/*- * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Juan Romero Pardines. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <assert.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <xbps.h> #include "queue.h" #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral" #endif #ifndef __arraycount # define __arraycount(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) #endif #define _DGRAPH_CFFILE "xbps-dgraph.conf" /* * Properties written to default configuration file. */ struct defprops { const char *sect; const char *prop; const char *val; } dfprops[] = { { .sect = "graph", .prop = "rankdir", .val = "LR" }, { .sect = "graph", .prop = "ranksep", .val = ".1" }, { .sect = "graph", .prop = "nodesep", .val = ".1" }, { .sect = "graph", .prop = "splines", .val = "polyline" }, { .sect = "graph", .prop = "ratio", .val = "compress" }, { .sect = "edge", .prop = "constraint", .val = "true" }, { .sect = "edge", .prop = "arrowhead", .val = "vee" }, { .sect = "edge", .prop = "arrowsize", .val = ".4" }, { .sect = "edge", .prop = "fontname", .val = "Sans" }, { .sect = "edge", .prop = "fontsize", .val = "8" }, { .sect = "node", .prop = "height", .val = ".1" }, { .sect = "node", .prop = "width", .val = ".1" }, { .sect = "node", .prop = "shape", .val = "ellipse" }, { .sect = "node", .prop = "fontname", .val = "Sans" }, { .sect = "node", .prop = "fontsize", .val = "8" }, { .sect = "node-sub", .prop = "main-style", .val = "filled" }, { .sect = "node-sub", .prop = "main-fillcolor", .val = "darksalmon" }, { .sect = "node-sub", .prop = "style", .val = "filled" }, { .sect = "node-sub", .prop = "fillcolor", .val = "yellowgreen" }, { .sect = "node-sub", .prop = "opt-style", .val = "filled" }, { .sect = "node-sub", .prop = "opt-fillcolor", .val = "grey" } }; struct pkgdep { SLIST_ENTRY(pkgdep) pkgdep_entries; unsigned int idx; const char *pkgver; xbps_array_t provides; }; static xbps_dictionary_t confd; static SLIST_HEAD(pkgdep_head, pkgdep) pkgdep_list = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(pkgdep_list); static void __attribute__((noreturn)) die(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int save_errno = errno; va_start(ap, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "xbps-dgraph: ERROR "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); if (save_errno) fprintf(stderr, " (%s)\n", strerror(save_errno)); else fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(ap); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void __attribute__((noreturn)) usage(void) { fprintf(stdout, "Usage: xbps-dgraph [OPTIONS] [MODE] <pkgname>\n\n" "OPTIONS\n" " -C --config <dir> Path to confdir (xbps.d)\n" " -c --graph-config <file> Path to the graph configuration file\n" " -d --debug Debug mode shown to stderr\n" " -h --help Print help usage\n" " -M --memory-sync Remote repository data is fetched and stored\n" " in memory, ignoring on-disk repodata archives.\n" " -r --rootdir <dir> Full path to rootdir\n" " -R --repository Enable repository mode. This mode explicitly\n" " looks for packages in repositories.\n" "MODE\n" " -g --gen-config Generate a configuration file\n" " -f --fulldeptree Generate a dependency graph\n" " -m --metadata Generate a metadata graph (default mode)\n\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static const char * convert_proptype_to_string(xbps_object_t obj) { switch (xbps_object_type(obj)) { case XBPS_TYPE_ARRAY: return "array"; case XBPS_TYPE_BOOL: return "bool"; case XBPS_TYPE_DICTIONARY: return "dictionary"; case XBPS_TYPE_DICT_KEYSYM: return "dictionary key"; case XBPS_TYPE_NUMBER: return "integer"; case XBPS_TYPE_STRING: return "string"; case XBPS_TYPE_DATA: return "data"; default: return NULL; } } static xbps_dictionary_t create_defconf(void) { xbps_dictionary_t d, d2; struct defprops *dfp; d = xbps_dictionary_create(); d2 = xbps_dictionary_create(); xbps_dictionary_set(d, "graph", d2); xbps_object_release(d2); d2 = xbps_dictionary_create(); xbps_dictionary_set(d, "edge", d2); xbps_object_release(d2); d2 = xbps_dictionary_create(); xbps_dictionary_set(d, "node", d2); xbps_object_release(d2); d2 = xbps_dictionary_create(); xbps_dictionary_set(d, "node-sub", d2); xbps_object_release(d2); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < __arraycount(dfprops); i++) { dfp = &dfprops[i]; d2 = xbps_dictionary_get(d, dfp->sect); xbps_dictionary_set_cstring_nocopy(d2, dfp->prop, dfp->val); } return d; } static void generate_conf_file(void) { xbps_dictionary_t d; d = create_defconf(); if (xbps_dictionary_externalize_to_file(d, _DGRAPH_CFFILE) == false) { xbps_object_release(d); die("couldn't write conf_file to %s", _DGRAPH_CFFILE); } xbps_object_release(d); printf("Wrote configuration file: %s\n", _DGRAPH_CFFILE); } static void write_conf_property_on_stream(FILE *f, const char *section) { xbps_array_t allkeys, allkeys2; xbps_dictionary_keysym_t dksym, dksym2; xbps_object_t keyobj, keyobj2; const char *cf_val, *keyname, *keyname2; /* * Iterate over the main dictionary. */ allkeys = xbps_dictionary_all_keys(confd); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xbps_array_count(allkeys); i++) { dksym = xbps_array_get(allkeys, i); keyname = xbps_dictionary_keysym_cstring_nocopy(dksym); keyobj = xbps_dictionary_get_keysym(confd, dksym); if (strcmp(keyname, section)) continue; /* * Iterate over the dictionary sections [edge/graph/node]. */ allkeys2 = xbps_dictionary_all_keys(keyobj); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < xbps_array_count(allkeys2); x++) { dksym2 = xbps_array_get(allkeys2, x); keyname2 = xbps_dictionary_keysym_cstring_nocopy(dksym2); keyobj2 = xbps_dictionary_get_keysym(keyobj, dksym2); cf_val = xbps_string_cstring_nocopy(keyobj2); fprintf(f, "%s=\"%s\"", keyname2, cf_val); if (x + 1 >= xbps_array_count(allkeys2)) continue; fprintf(f, ","); } } } static char * strip_dashes_from_key(const char *str) { char *p; size_t i; p = strdup(str); if (p == NULL) die("%s alloc p", __func__); for (i = 0; i < strlen(p); i++) { if (p[i] == '-') p[i] = '_'; } return p; } static void parse_array_in_pkg_dictionary(FILE *f, xbps_dictionary_t plistd, xbps_dictionary_t sub_confd, xbps_array_t allkeys) { xbps_dictionary_keysym_t dksym; xbps_object_t keyobj, sub_keyobj; const char *tmpkeyname, *cfprop; char *keyname; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xbps_array_count(allkeys); i++) { dksym = xbps_array_get(allkeys, i); tmpkeyname = xbps_dictionary_keysym_cstring_nocopy(dksym); keyobj = xbps_dictionary_get_keysym(plistd, dksym); keyname = strip_dashes_from_key(tmpkeyname); fprintf(f, " main -> %s [label=\"%s\"];\n", keyname, convert_proptype_to_string(keyobj)); /* * Process array objects. */ if (xbps_object_type(keyobj) == XBPS_TYPE_ARRAY) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < xbps_array_count(keyobj); x++) { sub_keyobj = xbps_array_get(keyobj, x); if (xbps_object_type(sub_keyobj) == XBPS_TYPE_STRING) { /* * Process arrays of strings. */ fprintf(f, " %s -> %s_%u_string " "[label=\"string\"];\n", keyname, keyname, x); xbps_dictionary_get_cstring_nocopy(sub_confd, "style", &cfprop); fprintf(f, " %s_%u_string [style=\"%s\",", keyname, x, cfprop); xbps_dictionary_get_cstring_nocopy(sub_confd, "fillcolor", &cfprop); fprintf(f, "fillcolor=\"%s\"," "label=\"%s\"];\n", cfprop, xbps_string_cstring_nocopy(sub_keyobj)); } } free(keyname); continue; } fprintf(f, " %s -> %s_value;\n", keyname, keyname); xbps_dictionary_get_cstring_nocopy(sub_confd, "style", &cfprop); fprintf(f, " %s_value [style=\"%s\",", keyname, cfprop); xbps_dictionary_get_cstring_nocopy(sub_confd, "fillcolor", &cfprop); fprintf(f, "fillcolor=\"%s\"", cfprop); /* * Process all other object types... */ switch (xbps_object_type(keyobj)) { case XBPS_TYPE_BOOL: fprintf(f, ",label=\"%s\"", xbps_bool_true(keyobj) ? "true" : "false"); break; case XBPS_TYPE_DATA: fprintf(f, ",label=\"%zu bytes\"", xbps_data_size(keyobj)); break; case XBPS_TYPE_NUMBER: fprintf(f, ",label=\"%"PRIu64" bytes\"", xbps_number_unsigned_integer_value(keyobj)); break; case XBPS_TYPE_STRING: fprintf(f, ",label=\"%s\"", xbps_string_cstring_nocopy(keyobj)); break; default: break; } fprintf(f, "];\n"); free(keyname); } } static void process_fulldeptree(struct xbps_handle *xhp, FILE *f, xbps_dictionary_t pkgd, xbps_array_t rdeps, bool repomode) { xbps_array_t rpkgrdeps; struct pkgdep *pd; const char *pkgver; unsigned int i, x; xbps_dictionary_get_cstring_nocopy(pkgd, "pkgver", &pkgver); for (i = 0; i < xbps_array_count(rdeps); i++) { xbps_dictionary_t rpkgd; const char *pkgdep; unsigned int pkgidx = 0; bool found = false; xbps_array_get_cstring_nocopy(rdeps, i, &pkgdep); SLIST_FOREACH(pd, &pkgdep_list, pkgdep_entries) { if (strcmp(pd->pkgver, pkgdep) == 0) { found = true; break; } pkgidx++; } if (repomode) { rpkgd = xbps_rpool_get_pkg(xhp, pkgdep); } else { rpkgd = xbps_pkgdb_get_pkg(xhp, pkgdep); } assert(rpkgd); if (!found) { pd = malloc(sizeof(*pd)); assert(pd); pd->idx = pkgidx; pd->pkgver = pkgdep; pd->provides = xbps_dictionary_get(rpkgd, "provides"); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pkgdep_list, pd, pkgdep_entries); } rpkgrdeps = xbps_dictionary_get(rpkgd, "run_depends"); for (x = 0; x < xbps_array_count(rpkgrdeps); x++) { struct pkgdep *ppd; const char *rpkgdep; xbps_array_get_cstring_nocopy(rpkgrdeps, x, &rpkgdep); SLIST_FOREACH(ppd, &pkgdep_list, pkgdep_entries) { if (xbps_pkgpattern_match(ppd->pkgver, rpkgdep)) fprintf(f, "\t%u -> %u;\n", pkgidx, ppd->idx); else if (ppd->provides && xbps_match_virtual_pkg_in_array(ppd->provides, rpkgdep)) fprintf(f, "\t%u -> %u;\n", pkgidx, ppd->idx); } } fprintf(f, "\t%u [label=\"%s\"", pkgidx, pkgdep); if (repomode && xbps_pkgdb_get_pkg(xhp, pkgdep)) fprintf(f, ",style=\"filled\",fillcolor=\"yellowgreen\""); fprintf(f, "]\n"); } i = 0; SLIST_FOREACH(pd, &pkgdep_list, pkgdep_entries) ++i; fprintf(f, "\t%u [label=\"%s\",style=\"filled\",fillcolor=\"darksalmon\"];\n", i, pkgver); rpkgrdeps = xbps_dictionary_get(pkgd, "run_depends"); for (x = 0; x < xbps_array_count(rpkgrdeps); x++) { const char *rpkgdep; xbps_array_get_cstring_nocopy(rpkgrdeps, x, &rpkgdep); SLIST_FOREACH(pd, &pkgdep_list, pkgdep_entries) { if (xbps_pkgpattern_match(pd->pkgver, rpkgdep)) fprintf(f, "\t%u -> %u;\n", i, pd->idx); else if (pd->provides && xbps_match_virtual_pkg_in_array(pd->provides, rpkgdep)) fprintf(f, "\t%u -> %u;\n", i, pd->idx); } } } static void create_dot_graph(struct xbps_handle *xhp, FILE *f, xbps_dictionary_t plistd, bool repomode, bool fulldepgraph) { xbps_dictionary_t sub_confd; xbps_array_t allkeys, rdeps; const char *pkgver, *cfprop; xbps_dictionary_get_cstring_nocopy(plistd, "pkgver", &pkgver); /* * Start filling the output file... */ fprintf(f, "/* Graph created for %s by xbps-graph %s */\n\n", pkgver, XBPS_RELVER); fprintf(f, "digraph pkg_dictionary {\n"); /* * Process the graph section in config file. */ fprintf(f, " graph ["); write_conf_property_on_stream(f, "graph"); if (fulldepgraph) fprintf(f, ",label=\"[XBPS] %s full dependency graph " "[%s]\"];\n", pkgver, repomode ? "repo" : "pkgdb"); else fprintf(f, ",label=\"[XBPS] %s metadata properties\"];\n", pkgver); /* * Process the edge section in config file. */ fprintf(f, " edge ["); write_conf_property_on_stream(f, "edge"); fprintf(f, "];\n"); /* * Process the node section in config file. */ fprintf(f, " node ["); write_conf_property_on_stream(f, "node"); fprintf(f, "];\n"); if (fulldepgraph) { if (repomode) { rdeps = xbps_rpool_get_pkg_fulldeptree(xhp, pkgver); } else { rdeps = xbps_pkgdb_get_pkg_fulldeptree(xhp, pkgver); } process_fulldeptree(xhp, f, plistd, rdeps, repomode); } else { /* * Process the node-sub section in config file. */ fprintf(f, " main ["); sub_confd = xbps_dictionary_get(confd, "node-sub"); if (xbps_dictionary_get_cstring_nocopy(sub_confd, "main-style", &cfprop)) fprintf(f, "style=%s,", cfprop); if (xbps_dictionary_get_cstring_nocopy(sub_confd, "main-fillcolor", &cfprop)) fprintf(f, "fillcolor=\"%s\",", cfprop); fprintf(f, "label=\"Dictionary\"];\n"); if (repomode) { rdeps = xbps_rpool_get_pkg_revdeps(xhp, pkgver); } else { rdeps = xbps_pkgdb_get_pkg_revdeps(xhp, pkgver); } if (xbps_array_count(rdeps)) xbps_dictionary_set(plistd, "requiredby", rdeps); allkeys = xbps_dictionary_all_keys(plistd); parse_array_in_pkg_dictionary(f, plistd, sub_confd, allkeys); } /* * Terminate the stream... */ fprintf(f, "}\n"); fflush(f); fclose(f); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *shortopts = "C:c:dfghMmRr:V"; const struct option longopts[] = { { "config", required_argument, NULL, 'C' }, { "graph-config", required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "fulldeptree", no_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "gen-config", no_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "memory-sync", no_argument, NULL, 'M' }, { "metadata", no_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { "repository", no_argument, NULL, 'R' }, { "rootdir", required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; xbps_dictionary_t plistd = NULL; struct xbps_handle xh; FILE *f = NULL; const char *pkg, *confdir, *conf_file, *rootdir; int c, rv, flags = 0; bool opmode, repomode, fulldepgraph, metadata; pkg = confdir = conf_file = rootdir = NULL; opmode = repomode = fulldepgraph = metadata = false; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'C': /* xbps.d confdir */ confdir = optarg; break; case 'c': /* Configuration file. */ conf_file = optarg; break; case 'd': flags |= XBPS_FLAG_DEBUG; break; case 'f': /* generate a full dependency graph */ opmode = fulldepgraph = true; break; case 'g': /* Generate conf file. */ generate_conf_file(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'M': flags |= XBPS_FLAG_REPOS_MEMSYNC; break; case 'm': opmode = metadata = true; break; case 'R': /* enable repository mode */ repomode = true; break; case 'r': /* Set different rootdir. */ rootdir = optarg; break; case 'v': printf("%s\n", XBPS_RELVER); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case '?': default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (!argc && !opmode) { usage(); } else if (!opmode) { /* metadata mode by default */ metadata = opmode = true; } pkg = *argv; /* Initialize libxbps */ memset(&xh, 0, sizeof(xh)); if (rootdir != NULL) xbps_strlcpy(xh.rootdir, rootdir, sizeof(xh.rootdir)); if (confdir) xbps_strlcpy(xh.confdir, confdir, sizeof(xh.confdir)); xh.flags = flags; if ((rv = xbps_init(&xh)) != 0) die("failed to initialize libxbps: %s", strerror(rv)); /* * If -c not set and config file does not exist, use defaults. */ if (conf_file == NULL) conf_file = _DGRAPH_CFFILE; confd = xbps_plist_dictionary_from_file(&xh, conf_file); if (confd == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) die("cannot read conf file `%s'", conf_file); confd = create_defconf(); } /* * Internalize the plist file of the target installed package. */ if (repomode) { plistd = xbps_rpool_get_pkg(&xh, pkg); } else { plistd = xbps_pkgdb_get_pkg(&xh, pkg); } if (plistd == NULL) die("cannot find `%s' package", pkg); /* * Create the output FILE. */ if ((f = fdopen(STDOUT_FILENO, "w")) == NULL) die("cannot open stdout"); /* * Create the dot(1) graph! */ create_dot_graph(&xh, f, plistd, repomode, fulldepgraph); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }