
;;; thin_restore scenarios
(define-scenario (thin-restore print-version-v)
"print help (-V)"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-restore "-V")
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-restore print-version-long)
"print help (--version)"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-restore "--version")
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-restore h)
"print help (-h)"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-restore "-h")
(assert-equal thin-restore-help stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-restore help)
"print help (-h)"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-restore "--help")
(assert-equal thin-restore-help stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-restore no-input-file)
"forget to specify an input file"
(with-empty-metadata (md)
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-restore "-o" md)
(assert-starts-with "No input file provided." stderr))))
(define-scenario (thin-restore missing-input-file)
"the input file can't be found"
(with-empty-metadata (md)
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-restore "-i no-such-file -o" md)
(assert-superblock-untouched md)
(assert-starts-with "Couldn't stat file" stderr))))
(define-scenario (thin-restore garbage-input-file)
"the input file is just zeroes"
(with-empty-metadata (md)
(with-temp-file-sized ((xml "thin.xml" 4096))
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-restore "-i " xml "-o" md)
(assert-superblock-untouched md)))))
(define-scenario (thin-restore missing-output-file)
"the output file can't be found"
(with-thin-xml (xml)
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-restore "-i " xml)
(assert-starts-with "No output file provided." stderr))))
(define-scenario (thin-restore tiny-output-file)
"Fails if the output file is too small."
(with-temp-file-sized ((md "thin.bin" 4096))
(with-thin-xml (xml)
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-restore "-i" xml "-o" md)
(assert-starts-with thin-restore-outfile-too-small-text stderr)))))
(define-scenario (thin-restore q)
"thin_restore accepts -q"
(with-empty-metadata (md)
(with-thin-xml (xml)
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-restore "-i" xml "-o" md "-q")
(assert-eof stdout)))))
(define-scenario (thin-restore quiet)
"thin_restore accepts --quiet"
(with-empty-metadata (md)
(with-thin-xml (xml)
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-restore "-i" xml "-o" md "--quiet")
(assert-eof stdout)))))
;;; thin_dump scenarios
(define-scenario (thin-dump small-input-file)
"Fails with small input file"
(with-temp-file-sized ((md "thin.bin" 512))
(run-fail (thin-dump md))))
(define-scenario (thin-dump restore-is-noop)
"thin_dump followed by thin_restore is a noop."
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(run-ok-rcv (d1-stdout _) (thin-dump md)
(with-temp-file-containing ((xml "thin.xml" d1-stdout))
(run-ok (thin-restore "-i" xml "-o" md))
(run-ok-rcv (d2-stdout _) (thin-dump md)
(assert-equal d1-stdout d2-stdout))))))
;;; thin_rmap scenarios
(define-scenario (thin-rmap v)
"thin_rmap accepts -V"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-rmap "-V")
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-rmap version)
"thin_rmap accepts --version"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-rmap "--version")
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-rmap h)
"thin_rmap accepts -h"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-rmap "-h")
(assert-equal thin-rmap-help stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-rmap help)
"thin_rmap accepts --help"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-rmap "--help")
(assert-equal thin-rmap-help stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-rmap unrecognised-flag)
"thin_rmap complains with bad flags."
(run-fail (thin-rmap "--unleash-the-hedgehogs")))
(define-scenario (thin-rmap valid-region-format-should-pass)
"thin_rmap with a valid region format should pass."
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(thin-rmap "--region 23..7890" md))))
(define-scenario (thin-rmap invalid-region-should-fail)
"thin_rmap with an invalid region format should fail."
(for-each (lambda (pattern)
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(run-fail (thin-rmap "--region" pattern md))))
'("23,7890" "23..six" "found..7890" "89..88" "89..89" "89.." "" "89...99")))
(define-scenario (thin-rmap multiple-regions-should-pass)
"thin_rmap should handle multiple regions."
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(run-ok (thin-rmap "--region 1..23 --region 45..78" md))))
(define-scenario (thin-rmap handles-junk-input)
"Fail gracefully if given nonsense"
(with-thin-xml (xml)
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-rmap "--region 0..-1" xml)
;;; thin_delta scenarios
(define-scenario (thin-delta v)
"thin_delta accepts -V"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-delta "-V")
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-delta version)
"thin_delta accepts --version"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-delta "--version")
(assert-equal tools-version stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-delta h)
"thin_delta accepts -h"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-delta "-h")
(assert-equal thin-delta-help stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-delta help)
"thin_delta accepts --help"
(run-ok-rcv (stdout _) (thin-delta "--help")
(assert-equal thin-delta-help stdout)))
(define-scenario (thin-delta unrecognised-option)
"Unrecognised option should cause failure"
(with-valid-metadata (md)
(run-fail-rcv (stdout stderr) (thin-delta "--unleash-the-hedgehogs")
(assert-matches ".*thin_delta: unrecognized option '--unleash-the-hedgehogs" stderr))))
(define-scenario (thin-delta snap1-unspecified)
"Fails without --snap1 fails"
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-delta "--snap2 45 foo")
(assert-starts-with "--snap1 not specified." stderr)))
(define-scenario (thin-delta snap2-unspecified)
"Fails without --snap2 fails"
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-delta "--snap1 45 foo")
(assert-starts-with "--snap2 not specified." stderr)))
(define-scenario (thin-delta device-unspecified)
"Fails if no device given"
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-delta "--snap1 45 --snap2 46")
(assert-starts-with "No input device provided." stderr)))
;;; thin_repair scenarios
(define-scenario (thin-repair dont-repair-xml)
"Fails gracefully if run on XML rather than metadata"
(with-thin-xml (xml)
(with-empty-metadata (md)
(run-fail-rcv (_ stderr) (thin-repair "-i" xml "-o" md)