.Dd October 28, 2015 .Dt XBPS-RINDEX 1 .Sh NAME .Nm xbps-rindex .Nd XBPS utility to manage local binary package repositories .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm xbps-rindex .Op OPTIONS .Ar MODE .Op ARGUMENTS .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm utility creates, updates and removes obsolete binary packages stored in local repositories. .Sh OPTIONS .Bl -tag -width November 6-x .It Fl d, Fl -debug Enables extra debugging shown to stderr. .It Fl f -force Forcefully register binary package into the local repository, overwriting existing entry. Or forcefully create a package signature, even if there's an existing one already. This flag is only useful with the .Em add or .Em sign-pkg modes. .It Fl h -help Show the help message. .It Fl V -version Show the version information. .It Sy --signedby Ar string This is required to sign a repository, a description of the person signing the repository, i.e name and email. .It Sy --privkey Ar key Path to the private RSA key to sign the repository. If unset, defaults to .Sy ~/.ssh/id_rsa . .El .Sh MODE .Bl -tag -width x .It Sy -a, --add Ar /path/to/repository/binpkg.xbps ... Registers the binary package into the local repository. The specified binary package is only added to the index if its version is greater than the one currently stored, use .Ar -f to forcefully register existing packages. Multiple binary packages can be specified as arguments. Absolute path to the local repository is expected. .It Sy -c, --clean Ar /path/to/repository Removes obsolete entries found in the local repository. Absolute path to the local repository is expected. .It Sy -r, --remove-obsoletes Ar /path/to/repository Removes obsolete packages from .Ar repository . Packages that are not currently registered in repository's index will be removed (out of date, invalid archives, etc). Absolute path to the local repository is expected. .It Sy -s, --sign Ar /path/to/repository Initializes a signed repository with your specified RSA key. Note this only adds some metadata to the repository archive to be able to sign packages. If the .Fl -privkey argument not set, it defaults to .Sy ~/.ssh/id_rsa . .It Sy -S, --sign-pkg Ar /path/to/repository/binpkg.xbps ... Signs a binary package archive with your specified RSA key. If .Fl -privkey argument not set, it defaults to .Sy ~/.ssh/id_rsa . If there's an existing signature, it won't be overwritten; use the .Fl f option to force the creation. .El .Sh ENVIRONMENT .Bl -tag -width XBPS_TARGET_ARCH .It Sy XBPS_ARCH Overrides .Xr uname 2 machine result with this value. Useful to install packages with a fake architecture. .It Sy XBPS_TARGET_ARCH Sets the target architecture to this value. This variable differs from .Sy XBPS_ARCH in that it allows you to install packages partially, because configuration phase is skipped (the target binaries might not be compatible with the native architecture). .It Sy XBPS_PASSPHRASE If this is set, it will use this passphrase for the RSA private key when signing a repository. Otherwise it will ask you to enter the passphrase on the terminal. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr xbps-checkvers 1 , .Xr xbps-create 1 , .Xr xbps-dgraph 1 , .Xr xbps-fbulk 1 , .Xr xbps-install 1 , .Xr xbps-pkgdb 1 , .Xr xbps-query 1 , .Xr xbps-reconfigure 1 , .Xr xbps-remove 1 , .Xr xbps-uchroot 1 , .Xr xbps-uunshare 1 , .Xr xbps.d 5 .Sh AUTHORS .An Juan Romero Pardines <xtraeme@gmail.com> .Sh BUGS Probably, but I try to make this not happen. Use it under your own responsibility and enjoy your life. .Pp Report bugs at https://github.com/voidlinux/xbps/issues